Abyss Knight

Chapter 655

Cold light bit by bit, crazy devouring her divine blood and bones. Although she was constantly consuming her divine power, she believed that as long as she had enough time, she would be able to clean them up.

But let those cold lights erode her divine personality, then she will have no chance to turn over.

We should know that a divine personality is the foundation of all for a God. If the divine personality of a God is eroded by other forces, she cannot absorb and transform the believers\' faith. Without the supplement of faith, she will not be able to condense the divine power. A God who cannot gather divine power is no longer a God, but a piece of fat prey waiting for the hunting of cruel hunters.

More importantly, the gods often hide their soul and mind power in the divine grid. Now if the divine grid of the goddess is eroded by the cold light, she will be directly wiped out by the cold light without waiting for her to be hunted by others.

The low scream sounded from the goddess\'s mouth, and ancient divine texts came out of her mouth.

Dozens of divine texts condensed into a small golden scepter in the air, and then the scepter shook and appeared directly on kukas\'s head and hit the bald brain bag.

The scepter appeared and threw it at kukas with infinite divine power. Even if the goddess had been hurt by the cold light released by the killing scroll, as a strong spirit, she still had infinite power in the face of kukas, an eighth level professional.

The divine scepter is a divine skill deduced by the goddess over a long period of time. When the scepter fell, the surrounding space collapsed faintly, and the infinite divine power was released, but it vaguely showed the vague figures. These figures are not the mysterious attack of the goddess, but the images of powerful professionals who have died under the mysterious magic of the divine scepter.

The sky swallowing Python wrapped around kukas let out a hiss, and then looked up and hit the scepter hard. At the same time, kukas whispered a strange roar, rolled back his gun and axe with both hands, followed the sky swallowing Python and intercepted the scepter above his head.

His feet stepped into the air, and the power of covering the ground was displayed again and again. Countless thunder and fire burst out from his feet and formed a layer of defense around him to prevent the goddess from sneaking attack by other means.

The sky swallowing Python collided with the small divine scepter. The python with a sense of killing was like an object piled up in yellow sand under the scepter. It collapsed completely after a little wind and waves.

And kukas\'s gun and axe collided with the scepter, making a violent explosion.

The divine power raged, turned into a strange monster, hit the surrounding rocks, and forcibly expanded the whole underground space to thousands of feet before it stopped.

The violent impact made kukas dizzy and unstable. However, he did his best to urge the killing talent to prevent the goddess from sneaking attack.

Sure enough, at the moment of the violent collision, the goddess who had been leaning against the wall suddenly appeared a short gold spear in her hand.

She stretched out her arm, took a short spear and pierced kukas\'s chest.

On the gold short spear, the Haoguang flows, and the divine writings appear and twinkle on it. I saw that the short spear pierced into the empty air in front of me and suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the disappeared short spear appeared from kukas\'s back heart.

The short spear easily tore the twisted space and thousands of thunder and fire formed by the ground seal, and then pierced his back heart.

The unexpected strange attack made kukas\'s condition extremely bad. After the gold short spear pierced into his body, countless divine texts flowed from it immediately.

These scriptures gathered together, turned into chains, sucked flesh and blood, wound around his bones and contracted constantly. Some divine texts turned into the same gold short spear in his body and hit him heavily in his fighting space.

The gold short spear condensed by Shenwen hit his fighting space. Even his strong and abnormal fighting space was still forcibly torn out by the puncture of the short spear. The short spear of Shenwen, which tore the space, instantly entered his fighting space, and then nailed it to the altar in the center of the space.

Shenwen spear pierced the altar, and endless divine power poured into the altar through the spear.

The divine power, like a torrent, washed the entire altar. The altar, which was strong and abnormal after several job transfers, began to show cracks of different sizes under the scouring of these divine powers.

When the crack spread and the whole angry altar was about to burst, all kinds of patterns branded on the altar suddenly lit up. One by one, the images of knights emerged. These images of knights rode on all kinds of monsters and charged at the Shenwen short spear.

Countless Knight images hit like mosquitoes, causing ripples and turbulence. Under the impact of these Knight images, the divine text short spear stands like a hundreds of millions of feet tall solitary peak.

