Abyss Knight

Chapter 652

She was just cut by a light band from the transmission array for some reason, which completely separated those bodies from the noumenon, which she had never encountered.

She screamed loudly, and a visible ripple came out of her mouth. The ripple wound around the transmission array that she personally pointed out. Just in a moment, the whole transmission array was twisted into nothingness.

The six pointed star Dharma array was broken. The golden light band entrenched in the center of the Dharma array struggled for a few times, and then with the disappearance of the Dharma array, it reluctantly returned to nothingness.

The powerful divine power flowed out of the divine lattice and repaired the goddess\'s broken body in less than half a breath.

But although the body was repaired, the goddess\'s mind was still very bad. Because at this time, she found that with the collapse of half of her body, there was a part of her mind.

Although those mental powers were not many, they also accounted for about 1% of all her mental powers. So much mental power is hidden in the body, and now it has completely disappeared because of the collapse of the body.

Tens of thousands of years of mental cultivation just disappeared because of the killing of a golden ribbon, which made the goddess feel worse when she noticed it.

"Maybe we can really get a divine personality, just hope that the divine personality is complete." the secret female mage standing next to kukas couldn\'t help laughing in a low voice after seeing the embarrassed situation of the goddess.

"Let the Comodo giant go out later. I think the Comodo giant should be able to resist the goddess for a few moments." kukas gently patted the little head of the secret female mage and giggled: "what a wonderful thing that a God fell in front of us!"

"You are a madman!" the secret female mage looked at kukas, and then focused her attention on the goddess who released more magic in the sky.

"No, no, I\'m no longer a madman, ha ha! You can call me a madman before, but now you can\'t say that about me. I\'m normal. I just want to see those in power die in front of me. This is not a madman." kukasgaga smiled strangely, and he didn\'t know whether he manipulated it intentionally or unintentionally, The spear and axe that killed a large number of ancient remnants trembled slightly in his hand and made bursts of bloodthirsty sound.

"One day is a madman, the whole life is a madman. Ha ha! Don\'t defend. This is the conclusion that countless scholars have demonstrated for countless years." the secret female mage smiled in a low voice. Although she smiled like flowers, her heart was full of panic and hesitation.

She can\'t accept the power of killing scroll. "Only the breath in the killing scroll can trap a goddess. If all the powers are released, maybe it can really kill legends and gods!"

While the secret female mage was thinking, the goddess in the sky once again prepared a powerful divine skill.

Several divine texts full of sacred and noble breath came out of her small mouth. Every time she said a divine text, the surrounding space trembled slightly. Even the powerful killing breath also trembled with the space.

However, in the eyes of kukas, it seemed to be a powerful means, but in the eyes of the goddess, it was so powerless.

You know, when she used to say these ancient divine texts, the space thousands of miles around had to be distorted and broken, but now it just made the space within her magic package tremble.

"No matter who you are, it\'s impossible to let me fall here. The dignity of the gods can\'t be blasphemed." the goddess turned her mind, and ideas came to her mind. Finally, she clenched her teeth and recited all the divine texts.

After reciting the divine scripture, a golden crown suddenly appeared on her head. The crown was spinning slowly over her head, but it was the right size.

Pieces of golden divine power scattered from the crown wound around her. In a short breath, the scattered golden light formed a golden road tens of feet long at the feet of the goddess.

The road is only more than ten feet wide, and there are all kinds of strange magic trees growing on both sides, which condense fruit. When the fruit is ripe, it falls into the air and explodes. Countless magic skills spread wildly around.

For a time, thousands of magic skills spread, and even forcibly drove those more and more powerful killing breath back hundreds of feet.

Bang! Bang! Bang! A violent explosion sounded between thousands of magic and the breath of killing. On the earth millions of miles away, more stone and magma giants stood up. They followed the guidance, waved huge sticks and walked towards the imperial capital protected by the legendary FA array.

The turbulent breath in the sky became stronger and stronger, and the breath condensed into a light band flew in the air. Although most of them were resisted by the legendary Dharma array, there were still a small amount of turbulent breath, which directly hit the body of the Dharma array without being blocked by the fuzzy figure, and then caused the legendary Dharma array to send out bursts of violent turbulence.

Every time the legendary Dharma array enveloping the whole imperial capital is turbulent, a large number of ordinary people in the imperial capital are instantly shocked to death. Houses collapsed and the earth fluctuated. Whether they were noble nobles or humble poor people, at this moment, they were thrown into the air like garbage, and then their whole body burst into a blood mist. At this moment, what makes all the humble happy is that they were unequal in life, but they were equal in death.

