Abyss Knight

Chapter 665

"Kukas, you are provoking our dragon family." the black dragon roared loudly, and the flame emitting sulfur smell from his nostrils circled around kukas like two poisonous snakes, making a strange hiss.

The dragon\'s mouth opened and showed its teeth as sharp as a war knife. In kukas\'s eyes, he saw countless dragon inscriptions on those dragon teeth. You know, there is no such thing as Longwen in general dragon teeth.

"What are you talking about? Provoking the dragon clan? Hehe, it seems that you have a high position in the dragon clan and can represent the dragon clan!" kukas pretended to sigh. However, when he said this, he exuded a sense of killing: "you said that since I have provoked the dragon clan, would you kill you now?"

"Dare you!" the black dragon roared, and a pair of dragon eyes the size of a grinding plate were full of fierce light: "you want to fight with the dragon family. If you dare to touch one of my dragon scales, the whole dragon family will not let it go."

"Arrogance!" his face armor was ferocious. Kukas\'s killing breath had condensed to the top. With a low roar, his body appeared on the head of the black dragon like lightning.

Stepping on the void, the space is distorted. The distorted space of seven or eight feet is shrouded around the black dragon\'s head. Thunder and fire burst. Listening to a dull noise, it unexpectedly burst the dragon\'s head.

The brain burst, the dragon blood splashed everywhere, and countless Haoguang were released from the faucet to resist the distorted space. However, under the killing secret method of the ash knight, it was only the defense of the eighth level dragon. In front of this attack, it was as easy as paper.

The splashed dragon blood and brain were stained on kukas\'s armor. The space around the armor was distorted and evaporated in an instant.

The black light flickered at the black dragon\'s neck. The next moment, a new faucet grew up. The faucet was the same as the broken faucet at first, and his eyes showed anger. It was obvious that the black dragon did not lose his memory because his head was broken.

"How dare you hurt me?" the black dragon roared loudly. "No one is allowed to do it here. The abyss alliance will not let you go."

"If you have a problem in your mind, no wonder you\'re still just an eighth order reptile after living so old." kukas mocked on his face armor: "if this is the abyss alliance, I\'ll kill you no matter where it is."

While talking, the violent ash fighting spirit was madly instilled into the white jade cloak behind him. The cloak shook and cut a space crack across time and space, directly across the black dragon\'s neck.

A trace of space turbulence drilled out of the crack. These space turbulence rolled back, wound the black dragon\'s head and flew to kukas.

The black dragon\'s head showed an unbelievable expression. He really couldn\'t understand why the man wanted by dozens of powerful forces was so rampant.

A fist the size of a casserole severely hit the dragon\'s head. With one punch, an illusory image of a siege hammer appeared on the fist. The falling of the siege hammer smashed the dragon\'s head into pieces.

At the moment when the dragon was broken, the black light flickered on the black dragon\'s neck, but another new dragon emerged.

However, as soon as the dragon head appeared, kukas stepped on the void and exerted his power of covering the ground. However, there was a distorted space that directly wound the dragon\'s head, and then the space twisted and tore. In an instant, the newly restored dragon head was torn and squeezed into meat sauce.

However, in a short breathing time, the black dragon\'s head recovered more than ten times, while kukas pinched him more than ten times in a row.

"Kukas!" the black dragon roared angrily, and kukas still crushed his head with a grim smile.

When the casters maintaining the transmission array first saw kukas\'s killing methods, they wanted to stop them, but the next moment, they thought of something, so they turned around and pretended not to see what happened in the transmission array.

Although the dragon family is difficult to provoke, no one will argue with the hundreds of millions of green skin controllers because of a black dragon.

"Kukas, don\'t go too far. What do you want to do? The whole dragon family won\'t forget to humiliate the dragon." the black dragon roared loudly, and a lot of dragon inflammation came out of his mouth and rolled towards kukas as if he were a master. However, as soon as these dragons reached his three foot range, they were cut into space by the windless automatic cloak, and then swallowed them with that space.

"What am I going to do? Don\'t you say I\'m provoking the whole dragon family? So I\'m going to provoke, and in order to provoke, I must kill you." kukas grinned and turned his hands up and down, but the power of overlaying the ground didn\'t stop once and again, directly exploding the black dragon\'s head again and again.

"Roar!" the black dragon\'s head recovered again, but this time it was not dragon inflammation that came out of his mouth, but more than a dozen dragon teeth depicting the Dragon text.

These dragon teeth, like lightning, turned into more than ten short spears and pierced kukas\'s whole body.

