Abyss Knight

Chapter 651

"But those who surrounded her were just some breath." the secret female mage didn\'t know much about the killing scroll, so she was still worried.

"Don\'t worry, even if the power of the killing scroll can\'t completely kill the God, I don\'t think it will make her feel better. When you and I do it again, I\'m sure we can kill her." kukas laughed strangely. He pulled out the gun axe that had chopped the residual breath of countless powerful beings and turned it in his hand: "It is said that the divine personality of a God is extremely powerful. Maybe we can get a complete divine personality today."

For kukas\'s words, the secret female mage looks unbelievable. In her opinion, legends and gods are incomparably powerful, which is not comparable to them. Killing a God is something she can\'t even think of.

"It\'s impossible. Even if a God is weak, we can\'t deal with it. What\'s more, we can\'t leave here now." the secret female mage bit her lips and muttered in a low voice: "we must find a way to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise when the legends or gods of the gate of heaven find something unusual, they will come here to check. Then we will"

"Ha ha! Don\'t worry, the God will die." kukas looked ferociously at the struggling goddess in the sky and smiled: "even if she is a God, she must die."

"Ha ha! Everyone is going to die. I didn\'t expect a God to come and bury my brother. That\'s great." the female warrior\'s head tied to kukas\'s chain shouted wildly. In just more than ten breathing times, her broken head has healed. Now she is shouting wildly, cursing kukas and the secret female mages around him.

More and more divinities were released around the goddess in the sky, and a large number of divinities were condensed into essence and wrapped around her. These divinities formed a light curtain under her feet, and then slowly expanded around her, forcing the breath pressure in the killing scroll to spread around her.

The golden cloud in the sky trembled slightly, and then fell slowly down again.

Boom! The breath released from the golden cloud became stronger and more horizontal. The strong and extreme breath condensed into essence, turned into a turbulent stream in the air and rolled towards the goddess.

These black breath streamed through the air, but they tore huge cracks in the sky.

Tens of feet wide space was torn apart, and strong suction was transmitted from the crack. Under the traction of those suction, a large amount of breath pressure was absorbed.

At first, kukas was happy to see that the breath pressure was sucked by the space cracks tossed out by themselves, but at the next breathing time, he saw that cracks of more than Zhang size suddenly appeared in the space around the goddess.

These cracks spewed out a black light condensed by breath, which hit the goddess\'s defense God.

Thousands of layers of powerful magic were torn apart by the breath like paper. Although it was supplemented by the goddess in an instant, kukas was sensitive to the goddess\'s face.

The continuous pressure breath and the Condensed Black Light tore the goddess\'s divine defense. In just a few breathing times, it destroyed tens of thousands of divine defense released by the goddess.

The divine defense, which was thought to be extremely powerful, was easily torn apart by some breath, which made the goddess both frightened and excited.

The fear was that those breath alone could destroy her divine defense deduced countless times; the excitement was that she had encountered such a strong existence, which gave her a clear direction for the pursuit of powerful power in her heart.

"I must leave here, or if it continues like this, I\'m afraid my situation will become worse." the goddess glanced down at kukas and them while resisting the endless breath in the air: "Damn two reptiles, when I get out of trouble, I\'ll come back and kill you immediately. Two little reptiles dare to fight with me. I really don\'t know whether they live or die."

When the goddess glared at kukas, the bald evil man was easily aware of it.

Maybe it\'s because of the hook of the legendary Dharma array, or because of the boundless arrogance contained in the killing scroll; in short, I don\'t know why, kukas\'s killing talent has been greatly improved at this moment.

Of course, this kind of promotion is not the level promotion of talents, but there are many more effects.

Therefore, although the goddess besieged by the strong breath did not reveal half of her intention to kill, he was still aware of kukas after her malicious eyes swept over his body.

"Bitch, do you want to kill me? I don\'t think you have that ability." kukas shouted mockingly in the imperial capital of the legendary French array guard: "die quickly! I have to wait to buy a magic prop with your Divine personality! I hope you don\'t let me lose hope."

Kukas\'s words were extremely vicious. The goddess did not show an angry expression because of kukas\'s despicable behavior, but her small face tightly released a divine skill one by one to resist the turbulent flow of breath around.

"Kukas, it\'s too wrong for you to do this." the secret female mage on one side expressed dissatisfaction with kukas\'s behavior, but she just said it and didn\'t have the ability to change anything.

