Abyss Knight

Chapter 667

The memory quickly precipitated into the depths of his soul and disappeared. He didn\'t notice the disappearance of this memory at all. In his memory, the shadow of the golden yoke fell directly on the newly formed heart of the black dragon.

Put away the double-edged Tomahawk, and kukas\'s eyes fell on the slowly recovering black dragon.

At this time, thousands of eighth level professionals are looking at him curiously, and also pay attention to the black dragon that recovers again under the legendary blood essence power. In their memory, the memory of the white and tender hand was immersed in the deepest part of their soul and disappeared. If they had no chance to become legends, they would never remember the strange situation just now.

"Knight, you are so powerful that you killed a black dragon as soon as you arrived here. To tell you the truth, this is the first time I have seen such a rampant person like you in my decades here." the soldier sitting in the chair glanced at kukas obliquely and said in a sarcastic tone: "I think you should find a safe place for yourself and save yourself from the Revenge of the dragons. Well! If I remember correctly, there are only hundreds of thousands of dragons here in this eternal endless plane. If they know the news, they will trouble you."

"Really?" Kukas shook his head. He didn\'t pay much attention to the ridicule of the soldier. In his opinion, as long as he can easily kill professionals, he doesn\'t need to pay too much attention. Of course, if this kind of thinking is known by other professionals, he will despise it. You know, in this world, it\'s too difficult for low-level professionals to kill high-level ones More. What\'s more, they are all professionals at the same level with similar strength? Maybe it\'s just a problem of first hand, which may lead to the first winner becoming a loser.

"Yes." the soldier put away his look of foolishness, turned to look at kukas seriously and said in a deep voice: "in this eternal and endless plane, the killing among professionals of the same level will not be prohibited. Not to mention someone has to deal with you. I\'m afraid your situation will become extremely bad in the next period of time."

"Oh!" kukas nodded. His mind was not on the words of any soldier, because he had already mastered the information said by the other party.

The black dragon\'s body recovered very quickly. In just seven or eight breathing times, the body of tens of feet recovered completely.

When the huge faucet was formed, the black dragon roared, took infinite ferocity, rushed directly at kukas, opened his mouth and bit him madly.

"Hum!" with a cold hum, his mind turned. Through the connection between the black dragon\'s heart and his flesh and blood, he immediately trembled wildly. The prohibition power hidden in the chain was released and constantly stimulated the black dragon\'s flesh and blood and his soul.

The pain deep into the soul made the black dragon cry bitterly. With the cry of the black dragon, his flesh and blood broke madly. What frightened the black dragon was that a chain suddenly appeared in his hidden and safe soul.

The chain flew up and down and beat his soul as if it had been torn a little bit.

The virtual shadow of the golden shackle appeared on the head of the black dragon. The shackle kept falling and hit the black dragon\'s head like a meteor. Although his head had the defense of dragon language magic, the shackle seemed not to see at all. It penetrated in an instant and then hit him hard on the head.

Every time the yoke smashed, it flew a dragon scale the size of a grinding plate. However, during the breathing time, kukas forcibly smashed dozens of dragon scales on the ferocious dragon head.

Dragon blood splashed everywhere, accompanied by the sound of mourning, making people look quite desolate.

When his feet stepped on the void, kukas directly appeared on the black dragon\'s head, his body fell, and his feet were firmly nailed to the black dragon\'s head.

"Stop for me." kukas stamped his foot hard, but ejected a mass of strong ash from his feet. The fighting spirit ran down his spine. The powerful force immediately left a deep blood mark on the black dragon\'s back.

"Roar! What have you done to me? You devil." the black dragon roared. He realized that his situation might have a great relationship with kukas, so he roared loudly: "the dragon family will not let you go."

"Be quiet." kukas stamped his feet again and again, and the huge soles of his feet trampled on the dragon\'s head. Several times, the blood and meat on the black dragon\'s head was stamped into meat paste, revealing the white keel.

The strong keel did not escape the destruction of kukas. After a few feet, it just stamped out several deep footprints on the skull of the black dragon with the simple impact of ash fighting spirit. Around the footprints, there are Spider Network Cracks spreading around. Through the cracks, you can even see the constantly crawling brain inside.

"Damn it." the black dragon roared and shook his head to drop kukas. At the same time, he shook his wings and released countless dragon language magic from the huge wings. These magic turned into a hurricane and rolled madly towards kukas.

