Abyss Knight

Chapter 647

Small thunder and lightning chopped down at kukas. As soon as these thunder and lightning appeared over them, they were resisted by the female warrior head thrown out by kukas.

With each chop of lightning, the female soldier\'s head gave a sad cry. After seven or eight thunder and lightning came down, the female soldier\'s head was cut by lightning and reduced by half. The skull opened to reveal the white brain.

"Ha ha! Little bitch, how does it feel?" the backhand caught the female soldier\'s head in front of him, and kukas grimly smiled: "don\'t you want to avenge your brother? Then why do you want to help me resist the legendary array? Ha ha! Interesting! But don\'t worry, I won\'t let you die like this."

"Let\'s go!" the secret sorceress in kukas\'s arms muttered in a low voice after watching the light ball of the black priest collide with the Comodo giant she had made.

"Go? Go there? Now we\'re trapped here. There\'s a legendary Dharma array on it. Outside, the power of the killing scroll covers thousands of miles. Can we get there? It\'s too late. The power of the killing scroll is about to be fully displayed." kukas stretched out his hand and pointed to the golden clouds floating in the sky, sneering with dissatisfaction: "If you hadn\'t pestered here, we wouldn\'t be trapped here."

"Are you resenting me? I remember you never resented others before." the secret female mage was a little stunned. She looked at kukas in surprise and her voice was extremely low.

"Really?" kukas narrowed his eyes and threw his eyes into the sky. He was not in the mood to entangle with the secret female mage. Now his main energy was focused on the golden clouds in the sky outside.

In his opinion, when facing the killing scroll, the more than a dozen high-level professionals did not defend or find a way to crack it, but turned around and ran away. All this shows that the power contained in the killing scroll is powerful.

If it weren\'t for the legendary array defense in the sky, his mind couldn\'t go out to detect the situation, otherwise he wouldn\'t mind risking to feel those golden clouds.

"What is the killing scroll? I\'ve never heard of it." the secret female mage saw kukas\'s unhappy face, so she sighed secretly and quickly changed the topic.

"It is said that there is a top existence. It is a powerful scroll made by using the neighbors of the legendary dragon as paper, the blood of the gods as ink, and the legendary spine as a writing tool." kukas touched his bare head, moved his mind, but dissolved the black bear mount integrated with his lower body.

The black bear fell off from his lower body and immediately turned into a black bear more than three feet tall and stood beside kukas. In fact, the black bear was controlled by his soul fragments. Therefore, standing there, the smell emanating from his body contained not only the unique tyrannical smell of wild animals, but also the same killing smell as kukas.

The secret female mage noticed the abnormality between them, but did not ask, but stood silently listening to kukas about the killing scroll.

"In ancient legends, the production of killing scrolls requires many extremely harsh conditions. In this endless void, there may not be one in ten million years." after gently tapping the bald head and organizing some language, kukas began to talk seriously.

"It is said that when the killing scroll appears, all living creatures within thousands of miles will die. Within the scope covered by the scroll, no matter legends, gods or giant animals, they will all turn into nothingness."

"In the area where the killing scroll is rampant, it will become a restricted area for all creatures. Few creatures can survive in it."

"You mean we\'re all going to die?" the secret female mage looked up at the golden clouds in the sky and smiled in a low voice: "ha ha, it\'s a good choice to die with you."

"No, I won\'t die. I want to live." kukas tightened his mouth, looked at the golden clouds in the sky and smiled. "It\'s probably not a bad thing to be delayed by you. At least there is a legendary array here. Maybe the legendary array can resist the power of killing scrolls."


"Yes, what? Are you worried? Hehe, the Comodo giant you summoned is also a strong creature. Maybe he can resist the power of the killing scroll." while talking, kukas focused on the battlefield not far away.

On the battlefield dozens of miles away, the virtual shadow of the black priest and the Comodo giant has been killed.

The struggle between the two has destroyed 1% of the area of such a large imperial capital. A large number of ordinary people have been killed by the aftermath of their struggle, and countless dignitaries have died. Some low-level professionals who may do something in the future have died in this way.