"Nothing. She\'s going to kill us. I\'m just humiliating her. So what? If I could go out and kill her, I wouldn\'t humiliate her here." kukas touched his bare head and muttered coldly.

His humiliating words were intended to cause the goddess\'s emotional turmoil, so that she could have flaws and the breath in the killing scroll could kill her.

In his opinion, it doesn\'t matter what means he uses as long as he can kill his enemy. What he wants is the result, not the process.

While kukas was whispering to the secret female mage, the situation in the sky suddenly changed.

Countless breath turbulent flows evolved together, most of which were polished down towards the legendary Dharma array below, while others were woven and shrouded in the past towards the goddess.

An extremely large number of breath turbulence constantly collided downward. Every time a turbulence collided, the legendary Dharma array sent out a harsh scream. The next moment, a fuzzy figure flew into the air from the ball in the center of the Dharma array, and then collided with which breath turbulence.

The shadow disappeared, and the breath turbulence also broke and disappeared. Even the space torn by their walking was forcibly smoothed by the shadow from the legendary Dharma array.

The goddess in the sky sent out bursts of low screams. After she was inexplicably pulled to this plane by the breath, she released the secret method to check the situation around while resisting the endless breath attack around her.

When she practiced the secret method, she immediately felt a retreat when she found that the golden cloud above her head shrouded an area tens of millions of miles around, and the earth was full of surging magma and giants. At this time, release divine power to resist in the air and prepare to forcibly tear the space away from here.

"Even if this place can\'t bring me danger, I can\'t stay here. After all, this is my noumenon. If the noumenon dies out, there will be no my name in the endless void. It\'s not worth working hard for thousands of years to fall in such a strange place."

It was also this idea that the goddess screamed in her mouth, rubbed and rubbed her hands fiercely, and then slapped in the surrounding space.

The white and tender palm flashed around her like a falling flower and flying butterfly. Where the palm was branded, the space collapsed fiercely, and then with the collapsed space as the center, strange flowers condensed by the divine power grew fiercely.

These flowers bloom, and countless divine prohibitions grow out of them. These divine prohibitions are woven into a small throne around the goddess, while the goddess herself stands on the throne and looks up and down at the surrounding space with golden eyes.

In the goddess\'s eyes, the space around her is not transparent, nor is it a nothingness full of ashes, but a grid drawn by lines of different thickness.

Those grids are large and small, and each grid has a light spot of different strength. The light point shines, and hundreds of millions of breath will flash in every moment above. What she has to do is look for a larger grid, and then lock a breath on the light spot.

Hundreds of millions of breath, if it is felt by the current kukas, it can not be distinguished without three or five days, but for the goddess, it is just the time between breathing.

A light spot in a fist sized grid was noticed by goddess, and then she quickly locked in breath of the face where her kingdom of the God was located.

Without any waiting, the goddess fiercely poked out her white and tender little hand, and then ruthlessly punctured the light spot in the lattice in her eyes.

Accompanied by a low roar, a vast amount of divine power gushed from her fingertips to instill it into the light spot hidden in the void.

In the next moment, the light spot exploded, and then expanded and evolved rapidly. However, during breathing, the light spot hidden in nothingness evolved into a small six pointed star array.

In the eyes of kukas below, he only saw the goddess stabbing into the void with one hand, and then a six pointed star Dharma array quickly emerged from the broken void.

"Bad!" the secret female mage cried out. She didn\'t know the suppression of the killing scroll on the transmission of space. She was anxious when the goddess wanted to leave here.

"I will remember you." the goddess raised her small mouth slightly, looked calmly at kukas and the secret female mage, and whispered, "I hope you can smoothly return to the abyss alliance, so that we may meet on the front line. But I think it is more likely that we will meet in this plane. At that time, I hope you are still alive."

"Especially you, knight. I\'m very interested in your head. Hehe, I\'ve never collected the head of a knight like you!"

"Ha ha! I hope everything is the same as you imagined. Well! But what I want to tell you is that your imagination may not be consistent with the development of things." kukas raised his mouth slightly and smiled strangely: "if I were you, I would give up all resistance."

The divine light under the goddess\'s feet flickered constantly, and a large amount of divine light was instilled into the sunken space around her, and then countless defense prohibitions were allowed to grow in the sunken space to resist the impact of the more powerful breath.

