Abyss Knight

Chapter 649

Kukas did not pay attention to the crazy roar of the black priest. His mind was shocked by the roar of the black bear.

You should know that although the black bear is a finriel magic bear, which belongs to the fierce beast in ancient times, its strength is low now. According to normal conditions, it can speak only after the magic bear has legendary power, but at this time, it roars under the attack of the black priest.

The heart is surprised, but the action on the hand doesn\'t stop for half a minute. The power of ground cover seal was displayed one after another. The strong fighting spirit hooked the surrounding space distortion. The glorious power in that ancient era was once again displayed in the endless void at this moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang! There was a loud explosion. Under kukas\'s crazy attack, the holy power prayed by the black priest was not enough to quickly make up for the cracks in the holy light ball. In a short breathing time, the crack on the light ball completely spread to the whole sphere.

The finrier demon bear waved its claws in the light ball and mercilessly pierced the black robed priest. Each attack quickly wiped out most of the holy power and divine defense prayed by the black robed priest.

Under a series of critical attacks, only the black robed priests were beaten, and the holy forces were scattered around, which was in danger of being completely destroyed at any time.

In the distance, the Comodo giant roared up to the sky, and one tenth of his body had condensed into reality. Thunder and lightning fell on his head, and most of his power was forcibly swallowed up by him.

Just as the secret sorceress was about to control the Comodo giant to continue attacking the black robed priest, kukas\'s ground seal finally broke the holy light ball wrapped outside the other party\'s body.

Boom! With a dull sound, the huge holy light ball broke like glass, and large pieces of holy power scattered in the air. Some of these holy forces scattered and fell to the ground. Unexpectedly, they forcibly recovered the broken bodies and completely cured the injured people.

No one noticed this. At the moment when the light ball around the black priest was broken, kukas\'s body appeared directly behind him.

The thick palm, like two sharp claws, crossed the void left and right, and caught the black robed priest\'s chest and neck in an instant.

The divine light was too weak compared with kukas\'s overburden seal. The strong ash forced to tear those divine defenses, and then pierced his back heart and neck.

"If you want to imprison my soul, you don\'t have that ability." kukas smiled grimly and tried to tear off the head of the black priest.

An extremely ancient divine language came out of the mouth of the black robed priest. After the divine language came out, his body dried up like a dead tree for a long time.

When the black robed priest dried up, the silver blood falling from him evaporated out of thin air. Every drop of blood evaporated, the holy golden light falling from the void increased by one point.

A large number of holy golden lights fell and healed his wounds almost instantly. The broken chest healed and pushed the palms of the magic bear and kukas out of his body.

"Dying struggle? Did I let you struggle? Did I let you live?" kukas was worried when he saw this situation on the black robed priest.

When his mind turned, the demon bear appeared under him again, and then under the action of the secret method, the two quickly merged together.

Combined with one-third of the body of the magic bear, kukas\'s fighting spirit soared several times in an instant. Endless power was released from the depths of his body. His already huge body soared by more than three circles under the urging of the power instilled by the magic bear.

The fist the size of a casserole was like a meteor. It crossed a strange arc in the air. Countless fighting words condensed from his arm, and then hit the black robed priest\'s head around his fist.

One punch down, forcibly tore the holy golden light, and then burst the head of the black priest.

However, before kukas could take back his fist, the broken head healed in an instant. The repulsive force generated by the healing forcibly bounced his arm aside.

Narrowed his eyes, a trace of fierce light leaked out: "resurrection? I want to see if your resurrection secret is powerful or my means is powerful."

The mind turned, and the huge fist hit the black robed priest\'s head again. This time, although he still blew the priest\'s head, kukas noticed that the other party\'s head was a little stronger when he last blew it.

Similarly, the broken head healed again before he took back his fist. Strong repulsive force, his arm rebounded and felt a trace of pain.

