Abyss Knight

Chapter 664

While these legends and gods whispered, kukas and his fighting armor entered the deepest place of the origin of the plane.

Although the original power here has been condensed into crystals for a long time, in front of the master of kukas, the original crystal is firm. At this moment, it should also be separated for its own master to use.

Suspended in the central region of the crystal condensed by the original force, there is a burning golden flame swaying by itself.

The fighting armor behind him immediately shrouded kukas, and then the bald evil man reached out to touch the golden flame.

When his fingers were only inches away from the golden flame, a flame suddenly jumped from the flickering golden flame and wound around his fingers. However, in an instant, the golden flame with no hair thickness spread all over his body.

At first it was just a spider web burning, but in a few moments, the golden flame burned and wrapped his whole armor in an instant.

After hundreds of years of refining, the fighting armor was easily ignited like paper under the golden flame.

The fierce burning fighting armor melted in less than a breath. The cyan gray liquid adhered to kukas and burned his flesh and blood in an instant, leaving only golden bones naked and exposed.

At the same time, those golden flames also appeared in kukas\'s fighting space, but with the golden flame, there were some cyan gray liquid.

As soon as these bluish gray liquids entered the fighting space, they were entangled by countless fighting spirits, and a large number of ashes were madly instilled into them. The blue gray liquid began to produce strange changes after being instilled by a large amount of ash.

They quickly turned over the altar. With each turn, they would draw the flames burning on the thirteen columns on the altar. The 13 chains linked to the air fighting space barrier also fly out countless words and patterns into it.

The soul of kukas emerged from the altar, and the soul came out with his hands in a strange arc in the air. Whenever those strange arcs outline an ancient Knight character in the air, the soul cries out the pronunciation of that character.

Every time he shouted out the pronunciation of a word, the word condensed by kukas with soul power would turn into a meteor and hit the blue gray liquid heavily.

These Turquoise liquids make a loud sound like the roar of a giant clock, and then a trace of light golden light emerges from the turquoise liquid.

With light golden light as the skeleton and countless words and patterns as the filler, the cyan gray liquid rotates continuously and slowly forms a armor shape.

Look carefully, the appearance of the armor is the same as that of kukas\'s fighting armor, but it\'s just a big one and a small one.

After the formation of the small blue gray armor, it carried those golden flames and began to fall. A few moments later, it wrapped kukas\'s soul.

Armor enveloped his soul, and the golden flame was like a poisonous snake, madly drilling into his body.

The flame burned, and kukas\'s soul screamed bitterly. At this moment, he felt as if he had been penetrated by countless steel needles, scraping away his bone marrow a little.

A trace of black smoke came out of his soul. These black smoke evolved into killing images in mid air. In that image, all the killings in his previous life were shown. Every scene of killing was suspended on his head for a long time before it was burned by the golden flame.

On the body outside, the burning golden flame is more and more powerful. In the end, kukas\'s body with only bones was directly dragged into the body of the flame by the golden flame.

All the mental powers were immersed in the fighting space, and then a lot of fighting spirit was stirred and condensed into ancient Knight words, which were branded on the armor of his soul. The armor is constantly wriggling. Each wriggling has hundreds of thousands of Knight words imprinted on it.

Maybe a magic time, maybe a year. When burned by the golden flame, kukas\'s soul forgot everything, but felt endless pain, which he had never encountered before and was countless times more painful than tearing his soul himself.

The spirit contained in the fighting armor is completely integrated into the armor outside the soul with a little bit of armor liquid.

The armor shrouded in the soul, with the burning of the golden flame, also began to penetrate into the depths of the soul a little bit.

For a long time, kukas could not feel the pain of his soul. At this time, his noumenon had turned into a skeleton and was completely wrapped by the golden flame in the plane origin.

"It\'s a success at last." after all the stings subsided like a tide, kukas\'s soul was immersed in the lower altar and disappeared.

All the spirits in the whole fighting space were also forcibly burned into the soul by the golden flame. In the space, only a large amount of fighting Qi was left to run by itself. On the thirteen burning claws on the altar, the flames collided with each other. When burning and refining fighting Qi, a new mind was regenerated.

These new minds turned into a cloud column, the tail ran through the whole altar, and the top slowly formed a vortex, extracted part of the fighting spirit, and condensed a Dharma array in the vortex.

