Abyss Knight

Chapter 656

Just when the cold light appeared out of thin air and instilled into the goddess\'s head, the picture scroll displayed in the huge bear\'s paw of finrier magic bear also began to shrink crazily, winding on the double-edged sword more than 100 feet high, shrinking continuously, and the double-edged sword condensed by the three or five rules reduced by tens of feet.

While kukas also took advantage of the cold light on the goddess\'s head, he roared, opened his mouth and spewed out a mass of blood. These blood condensed into ancient Knight words in front of him, and then fell on the golden spear in the back like snowflakes.

The knight\'s words condensed with blood were branded on the gold short spear, and immediately made bursts of Zizi sound. A trace of golden smoke rose where the words were branded. The gold short spear trembled slightly, but it transferred a lot of its own strength and began to resist the erosion of Knight words. Taking advantage of this opportunity, kukas leaned forward fiercely and separated from the puncture of the gold short spear.

When the golden short spear was detached, the divine power in his body immediately lost support, and the collapse speed of the divine text short spear punctured on the altar of his fighting space was also accelerated.

After kukas broke away from the gold short spear, the blood condensed Knight text could not suppress the gold short spear. The short spear trembled in the air. Even without the owner\'s urging, it still sent out a sharp roar to lock kukas and planned to continue to puncture him.

"Kill!" he roared with his mouth open, rolled the gun and axe like a waterfall, turned into a thousand axe shadows and cut down on the golden spear. At the same time, he stepped on the void and exerted his power of covering the ground, turning into a group of twisted space to twist the goddess on one side.

The twisted space was surrounded by the goddess, but with the goddess trembling and venting a large amount of divine power, the land seal power that can easily kill eighth level professionals was torn apart in an instant.

The goddess screamed, her body trembled violently, and the violent divine power was released without any control, enveloping the underground space thousands of feet in size.

The secret female mage riding on the finrier magic bear couldn\'t bear the power of God, and her small face spewed out a mouthful of blood pale.

"Is this the real power of the gods? Hehe, just the leaked breath can suppress me like this, but I\'m not willing! I have to hunt the gods. If I don\'t have the ability to resist in front of the injured goddess now, what will I talk about killing the gods in the future?" a series of thoughts came to her mind and thought of some things, She knew she had to hold on here. And not only stick to it here, but also fight back.

The pink Scepter beat on the gushing blood. With each beat, the blood evolved into an ancient magic word. At the same time, the two milk rings embedded in her fell off, emitting bursts of * * sounds, and integrated into the Dharma array outlined by magic words.

A series of spells came out in her mouth, and the structure of the Dharma array outlined by the words shrank, and then turned into a rotating crescent, cutting at the trembling goddess\'s neck.

The goddess was already tottering under the continuous blows of cold light and kukas, but at this time, she still looked disdainful and didn\'t take it to heart in the face of the crescent cutting of the secret goddess.

The rotating crescent tore the divine power around her body, and then cut it heavily on the withered neck of the goddess.

Dang! The crescent moon was broken, and the dried skin of the goddess was cut out by the crescent moon.

The goddess suffered this attack as if she hadn\'t noticed it at all. She still stood where she was, and her body trembled violently.

"We must take this opportunity to kill her." after kukas looked at the secret female mage, his killing intention soared, and quickly prepared new means to attack.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" just under kukas\'s feet, the void twisted and entangled endless thunder. When the goddess of fire suppressed the past again, a strange shape suddenly appeared on the goddess.

Countless cold lights spewed out three feet of light from her body, and the light band moved slowly, as if cutting the goddess\'s body a little.

Infinite powers poured out of her body. These powers condensed into essence and flowed on the ground. However, in just a few moments, they filled more than half of the underground space thousands of feet in size.

"Let\'s go!" kukas saw the surge of divine power around him. Alone the fluctuation of the breath emitted by the violent divine power made his mind violently turbulent. The killing talent hidden in the deepest part of the soul is also frantically transmitting dangerous fluctuations to him.

Giving up the entanglement with the golden spear, kukas turned and appeared behind the secret female mage. He grabbed her and flew down the channel to the sky. As for the finriel demon bear, he growled in a low voice, released an infinite sense of barbarism, and was still fighting with the double-edged sword.

His body soared into the sky. When he first appeared on the surface with his secret female mage, the earth below collapsed violently.

The earth nearly a hundred miles around collapsed violently, forming a hole more than a thousand feet deep. The appearance of such a big hole directly made the imperial capital shake violently. Fortunately, the legendary Dharma array that enveloped the imperial capital was wonderful, and there was no collapse due to the turbulence of the imperial capital.

