Abyss Knight

Chapter 654

When Zhang Yu\'s palm was about to fall, the legendary Dharma array made a creaking noise.

In the next moment, thousands of vague figures emerged from all directions of the legendary Dharma array.

These figures are transformed into divine power, fighting spirit and magic light in the air.

When the cold light fell, the light quickly woven into a thick shield and greeted it upward.

Kill! In the dark, the sound of killing sounded from all directions, and the images of the evolution of more than 1000 legends and gods broke out the sound of killing.

The murderous gas was released from the shield, and these condensed murderous breath wrapped in the air, turned into a ferocious monster and rushed to the cold palm first.

The monster was ferocious and rose into the sky, tearing hundreds of feet of cracks in the air, and hundreds of millions of thunder and fire burst, emitting streamers from the monster\'s mouth. Thousands of miles of space are twisted by the streamer.

The ferocious monster collided heavily with the cold light palm. The palm fell and wiped out the monster condensed by the killing breath in an instant.

In the next moment, the shields of more than a thousand legends and gods touched with their palms.

There is no deafening explosion, no gorgeous color, but the general abrasion of quicksand, just broken like bubbles. The shield, which had accumulated more than a thousand legends and gods\' full strength, was suddenly destroyed under the big hand.

"How is this possible?" kukas couldn\'t accept the fact that the big hand in the sky, which had shrunk by half, still fell after wearing out the shield.

The shrunk palm gently patted on the legendary array, and the defense array and prohibition bred in the legendary array were pierced in an instant.

A big hole appeared in the legendary Dharma array, but this time, the cold palm did not continue to fall to beat anyone sheltered in the legendary Dharma array, but exploded in the air, turned into countless streamers, spread out around, integrated into the legendary Dharma array and disappeared.

Han Guang\'s big hand tore a hole in the legendary Dharma array, then split and integrated into the legendary Dharma array. At the moment, the goddess in the sky scattered endless divine blood and fell down along the crack.

Seeing the goddess falling down with infinite divine blood, kukas immediately put his mind on her. As for what will happen when the broken cold light is integrated into the legendary French array, he doesn\'t care. In his opinion, the legendary Dharma array was made by thousands of legends and gods. Even if it was unbearable, its power was stronger than the divine Kingdom projection of the goddess.

The powerful legendary array will certainly delay the cold light for some time. What he had to do was to take advantage of this time to kill the falling goddess.

"Kill her." kukas yelled and loudly prompted the secret female mage. However, although the secret female mage heard his hint, she couldn\'t react for a moment. She just stood there and watched the goddess fall down with infinite divine blood, but didn\'t come forward to snipe.

Kukas was too lazy to say anything about the slowness of the secret female mage.

With a strange cry, the strong ash fighting spirit spewed out from under his feet, and then evolved the power covered with ground seal.

Stepping on the void, the journey of tens of miles was crossed in an instant.

The falling goddess did not expect that kukas, hidden under the legendary Dharma array, would attack her.

Since her kingdom of God was easily broken by the cold hand, and a large number of artifacts and a precious void treasure she carried were wiped out, her mind was violently turbulent, and she couldn\'t accept what had happened for a time. Because what happened there was something she had never thought about or heard before. Therefore, even if her psychology is good, she can\'t avoid panic at this time.

The fallen goddess now only hopes that the legendary Dharma array can protect her, even if only three or two breathing time is enough. At this moment, she selectively forgot that another cold hand easily tore the defense of the legendary French array just now.

There was a cold light on her back. Although the number of those cold lights was extremely rare, they stubbornly prevented her injury from healing.

A large number of divine blood scattered out. After these divine blood scattered out, they either evolved into precious magic metal ore mother, or condensed into endless divine power into a column of light rising into the sky and disappeared in an instant, or evolved into burning boulders and even some strange monsters.

Every drop of divine blood, her divine power will be lost. Although the drop of God\'s blood damaged her divine power, when she was more frightened, there was a strange force in her body. The power flowed in her body. Where she went, the God\'s blood dried up, the God\'s bone was broken, and the God\'s flesh was flying ash.

From the moment she fell from the projection of the kingdom of God to the moment she entered the legendary Dharma array, her flesh and blood were evaporated by the inexplicable power.

God\'s body hit the earth heavily and hit a hole thousands of feet deep on the earth.

When the goddess\'s body fell thousands of feet into the earth, kukas also crossed dozens of miles and appeared at the edge of the pit. The cold light big hand who fell with the goddess slowed down a little and was stopped by the legendary Dharma array that healed instantly.