For a long time, the soul was immersed in the altar in the fighting space, surrounded by cyan gray liquid mixed with golden silk thread. Those blue gray liquids were all infiltrated into the air armor after melting through a secret method.

Opposite kukas\'s soul, a diamond shaped soul fragment rotates slowly. Some bluish gray liquid constantly ejected onto the soul fragment. At the same time, the mind integrated into the soul body also penetrated a little and instilled into the soul fragment.

"Go out! See who\'s provoking me." kukas\'s soul reached out and pointed to the soul fragment in front of him. The soul fragment trembled slightly. After crazy rotation, it forcibly extracted most of the mind in the soul body, then rolled up a part of the cyan gray liquid and disappeared from the center of the altar in an instant.

The next moment, after kukas\'s soul body gave a grim smile, only a small amount of mind was left to detect the situation outside and instill new mind inside and outside the body, and the whole person fell into a complete sleep.

Soul fragments not only have all the memories of kukas and most of the spiritual power, but also have the same mind with kukas\'s soul noumenon. No matter how far away they are, they can easily feel everything about each other.

After the noumenon sleeps, the soul fragments connected with the noumenon draw infinite plane source power outside, and emerge the cyan gray liquid contained in the soul, showing an appearance of armor.

Armor emerged, the crystal head also appeared under the helmet, and the soul fragment of kukas moved into the crystal head.

The soul fragments entering the crystal skull were influenced by countless words and patterns in the crystal skull, and then slowly evolved into a new fighting space.

The evolved new fighting space is the same as that of kukas, with the same size and firmness. The only difference is that there is not much fighting power in it.

However, under the endless indoctrination of the plane origin, the newly formed altar rotates wildly, drawing countless original forces into a group of fighting spirit and releasing them. However, in just half a day, the huge fighting space was full of fighting spirit.

The mind revived and evolved into a big tree, which took root on the altar. In a short time, all kukas\'s memories came back to life.

His hands were stretched out in front of him. Through the eyes on his visor, kukas saw a pair of blue gray gloves. Shaking his body, he found that it was the same as his own body, and there was nothing inconvenient for him.

"Unfortunately, it\'s a pity that my soul power is too weak. Otherwise, if I condense a mount, I can re show the strength of the ash knights in the ancient times." kukas felt a little sorry when he thought of this.

In those years, he crazily studied everything about the ash knight in the aspect of knowledge, and originally wanted to find a way to cultivate soul power. But what made him depressed was that there were many ways to cultivate the soul, but even the simplest of them would cost a lot of contribution no less than the book of eternal ashes.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to cultivate the secret method of the soul. There are many requirements for cultivating the secret method. Under such circumstances, kukas had no choice but to give up.

"One day, I will kill a prophet, extract his soul and torture the secret method of cultivating his soul." kukas secretly made a new goal for himself.

After the fighting spirit in the new body reached its peak, kukas did not go out, but outlined a new array in space with fighting spirit according to the old method.

The rotation of the Dharma array, like his body, is slowly growing ash fighting spirit. The ash fighting spirit cultivated by his body will be superimposed with the ash fighting spirit cultivated by his body.

In this way, his cultivation speed was doubled in disguise. According to his estimation, if he has enough soul power, he can condense a second armor body.

Now, if he has enough souls, he can condense eight armor bodies.

Eight armor bodies will increase his fighting spirit eight times. In this way, he who needs thousands of years to be promoted will greatly shorten the time.

It\'s a pity for him here that the time velocity in the source space of his zero order plane is the same as that of the ordinary eighth order plane because of the secret method.

Moreover, he practiced the secret method because of the emergence of the armor body. Now he must sneak into the source of the surface until he recovers to a certain extent.

According to kukas\'s plan, as long as his noumenon recovers to a certain extent and can be separated from the plane source nourishment without problems, he will leave the source space and stay on the earth outside. In that way, the acceleration of time flow rate will make his power more powerful.

Of course, these are what he thinks now. What will happen at that time is beyond his control.

After the outline of the Dharma array in the fighting space in the armor body is completed, kukas does not go to the outer space, but directly transmits himself to the fortress plane through the plane source power.

After quickly handing over various documents and identity certificates, kukas set foot on the transmission array to the front line.

On the teleportation array, he accidentally found a black dragon. Of course, there are countless black dragons in the fortress. It\'s not surprising to meet a black dragon who went to the same place with him on a mission.