The goddess disdained kukas\' words, but as a God, she would not show her disdain to a low-level professional.

Bai Nen\'s finger made a virtual point at kukas. The next moment, kukas sensed an extremely vague killing intention.

The killing intention easily passed through the legendary array and hit his position.

The secret female mage on one side didn\'t notice these at all, because the killing intention was too vague. If he didn\'t have the talent of killing, kukas wouldn\'t notice it.

However, his talent was too sensitive to killing intention, so he felt it at the moment when the goddess pointed at him.

There was no time to think about how the obscure killing intention entered the Dharma array through the endless killing breath. He just subconsciously shook his body and pulled the secret female mage to move more than a hundred feet away.

Before he could stand still, he saw a big pit appeared out of thin air where they first stood, the surrounding space was distorted and broken, and a space crack of seven or eight feet in size appeared. Although it was immediately soothed and calmed by the halo from the legendary Dharma array, kukas was still afraid.

Alone, an obscure killing intention can easily tear up the space. Such a result made him unable to accept for a time. Moreover, when the other party releases the killing intention, it is released under the package of killing breath, which makes him have a new understanding of the power of gods.

The secret female mage didn\'t know what had happened. When she perceived the danger, the broken space had already healed.

"What a powerful means." looking at the goddess who was surrounded by the smell of killing for seven or eight breathing times in the sky, kukas couldn\'t help sighing.

The goddess in the sky frowned slightly, but her mind did not focus on kukas. Therefore, she just frowned and stepped into the transmission array that she pointed out, trying to leave this position that made her feel strange.

At this time, the goddess was extremely afraid of the killing breath around her. After all, her real body was sleeping in the kingdom of God, but because of a mind, she was forcibly pulled into this plane by these breath. In her understanding, no legend and God could do it, even with the help of plane props or legendary vanity treasures. After all, her kingdom is too far away from this plane.

Just stepping on the transmission array, a strong sense of danger suddenly appeared in the goddess\'s heart. Careful induction, the strong danger is transmitted from the transmission array.

"Damn it." the goddess lost her temper for the first time. She retreated in horror and wanted to step back from the teleportation array. Since she created her own kingdom of God, she has never felt such a strong sense of danger. At this time, she felt it because of a transmission array. How can she not be frightened and puzzled?

The goddess retreated quickly, but no matter how fast she was, she couldn\'t match the power released from the transmission array.

A golden ribbon emerged from the transmission method array. The golden ribbon did not emit any breath and fluctuation, just like the ordinary golden ribbon used by ordinary people in the transmission method array.

The light band twined around the goddess in an instant, wrapping half of her body on the six pointed star Dharma array.

The next moment, before the goddess reacted, the light band suddenly contracted.

I don\'t know how many years the body hardened under the light band was like a doll made of earth, and it was twisted and cut into dozens of fragments of endless size by the light band in an instant.

The white and tender thighs, towering * *, slender arms and small waist all fell off from the goddess.

The golden divine blood was sprayed out and scattered in the air into huge fireballs falling down. The broken limbs did not return to the goddess to heal again as before, but sent out a gray black smell of death in the air and fell down into strange pieces of metal or expanding peaks.

The towering * * evolved into a rare magic metal in the air. The magic metal fell downward. When it was about to fall on the earth, it had evolved into a mother ore hundreds of feet in size.

The huge mine mother fell to the ground, smashed out a pit thousands of feet deep, and the surrounding earth and rock rolled down. In an instant, the huge magic mine mother was buried. Maybe it will be excavated and made into magic materials soon, or it will not be found until thousands of years later.

Blood burning fireballs fell into the magma. After swallowing the magma, those fireballs turned into a ferocious monster, then roared out of the magma and ran wildly on the earth. However, these monsters are too weak. When they walk on the earth, they are forcibly squeezed into meat sauce by the smell of killing for a short time, leaving one abstract pattern after another on the broken earth.

"Ah!" the goddess with only half a body was stunned. She never thought that she would end up like this if she just stepped into a transmission array.

Looking at the broken body evolving into various objects, she knew that those bodies were completely divorced from their own noumenon, otherwise they would never evolve into other things, but would roll back on themselves and quickly return to the original state.

"What\'s the matter? Why? It\'s impossible." the goddess cried out. Since she became a God, she has fought with countless powerful legends and gods and encountered countless dangerous and strange scenes, but she has never encountered such a phenomenon as now.