However, in kukas\'s view, the legendary French array shrouded over the imperial capital will not last much time.

The legendary Dharma array running in the sky makes a dull explosion all the time. With each explosion, a fuzzy image is thrown out by the Dharma array, and then explodes in the air, venting endless divine power, fighting spirit and magic.

What makes kukas feel strange is that when those figures are broken, they often send out bursts of painful wails. After the wails appear, he feels that what is broken is not the image of power cohesion, but real creatures.

After those figures were thrown out and exploded, the turbulence of the legendary French array became more obvious. Besides, outside the legendary Dharma array, there are endless monsters with an inexhaustible breath of killing, and they hit the defense of the Dharma array with their teeth and claws.

Tens of thousands of monsters with murderous breath flew towards the Dharma array, but a vague figure was thrown out by the Dharma array and exploded.

The vented fighting spirit raged in the air, tearing the space within thousands of feet out of cracks of endless size. Tens of thousands of killing monsters were instantly melted away by this power.

Some of the remaining killing monsters avoided the remaining fighting power, and then hit the Dharma array and exploded, but it made the Dharma array shake more seriously.

The endless killing monsters bombarded the legendary Dharma array. Although millions of monsters were wiped out every moment, hundreds of thousands of killing monsters exploded on the Dharma array, which fundamentally wiped out the legendary Dharma array.

With a casual glance, kukas found that each of the killing monsters in the sky had the power of an eighth level professional. This discovery made him take a breath.

"It\'s really powerful that millions of killing monsters with eighth order ability didn\'t destroy this legendary Dharma array that no one controls." an idea came to mind, but then he threw it aside. Because now is not the time to think about these things. What he has to face is the goddess who doesn\'t know life or death.

The collapsed underground suddenly spewed out a divine light of more than 100 feet thick. The divine light rose into the sky. After flying into the air, it burst into pieces, and then the goddess emerged from it.

At this time, the goddess has recovered her former appearance, milky skin, bright big eyes, red small mouth and beautiful hair floating in the wind. All these look so beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

The goddess\'s face was not good-looking. She stood on the divine light, stretched out her hand and pointed to the golden clouds in the sky, shouting loudly, "are you capable of killing me together? I\'m not convinced."

"It\'s just a scroll of killing, which was crushed by the people at the gate of heaven." looking at the crazy roaring goddess in the sky, kukas suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Yes, sad! Sad that the goddess died so inexplicably. Sad that a powerful God died in the hands of an eighth order female soldier. Sad that she was helpless and unwilling at this time.

"Killing scroll?" the goddess standing on the divine light glanced at kukas vaguely, and then saw the female soldier\'s head wrapped around his chain, and suddenly smiled in a low voice.

The laughter went from low to high, and finally looked up like a madman. Drops of blood and tears flowed down, and the sky trembled slightly with each drop of blood and tears. The dripping blood and tears burst in mid air and turned into a blood cloud all over the imperial capital.

The blood cloud wriggled and countless blood rain fell.

The gods were sad and tears turned into blood rain, but it showed the unwillingness and helplessness of the goddess. She did not expect that she fell into the hands of the enemy, nor into the hands of legends or gods, but into the hands of a low-level man who wanted crazy revenge.

The blood kept raining. After the goddess finally glanced at kukas, her fingers pointed at him fiercely.

A golden light came out of her fingertips and hit kukas\'s chest.

The violent divine power took the chest as the center and tore his body at both ends.

Thirteen burning black flags hidden on his back shook fiercely. A black flag cut his head and wrapped it, and instantly appeared more than a hundred miles away. The body of kukas was forcibly polished into nothingness by the violent divine power.

After kukas reacted, he found that he had only one head left, and where his body was located, only two twisted gold and silver interlaced lights were left.

There are two lights, one is the golden shackle he integrated into his arm, and the other is the siege hammer he absorbed with secret methods.

After losing their physical dependence, the two gold and silver interlaced lights circled in the air a little, and then turned into a streamer and integrated into kukas\'s body.

The body was destroyed, but the head remained, which annoyed kukas, but regretted the goddess in the sky that day.

Although the goddess still wanted to attack, the strength in her body was not enough for her to attack again. Because the cold light integrated into her body is madly eroding her divine personality.

And because the power of the cold light is too strong, the divine personality in the body has been eroded almost. At this moment, she can only stand quietly in the sky waiting for death. The only thing she can do now is to maintain a more decent way of death.

However, such a simple idea could not be maintained after she suddenly attacked kukas.