The fist flew and hit it one after another. In less than a breath, the head of the black robed priest was blasted dozens of times by kukas.

The last time he broke the black priest\'s head, kukas felt as if he had been hit on a hard magic shield. The powerful impact force directly hurt his fists that had been cultivated for thousands of times.

The flesh and blood on the fist rolled back, revealing Bai Sen\'s bones. And the dry head of the black priest still recovered.

"Humble creature, are you hurting me?" a voice without any emotion rang from the mouth of the dry black priest. With the sound, dozens of magic skills burst out on the dry body of the black robed priest. These magic arts formed defense and attack, hit kukas hard, and instantly drove him out of a distance of more than 100 feet.

Flying backwards for more than a hundred feet, kukas not only lost his face, but also suffered a lot of damage to his body. A body of bones, under the rebound of the divine skill, were forcibly destroyed by more than one-third.

When his mind turned, thirteen burning black flags emerged from his back. The black flags fluttered, and countless patterns rolled out from them. He began to distort the space on his back, intending to hook the infinite plane source to repair his body.

However, the mind turns and the black flag flutters, but there is no hook, and a large number of plane origins appear. For a moment, he couldn\'t think about what caused it. He hurriedly urged the fight to recover his body, took out the pills and swallowed a few quickly.

His face was unsightly suspended in the air, staring at the dry black priest, but kukas was in a terrible mood.

In front of him, the smell from the black robed priest was completely changed, and the smell of ruthlessness, indifference and contempt came out of him. These smells were not found in the former black robed priests.

"Coming? Are you the God?" kukas sneered, looked at the black priest with disdain and asked.

"Humble creatures, do not bow down to the ground when they see the gods?" the black robed priest scolded kukas with an expressionless face. With the golden holy light constantly scattered on him from the void, the dry body is recovering rapidly at an extremely abnormal speed.

In the eyes of the black robed priest, a trace of holy golden light appeared. Those golden lights were outlined as an altar, on which a vague figure knelt, praying in a low voice.

"What are you? It\'s just a projection of the evolution of my mind. You want me to bow down to you? You\'re not qualified." kukas sneered with an ugly face. He found that the recovery rate of his broken bone was too slow, even with fighting spirit and drug effect. Because the magical power that resisted him had already drilled into his body with the help of the explosion of the meeting.

These broken magical powers evolved into small prohibitions in his body, and then blocked the fighting spirit repair in his body. Although the power of these prohibitions is not too strong, it is not easy to erase them all in a short time.

For the first time, kukas noticed the trouble brought to him after losing the original power of the plane. Although it was only a moment, some decisions flashed in his mind.

"You are looking for death." the black robed priest, who was occupied by the spirit and mind, scolded expressionless. However, before he could move, a nearby secret sorceress appeared next to kukas and controlled the Comodo giant to rush at the black priest.

The Comodo giant gave a low roar, and some reluctantly rushed to the black robed priest who was occupied by the spirit and mind. The giant roared, waved a huge stick and hit the other party hard.

"How are you?" the secret female mage took kukas in one hand and blessed him with several simple healing spells.

Those healing spells fell on kukas, but the Haoguang flickered a few times, and then they were abruptly erased by the divine magic prohibition hidden in his body.

"Damn it." they cursed in a low voice at the same time.

The secret female mage backhanded took out a silver scroll from the magic ring and unfolded it. A holy column of light flew out of the scroll and landed on kukas.

The light column slowly integrated into his body, but it cooperated with kukas\'s fighting spirit and quickly polished the divine magic prohibition hidden in his body.

"He was occupied by the spirit\'s mind. I\'m afraid the situation was a little bad." kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the more solid Comodo giant and the black robed priests who released one magic barrier after another. His mood became a little worse.

Even if the secret sorceress did not mention the change of the Comodo giant, he was keenly aware of it. In his opinion, if nothing happens, the Comorian giant will eventually bite them back, the secret sorceress who summoned him.