Abyss Knight

Chapter 653

The projection of the kingdom of God is still expanding slowly, and the killing breath everywhere in the sky is also increasing rapidly.

"The divine Kingdom projection is about to appear completely in this plane." when talking to the secret female mage, kukas found that thick stone pillar projections began to appear in the sky. If he remembers correctly, the emergence of those stone pillar projections represents the complete emergence of the kingdom of God.

Because in his ancient inheritance, the stone pillars in the kingdom of God represent the cornerstone of the kingdom of God, and each stone pillar contains dozens of real rules. Of course, the rules contained in them are not necessarily perceived or collected by the gods themselves. Most of the rule frameworks in the kingdom of God are given by the endless void.

The emergence of hundreds of stone pillars instantly increased the defense ability of the divine Kingdom projection hundreds of times. The breath turbulence hit around these stone pillars, and even the power was not released. In an instant, it was wiped out by the countless rules contained in the stone pillars.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

A sound like a heartbeat sounded within tens of millions of miles. With this heartbeat like sound, the killing breath in the sky began to appear stable, but kukas felt the killing in the sky under the projection of the legendary Dharma array and the divine kingdom in the sky.

Killing talent constantly released dangerous information in his mind and urged him to escape here again and again. The mysterious female mage\'s face turned pale because of the inexplicable heartbeat.

The goddess in the projection of the kingdom of God in the sky frowned slightly, but at this time, she knew that the surrounding space had been completely sealed for no reason. Now she could not tear the space through the transmission array and left here. She could only wait silently for the unknown danger.

After his heart beat nine times, kukas saw that the giant stone statue outside the legendary Dharma array began to slowly collapse.

The killing breath in the sky condensed into giants and monsters, and began to cruise in the air. They did not attack the divine projection or the Dharma array projection shrouded over the imperial capital, but swam quietly in the sky.

At the thirteenth sound of the heartbeat, the cracks in the earth began to heal, and the giant statues tens of thousands of feet in size began to collapse. All spaces within tens of millions of miles began to twist, and gray ripples visible to the naked eye were released from the distorted space.

"It\'s like the death ripple of plundering life." looking at the gray ripple released by random collision in the outside sky, kukas\'s face became extremely ugly.

I saw a ripple across a huge stone thousands of feet high, which collapsed, crushed, turned into dust and yellow sand and melted into the earth.

A large number of flowers and trees appear on the flat earth. These plants grow and wither in an instant. A moment is like 60 moments, a moment is like dozens of spring and autumn.

In a short breathing time, the images on the earth outside the legendary Dharma array fluctuated, which was as wonderful as an extremely skilled illusionist interpreting the changing illusions.

While the earth outside changed, kukas also noticed that the legendary Dharma array shrouded over the imperial capital began to rotate wildly, and fuzzy figures flew out of the ball head to tail. These vague figures kept exploding outside.

Each time a vague figure is cracked, it is equivalent to the full blow of a legend or God.

The violent power was vented, but after colliding with those gray ripples, it subsided in an instant, and there was no hole left in the earth outside.

Of course, there may be holes left, but those holes were soothed and calmed by the years in a few moments.

There are many figures flying out of the legendary Dharma array, but they are so rare compared with the endless years outside.

Some ripples hit the Dharma array without a sound, but kukas felt that the legendary Dharma array seemed to change due to the impact of ripples. However, this legendary array is not what he can master and understand, so it is just a vague guess and can not be determined.

The divine Kingdom projection in the sky was also attacked by the waves of years, perhaps because the divine Kingdom projection strongly rejected the smell of killing, or because of the divine Kingdom projection. In short, in kukas\' perception, the years of invading the divine kingdom are far more ripple than invading the legendary array.

Countless magic defenses grew around the kingdom of God. Thousands of magic emerged and disappeared in an instant. Every time a ripple hits it, the divine projection shrinks a little.

In the breath time from the appearance of the ripples to the disappearance of the years, the thousands of miles of God\'s projection has shrunk to a full area.

"Roar!" a non-human roar sounded from the deepest projection of the kingdom of God, but it was the goddess who consumed the faith strength accumulated for tens of thousands of years due to the erosion of years. In addition to being frightened, she was also very distressed.

