Abyss Knight

Chapter 648

"Here we go." kukas just disdained the cry of the female soldier\'s head. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the killing scroll is, it can not completely kill him. After all, he has a plane origin for resurrection. Even if his soul is wiped out, he can resurrect again with the help of the original power in the burning plane.

More than 100 breathing times have passed since the female soldier crushed the killing scroll.

The golden clouds in the sky sank hundreds of feet, and the violent pressure emerged out of thin air. Through the legendary Dharma array, kukas saw that the space within his sight was strangely distorted.

Dozens of thousands of tall ridges rushed towards the imperial capital from a distance. Further away, thousands of ridges twisted like poisonous snakes and wriggled madly on the earth.

The earth rose like a moving mountain. Bursts of roar penetrated the legendary Dharma array from the outside and appeared in the imperial capital. After hearing the roar, some ordinary people can\'t bear the impact of this sound. Either their internal organs are broken or their whole head is blown apart.

Dozens of ridges more than a thousand feet high hit the legendary Dharma array shrouded in the imperial capital. Boom! In the bursts of loud noise, it bulged and broke, and tens of millions of boulders burst open, like raindrops hitting the defense formed by the legendary array.

For a time, countless streamers emerged. These streamers wrapped around the boulders, but in a moment, they wiped out thousands of boulders into nothingness.

In the twisted void, countless gray smoke constantly filled the legendary Dharma array when * * * responded to the operation of Dharma array.

The prohibition of crystal structures is based on the thirteen awn star, and then spread around. Or erase the boulder, or polish the uplift, or smooth the void.

The violent magic power erupted in the most central area of the imperial capital. A magic light column hundreds of feet thick rose from the earth and then instilled into the thirteen awn star array in the sky.

Countless magic words emerged from under the earth, and each magic word was the size of a grinding plate. These magic words include common magic words, ancient magic words, dragon language, abyss language and other strange words.

A large number of magic words flew into the sky, like rolled snowflakes, all falling in the thirteen awn star array in the sky.

After the magic words were integrated into the 13 awn star Dharma array, countless words of fighting spirit and divine power floated up from the ground and followed those magic words.

The legendary Dharma array operates, and dozens of thick and thin chains extend from it. These chains continue to spread around and beat hard on those thousands of feet of tall earth uplift.

Like a mountain, the earth uplifted and collapsed in an instant under dozens of Zhang thick chains. The rocks turn into nothingness, and all kinds of minerals contained in them are wound and absorbed by the chain, further increasing the power of the chain.

The earth trembled, and cracks thousands or even tens of thousands of feet deep burst out on the earth outside the imperial capital. Magma flows out like a flood, ravaging the whole earth madly.

"Roar!" accompanied by a strange cry, countless earth bulges burst out, and then a giant came out of them.

The most frustrating of these giants are thousands of feet high, and the higher ones are tens of thousands of feet in size.

Within the sight of kukas, thousands of uplifts burst, and the giants who came out of them walked wantonly on the earth with sticks. However, most giants walked towards other places. They destroyed all the creatures they saw, and only a few giants surrounded the emperor.

Every step these giants took, the earth trembled violently. Some giants fell into the crack, then quickly climbed out of it, and then became magma giants, carrying the weapons of magma condensation and moving forward.

After they walked, magma pools hundreds of feet in size appeared on the earth. These magma pools were all formed by the footprints of giants.

The giants shouted, their voice turned into lightning, and their breath turned into a hurricane. Where they went, the space was broken, and black turbulence flew out of the broken space, and then swam freely in the sky.

A black turbulence hit the defense prohibition of the legendary array. Just for a moment, thousands of layers of defense prohibitions were torn apart. If there were not dozens of chains winding around, the black turbulence would tear the whole defense out of a hole.

Tens of thousands of feet tall giants came step by step from a distance. They waved sticks taller than the mountains in the air. Countless black turbulence came out of the cracks and wound around the sticks, frantically crushing all the objects in front of them. Even other giants born like it are no exception.

The changes outside the imperial capital not only attracted kukas\'s attention, but also the black robed priest who was fighting with the Comodo giant became dementia for a time.

"Damn it, what\'s the matter?" he looked up at the crazy rotating legendary Dharma array in the sky, and then saw the slightly creeping golden clouds on the Dharma array, countless land bulges in the distance and magma giants. The black robed priest was completely confused for a time.