But the black dragon caught kukas\' attention. If he remembers correctly, the black dragon in front of him is actually the same black dragon he destroyed in the hinterland controlled by the gate of heaven a few days ago.

The black dragon still habitually stretched out its big tongue to lick some female professionals in the same industry. Some female professionals looked ugly and beat his tongue away. However, some people let the black dragon lick and tease on their own, and their mouths also gave out bursts of charming smiles.

Although kukas wondered how the other party survived under the power of the killing scroll, he didn\'t want to come forward and take the initiative to speak. He just stood silently in the corner, looked at the professionals who went to a place with him around, and seriously remembered their breath.

Among thousands of professionals, he is the only one who wears gas fighting armor. Although other professionals wear armor, most of those armor are magic props, and only a few parts are gas fighting armor or magic jewelry.

He didn\'t want to talk to the black dragon, but the black dragon found him. After all, among the thousands of people present, he was the only one who was wrapped in full armor. It was difficult not to attract others\' attention.

"Ha ha! Knight, I think we\'ve met." after licking the chest of a female soldier, the black dragon suddenly found kukas, then twisted his huge body, rushed to kukas and shouted loudly: "I thought you were dead, but I didn\'t expect you to live."

"Blessed by the Dragon God, your boy is really lucky." the black dragon giggled, and the huge dragon teeth flashed a trace of cold light in his mouth.

To kukas, the black dragon seemed to be an ordinary greeting, but it was full of fear and a trace of disgust. If it weren\'t for his killing talent, he wouldn\'t be aware of the black dragon\'s mind.

"Dragon God? I don\'t need his protection." kukas grimly smiled, but because of the mood in the black dragon\'s mind, his tone to the black dragon was not good, and it was a little bad.

"Kukas, it\'s really sad for you to talk like this. I wanted to send you some news, but you said so, Lord Dragon God, which suddenly reduced my favor for you." the black dragon cackled a few times. In his opinion, he took the initiative to talk to kukas. In addition to what he just said, the other party will please him a few times.

However, the fact is different from what he imagined. Kukas just glanced at him and said, "what does your favor for me have to do with me? Whether there is that thing has no impact on me."

"The favor of the dragon clan is still very powerful in some places." the black dragon was stunned and grinned: "Especially in the front line where we are going, having the favor of the dragon clan will make your situation much better. Especially in your bad situation now. At least you will not be hurt after taking off that thin layer of armor."

"Are your dragons strong? Can they be stronger than the deep-sea giants?" kukas sneered: "the deep-sea giants have declined, not to mention your dragons?"

"Kukas, I really want to make friends with you. Why do you talk like this." the black dragon was obviously angry. The Dragon scales stood upside down, and a trace of fierce breath was released, overwhelming kukas.

"Go away, don\'t use your momentum to press me. You\'re not qualified." the black dragon is as powerful as a mountain. He squats on kukas\'s head and continues to fall, trying to press him to the ground. Kukas stands straight there without a breath, but he speaks evil words.

"I was very fond of you and helped you there. But do you think it\'s appropriate for you to treat me like this here?" the black dragon narrowed his eyes and a trace of dragon inflammation gushed out of his nostrils. These dragon inflammation were thirty-five feet long, almost three feet away from kukas.

"Benefactor? Hehe, at that time, even if you didn\'t speak, I wouldn\'t have any accident." kukas laughed sarcastically, and the face armor was distorted, and the strange smiling face pattern appeared on the face armor.

The tension between the two people immediately attracted the attention of others. Some people\'s faces changed after feeling the breath of kukas, but they remembered some tasks they secretly got from their family.

Some professionals who learned about kukas\'s current situation looked at him curiously to see how he handled it.

"And I feel fear and disgust in you. To tell you the truth, those emotions in you are very bad for me. Since you hate me, why say anything good? And why should I give you a look?"

When kukas said these words, some professionals laughed loudly. This is especially true for female professionals who hate black dragon licking.

No one doubts kukas\'s words. You know, they are all eighth level professionals. As professionals, they have the secret method of perceiving others\' hidden emotions. Although there are not too many, it is not difficult to practice. As long as they have a heart, any high-level professional can have the method of perceiving their emotions. However, they rarely turn their faces directly after they perceive it. After all, they are all people at the same level, and some necessary hypocrisy can not be discarded.