Abyss Knight

Chapter 663

"If those people knew you said that about them, I think they would be very angry." the strange legend smiled behind kukas.

"Anger? Are they qualified?" kukas sneered, stretched out his hand and played the gas armor in front of him, with a ferocious face: "I am qualified to be angry, not the garbage who try to seize my power."

"Splitting the green skin is very helpful to the war of the abyss alliance. Maybe you should consider the overall situation. You know, the pressure on the alliance\'s controllers for the green skin is not what you can imagine."

"The overall situation? After splitting the green skin under my control, I take into account the overall situation? Who formulated such a view of the overall situation? What I want to say is that maintaining the unity of the green skin is in line with the overall situation of the all-out war. It is not me but others who should take care of the overall situation." kukas smiled "You said that I suddenly destroyed this burning plane and lost tens of thousands of legends and gods in an instant. Would the alliance be distressed?"

"Maybe! If this plane is damaged, it will lose not only tens of thousands of legends, but also tens of millions of legends and indirect deaths of gods." the strange legend looked at the same people who were constantly coming here for treatment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Ha ha! So, I\'m the overall situation. They want to take me as the center. In order to take care of my overall situation, they must pay some price instead of being dizzy to destroy the overall situation, don\'t you think?" kukas smiled and grabbed the helmet on the fighting armor in front of him and played with it.

The huge palm rubbed against the helmet, making bursts of creaking metal and iron collision sound. Sparks scattered from it, but it revealed kukas\'s angry mood.

"They told me, \'the ash Knight kukas is just a fool without a brain. He knows nothing except killing people.\' obviously, the information I got is not correct, don\'t you think?" the strange legend whispered behind him.

"No, they\'re right. I\'m just a fool without a brain. I can only kill people." he threw the fighting helmet on the armor, and kukas stretched out his hands and watched: "I\'ve been through a long time. To be honest, I\'ve been through no worse than you legends and gods. In my years, everything I encountered was solved by killing."

"My mouth is very stupid. I can\'t say anything about smart people and smart people, but I can kill them. You can imagine that his clever argument will be useless after his head is blown off."

At this point, he subconsciously shook his hands and muttered in a strange voice. His voice was gloomy. His thoughts immediately returned to his previous life: "I used to kill dozens or even hundreds of humans every day. They say I am the devil, the most ferocious devil. But I know I am not the most ferocious devil, because no one dares to say he is ferocious."

"The brain is stained between the fingers, and the blood infects the body. This feeling is not felt in the range of killing caused by a killing secret method. The smell of blood is wrapped between the fingers, which is too sweet."

He felt better when he spoke out his depressed thoughts. The unknown legend was silent. After dozens of breaths of silence, the unknown legend spoke again: "If you can, try to restrain your killing! As a high-level professional, we shouldn\'t care about those low-level ordinary people. Killing too much is not a good thing after all. You don\'t understand it now. When you become a legend, you will understand it."

"I haven\'t fought with those weaker than me for a long time." kukas shook his head and smiled: "But the legend is still far away from me. I think I will be stained with blood. I may not stop until I know the secret you hide on the day I become a legend. No, I may kill more madly. I think you should know that I am extremely rebellious."

For these words of kukas, the legend didn\'t say anything, but shook his head and told him again that someone would attack him at the front line, and then disappeared from the original space.

After the unknown legend disappeared, kukas was in a daze for a long time. Finally, with a sigh, he reached out and summoned a large number of plane treasures from the plane origin.

Those plane treasures were stored in it a long time ago, and some of them were thrown in by the abyss alliance. However, more of them were gathered by the original power.

Precious level treasures were piled up at his feet, and the magic light soared into the sky. Each treasure had a unique effect. If it was put in the front line, countless high-level professionals would compete with each other. You know, although there are many level treasures, each level treasure is extremely precious compared with the more high-level professionals.

Now such precious treasures were thrown at his feet by kukas at random, and he didn\'t pay attention to them at all.

Some healing legends and gods noticed the things under kukas\'s feet. These precious plane treasures were hidden in the source before. Although they were greedy, they couldn\'t get them. But now they were taken out, and some people suddenly had some thoughts. Those thoughts made some people take action directly.