"As a black dragon, what you rely on should be fighting spirit, not the power of magic." kukas sneered and stepped on the soldier\'s head again. With this step, he stubbornly crushed the skull of the black dragon, revealing his white brain.

If kukas had not planned to use the black dragon as his temporary mount, he would have crushed the black dragon\'s brain.

The cloak fluttered behind him, and the twisted space power directly cut the magic power surging around, and then hanged those magic powers into nothingness in an instant.

"Stop your stupid behavior at once, or I don\'t mind letting your soul be punished again." kukas grinned and rubbed his hands, but gathered a fighting spirit spear and played in his hands.

The fighting spear was three feet long and shook in his hand. Although it twisted the space and looked very strong, it still felt a little short in his opinion.

"With a dragon as a mount, what I need is a real dragon gun." he thought about a long gun bred in the original space of the plane. Just take a long gun. Now it\'s just giving birth to a general outline. There\'s no ability attached to it. Therefore, there is no need for him to forcibly summon it now.

The black dragon roared, and groups of dragon inflammation came out of his mouth. These dragon inflammation scattered into the void, then exploded and turned into groups of burning rocks and sprayed towards kukas.

Before reaching kukas, the burning rock was forcibly polished into nothingness by the shaking cloak around him.

"It seems that if I don\'t give you some color to see, you don\'t know my power!" kukas whispered a strange smile. The only kindness he had in the heart of the black dragon at his feet disappeared with the attack of the burning boulder.

Malice soared. At this time, an old voice suddenly shouted in the distance: "Knight, let go of the black dragon. It\'s all our own people. There\'s no need to worry too much?"

"Let him go? He\'s my mount. Do you think a knight will let go of his mount?" kukas snorted coldly, but he didn\'t bother to ignore the voice that stopped him. Instead, he shook his head. The horns on the armor distorted the space. The next moment, the strong fighting spirit was released from his body and linked with the chains hidden in the black dragon through the connection in nothingness.

A lot of fighting spirit was instilled into the shackles, and the shackles linked with the blood, flesh and soul of the black dragon began to grow madly.

The golden chain began to spread from the heart of the black dragon, and finally came out of the black dragon\'s nostrils and mouth.

The extended chains quickly woven a bridle on the black dragon\'s head, and the chains flew back to kukas.

"Roar! Let me go." the black dragon shook his body crazily and shouted, "the people of the abyss alliance will not let you go. No one will let you treat me like this."

"Shut up." kukas hated the roar of the black dragon and shook the chain. The golden chain twined in the black dragon\'s mouth and formed a huge mouth.

The mouth was so big that it was like a huge stone into the dragon\'s mouth, which pushed the dragon\'s mouth to the limit.

"Woo! Woo!" bursts of strange sounds sounded, and a lot of saliva flowed out of the black dragon\'s mouth. Some dragon inflammation was mixed in it, but it looked so funny. Some female professionals blush when they see the plug in the black dragon\'s mouth and think of what happened to them. However, they have no familiar companions with each other, so they are only shy alone and don\'t play with others in a low voice.

"Knight, you should let go of the black dragon. In this position, the power of the dragon family is still very strong. I don\'t think you are willing to take the initiative to conflict with the dragon family. I can help you adjust. I don\'t think the dragons will bother you because of these small things."

The speaker was a triangular eyed priest, who was only two meters tall, with an ordinary face and a thin body. He carried an inky black Scepter in his hand, and a double headed snake with a thick thumb was wrapped around the scepter.

"I\'m sorry, this is my horse." kukas stood on the faucet, tapped the faucet gently with his gathered fighting spear, and then smiled in a low voice.

The visor is twisted with metal eyes, mouth and nose. Now he is laughing in a strange low voice. These metal parts are strangely twisted together, making his face look extremely distorted.

"Oh! Really?" the triangular eyed priest was not surprised, but showed a curious look. He came forward and gently poked the black dragon\'s neck with his scepter.

The double headed snake wrapped around the scepter seemed to have found some strange food. It was like lightning. It tore hard at the black dragon\'s neck in an instant.

Under the teeth of the double headed snake, the hard scale armor comparable to the full defense of the eighth order shield guard was easily torn apart like paper, and then tore a piece of flesh and blood off the black dragon\'s neck.

Kukas did not care about the means of the triangular eyed priest. In his opinion, if the other party wants to use the blood and flesh of the black dragon to hide the soul of the black dragon through secret methods, it is an impossible task.

You know, all the souls of the black dragon have been firmly trapped by the golden shackles. Unless the shackle is broken, even if the black dragon has more secrets, it can\'t change its body through flesh and blood or even breath.

