Abyss Knight

Chapter 646

For the madness of the secret sorceress, kukas had no choice but to help her kill the black priest.

Although he tried his best, the black robed priest not only had powerful divine skills, but also could help with the legendary Dharma array. Therefore, kukas could not hurt each other in this imperial capital. However, by virtue of his land stamping power, he also forcibly suppressed the other party.

More than a thousand feet of pink giant completely condensed behind the secret female mage. It roared, reached out and grabbed the little giant condensed due to intersection, and then swallowed it.

Every time you eat a little giant, the giant shrinks. After swallowing all the little giants in three or five breathing times, its body of more than a thousand feet will shrink to no more than three hundred feet.

The breath emitted from the reduced pink giant became more huge, condensed into a substantive breath, which rose into the sky and hit the golden clouds overhead. The cloud wriggled and made bursts of thunder like explosions at the junction with the breath.

"Kill him." the secret sorceress stretched out her hand and pointed to the black robed priest. Her face was pale and shook her body in the air, so that she could fall from the air.

"Roar!" roared the giant, his body blurred for a moment, and then appeared in front of the black priest.

The huge fist was raised and hit the black priest wrapped in the holy light. With this punch, the holy light was broken, and countless fragments of divine magic and Dharma array defense were burst out in front of the black robed priest.

In front of the pink giant, the black priest was like a child facing an adult. He had no ability to dodge at all. He was hit dozens of miles away by this punch in an instant.

The legendary Dharma array shrouded over the imperial capital turned slowly, and a lightning with a thickness of tens of feet cut down fiercely from the top.

The lightning struck the head of the pink giant like a twisted poisonous snake.

"Boom!" with a loud noise, the thunder and lightning burst on the giant\'s head: the thunder and fire splashed, the space twisted, and the aftershock of the explosion hit the earth, instantly cracking the hard earth into a hole seven or eight miles in size.

Within the seven or eight mile size of the pit, all other creatures disappeared except kukas and the secret female mage.

And even though kukas and the secret female mage were not killed by the afterwave of lightning, they were also severely hit by the afterwave for hundreds of feet. Kukas was a little better, but his internal organs were damaged and he opened his mouth and vomited blood. The secret female mage is not so lucky.

She used the most powerful secret technique to condense the old pink giant, but the oil has run out and the lamp has run dry. She doesn\'t have much strength to defend against magic. Therefore, after being hit by the lightning afterwave of the legendary Dharma array at this time, his thin body was severely thrown out.

The limbs are broken, the neck is twisted, and the internal organs are almost completely broken. If I hadn\'t been an eighth level professional and had extremely strong life spirit, I\'m afraid I would have been shocked to death by the aftershock.

Before he could stand still, kukas forced his anger, blurred his body a few times, rushed to the secret female mage and picked up the deformed female mage.

Several precious pills were stuffed into the mouth of the secret sorceress. After quickly correcting her twisted limbs, she dragged the secret sorceress to fly in the opposite direction of the black robed priest.

The legendary Dharma array shrouded around the imperial capital chopped down thunder and lightning. These thunder and lightning hit the pink giant, shaking its body and even falling to the ground every time. However, the pink giant didn\'t know its origin. Under the lightning that no legend dared to fight hard, it looked as if it hadn\'t been hurt much.

The tall giant roared up to the sky. His hands beat the earth hard. In the violent explosion, the earth cracked and a mass of magma spewed out thousands of feet underground. Before the magma solidified, the pink giant reached out and grabbed it for a while, rubbed it, and then rubbed it out into a red short stick.

Perhaps he realized that his authority was being provoked, and the operation speed of the legendary Dharma array became faster and faster.

Several Zhang thick and thin lightning one by one hit the pink giant from all directions. For a time, it chopped the giant to the ground and couldn\'t stand up.

"Ha ha! Don\'t you two surrender at this time? You just want to resist the Dharma array made by thousands of legends with one summoned creature? What a delusion!" after the black robed priest was punched out by the giant, although his life was not in danger, most of his bones were smashed by the giant\'s attack. Without the defense of secret magic and legendary Dharma array, he doesn\'t know whether he can live or not.

