Abyss Knight

Chapter 644

The fierce fighting spirit raged around, but the thunder sound completely stunned the professionals around.

"Brilliant domineering fist? Are you a brilliant knight?" a high-level professional at the gate of heaven shouted. He had seen someone use his brilliant domineering fist before. It happened that when he used this killing secret method, his skill was the same as that of kukas.

"No, a knight without a dragon gun can\'t be called a brilliant Knight at all." someone shook his head and retorted.

"Ha ha! Interesting." the high-level professionals of the abyss alliance knew kukas\'s professional identity. At this time, they were not only surprised but even more curious to see that he could use the secrets of other knights.

"I\'ll kill you." the female soldier who used the magic scroll to flash screamed. She grabbed three or five precious high-level scrolls from her arms and crushed them. The magic light flashed on her. These magic powers not only quickly restored her consumption, but also added some auxiliary secrets to her.

"You don\'t have that ability." kukas smiled grimly, and the bear\'s paw broke through the void. The whole huge figure suddenly blurred, but in an instant, rushed to the female soldier.

The huge palm was raised like a grinding plate, and then patted on the female soldier\'s head.

"Kill!" the female soldier screamed, and the fighting spirit that had just recovered burst out madly from her body: the fighting spirit rose into the sky, and the strong breath centered on her spread wildly around.

The breath spread and distorted the space within a radius of tens of meters. Although these distorted spaces had no defense ability, they made kukas move a little slower.

It was only a little slow, but it gave the female soldier enough time to practice the killing secret.

"Weak, tired, deep sleep!" several ancient words came out of the female soldier\'s mouth. With her distorted voice, three auras emerged from her feet. These auras covered the area of more than a hundred feet, but wrapped kukas all at once.

Several auras wrapped around him. Kukas only felt a slight tremor, and then his mind was turbulent.

Weakness, deep sleep and fatigue, three different negative forces were added to him, which immediately reduced his strength by more than one tenth.

The blurred figure stagnated a little, and then became clear.

"Moon wheel." while kukas\'s speed slowed down, the female soldier\'s body quickly backed up. Her small white hands shook quickly in front of her.

A trace of fighting spirit flew out of her fingertips, and then outlined a six pointed star array in front of her.

With the appearance of the Dharma array, a desolate breath leaked out. Although this breath is extremely rare, it carries a strong pressure, and even other high-level professionals more than a thousand feet away feel extremely heavy pressure.

Kukas, who is closest to the female soldier, is under the greatest pressure. After being suppressed by the three aura forces, his strength suddenly decreased by more than one tenth. Although the decline of these strengths did not drop him to the eighth level, even a slight gap will change the final result when experts compete.

At this time, under the pressure of the ancient and desolate breath, he only felt as if he was oppressed by a powerful legend.

The body bounced strangely, and some fragile skin such as armpit and crotch were crushed directly under the pressure. At the same time, a strong virtual shadow appeared in his mind.

This virtual shadow is like a full moon, slowly solidifying in his mind, constantly absorbing his mind power and starting to grow.

With the growth of the full moon, his countless illusions appeared in his mind, but he was confused in a short time. For a time, he couldn\'t distinguish his current position.

The female soldier stabbed her hands into the six pointed star Dharma array in front of her, and then instilled a lot of fighting spirit into the Dharma array. After getting the fighting spirit instilled by her, the six pointed star array began to blur quickly, but in an instant, the shape of a full moon appeared between her hands. The full moon was the same as the full moon that appeared out of thin air in kukas\'s mind.

Just when the female soldier held the full moon high with both hands, kukas\'s killing talent began to convey a strong smell of danger to kukas.

The strong dangerous breath was released from the depths of his soul and instantly passed to his mind. Where the breath did, it seemed to freeze his mind completely.

This extremely cold dangerous breath instantly wrapped the whole mind. The image of the full moon just condensed in the mind was forcibly polished into emptiness under the package of this dangerous breath.

The strong chill in his mind instantly woke kukas up from the vision.

"Bitch, how dare you plot against me!" kukas was careless and calculated by the other party\'s secret method. Instead of looking for his own shortcomings, he resented the female soldier.

Shouting curses can\'t change the fact that the other party uses the killing secret. Because at this time, the female soldier\'s secret method has been put into practice.

A full moon appeared in her hands, and then she threw it at kukas like a fireball thrown by spell casters.

"Thousands of miles of smoke!" kukas smiled grimly, his body blurred, and disappeared in an instant under the control of the female soldier\'s breath and secret method.

A black light appeared in the place where he disappeared. The black light was only the thickness of the baby\'s fingers. It twisted and shook in the air. Just shaking, it tore the surrounding space into a black hole more than ten feet in size.

