Abyss Knight

Chapter 650

"Nothing, the Comodo giant will solve him." the secret sorceress frowned slightly. She knew what kukas could detect. After all, she got the projection of the Comodo giant.

When she got this secret method in those years, she knew that after the body of the Comodo giant completely became essence, it would be out of the control of the summoner. At that time, the Comorian giant will put down all his enemies and kill those who call him wholeheartedly. Only by killing each other can he really be free.

Comodo giants are very powerful, even if this projection is just one tenth of the essence.

The huge Comorian giant waved his stick and flew up and down, and hit the black priest in a strange arc in the air.

The spirit and mind occupied the body of the black robed priest, and countless divine arts were released by him in an instant without any prayer.

The holy light rose into the sky and turned into a flame around the black robed priest. Within a radius of hundreds of feet, all are shrouded by the flame like holy light. Both buildings and creatures are evaporated in an instant.

The stick broke the magic, and countless pieces of magic were scattered in the imperial capital, breaking holes in the earth. Some of the pieces were controlled by the black robed priest and flew towards the place where kukas was located.

The power of overlaying the ground was continuously displayed, and the surrounding explosion continued, the space was distorted, the thunder and fire burst, and the earth rolled endlessly.

At first, kukas didn\'t pay attention to the fragments of magic, but he didn\'t take it seriously until the power of land seal collided with the fragments.

It turned out that although those divine arts were fragments, the power of each fragment was comparable to the real divine arts released by the black robed priest himself.

Although the complete magic released by the black robed priest himself was very fast, it was more than twice as slow as the body occupied by the spirit.

A large number of fragments comparable to the complete magic shrouded from all directions, and kukas had to concentrate all his energy to deal with it.

The secret female mage ate dozens of pills in a row. After a little recovery, she also frantically released spells to help kukas resist the powerful power played by those magic fragments.

"Go!" to resist the fragments, kukas whispered and motioned the secret female mage to step back with him, trying to avoid the endless magic fragments.

But now the black robed caster is no longer himself. The spirit and mind occupying his body are too strong. No matter where kukas and them retreat, there are always a large number of fragments chasing after them, and they don\'t give them half a minute to breathe.

"Damn it." kukas\'s face grew ugly. He didn\'t expect that the gods who could compete with the legend should be so powerful. It was just that the aftermath of a struggle over a body controlled by an empty mind could force him to this point, which he couldn\'t accept at all for a time.

In his perception, legend is just a little more than the means controlled by the eighth level professional, but the cruel reality has shattered all his previous fantasies.

Although he once participated in the war with three thousand legends in a plane, in such a war, he just felt the battle aftereffects of those legends thousands of miles away, and just saw a flash of light in the sky.

"Hehe, I was crazy in those days. But it\'s good. If I was crazy, I would be crazy. I can save my life." kukas frowned and thought wildly while resisting those magic fragments.

There are more and more magma and mountain rock giants outside the legendary Dharma array. Tens of thousands of feet tall giants only show their feet under the clouds. It comes from a million miles away, but it will soon reach the imperial capital.

Perhaps aware of the danger, the legendary Dharma array shrouded over the imperial capital sent out a harsh scream.

A large number of magic words, fighting words and divine words emerged from the earth and sky. These words were rolled back to the center of the Dharma array, where they gathered a bright and extreme light.

The words flow in the light group, and countless forbidden array structures rise and fall in it. When the giant hundreds of thousands of feet tall is about to arrive here, the light group bursts and splits into a strange flower.

The flowers bloom, the stamens emerge, and the stamens more than Zhang thick and thin fall off, turning into a streamer to pierce the giants in the distance.

After these stamens separated from the flowers, they crazily distorted the space and absorbed the gray smoke from the space. Each time a part of the smoke is absorbed, these stamen like beams become thicker.

One of the stamens has changed into a beam of light hundreds of feet thick after it has crossed the air for millions of miles. Where the light beam goes, some giants are touched, and instantly turn into stone statues standing on the earth.

The light beam with a thickness of more than 100 feet looks extremely thick, but compared with the giant with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet, the light beam is nothing more than a toothpick, or even thicker than its hair.