"How could this happen? Did the people of the abyss alliance invade this plane on a large scale? But this plane is the rear plane in the gate of heaven. No matter how capable the people of the abyss alliance are, they can\'t send such powerful giants to come to this plane to kill!" ideas flashed in the mind of the black robed priest, and then he rejected them in an instant.

At the moment when the black priest was distracted, kukas noticed his flaw.

The figure was blurred. The next moment, the bald evil man appeared directly above the side of the big ball of the black robed priest, where there was a slight flaw detected by the killing talent.

Cover the ground!

The strong and violent pair sprayed out of the palm, distorted the surrounding space, and then beat it on the flaw.

The Holy Light splashed everywhere and his fighting spirit was broken. Kukas hit with all his strength, but he burst a fist sized hole in the holy light ball.

The black bear, who was connected with his mind, gave a low roar. His body more than three feet high shrank to the size of a palm, and then turned into a streamer. He instantly drilled into the hole, and then appeared directly in the back heart of the black robed priest.

The sharp bear claw easily tore the magic defense of the black robed priest, and then pierced him hard, grabbed the heart and pinched it.

"No!" the black robed priest did not expect that he was distracted and was secretly attacked. For a time, he couldn\'t accept this result, so he was in a turmoil. He fiercely abandoned the Comodo giant in front and turned to deal with kukas and his black bear mount.

The black robed priest grabbed the blood flowing from his body, threw it into the air and spoke out several ancient divine texts.

The divine text condensed the blood and evolved into a golden short spear, which ruthlessly pierced the black bear\'s throat.

The violent force carried the black bear and hit the holy light wall. The holy light was madly injected into its body and wantonly destroyed all objects in its body.

"Roar!" the golden spear of the black priest pierced his throat, and the tyranny hidden in the black bear broke out completely because of the injury.

It was originally a fierce beast with the same blood as the finrier wolf. It was ferocious by nature. Now it was hurt by people. Stimulated by the blood, the tyrannical mood completely affected the soul fragments of kukas.

The palm sized finriel demon bear screamed, and his body suddenly soared to three feet in size. The huge bear paws talked, and a trace of black smoke wrapped around the bear claws, and then shot down at the black robed priest.

The holy light ball around the black robed priest shrank violently, and a large number of holy light split from the light ball and turned into chains to quickly wrap the fenlil magic bear. At the same time, the golden spear piercing its neck suddenly exploded.

Under the power of magic, the exploding golden spear turned into small gold needles. Some pierced the black bear\'s head, and some formed a strange pattern and fell towards the black bear\'s heart.

The violent explosion ripped more than half of the neck of the finrier magic bear, and even the extremely hard cervical spine was ripped into a large bone. Such pain made the magic bear more irritable.

"Roar!" with the roar of the magic bear, the gold needle pierced its mind and heart. The void cracked, and the golden divine power poured out of it, and then wound around the magic bear to completely wrap it.

The breath of the fierce beast was aroused from the depths of the blood, and the evil breath condensed into essence formed a giant bear in the sky behind the finrier magic bear. The giant bear projection waved a huge bear\'s paw and beat it on the magic bear\'s head and back heart.

Boom! With the magic bear as the center, the space within a few meters was suddenly broken, and the violent power was instilled into the magic bear\'s body from the giant bear\'s phantom.

Countless gold needles flew back from the demon bear in an instant and hit the holy light ball around, leaving thousands of small holes in the light ball.


A tyrannical roar came out of the devil bear\'s mouth. The devil bear\'s claws stretched out, and the black gas wrapped around it, forming five sharp short thorns, and grabbed it hard at the head of the black robed priest.

At the same time, kukas outside the light ball continued to beat his backhand on the holy light ball.

The power of overlaid seal was forcibly gathered together by him, and in a short moment, it hit the flaw of the light ball twice in a row.

Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by two muffled sounds, cracks appeared on the holy light ball that could not be destroyed. The cracks expanded and broke a little bit like that.

"No!" the black robed priest shouted. He prayed frantically and begged his God to lower more holy power to repair his secret law: "I will kill you, and I will keep your soul imprisoned in the divine fire for hundreds of millions of years."