Although the rotation of the legendary Dharma array only blocked the cold hand for a moment, it was enough for the goddess to fall into a pit thousands of feet deep.

After breaking the legendary Dharma array, the cold light hand did not reduce its size because it was not blocked by more than a thousand image evolution shields. However, it did not continue to pursue the goddess, but burst in the air like the cold light big hand at first, turned into countless cold lights, scattered in the legendary Dharma array from the inside and disappeared.

The ball rolling on the legendary Dharma array unfolds again, like a strange lotus blooming in the center of the Dharma array.

A vague figure flew into the air from the center of the flower and flew towards the golden clouds in the sky. However, before they could fly into the clouds, they burst in mid air.

Every time a vague figure explodes, endless divine power, fighting spirit and magical power will be vented. But when kukas didn\'t notice, there was a little cold light in it.

Without thinking about the impact of those cold lights on the legendary French array, kukas backhanded pulled out 13 burning black flags on his back, and then integrated the 13 black flags into his gun and axe.

The gun axe with 13 black flags was wrapped with a black flame, which twisted and turned into groups of ancient Knight characters. A breath of killing emanated from it and rushed into the sky.

A crisp sound sounded on the gun axe. The axe blade and gun head trembled slightly. Under their trembling, the surrounding space was forcibly cut out of space cracks by the slightest smell of killing from above.

"Kill!" with a low roar, kukas jumped into the hole more than a thousand feet deep and directly killed the goddess at the bottom.

The powerful ashes wound around the gun and axe. The gun and axe fell and tore out a space crack with a palm width and a length of more than a thousand feet. The endless killing breath rolled down, followed the space crack torn by the gun and axe and turned into a sky swallowing python.

The goddess fell to the depths of the earth. Under her intentional control, part of her divine blood turned into countless divine magic prohibitions and blocked in the center of the channel, hoping to block the cold light behind her. However, what she didn\'t expect was that Han Guang\'s big hand didn\'t come down, but kukas, the evil man who wanted to kill God, jumped down recklessly.

The sharp spear and axe hit those magic prohibitions and made a violent explosion.

If he put it in the past, even if his gun and axe were entangled with more ashes, even if it was integrated into more plane props, he would not be able to split the divine prohibition generated by a God with his own divine blood. After all, the strength of the weapon holder is too low.

But at this time, the gun and axe cut on the divine skill prohibition. After spending a little fighting spirit, they easily tore the divine skill prohibition to open.

Kukas, who thought it would take a lot of hands and feet to successfully break the magic prohibition, was stunned. Then he continued to fall and hit the second magic prohibition. He focused on observing carefully.

A white light flashed from the head of the gun when the gun and axe touched the divine skill prohibition. The white light twinkled, twined on a trace of ash, and then tore the magic prohibition easily.

He was puzzled, but soon he remembered that he had destroyed a hot spring with strange abilities because of his gun and axe in a position of the abyss alliance.

"Ha ha! You deserve to fall today." kukas giggled. At this moment, he was intent on killing the goddess. After all, the goddess and he are hostile to each other, so even if they are in a dangerous situation, he still wants to kill the enemy first, and then deal with the danger alone.

You know, the goddess is too powerful. If she is allowed to restore her strength, I\'m afraid the other party will want to kill the enemy and face danger with the same idea as him. When the province resists the external danger, it is plotted by the desperate enemy, which leads to the possibility of falling.

Thousands of feet of holes, from falling to seeing the goddess, but it took him a breath. After breaking hundreds of divine arts during the period, the killing breath condensed behind him has reached the limit.

The murderous spirit of swallowing Python twisted behind him, directly tore the earth and rocks, and forcibly tore out a hole hundreds of feet in the ground.

The goddess leaned against the wall. At this moment, the goddess did not have any strong breath, but only a faint breath of silence.

The plump body also dried up at this moment. The towering * * looked like an old sack on the chest. Its white arms were as ugly as dry vines. Her beautiful face was dry and cracked like old bark.

"Little reptile, do you want to kill me?" although the goddess\'s body looks extremely decadent and dead, her big round eyes are very bright.

Just glancing at the goddess at random, kukas felt an invisible pressure released from each other\'s eyes and suppressed his mind.

If it had been put in the past, the goddess would have stared, perhaps he would have been immediately restrained by the slightest threat released by the other party, but at this moment, behind him was a sky swallowing python that condensed all his killing breath and the murderous gas between heaven and earth.

In this way, before the goddess\'s pressure touched him, she was eaten clean by the sky swallowing Python behind her.