The soul and breath contained in the divine lattice were quickly wiped out by the cold light, although she tried countless times to separate the mind and soul, and wanted to be reborn and ascend the altar by relying on the secret method in the future. But those cold lights were too strange. These cold lights swam in her body and forcibly wiped out all her soul and breath scattered in flesh and blood. Even the God\'s blood and broken meat scattered in the earth at first were wiped out by the cold light.

The goddess took a deep look at kukas, then closed her eyes and suspended in the air motionless.

"Dead?" kukas murmured after waiting three or two breaths.

"Maybe." the mysterious goddess in the distance flew to him. She looked at the big bald head left by kukas and the goddess who kept her eyes closed in the sky, and suddenly smiled.

"We didn\'t have the ability to kill her, but the killing scroll did."

When the secret female mage spoke, the goddess in the sky fiercely opened her eyes, and two divine lights gushed out of her eyes. This divine light rose into the sky, intertwined in the air, turned into hundreds of millions of lightning and flames, and wreaked havoc on the whole imperial capital.

For a time, all the buildings in the imperial capital hundreds of miles in size were forcibly destroyed. Fortunately, these lightning and fire tongue powers were not powerful. The defense magic of the secret female mage resisted all the attacks against them. Therefore, the nihilistic kukas was not killed by the goddess\'s dying power.

The divine light from the goddess\'s eyes lasted three breaths before it disappeared.

With the disappearance of the divine light, the goddess\'s body began to break a little.

The blood and flesh scattered and turned into endless blood rain, and the earth trembled. However, in a few breathing times, those blood rain buried all the ruins in the whole imperial capital. Even the deep pit of more than a thousand feet was filled with blood rain.

The edge of the legendary Dharma array was eroded by the blood rain and sent out bursts of mourning. Fuzzy images appeared in mid air. They swam towards the place where the goddess collapsed, as if they were sad about the fall of a God.

Divine blood and flesh turn into blood rain, while divine bones turn into precious veins and drill into the earth. The goddess\'s hair turned into thousands of ferocious monsters. These monsters swallowed the blood on the ground and attacked each other. They tore all the creatures they could see in front of them.

The two eyes of the goddess fell from her eyes, turned into two huge rubies and fell into the blood.

At first, the secret female mage wanted to collect the two rubies, but she put out her mind when she saw that thousands of monsters were wiped out when they touched the rubies.

The spine of the goddess turned into a small white jade peak, which was located in the thousands of feet deep pit. Suddenly, the whole pit was filled, and a peak more than 100 feet high was exposed on it.

Her head rolled several times in the air and finally condensed into a red crown.

The divine light on the crown flickered. After circling in the air a little, it immediately fell into the earth and disappeared.

"This is the fall of gods?" kukas muttered with disappointment after looking at the increasingly thick blood cloud in the sky and various objects transformed by the goddess\'s divine bones.

The secret female mage didn\'t speak. She just looked at the broken body of the goddess in the sky silently, waiting for the most precious God to appear.

The flesh and blood fell off and the bones separated. After a few breaths, only a diamond crystal the size of an adult\'s fist came out of the place where the goddess stood.

The diamond crystal has twelve sides and thirteen edges. After losing its flesh and blood package, there is no immeasurable divine power or divine power to vent. There is only a flickering cold light and condensed flame burning slowly on it.

The cold light was burning, and the divine lattice condensed little by little after a long time was slowly melting in front of kukas and the secret female mage.

Every time the cold light turned into a flame turned around, it reduced the divine personality by one circle. A trace of white jade like powder scattered on the earth from the God.

When these powders touched the earth, they immediately evolved into countless magical prohibitions. These prohibitions enveloped the blood pool, underground veins and even the small white jade peak.

"Collect those things." when kukas found this abnormal situation, he immediately made a voice to remind the secret female mage and asked her to come forward to collect the extremely precious divine power.

In the past, when he followed the blonde women\'s general, he had seen many pieces of gods and even complete gods, but those things were collected by the blonde women\'s general at that time. He knew it was precious and could not get it. But now the opportunity is in front of him, but he can\'t care about anything. He just wants to collect some.

The secret female mage is not a fool. She doesn\'t know where she took out a box like magic prop.

After reciting some incantations, the box flew into the air and appeared directly under the divine grid. She wanted to collect the divine grid powder. As for the divine grid wrapped by cold light, she didn\'t dare to touch it. After all, the goddess died because of the cold light. She thought she had no stronger power than the goddess to resist the cold light.

When the box was opened, there was no divine power scattered in it. The blood rain falling from the sky gathered together fiercely, and then turned into Python swallowing the sky and hit the box.

The blood came in an instant, wrapped around the magic box, easily tore the box, followed the mind control of the secret female mage, and fiercely rushed to her body.