Abyss Knight

Chapter 645

It was with the idea of assisting the secret female mage that kukas rushed towards the imperial capital.

The secret sorceress over the imperial capital was fighting with a black priest. The holy light falls from the sky and turns into a sword or hammer to hit each other. Every time they collide with each other, the broken holy light will spread to ordinary people within a few miles below.

Kukas killed two high-level professionals separately from the secret female mage, and then came back to find the secret female mage. It was only dozens of breaths between them.

In these short dozens of breathing time, the whole imperial capital was destroyed by the struggle between the two people, with 1% of ordinary buildings destroyed.

Although the black robed priest was powerful, under the harassment of the secret female mage, he could not control the defense array of the whole imperial capital alone, which caused this situation.

However, it was he who could control part of the defense of the imperial capital. Therefore, the secret female mage did not have the upper hand in the struggle with him, but was being pressed all the time.

After some time, when the secret female mage was about to lose her support, kukas took the murderous spirit into the battlefield. It\'s just that she applied the ground covering seal, which immediately made the state of the secret female mage several times better.

The big hand flies up and down, and the power of covering the ground seal is constantly displayed. Each attack can break the defense array mobilized by the black priest. The secret female mage took the opportunity to attack each other.

Although it is the first time for them to cooperate, they have a very tacit understanding with each other. Often, as soon as kukas broke the other party\'s defense, the secret female mage\'s secret method was used.

"Damn lowly creatures, you will all be punished by the gate of heaven for your recklessness." while struggling to resist the joint attack of kukas and the secret sorceress, the black robed priest attacked them with words, but he wanted to disintegrate their fighting spirit from his heart.

"This is the position of the gate of heaven. Before long, a large number of experts will appear here. You\'d better surrender as soon as possible. At that time, I\'ll help you say good words, give you the status of a slave and save you from being a slave."

"Bad old man, don\'t you always want to sleep with me? Now I\'m here, you fucking sleep!" the secret female mage sneered. She waved her scepter and sent out pink beams of light.

Those pink pillars of light were smashed by the black robed priests, and then turned into endless red smoke to envelop the emperors below.

After a large number of ordinary people and low-level professionals inhaled the pink smoke, their * * suddenly soared countless times, one by one red eyes looking for different * * to close.

The most common slave was pushed to the noble lady and noble man he had expected countless times before, but to the old woman who didn\'t look at him on weekdays.

Chaos, where the red smoke shrouded the area, all the creatures went crazy. Morality, love, friendship and family affection all disappeared under the magic of the secret female mage. The imperial capital is full of culture and prosperity. In some regions, it even looks back on the oldest era, that era without any ideas.

With the intersection of the creatures, some pink smoke even gave birth to a vague image of giants.

These giant images were naked, naked, breast exposed, carrying huge sticks and sending out bursts of silent roars in the smoke. They devour the * * breath generated by the interaction of living creatures, constantly condense their bodies, and are ready to help the secret female mage send out earth shaking killings.

"Kill!" the secret female mage\'s small face tightened, and her Scepter flashed in the air like lightning. The remnant of the scepter outlined exquisite Dharma arrays in the air, and countless pink lights spread from the remnant of the warrant, and then condensed into strange magic words.

The magic words melted into the Dharma array and turned into magic attack forces to kill the black robed priest.

"Want to kill me? You don\'t have that ability." the black robed priest sneered. His hands held the sky, and holy light fell from the void and wrapped him firmly. After the attack of the secret female mage hit the holy light column, it was polished into nothingness in an instant.

"I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. Being a servant of the gate of heaven is better than struggling in the abyss."

The black priest continued to persuade kukas them, but he felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

The golden cloud in the sky has covered the whole empire, and the golden cloud has spread thousands of miles away at a speed tens of times faster than the limit of high-level professionals.

Cloud shrouded, even kukas and their high-level professionals were forcibly suppressed by some of the breath contained therein. In just a few breaths, three high-level professionals fighting each other in the air were forcibly suppressed to a place more than 100 feet high in the sky.

"Ha ha! I find that you people at the gate of heaven are so arrogant." kukas kept falling and opened his mouth with a vicious curse: "could it be that the gate of heaven taught you every day and turned you into a loyal slave? It\'s useless to guard an imperial capital like you!"

