Abyss Knight

Chapter 666

These foul smelling mud flew into the air and immediately turned into burning meteors and hit kukas in the sky.

Meteors hit and tore the space, sending out bursts of sobbing sound. A mass of space turbulence burst out from it, and then spread around in an instant, turning into a big net covering the sky and covering kukas.

The meteor hit, and the infinite pressure shrouded from all directions. In kukas\'s eyes, what he saw was not the big nets turned into by the turbulent flow of space, but the Dragon texts of different sizes.

A large number of Longwen formed a mass of prohibitions, shrouded in the mud, rotating around, and the strange fluctuations spread around. Under the images of those strange fluctuations, kukas had infinite visions in his mind. Under the influence of those visions, he lost the idea of resistance and just wanted to stand there and silently welcome the arrival of death.

"Go away!" kukas roared out with a roar. His face was ferocious, and a red flame spread out from the forehead of his face armor, and instantly wrapped the whole cyan gray helmet.

The cloak shook behind him, cut the space, spread out three feet away, and then rolled back, forming a space partition around him.

The meteor appeared in front of him, his hands interlaced in the air, but he took turns to display the power of covering the ground and hit him in front.

The space collapsed and twisted, and the violent fighting spirit swam away in some strange runes on his armor and poured out. This poured out fighting spirit and collapsed space collided with meteors at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of muffled explosions sounded. In just a few moments, the meteor turned into mud and the power printed by kukas hit each other hard.

The dull explosion sounded, and the meteors turned into mud broke up, and then scattered into countless sewage splashing out around.

The sewage was so strange that it easily tore kukas\'s space barrier defense and fell on his fighting armor.

After countless times of quenching and fusion with a large number of plane treasures, the extremely strong fighting armor in kukas\'s view is still eroded by the sewage evolved by the sludge.

The mind turned and a lot of fighting spirit was instilled into the armor. Although the holes in the armor healed in an instant. But kukas was completely angry.

"Roar! You rubbish, I\'m going to chop you alive." with a strange cry, the evil man stabbed his hands into the space in front of him, and then searched inside, but pulled out a black double-edged battle axe.

This double-edged battle axe is a plane treasure condensed by the burning plane source. Although the power of this treasure is not strong because of the low level of the plane source, the additional features on it are enough for him to use now.

Tearing, sharpness, armor breaking and piercing, these four characteristics, like the talent of professionals, are condensed by the source of the plane, and the level is quite high.

As he fell, the evil man waved his axe and chopped down the black dragon\'s spine.

Dragon blood splashed, the keel was broken, and clusters of silver bone marrow sprayed around like a spring.

The dragon blood was stained on the armor. This time, it was not evaporated by the attached power on the armor. Instead, kukas mobilized some treasures contained in the armor, condensed the dragon blood with the help of these branded powers, and then turned those dragon blood into a blood colored spear.

When he pulled the bloody spear, kukas mercilessly pierced the spear upward from the lower and body of the black dragon.

The solid dragon scales were easily torn apart like paper under the dragon blood spear after being branded and blessed by more than a thousand plane treasures.

The fierce ash fighting spirit was madly instilled into the black dragon through the dragon blood spear. Just for a few moments, all his fighting spirit was madly instilled into the black dragon through the dragon blood spear.

The characteristic of ash fighting spirit is to destroy together. However, according to the information obtained by kukas in the eternal ash book, some ash Knights have divided dozens of characteristics from the ash fighting spirit after achieving legends or gods.

And those characteristics are firmly engraved in the soul by these powerful knights. With the fall of these powerful knights, after the body and soul were woven into eternal ashes as writing materials, all the secrets hidden in their souls were revealed in the book.

Kukas now uses a secret method to temporarily transform or activate a feature of ash fighting Qi in advance.

"Tear!" tear all obstacles, tear all nothingness.

The violent ashes fought with the spirit and spread around the dragon\'s spine. The powerful force tore the black dragon\'s flesh and blood from the inside along the bone.

The fighting spirit was like a spear piercing out from under the black dragon\'s skin, and a large amount of flesh and blood erupted. However, in half a breathing time, the black dragon had only a white skeleton suspended in mid air. However, kukas keenly found that there was a drop of pale golden blood suspended there where the black dragon\'s sternum was located.