Looking at some crazy black robed priests, kukas frowned slightly, but his heart increased greatly. Just as he was about to speak, the secret female mage who was paralyzed in his arms smiled softly.

"Cluck! Do you think the ancient Comorian giant would be killed so easily? Ha ha! Although this is just a projection of the Comorian giant, the legendary Dharma array you expect can\'t stop him at all." the secret female mage\'s laughter is extremely strange. She seems to be stimulated by something, Nervously, the pink giant wrapped in endless thunder and fire shouted: "this is just a defensive legendary array, which is not specially used for attack. Ha ha! No one can resist the power of the Comodo giant."

"I want all the creatures in your position to die and become a sacrifice to compensate me over the years." the secret female mage laughed wildly in kukas\'s arms.

Comodo giant?

When kukas heard this word in the mouth of the secret female mage, all kinds of knowledge obtained in the past flashed in his mind.

Pictures flashed through his mind for a long time, and he had not heard of the existence of such a giant. Obviously, although the name of the giant is very old, it is still very young compared with the evil knight and the ghost cry knight. Because only the creatures that appeared after the demise of these two knights, kukas had no records in his mind.

Perhaps aware of kukas\'s doubts, the secret sorceress whispered and smiled and transmitted the information about the giant to his mind.

The Comorian giant is not too old now. It has only died out of the endless void for 100 million years.

It is said that this giant was not born naturally from any plane of the endless void, but a puppet creature imitated by some powerful beings in order to explore the powerful existence of the bloody giant.

The imitated puppet creatures were very normal at first, but later, with the passage of time, the minds of the Comorian giants gradually became confused, and finally became the same as some empty Monsters: devouring powerful creatures and planes. Even the master who created them was frantically devoured by these giants.

It was the Comorian giants who lost control, so they were completely destroyed by some powerful organizations and forces.

Now the secret female mage doesn\'t know how to get it. She even got the secret method of calling the projection of the Comodo giant. Now she is determined to completely destroy this plane.

You know, although the Comorian giant is only a projection, with his killing and swallowing, the projection will become an entity. At that time, killing legends and gods was just a matter of breathing.

When kukas checked the information about the Comodo giant, the giant\'s projection slowly stood firm under the attack of the legendary French array.

He roared up to the sky, waved the stick of magma condensation in his hand, and beat it hard on the tens of feet thick lightning. The lightning was broken, and then the giant reached out and grabbed the broken lightning, put it into his mouth and ate it clean.

Every time you swallow some lightning, the projection of the Comodo giant solidifies.

"It\'s impossible. No one can survive in the legendary Dharma array. Yes, it must be your reason." the black robed priest who was expelled more than ten miles away whispered. Finally, he stretched out his finger and pointed to the secret sorceress in kukas\'s arms and shouted wildly: "only kill you, this illusory projection will disappear. Ha ha! I\'ll kill you."

While talking, the black priest began to pray loudly.

A holy light fell from the sky and enveloped him, forming a huge holy light ball. The ball of light was tens of feet in size. After wrapping the black robed priests, it rolled towards kukas and them. At the same time, in the legendary Dharma array in the sky, there were small thunderbolts chopping down and crashing down at the head of the secret female mage.

The light ball rolls, and the space is distorted. Endless holy light emanates from the light ball and envelops the whole imperial capital.

The Holy Light mingled with the pink smoke first emitted by the secret female mage, making bursts of Zizi sound. However, during breathing, the pink smoke in the sky was dissolved in an instant.

The creatures controlled by desire woke up under the holy light. When they saw their situation, they all shouted in horror. However, some people broke out their inner ugliness after panic, and then continued to have crazy intercourse with the opposite sex around them.

The black robed priest\'s body in the light ball kept shrinking. The light ball only moved more than ten miles, and the black robed priest\'s body narrowed by about half.

Obviously, he paid a huge price for the exertion of this divine skill. However, in order to survive and kill his enemies, the black priest had nothing to do at this time. Because he found that the pink projection called the Comodo giant began to wave a huge stick at him. In his opinion, the powerful legendary French array did not work too well to restrain the Comodo giant.

After all, the legendary Dharma array is external defense, so the power of internal killing is too weak.