There are more and more giants drilling out of the earth, and the killing breath in the sky is stronger and stronger.

The golden road paved by the goddess\'s crown crossed a distance of tens of feet and then pierced into the void, but he wanted to pass this secret method and continue to try to leave this plane and go elsewhere.

White and tender feet fell on the golden road. It was so hard at every step. In a short distance of tens of feet, the goddess took three or five breaths to walk only one fifth of the distance.

The killing breath condensed into a light belt hit the Golden Road and was instantly melted by the immeasurable divine light. However, more murderous breath still hit one after another.

"It\'s no use. This is the ancient gods\' crossing secret. As long as I walk to the end of the road and step by step, I can return to the main plane world under the strong power of 13 ancient gods. It\'s just that some breath wants to keep me here. It\'s too rampant." the goddess sneered, but my step accelerated, Want to leave this strange place as soon as possible: "when I go back, I will come to this plane in the future. At that time, I will find the person who causes all these reasons. At that time, I will make his life worse than death."

Malicious thoughts flashed in her mind, her hands sketched in front of her, and mysterious divine power arcs flashed in front of her, and then evolved into countless divine skills to spread around, trying to repel those murderous breath to a further place to prevent them from damaging the golden road under her feet.

However, before the goddess walked for a few breaths, the killing breath in the sky changed again.

A murderous breath rolled back into the golden cloud. The next moment, a golden little giant fell from it. The golden little giant was three or five feet in size and had a vague face. He carried eight weapons in his hand, such as knives, guns, sticks, shields, axes, hooks and forks, and rushed to the side of the road under the feet of the goddess like a whirlwind.

His arms revolved and waved golden weapons, attacking the golden road like raindrops.

The golden weapon hit the road and made a loud explosion. Each attack made the Golden Road tremble violently, and cracks appeared on it, but it showed great power.

The turbulence of the golden road under her feet made the goddess\'s mood worse. She screamed, and her hands couldn\'t help speeding up. For a time, thousands of magic arts centered on her spread wildly around.

"If the faith does not wither, I will not fall. It is impossible to leave me here." the goddess snapped, fiercely took off the crown on her head with both hands, held it in her arms and recited the ancient divine text again.

This time, with the recitation of her divine text, with her heart as the center, a trace of milky holy power came out of her heart. The Milky holy power quickly outlined a thirteen awn star array around her body.

The Dharma array turned and absorbed the golden road she had just paved. Even some magic skills released by herself were forcibly absorbed.

"Do you want to open the transmission Dharma array again and leave this plane across hundreds of millions of void? I think as a God, she shouldn\'t be so brain crippled!" kukas didn\'t recognize the role of the Golden Road condensed by the goddess at first, so he muttered some uncertainty.

Just when he was confused, the Dharma array turned again, and then a vague palace image emerged slowly with the Dharma array as the center.

Along with the magnificent palace came other pavilions, courtyards, plants, rockeries and so on.

After these illusory buildings emerged, the goddess glared at kukas, then turned and disappeared into the most central Pavilion.

Those images were born more quickly after the goddess entered them.

"Divine Kingdom projection." after the Golden Road and all divine arts disappeared and only a slowly expanding building was left in the air, kukas remembered the name of this divine art.

"Divine projection? Damn it, the gods are a group of turtles." the secret female mage cursed in a low voice.

"Ha ha! There are also gods in your secret church! The provincial God will punish you after he notices it." kukas was stunned when he heard the speech. It was the first time he heard other people evaluate the exclusive magic of the gods, and some of them were so vicious.

"Sooner or later, I will kill that God and replace it." the secret female mage\'s small face is tight, and her eyes show a trace of evil spirit: "there can only be one God in the secret church, that\'s me."

Kukas did not pay attention to the words of the secret female mage. For him now, killing a God is too far away. The secret female mage is not as good as him. In this way, if she wants to kill a God, and is the most powerful God in the church, she can\'t achieve it in a short time. She even has no ability to achieve this goal in her whole life.

The kingdom of God projection is the body of the gods. It uses the supreme secret method to project the kingdom of God built by itself to another place. The power of this projection is incomparable. Among them, the gods can give play to about 80% of the power of the kingdom of God.

With the formation of palaces and pavilions, some patterns and talismans appeared on them. The forbidden Dharma array generated from the space depression is rolled back to the palace, and then with the help of the power of the palace, more forbidden Dharma arrays are generated.