"Kukas, I think we can talk about the plane treasure." a healing spirit floated in mid air and shouted weakly. The golden original power was constantly instilled into his body, making his body look extremely weak and recover quickly.

"What do you exchange with me? Knowledge? Or special magic materials?" kukas picked up a plane treasure and played it in his hand. His purpose of using these magic treasures is to harden his fighting armor. Of course, if there are good magic materials, he will use some magic materials appropriately. After all, the amount of materials contained in the plane treasures is too small. If you simply use the plane treasures to refine armor, the consumption is extremely huge.

"What magic materials do you need?" seven or eight voices sounded at the same time. It was obvious that these legends and gods needed plane treasures.

"Cole carpenter, karosamantu, Yisi Luofei" hundreds of magic materials were said by kukas.

Whenever he said a material, someone threw that material around him.

The transaction was completed smoothly. Hundreds of plane treasures were exchanged, and a material hill more than ten feet high was piled beside kukas.

The huge amount of materials made his confidence in refining Qi fighting armor reach the peak at once. He believes that as long as he doesn\'t make mistakes, the fighting armor will be perfectly tempered by him in a short time.

Ten fighting gas beams were emitted from both hands, wrapped around some magical materials, polished and burned continuously, and finally made them into liquid, and then applied on the fighting gas armor.

His speed was very fast, especially with the help of a plane\'s original power, but in just three or five days, he melted all the magic materials more than ten feet high into liquid and smeared them on the fighting armor.

After dealing with all the magic materials, kukas began to select some special treasures from tens of thousands of plane treasures. He was going to inlay those plane treasures into armor with secret methods. Of course, it will cost him a lot of time, but in order to live better on the battlefield in the future, he can take out even more time.

He didn\'t care whether it would delay his time to the front. And because of the news that the strange legend told him, even if there was nothing, he would delay going to the front line. He wants to send some signals to some people in the abyss alliance in this way.

Although some people in the abyss alliance were dissatisfied with his practice, they did not care about it. On the contrary, they simply adjusted kukas\'s task in the front line because of others.

Of course, that adjustment is powerful for kukas. After all, what happened in the original space is not a secret. Kukas\'s words were passed on by some people who treated here before the unknown legend left.

One thousand and one plane treasures with special effects were placed on the ground by kukas according to a certain orientation. Finally, an extremely complex nine pointed star array was formed on the ground.

The armor suspended in the air, under the traction of kukas\'s mind, slowly flew over the Dharma array and began to rotate by itself.

The origin of the plane fluctuated slightly, and a trace of golden light scattered from it. After washing the fighting armor, it slowly integrated into the Dharma array.

After being instilled with these original powers, the nine awn star Dharma array immediately produced strange changes.

A plane treasure slowly levitates, and then a new plane treasure also levitates at an oblique angle to it. One thousand and one plane treasures were suspended in the air in a special order and angle.

The interlaced light of gold and silver was released from these plane treasure objects. All the interlaced light of gold and silver gathered above kukas\'s fighting armor, continuously condensed and compressed, and countless words and patterns gathered together along those lights.

Some of these words and patterns flew out of kukas\'s head, but more of them emerged on their own in the void.

Kukas was excited every time a word or pattern appeared. However, he felt that the original power in place was consuming rapidly, which made him lose a lot of excitement at once.

It took more than ten days to extract words and patterns from the void, but it was forcibly extracted from the endless void by the Dharma array with the help of the original power.

Many of those words and patterns have disappeared in extremely ancient times and are not known by the world. Now forcibly extracted, but it will cost an extremely huge source force.

Kukas felt a little distressed by the consumption of the source power, but considering that the permanent consumption of these sources would not affect the development of the in place surface and the treatment of legends, kukas\'s mood did not change too bad.

Almost every breathing time, a word or pattern emerges from the void.

These words and patterns gathered above the fighting armor, emitting a trace of strange fluctuations and gray light.

Words and patterns collide and link with each other, and then slowly weave together to form a small structure.

More words and patterns are constantly filled into this structure, making the structure more solid and complex.