The fighting spirit hidden in the deepest part of the altar was instantly released. These ashes, which kukas did not know how many times, were infused into some knight images. Then those Knight images rolled back to the altar, tore off various patterns on the altar, woven into chains in his hands and wound around the short spear.

After these chains were wound around the divine text short spear, strange waves were released immediately, and then the divine power transmitted from nothingness was cut off.

Although the divine text short spear, which has lost the support of infinite divine power, is still punctured on the altar, it is slowly weakening under the entanglement of the flames around the altar and those Knight images. If nothing happens, this divine text short spear will no longer bring too much trouble to kukas.

When a series of changes in the fighting space were generated, a strange cry sounded from the ground. The next moment, I heard bursts of thunder and space distortion. A black bear more than three feet tall turned red and rushed down the channel.

On the black bear\'s back sat a red robed female mage. The female mage was no other than the secret female mage who would stay on the surface of the earth.

A pink halo fell from the palm of the secret female mage to the black bear\'s claws, and then the black bear suddenly soared to more than ten feet tall in the violent roar.

The huge black bear roared up to the sky, carrying an infinite ferocious breath, and photographed the goddess standing against the wall. As for kukas, who was nailed in the air by the golden spear, he was subconsciously ignored by the red eyed fenrier magic bear.

The huge bear\'s paw carried the fierce beast breath of the ancient barbarian era, and it was overwhelming. The breath rolled ferociously, like hundreds of millions of fierce beasts roaring in it.

The pink smoke of the secret female mage is wrapped around the sharp claws of the magic bear. Where she goes, she outlines a pattern of red silk condensation. When the pattern turned, it even extracted some of the fierce animal breath of the ancient barbarian era, and then evolved into a triangular harpoon to pierce the goddess\'s eyes.

"Finrier magic bear!" the goddess saw the secret female mage riding the magic bear and felt the ancient fierce beast smell emitted by the magic bear. Her face like old bark became more ugly.

The ancient divine script came out of the mouth of the goddess. Every time a divine script appeared, a golden silk thread appeared in the underground space forcibly expanded by the people.

After several golden silk threads appeared, they merged together to form a double-edged sword more than a hundred feet in size. After the emergence of the golden giant sword, it sent out an endless breath of silence. The breath surged, and even stubbornly resisted the wild breath sent out by the fenlil demon bear.

The huge double-edged sword shook in the air, and then thousands of blades appeared out of thin air and rotated around the finriel magic bear.

These blades are extremely powerful. They rotate and easily tear out space cracks.

Every time a space crack is torn out, a blade disappears, and then directly appears on the finriel magic bear, digging a piece of flesh and blood on it.

The secret female mage screamed and quickly shook her scepter to release defense magic one by one. Unfortunately, although her defense magic was extremely powerful, it was easily torn apart like paper in front of the rotating blade. If it weren\'t for the care of finriel magic bear, I\'m afraid she would be torn to pieces by the infinite blade at the first time.

The continuous trauma made the finriel magic bear crazy. Even though its body was controlled by kukas\'s soul, the blood power in its deep body erupted again under the stimulation of blood.

The bear\'s paw was held high again. This time, instead of patting on the goddess\'s head, it patted on the double-edged giant sword.

The savage atmosphere of ancient times wrapped around the bear\'s claws and outlined a picture of thousands of monsters running in front.

The scroll unfolded rapidly with the fall of the bear\'s claw. When one end of the scroll hit the double-edged sword, kukas felt that the whole world seemed to tremble.

There was no burst of light or deafening sound, but the picture scroll of tens of millions of giant animals was wrapped around the double-edged sword and shrinking.

"Finrier magic bear is very powerful. It can hook the fierce beast breath of thousands of ancient barbarian times to help the array, but you can\'t destroy this huge sword because I condensed it with rules." the goddess\'s old bark face gathered together and hoarse laughter rang.

However, her laughter was not over, and the cold light on her back burst out fiercely. A crack suddenly appeared on her head, and a bunch of cold light with thick and thin arms flowed out of it and directly instilled into the goddess\'s head.

"No!" at the moment when the cold light was instilled into her head, the goddess realized the bad. However, it was too late, and the cold light did not allow her to recall the giant sword and the gold spear pierced into kukas. In that way, it was completely instilled into the goddess.