Abyss Knight

Chapter 662

According to the time of the main plane, the suit of armor bred in the origin of the plane was put in more than ten years ago. Now, according to the zero order burning plane time, that armor has been bred in it for hundreds of years.

For hundreds of years, the armor has been continuously bred with the original strength of the plane, so that the quality of this fighting armor has reached the satisfaction of kukas. What he has to do now is to take out the pregnant armor, and then quench it with a secret method, and then he can really use it.

The turquoise armor slowly emerged from the huge plane source with the traction of kukas\'s mind.

The Golden Crystal cracked, and the first thing to emerge was the head of the armor. The head of this armor has been corrected by kukas again and again, and now it has become extremely ferocious. Two sharp horns soared into the sky. On the horns, he depicted the images of all the creatures he had killed. At the two ears of the helmet, there are two upside down fierce beasts hanging.

The image of the fierce beast was a powerful creature found by kukas in the prisoner\'s position. When condensing his armor, he forcibly extracted the breath of this fierce beast from the void with a secret method, and then instilled those breath into the two fierce beast pendants.

Under kukas\'s secret method, these two fierce beasts did not form the power of powerful magic props, but they had some auxiliary effects because they contained the smell of fierce beasts.

Although these auxiliary effects only make him stronger and consume a little less fighting spirit, he has been very satisfied for kukas.

After the head of the fighting armor appeared, the shoulder protection and chest armor appeared again.

Several simple patterns are painted on the shoulder guard. Those patterns are painted by kukas according to the secret method of ghost crying knight. They specifically absorb the grievances of the creatures killed by him. When the grievances accumulate to a certain extent, they can slowly wash the whole armor and make the armor stronger.

There are more patterns depicted on the breastplate. Most of these patterns are ferocious and fierce beasts, which are arranged in a certain direction to form an extremely messy pattern on the breastplate. The function of this pattern is to extract the smell of all kinds of evil and disaster in the void. However, these smells will not harden the armor, but will be stored. When kukas displays the killing secret of the evil knight, they will show their due effect.

Below the breastplate are scattered devices such as arm guards, leg guards and gloves. These devices are also carved with patterns and patterns, and their function is to empower the user.

The whole armor has been trained in the origin of the face for hundreds of years, which has already contained powerful power. Now it emerges from the source and floats quietly in front of kukas, as if a real person was wearing it.

Seeing the armor slightly taller than his body, kukas moved his mind, but remembered the armor man called supreme existence he met a few years ago.

"Could it be that the supreme being is just a warrior with the same secret method as me? The armor man who wiped out the killing scroll power that day is actually just a powerful fighting armor?"

This thought appeared in his mind, but he couldn\'t suppress it: "if it was really just a fighting armor, how powerful would the owner of the armor be?"

"Boy, the armor you gathered looks good, but you don\'t have to be so attached. You know, it won\'t take you long." just as kukas stared at his fighting armor and thought, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"It won\'t take long? Hehe, as a legend, don\'t you even know the specific power of this thing?" kukas looked at the armor in front of him without looking back, and then slowly stretched out his hand to explore it.

"The power of this kind of thing is not strong. As a high-level professional, the defense it provides will be of no use to you in the future." the voice sounded again: "if I were you, I would spend more time practicing a defense secret, and the effect would be several times better than this morale armor."

"It\'s a pity you\'re not me." kukas touched his bald head and grinned strangely. If he didn\'t see the book of eternal ashes, he wouldn\'t even have the idea of condensing armor. But after he saw the book, he changed his mind.

During his study in the knowledge plane a few days ago, he asked many knights. From those knights, his answers were very similar to the idea of the legend behind him.

Among thousands of special knights, only a few expressed their willingness to cultivate fighting armor. Unlike ordinary knights, they give up cultivating this kind of armor or only cultivate part of it.

Among them, the killing knight had the strongest idea of condensing fighting armor. She used some secrets she mastered more than once to exchange their unique condensing fighting armor secrets with other kinds of knights. Of course, like the killing knights, kukas made some secret trade with other knights.

"Yes! Everyone has their own ideas. No one like us can change their ideas." the legendary voice sounded a little low: "be careful, someone is going to attack you on the front line."

"Because of the green skin?" the body trembled slightly involuntarily, but he still didn\'t look back, but slowly slid on the armor with his fingers.

"You\'re smart."

"Ha ha, maybe!" kukas slowly closed his eyes, and his mood seemed extremely bad.

Since the outbreak of the all-out war, he will expect this day. Fortunately, in the past, he inadvertently gave the right to control the green skin to the deep-sea giant and part of the Danu Protoss. With the invisible shelter of these two forces, he was under little pressure, which can be said to be almost none.

But now someone suddenly told him that some people were thinking about the green skins. As a result, he subconsciously thought that the two powerful forces of the deep-sea giant and the Danu Protoss had either declined and disappeared, or there were more powerful forces exerting pressure on them.

However, no matter which reason, it also represents that he will face the strong pressure of some greedy forces in the future. Such news is extremely bad for him now.

"The abyss alliance does not allow those people to attack you directly, so you are still safe at present." the voice of the unknown legend sounded again. At this moment, kukas raised his head and looked at each other\'s thoughts, trying to remember the person who delivered the message to himself. But he didn\'t look back after all, because he knew that even if he looked back, he couldn\'t see each other\'s face.

"It\'s safe now? I\'m going to the front. I think many people want me to die there. Ha ha! Interesting."

"They just want to get a little permanent control of the green skin." the unknown legend whispered again: "I personally think that the green skin is divided into two tribes, or even more tribes, which is only good for the abyss alliance, not bad."

"No, the green people will always have only one real controller, and it is impossible to split." kukas grinned: "kill me, maybe they may get the control of the green people, but they may not get anything, but they will lose endless cannon dust."

"The Dragon tooth warriors have been divided into dozens of tribes." the unknown legend did not continue to entangle the green skin, but suddenly changed the topic: "everything is for the sake of war."

"Really? Dragon tooth warrior, HMM! I remember I had a holiday with that family, but they were split. Do you think I can find the family that had a holiday with me? You know, dozens of families now have dragon tooth warriors." kukas reached out and flicked the armor suspended in the air.

The finger bounced on the armor and made a slight brittle sound. Layers of streamer danced on the armor, turned into snowflakes, and scattered into the surrounding void.

"You may be able to kill all the families with dragon tooth warriors."

"Yes! Maybe I can do that, but I think more people don\'t like me. They hope that the green skin can be controlled by dozens or even tens of thousands of families," kukas sneered.

"Many people have just discovered the strength of the green skins. The green skins that multiply and grow madly will worry many people. They don\'t allow such a powerful power to be controlled by others."

"Really? I don\'t like that powerful power is in the hands of others." kukas laughed. He suddenly raised his voice, shook his palm and shouted, "if I die, all the green people will bury me. But I believe before that, many professionals and even ordinary people will bury me because of some people\'s greed."

"You can imagine how exciting it is for hundreds of millions of creatures to be buried with an eighth order Knight! Just thinking about these alone can make my blood boil."

"Your threat is only useful when the abyss alliance protects you. If the abyss alliance doesn\'t protect you, your threat is nothing at all. You know, the void is great, and there are countless means to completely control a professional, even legends and gods can\'t resist." the words of strange legends sounded in kukas\'s ears.

"Really? Let them control me. A simple mental manipulation may make me a puppet, but do they dare to try?" when he said this, kukas laughed wildly: "a group of garbage want to get benefits from me, but they look forward and backward. I\'m really disappointed. Gaga!"