The twisted black light shook in the space black hole, and the full moon tore the black hole and hit the black light heavily.

There was no earthshaking explosion, no violent fighting, but only a cloud of black smoke broke out and spread.

The twisted black light penetrated the full moon in a slight strange sound, and then burst into a mass of smoke several feet thick, which immediately wrapped the female soldiers not far away.

"What a strange means. It seems to be a secret method that evil Knights have the ability to practice. How can it be used on him?"

The high-level professionals who temporarily stopped around lost their voice and screamed. No matter which side of the gate of heaven or the abyss alliance, all professionals were stunned by kukas\'s means.

"Damn it, what kind of knight is he? He can not only display the means of brilliant knights, but also the means of evil knights. I\'m afraid such a strange profession must be unique in the extremely ancient times."

"Kill him, such a powerful profession. If you don\'t kill him now, it will be more troublesome in the future."

More than a dozen minds and spirits communicated rapidly in the air. In just one breath, the professionals present, even those of the abyss alliance, also killed kukas.

In their view, kukas is just a professional who has just become an eighth level. If he grows up in the future, he will be more powerful if he has enough time.

It\'s not terrible to master the secrets of a knight type. What\'s terrible is that they worry that kukas will master the secrets of several or even dozens of Knight types. If that happens, I\'m afraid no one among all the professionals at the same level can be his opponent.

"Kill, such a powerful profession can never survive in the world." a high-level professional shouted in a low voice in the gate of heaven.

"Kill!" I don\'t know who shouted again. The professionals of the gate of heaven turned and killed kukas in the black smoke, but they are bound to kill the strange Knight here and don\'t give him any chance to grow up.

"If you want to kill him, you should pass Laozi first." just as the members of the abyss alliance were thinking about whether to cooperate with the enemy to kill their own strange knights or help the Knights resist the enemy, an evil man in the abyss alliance suddenly roared loudly.

"Why? The people at the gate of heaven want to kill our people. If we don\'t help, we still want to drop the stone?"

The big man roared, but he suddenly burst out with countless lights. The light rose into the sky and formed a silver light curtain around the big man.

With the expansion of the light curtain, a dragon sing sounded. The next moment, a black dragon tens of feet long tore the light curtain and rushed out of it.

The Dragon roared and waved its wings, and hurricanes flew out from under his wings and rolled around kukas. The hurricane was not intended to kill kukas, but to stop those at the gates of heaven.

"Do it for me and catch all the rubbish at the gate of heaven. I want to explode them one by one." the black dragon roared. Two red light pillars were sprayed from a pair of huge longans. The light pillars were wrapped around his dragon claws, forming a huge shield and a war knife.

Some people in the abyss alliance didn\'t want to help kukas, but when they saw the black dragon\'s hand, they had no choice but to help. This is not because they suddenly realize that their evil thoughts are wrong, but because the dragon is too strong. The strong dragon makes these professionals have to obey his orders.

The chaos war started again in the sky. The abyss alliance and the people of the gate of heaven fought again. This time, the forces of the abyss alliance gained the upper hand. All this was caused by kukas\'s sudden killing of a high-level professional of the gate of heaven.

When kukas used the secret method of thousands of miles of smoke and dust to wrap the female soldier, he noticed the thoughts of the high-level professionals around him. Although he had long known that his continuous use of other knight types of secrets would cause doubt, he had to use them in order to kill the female warrior in front of him.

Of course, after he practiced the secrets of other knights, he had already prepared for the worst. In his opinion, the most important thing is that the body and soul disappear, and then rise again in the burning plane.

If he died in this plane because of the abyss alliance, he decided that he would never join the abyss alliance after resurrection in the burning plane in the future, even if he waited in the burning plane for thousands of years.

Fortunately, the development of things was not so bad. When he turned into black smoke and found that a big man changed into a black dragon to help, kukas\'s mood suddenly relaxed.

"Gaga! Little bitch, don\'t live when your brother is dead. It saves you from missing your loved ones and living a stiff life." kukas, an evil man, is not a good man at all. He opened his mouth and sprinkled salt on the female soldier\'s heart: "or you can be my slave and contact me all day. It can\'t be said that you still have a chance to avenge your brother."

Kukas\'s voice floated around in the black smoke, so that the trapped female soldier couldn\'t find out his specific position, and then stared at the female soldier, looking for her flaws and preparing to kill with one blow.

The female soldier was besieged by kukas in the black smoke. No matter how she moved, the black smoke followed closely.

And with the passage of time, the black smoke began to smoke her fighting spirit crazily. Every time she absorbed some fighting spirit from her, she noticed that the black smoke around her became more and more thick.