More than a hundred feet thick light beam hit the giant\'s big foot heavily, and then the light beam split and turned into smaller silk thread, which spread crazily along the giant\'s heel.

The light beam spread, and the giant with the size of tens of thousands of feet began to solidify slowly. However, in breathing time, the giant with the size of hundreds of thousands of feet that can easily crush a super city was condensed into a stone statue.

Exotic flowers swayed slowly in the center of the legendary Dharma array, and stamens flew out of them, and then wound around giants of different sizes.

All the giants above ten thousand feet turned into hard stone statues, while the giants below ten thousand feet directly exploded and turned into countless gravel scattered on the broken earth.

All the giants within a million miles were petrified by the stamens, and then the strange flowers slowly contracted, but after a breath, they recovered into a huge ball of light and slowly rolled up the upper reaches of the legendary array.

Perhaps he was aware of the giant\'s death, and there were bursts of dull thunder in the golden clouds in the sky. The clouds fell, and the violent and deadly threat poured down from them. The pressure condensed into substance fell, and the giant stone statue below 100000 feet was like yellow sand, slowly turned into a pile of dust and scattered on the earth.

The magma in the earth crack rolled back into the deep earth, where it caused a series of explosions. Although more magma intended to rush down and up, it was forcibly suppressed by the pressure.

The pressure condensed into substance gently touched with the legendary Dharma array.

It was just the collision of pressure. The legendary Dharma array seemed to be completely violent. Dozens of vague figures jumped out of the huge rolling ball. These figures rose into the sky, turned into pillars of light, woven into a simple grinding plate in the air, and then turned upside down to meet the pressure from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Bursts of thunder sounded, dozens of grinding plates for the evolution of fuzzy human figures continued to fall under the pressure of condensing into essence, and the huge grinding plates quickly collapsed and melted under the pressure.

"It\'s impossible."

The breath on the black priest fighting with the Comodo giant fluctuated violently. Without any expression, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Dozens of legends couldn\'t resist the pressure of the falling breath in the cloud with their full strength. What kind of magic is this?" the black robed priest, who was occupied by the spirit, stood stunned in the sky.

The huge stick severely beat him, instantly tore all his divine defense, and directly beat the body of the black robed priest into fly ash scattered in the sky.

A golden light rose into the sky. The golden light instantly penetrated the legendary Dharma array and planned to tear the space and return to his own body.

However, just as the Comorian giants were about to pursue, a sad cry for help suddenly came out of the golden light.

I saw the pressure under the golden cloud wrap the golden light and shrink constantly, but the breathing time stubbornly wiped out the spirit\'s mind.

A fist sized hole appeared in the place where the spirit\'s mind was polished, and a force went along the hole and drilled in.

Under the surprised gaze of kukas and the secret female mage, after just three or two breathing times, the fist size hole was fiercely expanded to the size of an adult. The next moment, a woman with holy golden light all over shook out.

"This is the God just now." after the woman tumbled out of the crack, kukas\'s killing talent immediately perceived the similarities of their breath.

"Ah!" the goddess was forcibly pulled from the far end of the endless void, and her heart was terrified. At this time, after seeing that he was pulled to this plane, the panic in his heart became more intense.

"What the hell is this? Who is plotting against me?" the goddess shouted wildly, because she never thought that her body sleeping in the kingdom of God was forcibly pulled here. It was the first time she had heard of such a strange means.

"I don\'t know if this God can resist those threats." kukas looked at the goddess who kept releasing countless magic skills to wrap herself in the sky. The corners of his mouth couldn\'t help twitching a few times, and then he smiled ferociously.

"It should be! After all, she is a powerful God." the secret female mage said with some uncertainty.

"If she is really strong, how can she be dragged here by a force of coercion? Ha ha, I think the real bodies of the gods are sleeping in the kingdom of God. The coercion not only wants to tear her kingdom defense, but also wants to pull her here across the infinite void. I think this power is not comparable to legends and gods." kukas laughed "You know, these threats are the things in the killing scroll!"