The cloak shook behind him, and countless twisted spaces appeared around his body. Under the traction of the cloak, these twisted spaces evolved into a folding space barrier. More than a dozen short spears made of dragon teeth pierced the barrier. The short spear with lightning speed stopped instantly, and the gun head pierced the barrier for more than an inch, and then it was forcibly destroyed by the ash contained in the barrier.

The five fingers held falsely, and the power of covering the ground was exerted again. The violent power was wrapped around the black dragon\'s head. Just for a moment, it pinched and burst the black dragon\'s head again.

"Well, it\'s about to be transmitted. If there are any grievances, go to other places." the legend of the pointed hat, who met kukas more than ten years ago, didn\'t know where to drill out. The legend of the pointed hat glanced at kukas, then looked at the black dragon who had just recovered his head and said in a deep voice: "The dragon clan is not shit here. Little reptile race, don\'t be rampant here. If you provoke others again, I don\'t mind adding a young dragon material to my laboratory."

"Legend!" the black dragon glared at the pointed hat legend, and then ruthlessly took the cow aside and stopped talking. In front of the legend, he knew that even if he had more resentment in his heart, he could not vent it. Otherwise, he would definitely become a small object played by this unknown legend.

"Ha ha, I didn\'t expect that in the eyes of the legends, the dragon family is just a group of reptiles!" after listening to the words of the pointed hat legend, kukas felt funny, so he didn\'t hide it at all.

To tell the truth, his impression of the dragon family is not good at all. As early as he was young, a dragon wanted to kill him. Moreover, he also had a conflict with a dragon girl. Moreover, when he controlled the burning plane, a dragon invaded his plane. All this made him disgusted with the dragon.

"Boy, it should be you who are called reptiles." the black dragon heard kukas\'s ridicule, so he turned his head and roared: "when I get to the front line, I\'ll eat you mouth by mouth."

"Go back and eat your mother\'s milk! When I get to the front line, I\'ll personally step on you and let you act as my mount. I just lack a mount." kukas smiled grimly. Persuaded by the legend of pointed hat, he thought he should give each other a face, so he didn\'t want to do it here.

Although he didn\'t want to do it again, he wouldn\'t suffer at all verbally, so he made a mockery of it.

"Hey, hey! I\'ll remember your words. I think you\'ll regret what you just said in a short time." the black dragon grinned and flew to the edge of the distant transmission array after staring at kukas.

"The mouth gun is useless. After the front line, I think many people look forward to the struggle between you." The legend of the pointed hat smiled in the air. He was invited by the casters of the running transmission Dharma array to deal with this trivial matter. Now that the matter is finished, he is not in the mood to continue to stay, because as a legend, he is really busy, especially the legends guarding the rear.

They have to deal with the task assignment of a large number of newly arrived professionals every day, inspect the fortress and deal with the contradictions between various professionals. When necessary, they have to assist some low-level special professionals to fulfill their little wishes.

There are thousands of disputes in the fortress every day. The scarcity of legends makes them very busy. Some legends would rather fight in the front than deal with all kinds of trivial things in the rear.

There were no more quarrels and killings in the teleportation array. Dozens of spell casters specializing in the teleportation array began to recite spells.

With the sound of their mysterious spell, the Dharma array began to rotate slowly, but the operation of the Dharma array reached its limit in three or two breathing times.

The white light flickered, and kukas felt that his armor body was instantly split into countless light spots. Even the crystal skull under the helmet was directly split into light and electricity by powerful and mysterious forces.

Although the transmission was only a flash in a hurry, this time he easily noticed that there was a trace of powerful plane source power. At the moment when the transmission Dharma array was running, he suddenly branded them with a special brand. According to the old casters who govern the transmission Dharma array, the emergence of the brand represents that they must abide by the brand bit in some aspects Of course, if you have a strong ability, you can get rid of the constraints of the plane.

"Only in this way can we reach the front line in an instant by transmitting across the infinite void with the help of the plane source. Otherwise, with the ordinary transmission array, there is no one-time ship with the ability to travel so far from so many professionals." kukas\'s mind is still rotating when his body turns into thousands of beams and disperses to be reassembled.

As soon as the body shook, a trace of plane suppression shrouded over from all directions, but then, the plane imprint in the transmission method array imprinted on his mind emerged, and the trace of plane was suppressed to one side in an instant.

"Welcome to the front line of the battlefield: endless eternal planes." a mocking voice sounded in the sky.

Kukas and all other professionals subconsciously looked at the place where the sound sounded. In the sky, there was a young soldier sitting askew on a golden chair. The young soldier was holding a silver smoke in his mouth and puffing it like he didn\'t care about anything.