Dozens of fighting Qi instantly cut out around. However, before those fighting Qi that condensed to the limit completely disappeared into the black smoke, they were completely absorbed by the black smoke.

The three auras trembled constantly. Although she urged her carefully selected three talents and abilities, at this time, when she could not touch the body of kukas, the talents and abilities seemed to be of no use at all.

However, she did not dare to put away her talent and ability, but was afraid that the hidden kukas suddenly jumped out to attack her.

Therefore, although the three talents and abilities consumed a lot of fighting spirit in every moment, she still insisted on opening them. After all, these three talents are too powerful, especially for melee professionals.

The killing methods gathered by fighting spirit were used. These fighting spirit hit the black smoke, but it was useless. But even so, the female soldier still didn\'t give up.

"Come out, you come out." the female soldier turned into a streamer and flashed quickly in the black smoke. She even crushed two moving scrolls, but she still didn\'t get out of the package of the black smoke.

In just seven or eight breaths, the female soldier\'s mood became more and more irritable. Because she noticed that the black smoke around her brought more and more pressure to her. Finally, she even felt that the black smoke was solidifying the whole space, and her talent aura was forcibly squeezed by the black smoke, constantly reducing the shrouded area.

"Ah!" after struggling, the female soldier finally gritted her teeth, but she grabbed a new magic scroll with her backhand.

After the magic scroll was taken out, kukas, who was hidden in the black smoke, left and felt a strong danger. This sudden strong dangerous smell was dozens of times stronger than the dangerous smell just passed to him by the killing talent.

"I want you to die." the female soldier grasped the magic scroll in her hand, and her beautiful face looked very ferocious because of hatred: "can\'t you hide? I see if you can hide the attack of this scroll; don\'t you have other knight means? I see if your means can resist its power."

The violent and dangerous breath was released from the scroll held by the female soldier. Although the released breath was only a trace, it still easily tore the black smoke evolved by kukas.

After drilling out of the black smoke of kukas, this breath broke directly in the void hundreds of feet high, and burst out a huge vortex in the space tens of feet around.

The fighting high-level professionals were shocked by the huge noise again. The breath was too strong. It burst and left a huge vortex in the air, but the broken breath still made those high-level professionals aware of it.

After feeling the broken breath, the black dragon and a high-level professional at the gate of heaven screamed, turned and ran away quickly.

Several professionals found that the most powerful of them fled to the distance. Although they didn\'t understand why, they followed them to the same distance.

At the gate of heaven, a professional pierces the void with both hands, then tears out a space crack and goes in sideways.

"Don\'t tear the space to escape." the black dragon in the abyss alliance roared loudly, not reminding the professionals at the gate of heaven, but afraid that the professionals on their own side would also tear the space to escape.

"Why?" the confused idea just came to some professionals, but they knew the result in an instant.

It turned out that at this moment, the breath of professionals who entered the space crack completely disappeared. Where he tore the space, he collapsed violently, and then suddenly restored calm.

However, all the high-level professionals present know that the collapsed space scene is not what happens when tearing the space crack under normal circumstances.

"Want to go? You can\'t run away." the female soldier in the black smoke besieged by kukas smiled nervously. She raised the scroll in her hand high and looked ferocious: "you all want to die. Why don\'t you kill the demon who killed my brother? Why don\'t you help me kill him? Since you don\'t help me, I\'ll let you all die, ha ha! Because only in this way can I kill the demon who killed my brother."

While talking, the female soldier made a little effort with her fingers, and then easily crushed the scroll in her hand.

The magic scroll made of the legendary dragon scale as paper, the blood of gods as ink, and the legendary spine as pen was broken under the eyes of kukas and more than a dozen high-level professionals who fled.

The broken scrolls did not all fall on the earth, but turned into pieces of golden light and flew in all directions.

The golden light seemed to fly very slowly, but in kukas\'s perception, although these golden lights were close at hand, their noumenon appeared thousands of miles away.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is just a space crack for high-level professionals, but now people see that the breath of high-level professionals who tear the space completely disappears, no one thinks they can use the crack to escape.

Relying solely on their flight speed, there is no way to appear thousands of miles away in a short time.

Some golden fragments fell on the earth and disappeared, but in kukas\'s perception, the earth below seemed to have extremely abnormal changes.

Dozens or even hundreds of feet high uplifts began to appear, magma gushed out, hurricanes generated, and endless breath of death poured madly into the world from the void.

"You are all going to die, devil, fall into the endless abyss with me!" the female soldier smiled grimly. She moved madly in the black smoke, but she wanted to find kukas\'s body.

"Scold the man next door and want me to die? Then I\'ll kill you first." the killing talent madly passed the danger of death to kukas, but at this time, he didn\'t run away like others, but decided to stay and kill the crazy female warrior first.