In that drop of golden blood, a pale golden vertebra stretched out, which penetrated the sternum and formed an ugly dragon head outside.

"The blood essence of the legendary dragon!" seeing the drop of blood, kukas couldn\'t help narrowing his eyes. For a moment, he also understood that the ugly dragon\'s head just drilled out of the black dragon\'s chest was actually born from the blood essence of the legendary dragon.

He estimated that the black dragon could condense his head and memory without relying on the power of the powerful magic scroll. I\'m afraid it was also because of the blood of this legendary dragon.

"Good thing." kukas giggled when he saw the golden blood. The yoke in his hand shook again, this time directly shrouded in a drop of golden blood.

The golden blood sent out the smell of killing. The smell spread on the keel and produced blood and flesh quickly. I wanted to revive the black dragon again.

And kukas didn\'t want to revive the black dragon at all. Living said to revive him now. What he has to do is to master the blood essence of the legendary dragon.

"Scattered!" with a low roar, the double-edged Tomahawk in his hand crossed a strange arc in the air. After tearing a small crack in the air, he cut down obliquely towards the spine extending from the drop of blood essence.

At the same time, the power of stepping into the air and covering the ground was exerted, which hit hard with the breath released by blood essence.

A dull explosion sounded, and the flesh and blood that had just emerged suddenly turned into fly ash in the explosion.

The double-edged Tomahawk hit the spine heavily, and the spine was broken. The drop of golden blood essence burst into infinite blood mist. Centered on the heart of the black dragon, it quickly spread around.

The fighting armor touched with a trace of blood mist and immediately made a Zizi sound. The sound sounded, but it eroded a large piece of his fighting armor in an instant.

"Ha!" the Tomahawk waved, and the power contained in the face treasure was wildly vented under the urging of kukas\'s fighting spirit. A crescent moon fiercely cleaved the blood mist in front of him, and it dissipated slowly until it was about to reach the heart where the blood mist had just condensed.

"It cost a lot of money to transform the black dragon with a drop of blood essence!" kukas turned his mind when he saw the slowly beating heart through the blood mist, but he threw out the yoke and fell directly towards the newly formed heart.

Perhaps he noticed the owner\'s anxious mood, perhaps because kukas instilled a lot of fighting spirit. This time, the falling yoke released an immeasurable golden light in mid air.

The strange words in the golden light flew around, and a trace of sacred breath leaked out. The leaked holy breath evolved into fuzzy girls in the air.

The images of these girls dance in the air and sing unknown hymns. The Psalms condensed into strange words, and the blood fog around them was pushed aside in an instant.

The yoke appeared above the heart, but a small dragon emerged from the heart. The Dragon roared up to the sky, emitting a breath comparable to the gods. The breath spread and knocked kukas out in an instant.

A faint hum sounded in the hearts of kukas and the high-level professionals who had just reacted around him, and a fuzzy diamond mirror suddenly appeared among the words composed of countless hymns.

A small, white and tender palm came out of the mirror. The palm fell and gently patted on the small image of the dragon.

The small evil dragon with the breath of God was like a bubble under the white and tender palm, and was wiped out in an instant. At the same time, the shackle was smoothly branded into the newly formed heart after losing its obstruction.

Countless golden silk threads emerge from the heart. These golden silk threads are firmly attached to the newly formed flesh and blood, accompanied by the growth of flesh and blood and crazy growth.

This strange means is the strange phenomenon that kukas shows after urging a function in the yoke.

While others paid attention to this strange means, kukas\'s mind was firmly attracted by the white and tender hand.

The white and tender little hand appeared but disappeared in an instant, but every grain on the little hand clearly appeared in kukas\'s mind.

At this moment, some vague pictures emerged from the depths of his soul. In those pictures, he seemed to have seen such a white and tender hand from there.

The little hand in the memory coincided with the little hand just now. Kukas was surprised to find that the two little hands were the same, even if any of the lines on them were the same.

And the two little hands have a light blue gem ring. However, he could not remember where he had seen the white and tender hand before.