For more than ten days, kukas has been standing quietly beside the Dharma array outlined by the treasures on the throne. During this period, at least tens of millions of legends and gods have come here to treat their injuries. After seeing kukas\'s Dharma array, these top-level beings looked quite confused, because no one could recognize the efficacy of his Dharma array.

A crystal ball the size of a baby\'s head is condensed above the fighting armor. The crystal ball rotates slowly and is still frantically extracting words and various patterns. Finally, it slowly turned into a crystal skeleton.

The original strength of the height of an arm was instilled into the crystal skull, and the skull began to grow little by little. At this time, kukas tore almost one tenth of the soul fragments from his soul.

The soul fragment was suspended in his hand, emitting a trace of cold breath. Those cold smells were not owned by his soul at first, but because he killed too much. Some killing smells slowly invaded his soul.

The soul fragment was like a diamond crystal, rotating slowly in his hand. Although it was only about one tenth of the soul itself, it had all the memories of kukas.

The Soul Crystal rotates slowly. When the Crystal Skull expands to the size of an adult\'s head, kukas fiercely puts the soul crystal into the crystal skull.

A scarlet ferocious pattern appeared on the crystal skull that got the soul fragment. Although the ferocious pattern disappeared in an instant, it was firmly remembered by kukas.

The pattern was of great use to kukas, but it was not available now. However, that pattern only appeared at the moment when the skull was formed, and it will never appear in the future. So kukas just forced the pattern to remember firmly with a secret method.

The Crystal Skull began to fall slowly into the fighting armor below, but it took less than half a quarter of magic time for every inch of the crystal skull to fall. The more it gets up to the back, the slower it falls.

One thousand and one plane treasures have instilled their brand into the fighting armor. After more than ten days of running in, those treasure brands have adapted to the environment in the fighting armor and evolved a balance by themselves.

But now there are new forces that want to enter this armor from the outside and break their balance, which makes the 101st plane treasure brand unwilling.

One thousand and one treasures were branded together under external pressure, and then a golden and silver light was released from the helmet, trying to hold up the crystal skull and keep it from falling.

Haoguang collided with the crystal skull and made a harsh noise. This sound penetrates the defense of human mind and spirit and directly appears in the space of fighting or meditation. The wounded legends and gods in the distance subconsciously released their own secret method to wrap it up to prevent the harsh sound from being transmitted to their bodies and bring them new damage.

The light on one thousand and one powerful plane treasures began to dim. They constantly released light beams to maintain the operation of the whole Dharma array, but were suppressed by the brand power in the fighting armor and the power of the crystal skull.

The plane source constantly instills power into those plane treasures and quickly restores their consumption.

"Sure to succeed." looking at the slowly falling Crystal Skull, kukas was extremely nervous. Whether his secret method can be completed depends on whether the skeleton can completely fall into the armor.

Only when the crystal skeleton falls into the armor, his secret method is successful this time. Of course, if he doesn\'t succeed, he will continue to try, even if it takes a lot of time.

The whereabouts of the Crystal Skull took three days to complete. At the moment when the crystal head was integrated into the armor, kukas roared with excitement.

The surface treasures suspended around the gas armor are like a meteor, and instantly fly back to the source to recover consumption. The face armor on the armor wriggled, a big mouth appeared, and a roar like kukas broke out from it.

When the mind turned, a large number of mind were instantly instilled into the fighting armor, while kukas\'s body turned into a streamer and disappeared into the source of the surface.

"This is the ash knight." the huge mind entered the fighting space, and then settled down with the crystal skeleton in the helmet.

After the mind entered the fighting armor, kukas did not care to check the specific situation of the fighting armor, but directly controlled the armor and turned into the plane source, which was also missing.

Some legends and gods around were aware of this situation, but they did not realize the particularity of kukas\'s body and the fighting armor. After all, such a secret method has been lost for countless times. Almost everyone has forgotten this secret method.

"A fighting armor, even if it is hardened and firm, is not very useful. When it reaches the legendary level, it is necessary to give up." someone sighed in a low voice.

"What he needs now is to live on the battlefield. Having a strong defensive armor is the most suitable for him. As for the legend, whether he can reach it is still between two."