At first thought, he didn\'t care that the female soldier hid his back hand to deal with himself. As soon as he leaned over, he revealed his body from the black smoke, stretched out his hand and grabbed it at the female soldier\'s chest.

Cover the ground! It was still his most skillful practice of overlaying the ground. When this killing secret method was used, it should have stirred infinite thunder and fire and distorted the space, but at this time, I don\'t know why. After this powerful killing secret method only distorted the space a little, it was forcibly smoothed by the dead breath around. As for thunder and fire, there was no half of it.

The huge palm pierced the female soldier\'s chest, and the female soldier didn\'t avoid it, but took the initiative to meet kukas.

The fighting spirit transformed by the ground seal forcibly tore the fighting spirit armor on the female soldier, and then grabbed her heart and crushed it.

"The legendary killing scroll has been launched. No one can live. Ha ha! Die with me! I want to use your soul to tell my brother that his enemy is a poor little thing." the female soldier shouted madly, but took the opportunity to reach out and hold kukas tightly.

Bang! Kukas forced his arm hard and forcibly penetrated the female soldier\'s chest, and his thick arm was directly exposed on her back. The strong ashes fought with each other and went crazy into the female soldier, and then exploded in her body, damaging the female soldier\'s body to the greatest extent.

For the female soldier, kukas had no special feeling in his heart. In his opinion, killing each other is really a normal thing. There is nothing inappropriate for the other party to take his own life in order to kill himself.

However, he was very disgusted and dissatisfied with the words of the female soldier, so his idea of directly killing each other\'s soul and mind changed in an instant.

"Ha ha! What nonsense killing scroll, didn\'t you think I would be killed? I\'ll let you see how I survived now." with a grimace, the bald evil man grabbed the female soldier\'s head and pulled it up.

"You devil, I curse you with my soul, curse you to fall into the abyss forever, and no creature will pity you." the female soldier\'s head was forcibly torn, but it was extremely painful.

Her beautiful face was elongated and twisted, and a trace of golden blood flowed from her nostrils and eyes. Cherry\'s small mouth opened and twisted, and pieces of internal organs were vomited out by her subconsciously. Her eyes were confused, but she lost all the power to resist.

"Ha ha! Devil, you\'re going to die, ha ha!" the female soldier sensed the golden red clouds condensed in the sky and the huge bulge under the earth, but she knew that the power of the killing scroll she got by chance was displayed.

"I can\'t die, you bitch can\'t know." kukas didn\'t bother to talk nonsense to each other, but he tore the female soldier\'s head off her.

After forcibly tearing off the female soldier\'s head, kukas shook his hand and threw the body at his feet. Then he turned his hand over, but he got out the golden shackle integrated into his arm.

The golden shackles were gently branded on the head of the female soldier. Although the female soldier had only one head, she still cursed kukas crazily, cursed that he would die, and her soul fell into the endless abyss and could never escape.

Shake the chain, pull the female soldier\'s head and roll around in the air. Then in bursts of ferocious laughter, the evil man stretched out his hand and forcibly pulled out the vertebrae of the female soldier.

The bear\'s paw falsely stepped on, and instantly shocked the female soldier\'s body into powder. A trace of fighting spirit was instilled into the spine in his hand, but he simply condensed the bones and scattered them in the air, and forcibly erased some breath and mind hidden in the bones.

"You are a devil." the female soldier roared madly when she saw that kukas had completely turned her body into nothingness and forcibly erased her faint breath and mind hidden in her spine.

Of course, although she roared wildly, she didn\'t have much panic in her heart, because she also split a little soul fragments into the spine. In her opinion, kukas didn\'t notice it at all.

"As long as a small chance, I can resurrect again." an idea flashed in the female soldier\'s mind, and then cursed kukas more madly. Of course, these curses did not exert their greatest power because of her selfishness. After all, she wanted to revive in this endless void with the help of some soul fragments.

"Haha, curse, anger and hate! This is the most beautiful poem in the endless void. I haven\'t heard it for a long time." kukas smiled a few times, glanced at the head of the crazy female soldier, then put away the black smoke around and flew to the imperial capital not far away.

There, the secret female mage is still fighting with the high-level professional hidden in the imperial capital. He must go to help the secret female mage kill each other, and then leave here quickly.

After all, other high-level professionals began to run crazy. He thought he couldn\'t resist the inexplicable killing scroll. As for the secret female mage, in his opinion, her strength is even weaker. If she doesn\'t escape, she may die even worse. You know, he still has some roots with which secret female mage, so he has enough reasons and responsibilities to help her, even if he finally fails.