Ancient sacred texts rang from the most central area of the palace. Every time a sacred text appeared, a golden silk thread emitting divine power rose from the central area of the palace. This silk thread crossed a strange arc in mid air and wrapped up all the projections.

"Rules manifest." kukas\'s face looked ugly when he saw those golden silk threads. The secret female mage on one side didn\'t know at first, but her face became ugly after hearing kukas\'s explanation.

The ability of rule manifesting is a legend for the eighth level professionals and an unattainable secret method for legends and gods. However, now, they see an unknown goddess manifesting rules and exercising this secret method. They are extremely shocked for a time.

The goddess revealed dozens of rules in one breath. These rules interweave and change in the air, outlining a large net to wrap the expanding projection of the kingdom of God.

Under the rule power projected and manifested by the kingdom of God, the endless killing breath around is forced to retreat. Some breath turbulence hit around the projection Kingdom, and was instantly erased by the rule power contained in it.

The projection of the kingdom of God continued to expand. In just three or two breathing times, it exceeded the area of the imperial capital and reached the size of nearly a thousand miles.

The huge projection of the kingdom of God was suspended over the imperial capital, which stubbornly resisted all the turbulence that attacked the imperial capital. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the legendary Dharma array operated by itself, and the huge light ball continued to expand, and then ejected beams of light from it to hit the giants millions of miles away, or let those giants collapse into rubble or agglomerate into stone statues.

"Is this the power of the killing scroll?" kukas was disappointed when he looked at the unchanged golden clouds in the sky. In the information he got, the killing scroll was really easy to kill legends and gods.

"Ha ha, the scroll of killing has not been fully unfolded, how can we say that this is its power?" the female soldier\'s head wrapped in chains roared ferociously at kukas: "after the scroll of killing has been fully unfolded, no one can live. Ha ha, if a God comes to bury my brother, I think he will be very satisfied."

"This God is the God of the gate of your kingdom of heaven." kukas looked at the still expanding projection of the kingdom of God in the sky and muttered in a low voice. At the same time, he was not satisfied with the cry of the female soldier\'s head. He released a trace of fighting spirit and hit her head, forcibly blowing up a third of her head.

After the female soldier\'s head recovered, she seemed unaware of the first broken head and still shouted: "The gate of heaven is a fart? For my brother, it\'s best for everyone to bury him. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! The bitch goddess died. Who wouldn\'t let her save my brother? I\'ll kill her. I curse her, curse her to become a slave of the abyss demons, and be humiliated and tortured by the demons forever."

Looking at the head of the crazy female soldier, kukas frowned slightly, but in order to know more about the killing scroll, he had to ask again.

"Tell me, didn\'t you crush the killing scroll? Why do you still say that the scroll hasn\'t been unfolded?"

"The killing scroll kills endless creatures. If it doesn\'t unfold, how can it kill? Ha ha! I know you\'re jealous of my good luck, ha ha! My luck has always been the best. Ha ha, no, I\'d rather not have this good luck."

"Since I got the killing scroll, my friends and relatives have been dying. They are not ordinary deaths, but complete fall."

"My family has disappeared, and my mentor has been exiled into the endless void. My relatives and friends have died, and even a breath has not been left. This is caused by the killing scroll. Without that thing, nothing will happen, my brother will not die, and my relatives and friends will not disappear."

Looking at the head of the female soldier in a crazy state, kukas was silent. The secret female mage said with some pity: "give her a good time! I don\'t think it\'s necessary to keep her alive."

"I once told her that I would make her life worse than death. I would let her see me escape from the power of the killing scroll alive. I would let her know that even if she was high in the past, she would be trampled under my feet today." kukas put away a faint pity in his heart and looked at the secret female mage with a ferocious face and roared.

Just as the two of them whispered about the female soldier\'s head, the divine projection in the sky was still expanding, but the expansion speed was several times slower than before.

The buildings on the edge of the kingdom of God generated several pavilions, and then three or five pavilions were crushed by the smell of killing.

Perhaps it is because the divine Kingdom projection has suffered more attacks after expansion, or because the rules of manifestation do not have enough energy support, so it is not enough to protect the whole rule projection, or because the killing scroll has been expanded, and the power of those breath has been strengthened.

In short, for a series of reasons, the expansion speed of the divine Kingdom projection became slower and slower. Countless explosions sounded around the kingdom of God. Each explosion shocked the earth and shook the earth and space thousands of miles around.