The sacred light ball rolled over in the air. The Comodo giant kept waving his fist and hitting it. He even pierced his hands into the light ball and tore and wrestled with tightness in his chest, but it had no effect.

The more the fight, the more crazy the Comodo giant became. When kukas watched their fight, the Comodo giant reached out and grabbed the light ball called by the black robed priest and threw it into the sky. The light ball hit the legendary Dharma array in the sky and was immediately bounced back by those Dharma arrays.

And every time the ball of light collided, it ejected a column of light and hit the Comodo giant.

After these light pillars hit the Comodo giant, more than half of the powers were forcibly resisted by the Comodo giant, and a small part of the powers were forcibly absorbed by the giant to expand its own strength.

The black robed priest did not know that he believed in the God, but even stirred the endless holy light down, and with the passage of time, the falling holy light became more and more pure and powerful.

According to kukas, the Comorian giant was not fighting with an eighth order priest, but with a God.

The holy light turns into a strange magic, either blessing the giant of Comodo to weaken his strength, or blessing the black priest to increase his power.

"Their struggle will not end in a short time." the secret female mage looked along with kukas\'s eyes, then gently shook her head and muttered: "if I\'m not wrong, the priest\'s divine skill is actually a taboo secret method. After casting, either kill the enemy for a hundred years or be killed by the enemy."

"It\'s a pity that my land seal power can\'t be used here, otherwise it will save a lot of trouble to kill the priest." kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at the black robed priest hiding in the ball of light.

If the black robed priest hadn\'t been able to mobilize some of the powers of the legendary Dharma array, he would have killed the other party long ago. He wouldn\'t have delayed so long.

However, the legendary array is the legendary array. Even if the opponent can only mobilize one ten thousandth of the power of the array, it is still not something kukas can break.

"What trouble is not trouble? Wait a minute. The killing scroll power you said will be displayed. I\'m afraid all the trouble will go with the wind." the secret female mage smiled in a low voice. At this time, she also saw through some things, but her mood was much better than before.

"By the way, how did you find me?" she waved her scepter, released her magic defenses, and then resisted the small lightning from the legendary array in the sky.

"Ha ha, it\'s just the secret method of prophecy." kukas hesitated a little, and finally said quickly that he had found the secret female Mage: "it\'s a pity that I didn\'t predict that things would develop to the present situation."

"Why? If you knew that things would develop into this situation, would you leave?" the secret female mage was a little stunned, and then stretched out her white tender hand to gently sketch on kukas\'s chest.

The slender nails crossed the hard chest, and kukas felt a trace of killing intention. Although the killing intention was extremely weak and obscure, his killing talent was clearly sensed.

"Maybe!" a little dull, kukas shook his head and smiled in a low voice: "for the past is constantly changing. If I didn\'t directly find you at the beginning, maybe today\'s things wouldn\'t happen."

"There are not so many possibilities." the secret sorceress suddenly sneered. She stretched out her hand and pointed to the black robed priest not far away. "Some things will change, but some things will never change. Just like my mind to destroy the imperial capital and the plane, even if it changes again in the future, I will never change this idea."

"Oh!" kukas murmured. His killing talent passed to him, and his killing intention became more and more powerful. In the end, the killing talent hidden in his fighting space began to fluctuate constantly, thus reminding his master of the danger. At this time, the faint killing intention of the secret female mage towards him disappeared.

"The power of the killing scroll is about to be displayed." kukas took a deep breath, grabbed the female soldier\'s head, raised it high, and then giggled: "the time is up, I will let you see my victory and your death."

"No one can survive. No one can survive in the area covered by the killing scroll." the head of the female soldier shouted wildly. Her hatred for kukas was too strong. At this time, she pinned all her hope of revenge on the scroll of killing that she accidentally obtained.

She believed that no one could escape as long as the scroll was broken.

"Ha ha! It\'s good to bury my brother with hundreds of millions of people."