"Ha ha! What\'s the difference between the front lines in this battlefield?" a knight rode a one horned horse and looked at the soldier sitting on the chair. And other professionals are also rising in the air, but they are unwilling to stand below and look up at each other.

The giant roared, shook and soared to hundreds of feet. The black dragon hissed, and a cloud of dragon inflammation wound around him, turning into a cloud of fire and rolling violently; The devil screamed and waved his steel fork and stick. They all soared into the air and looked directly at the soldier.

Kukas did not soar up like those people, but fiercely released his strong mental power and spread wildly around.

The mind condensed into essence is woven into a big net under the action of the secret method, and then it continues to expand around with him as the center.

Mind expansion, but found that within thousands of miles, at least tens of thousands of professionals with eighth or even ninth order breath.

Without the slightest concealment, the extremely rampant detection behavior did not suffer the fierce reaction in his imagination. When the professionals around felt kukas\'s mental breath detected, they just released a little breath from themselves and greeted him.

Kukas was also interested. After exploring thousands of miles and finding out the general situation around him, he immediately dissipated his mind and breath.

"Each person has a magic map with your position on it. To be honest, I hope you can leave this plane alive. Well, this is the front line of the battlefield. Countless enemies appear in this plane every day, and all you have to do is stick to your position when the enemy attacks." The soldier who didn\'t seem to care about anything took a hard breath of silver smoke, then opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of thick smoke to roar in a low voice.

Scroll after scroll emerged from the soldier\'s hand, and the scroll flickered. Under the power of magic, it instantly appeared in the hands of everyone according to their different breath.

Kukas also got a magic map in his hand. When his mind turned, he remembered the information in the magic map as quickly as possible.

After putting the magic scroll in his hand, the evil man screamed, his feet stepped on the ground, the space twisted, and with an explosion, he appeared directly on the head of the black dragon.

"Drink!" a low roar twisted the space under your feet, and infinite thunder and fire burst out of it. An irregular six pointed star array appeared under the green gray boots. The fall of the Dharma array is like a millstone.

The black dragon\'s head still didn\'t explode unexpectedly under the sudden land cover power. Then he twisted the fall of the Dharma array and nailed it firmly to the dragon\'s neck, emitting boundless light, but he wanted to stop the black dragon\'s head from coming back to life.

At the same time, kukas waved his arm, and a golden shackle shadow emerged from his arm and instantly melted into the black dragon\'s chest.

When the yoke touched the chest of the black dragon, that is, the location of the heart, the black dragon\'s heart beat wildly. A bleak breath was released from the heart of the black dragon. Outside, it turned into a one eyed dragon and stretched out its huge claws to break the chains.

The dragon claw touched the virtual shadow of the yoke, and the endless golden words burst out on the yoke the size of a grinding plate. Those golden characters are not written directly, but a strange combination of tadpole shaped small characters.

A large number of words turned into chains and wound directly around the Dragon claws.

The chain mercilessly penetrated into the virtual shadow of the dragon\'s claw, but in a moment, the dragon\'s claw was broken.

The empty shadow of the one eyed giant dragon that broke the dragon\'s claws disappeared in front of the pale gold yoke for a long time. Let the yoke touch the dragon scale, and then slowly infiltrate into it.

When the yoke penetrated into the black dragon\'s heart, there was a cold light on the black dragon\'s neck. The cold light turned and flesh and blood grew, but the next moment was wiped out by the twisted hexagram condensed by kukas\'s power.

When the shackle fell and integrated into half of the dragon\'s chest, a force emitting a ferocious smell suddenly came out of the dragon\'s chest.

A dragon roar shook the sky, and the surrounding space was shocked by the sudden roar. The space was distorted, and cracks of different sizes directly appeared in some weak places.

With this dragon roar, at the chest where the ferocious force gushed out, a ferocious faucet broke out of the chest, opened his mouth and tore down the virtual shadow of the yoke in front of him.

The dragon head was ferocious. There was a broken dragon horn on it. There were no dragon scales on the whole head. There were only malignant tumors the size of an adult\'s head. These malignant tumors give off a strong stench.

The poisonous tumor kept exploding and spraying strong poisonous water around. The poisonous water scattered into the air and burned violently.

The burning poisonous smoke diffused around and formed an ugly face. At the moment when the ugly face was formed, it was accompanied by the breathing of the ferocious faucet, which rolled back into the faucet body along the nose of the faucet.

On the broken dragon horn, there are countless dragon inscriptions flashing, each of which emits a strong bloody smell, and at the root of the Dragon horn, stinky mud flies out from time to time.