The ripples with the power of years have disappeared. They appear only for a breathing time, but the change within tens of millions of miles of each other\'s circle is so obvious.

Forced to urge the fighting spirit to suspend in mid air, looked around, saw a yellow sand, and there was no green scene in his eyes. Even those giants with tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of feet can\'t see one.

The goddess\'s crazy cry sounded in the sky, but her scream could not change what had happened.

A cold light appeared out of thin air. Kukas didn\'t know where the cold light appeared, and the secret female mage didn\'t notice it. As for the goddess hidden in the projection of the kingdom of God, she didn\'t notice it either.

The cold light was only more than ten feet thick. It twisted a little in the air, and then changed into a palm of more than ten feet in size.

The palm is so lifelike that the lines on it can be clearly seen.

Not very big palms shake in the air, and then fiercely divide into two.

One of them circled in the air and then slapped the legendary Dharma array shrouded in the imperial capital. The other one was directly turned into a streamer and photographed towards the divine kingdom of the goddess.

The big hand of cold light evolution first slapped on the kingdom of God.

This slap went on like a child stabbing a stick into his mother\'s bread.

Thousands of miles of divine Kingdom projection give birth to countless divine magic prohibitions. However, at this time, he was photographed with a hole of more than ten feet by the cold hand.

The goddess didn\'t pay attention to the hole, kukas didn\'t pay attention to it, and even the secret female mage didn\'t pay attention to it. In their view, the hole can be restored as soon as the master\'s mind rotates.

However, the development of things is not what people think. After the cold light clapped a hole, the buildings in the projection of the whole kingdom of God began to collapse rapidly.

The regular stone pillars collapsed, the palaces marked with countless divine defense were broken, and the golden earth turned into nothingness. It was just a few moments, and the whole divine kingdom was broken in an instant.

The goddess hiding in the center of the divine Kingdom projection gave a sad cry. It turned out that at the moment when the divine kingdom was broken, the big hand condensed by the cold light directly appeared on her head and patted it down.

The palm of her hand, which was despised in the goddess\'s eyes, brought endless danger to her at this moment.

"Ha!" a strange scream sounded. At the same time, dozens of objects of different sizes hung on her rose into the air. Driven by countless divine texts, they hit the cold hand like a meteor.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" bursts of explosions sounded, but in an instant, dozens of objects on the goddess were smashed by her big hand.

Under the control of the goddess, the violent divine power contained in it evolved into countless divine magic defenses. However, before these defenses were generated, they were polished into nothingness by the strange waves emitted by the big hand.

"No!" the goddess screamed. Her tender white hand pierced her heart. When she bit her silver teeth, she pulled out an unknown metal bracelet from her heart.

The bracelet looks crystal clear, but when you look carefully, strange colors continue to flash. A small gem is embedded on it, and there are a large number of divine texts in each gem.

After the goddess took out the bracelet, the divine text contained in the gem immediately flew out.

Dozens of divine scripts flew out of the gem, wrapped the bracelet, turned into a small shield and emerged behind the goddess. At the same time, the goddess swayed and turned into a streamer towards kukas and their emperor.

The cold light condensed big hand gently patted on the empty treasure that the goddess spent hundreds of thousands of years collecting.

The empty treasure that could resist the full attack of legends or gods is easily torn apart like paper. The broken Bracelet scattered from the sky and fell on the earth. Suddenly thousands of magic metal veins came out.

The remaining strength of the palm swept on the goddess\'s back, only slightly rubbed it, and then hit the goddess with a broken back, broken spine and exposed pink internal organs.

God\'s blood scattered, accompanied by the goddess\'s sad cry, the cold condensed palm continued to follow and beat.

Under the protection of the legendary Dharma array, kukas saw the tragedy of the goddess, but he didn\'t care, because another cold hand had fallen towards the legendary Dharma array.

"The divine Kingdom projection can\'t resist, but I don\'t know whether the legendary Dharma array can resist." kukas stared at the big hand in the sky with an ugly face. At this moment, he didn\'t dare to see the Zhangyu hand condensed by the cold light. Now he can only hope that the legendary Dharma array guarding the imperial capital of a super empire can resist the big hand.