While talking, the bald evil man urged himself to fight, and one man resisted the black priest. The secret female mage also dispersed the original attack magic and wholeheartedly prepared her own killing moves.

Lots of red silk threads flew out of the secret female mage\'s small mouth. These silk threads rolled back and went into her eyes.

After swallowing the red silk thread, two octagonal star Dharma arrays appeared in the eyes of the secret female mage.

The Dharma array turned, and endless red light scattered from it. The red light covered the sky and the earth like a torrent, but it shrouded the whole imperial capital in a short breath.

A vague giant\'s virtual shadow condensed out on her back. Like the giant\'s virtual shadow condensed by pink smoke, the giant was flat chested and breast exposed, but there was an apron made of unknown animal skin around her waist.

The virtual shadow of the giant became more and more solid. In just three or two breaths, the giant\'s face was completely displayed in this world.

He was thousands of feet tall, hundreds of feet of hair floating in the air. The hair twisted, but it stubbornly held up thousands of feet of golden clouds suppressed in the sky.

The old and desolate breath emanated from him. The breath spread around him. It not only forcibly squeezed the buildings on the earth into ruins, but also revealed some forbidden Dharma arrays hidden in the sky.

"Boom!" there was a loud noise, and a deafening bell sounded in the imperial capital. With the bell, countless light columns of more than Zhang thick and thin flew out from all corners of the imperial capital.

These light pillars interweave in the air and form a huge thirteen awn star Dharma array in an instant. The Dharma array rotates slowly, and the space tens of thousands of miles outside the imperial capital is forcibly distorted with the rotation of the Dharma array. Gray turbulence flowed out of the twisted space. Before these gray turbulence spread around, they were forcibly accommodated by the thirteen awn star array.

"The legendary array."

After the appearance of the thirteen awn star array condensed by the light column, kukas felt the more powerful pressure on himself. These threats are not aimed at all the creatures in the imperial capital, but specifically at the non standard creatures.

In this way, kukas looked a little embarrassed when fighting with the black priest. After all, the black priest only needs to bear the pressure brought by the golden clouds in the sky. In addition, kukas has to bear the pressure and breath of the legendary French array and the female warrior\'s head wrapped around his chain.

"It\'s too late for you to understand." the black robed priest saw that the Dharma array in the imperial capital suddenly activated itself, and immediately guessed the specific reason: "ha ha! The legendary Dharma array arranged by thousands of legends will fall here even if legends come in, not to mention you garbage?"

"If you take refuge in the gate of heaven and become my slave, I can make this dharma array not attack you." the black robed priest Gaga smiled strangely.

At first, when he saw the secret female mage casting the killing secret, and saw the infinite pressure brought by the appearance of the strange giant virtual shadow, he suddenly felt a retreat. After all, the other party was casting the killing secret, and he couldn\'t come forward to destroy it because of kukas\'s entanglement, and he didn\'t have time to cast his own killing secret, so he couldn\'t resist the attack of the secret caster at all.

However, he did not expect that the legendary French array, which could not be fully started by him, would suddenly be inspired at this moment, which made him secretly relieved. But at the same time, she was afraid because the killing secret magic power displayed by the secret female mage was powerful.

The ugly face glanced at the secret female mage, but kukas complained in his heart. In fact, he also knew that the legendary Dharma array guarding the imperial capital must have been opened by the means of secret female mages.

Now that the Dharma array is open, he simply has no way to leave here by conventional means. The pressure brought by the golden clouds in the sky suddenly increased several times than the previous breathing time.

"Kill!" the secret sorceress didn\'t think of this at all. She took advantage of this opportunity to take crazy revenge on the black priest in front of her.

You know, during her more than 100 years in this position, she was rarely tossed by the black robed priest. Although he didn\'t suffer by his own means, he didn\'t dare to resist too much because of his identity. So I suffered a lot and suffocated. At this time, he wanted to take advantage of this chaos and vent all the unfair treatment he had received in the past.

The way to vent is to destroy the imperial capital that brought her bad memory and the people who humiliated her.