The double headed snake tore the black dragon\'s flesh and blood, and the black dragon immediately made a sad cry.

"Gaga! Unexpectedly, after three or five years, my little snake tasted the black dragon\'s flesh and blood again. Oh! Thank you. Great knight." the triangular eye priest shouted with excitement after the double headed snake swallowed the black dragon\'s flesh and blood.

"Don\'t you want to intercede with the black dragon?" kukas tilted his head and stared at the triangular eye priest with a grim smile: "what? Can\'t you change your attention?"

"Oh! You\'re wrong, great knight." the triangular eye priest shook his head and pointed to the black dragon at kukas\'s feet. He chirped and laughed strangely: "I\'m here to intercede with the black dragon, just follow the rules here. Now he\'s like this. I don\'t think I need to say anything more."

"No, maybe you should continue to intercede with him." kukas reached out and stroked the black dragon\'s horn. The Dragon horn is full of branches, with some marks of dragon language on it. According to his understanding, the blood flowing in the body of a giant dragon with a dragon language brand on its horns must be extremely noble. Under normal circumstances, the black dragon may impact the legend of half a step, or even the legend level, and achieve a strong existence in the future.

"Well, according to the request of the great knight, I think I\'ll continue my persuasion." the triangular eyed priest glanced at kukas with his head tilted. He laughed strangely when he found that the armor on each other\'s face was distorted and ferocious.

"Black dragon, are you the mount of this great knight?" the triangular eye priest shook his head and asked.

As soon as the black dragon heard the other party\'s inquiry, he immediately roared. Unfortunately, his big mouth has been blocked by kukas\'s chain, and he can\'t say a word at all.

His mind is also controlled by the chain evolved from shackles, and it is impossible to use his mind to transmit information.

So the black dragon just shook his head crazily, indicating that he was not kukas\'s mount.

"Oh! Are you the mount of the great knight? Hey! To tell the truth, as a noble black dragon, it is not necessary to be the mount of a professional of the same level, but you must be lucky to follow the great knight." the triangular eye priest seemed to take the black dragon\'s shaking head as a nod, so he pretended to sigh.

"You volunteered to be the mount of a great knight?"

The black dragon\'s head shook more violently, but the triangular eyed priest still didn\'t seem to see it. He nodded and said that the black dragon was voluntary.

Kukas asked and answered the triangular eyed priest, but it made the professionals around look strange. Some professionals who did not know the situation thought that kukas had known each other before, but more thought about the meaning of the triangular eye.

The black dragon was represented by people, and the whole person was almost crazy. But he was unable to express his views, because his whole body was firmly controlled by a powerful chain. Those chains evolved from chains are fragments of rules. It is the emergence of these fragments of rules that firmly suppress him.

"Why did you do this?" kukas didn\'t understand the specific reason for the triangular eye. But he was a man who couldn\'t help wondering, so he opened his mouth and asked. However, he would not care about the idea of the black dragon and the triangular eye priest: "what do you have to do with the dragon family?"

"Hehe! Actually, it doesn\'t matter. It\'s just that a black dragon robbed my woman a long time ago. At that time, I vowed to kill the black dragon. But the black dragon is so powerful that I\'m not his opponent at all. Later, I vowed to deal with all the dragons. Hehe, I want to transfer the hatred of the black dragon to the whole world A giant dragon family. "The triangular eyed priest Gaga smiled strangely. He stared at the black dragon at kukas\'s feet, with fierce eyes and crazy faces.

"I think you\'re crazy."

This answer not only surprised kukas, but also the professionals around him. They also have many enemies, but they only put their hatred on the enemy or his blood, but not on the whole enemy\'s race.

What\'s more, the triangular eye priest is only an eight level existence. With such strength, he dares to put hatred on the powerful dragon family in the endless void, which can be regarded as a wonderful flower. No, no matter how wonderful a person is, only a madman will do it.

"No, no, no, I\'m not crazy, my hatred is just a little bigger." the triangular eyed priest shook his Scepter repeatedly, but his face was innocent: "If the black dragon didn\'t provoke my woman, I would have established a family with that woman. I can\'t blame me for everything. If there were no black dragons and giant dragons, I wouldn\'t be like this."

"Ha ha! I like crazy people." kukas giggled. He didn\'t feel anything inappropriate about each other\'s words. In those years, because of some hatred, when he had no way to face his enemy directly, he started on people related to his enemy, even if those people only talked to his enemy.