"What? Shouldn\'t I kill you?" kukas grinned. He slowly turned the gun and axe in his hand. The gun and axe rotated and tore the surrounding space, showing cracks of different sizes.

The sky swallowing Python wound around kukas, then spread to the gun axe, opened its mouth and hissed at the goddess.

"You don\'t have the ability to kill me." the goddess pulled the corners of her mouth and showed an ugly smile: "only legends can kill me."

"Yes! Maybe I was nothing in front of you before. Don\'t kill you. I\'m afraid I can\'t stand up in front of you. But now you have become like this. I should kill you." while talking, he accumulated his breath again and again, tried to adjust his state to the best, and then looked for opportunities to kill with one blow.

"Even if I fall in the next moment, you can\'t kill me." the goddess mocked.

"Maybe I should try. Your Divine personality is too tempting." while talking, kukas fiercely came forward, waved his gun and axe and chopped down at the goddess.

Countless divine texts appeared in the goddess\'s eyes, which were like two torrents, which hit kukas\'s chest and head fiercely. As for the Tomahawk chopped at her, she didn\'t pay attention at all.

"Death." with a low roar, he stepped on the void, and a twisted space appeared in front of the two divine text torrents, hoping to stop the two torrents. And his hands once again accelerated, prompting more fighting spirit to wrap around the gun and axe.

"Since this gun and axe can easily tear her divine defense, it can also cut her in half."

After being entangled with the fierce fighting spirit, the gun and axe of the mysterious power obtained from the hot spring chopped heavily on the goddess\'s head.

Dang! The roar of the giant bell sounded, and the gun and axe that could easily tear the divine defense hit the goddess\'s aging head, but it was bounced high. On the goddess\'s head, only a white hair fell.

At the same time, the torrent of divine text from the goddess\'s eyes easily tore his land seal power.

Seeing that the unchanged divine text torrent was about to hit himself, kukas shook the chain fiercely, and the head of the female soldier wrapped around the chain fiercely appeared in front of him, and then touched with the two divine text torrents.

After the two divine text torrents touched the female soldier\'s head, they immediately integrated into it.

After being indoctrinated by the divine text torrent, the female soldier\'s head made a sad cry. The next moment, the head soared and suddenly became a wheel sized head suspended in the air.

Flesh and blood fell off, and the thick white bones were revealed. In her eyes, endless confusion and pain were revealed. The mind hidden in the head is crazy to vent, wantonly stirring the surrounding space.

"Gaga! Eat gaga!" the female soldier\'s head turned into a white bone and suspended in the air. Her eyes disappeared and were replaced by two groups of everted flesh and blood. On the everted flesh and blood, there are constantly divine scripts emerging. These divine scripts go upstream of the flesh and blood and quickly outline a divine grammar array.

The divine script array worked, evolved chains of divine script, and began to spread on the wheel sized head.

"Go! You\'re hungry and eat him." the withered goddess pointed kukas with a grim smile and gave orders to the head of the female soldier.

"Eat, I want my brother to eat"

Seeing the appearance of the female soldier, kukas couldn\'t help taking a cold breath.

Mind control, he did not expect that the goddess who looked very embarrassed in front of him could release the divine skill of mind control.

"Do you want to eat me? Have you forgotten that your brother was eaten by this old woman? You don\'t want to find your brother? Eat this old woman. She has your brother\'s flesh and blood in her stomach. Only after eating her can you meet your brother again." kukas smiled grimly and shook the chain in his hand, but manipulated the female soldier\'s head and threw it hard at the goddess.

After hearing kukas\'s words, the head of the female soldier suddenly became more crazy and confused. After she was dumped next to the goddess, she was fiercely excited, opened her mouth and spewed out a breath of dead silence, and bit at the Goddess: "I ate you, I want my brother."

"Useless thing." the goddess frowned, but she was angry and helpless about kukas\'s behavior and the persistence of the female soldier\'s head.

As soon as she came up, the goddess showed her secret killing method, hoping to control kukas\'s mind through the torrent of divine text. In this way, she can not only get rid of an enemy, but also find herself a thug. But something unexpected happened, which made her calculation come to naught.

In order to release the divine text torrent, she forcibly urged the release of a few divine powers in her body. Now the killing secret method has no effect, but the consumed divine powers are wasted in vain. As a result, the goddess who was more and more seriously injured was in a worse mood.

The cold light twining on her back did not decrease with the passage of time, nor did it die out because of the suppression of her divine power. On the contrary, the cold light tearing her back became stronger with the passage of time. Almost every moment, those cold lights are frantically plundering the vitality in her body.

Even in her perception, she noticed that some cold light spots rushed towards her hidden God.