Abyss Knight

Chapter 643

While the caster of the gate of heaven was fighting with people, he didn\'t expect that kukas, a villain, suddenly came out from behind.

A crack more than ten feet high appeared behind him. When he noticed it, a huge palm had emerged from the crack.

The palm of his hand fell down on him like a hill.

The palm fell and stirred the space around him. For a moment, the caster felt that he was surrounded by countless restraint Dharma arrays and couldn\'t move for half a minute.

Thunder and fire twined, burst out of thin air from the void in all directions, and then squeezed it towards him.

With a dull sound, dozens of defensive arrays shrouded around the body were like paper, and were torn apart by those thunder and fire in an instant.

"No!" the caster roared, but he was unwilling to be killed. He was angry, but he didn\'t care about anything. He took out his spell book directly, then tore the paper on it, rubbed it into pieces and scattered it in the air.

The broken spell book paper trembled in the air and turned into palm sized butterflies flying around. These butterflies instantly collided with the thunder and fire hooked by kukas\'s ground cover seal, sending out bursts of violent explosions.

At the same time, the caster of the gate of heaven shook his staff violently. The staff surrounded his body and said strange words in his mouth.

With his casting, a strong breath was released from around his body. At the same time, there was a crack the size of a palm on his head. In the crack, there was a trace of golden divine light flowing out.

These golden lights flowed down, turned into chains, and wound around the big hand sticking out of the crack. The chain moved and stirred the space, which was extremely twisted.

"Broken!" with a strange cry, another big hand stretched out from the crack. Instead of patting the caster of the gate of heaven below, the big hand shook up and held the chain drilled out of the crack.

The chain wound around the injured and suddenly made a strange sound. But the golden light condensed into a chain is eroding from crazy; A big hand sticking out of a crack.

"Death!" with kukas\'s ferocious head sticking out of the crack, the big hand slapped on the head of the eighth order caster imprisoned by space in front of him.

Several remaining magical defenses flickered to resist the fall of the big hand, but at this time, a slight crack suddenly appeared in the space under his feet.

These cracks centered on his feet and then quickly spread around, but instantly shrouded the space within a few meters.

There was a strong suction force in the cracked space, which forcibly swallowed the caster\'s feet out of thin air into an unknown space.

"Ah!" realizing that his feet were swallowed up by the crack space out of thin air, the caster was completely frightened: "don\'t kill me."

"It\'s late." although kukas kukas is standing behind the caster, he can clearly feel the frightened faces of the other party, and can feel the crazy gathering of magic power in the other party\'s body.

"Do you want to die with me? I think highly of you." he muttered disdainfully in his heart, but the big hand continued to fall without any delay.

Click! With a crisp sound, kukas\'s footprint fell, and the lower half of the caster\'s body was swallowed up by the crack space for no reason. His upper body was patted into meat pulp by kukas\'s big hand. Several defensive arrays have no effect at all under kukas\'s big hand.

A light of gold and silver crisscrossed out of the ragged head to break through the air, but in the surrounding void, there were a large number of thunder and fire, which rushed fiercely like a hungry wolf. However, in the breath, the light of gold and silver was forcibly polished into nothingness by these thunder and fire.

At this time, when the caster of the gate of heaven was killed, kukas\'s body came out of the space crack completely.

He was wearing black armor on his upper body and a black bear on his lower body. With one hand, he held the chain out of the crack, and with the other hand, he put out the thunder and fire raging in the air in an instant.

In just one breath, a high-level caster fell. Even if his fall was due to kukas\'s sneak attack, it was enough to arouse the vigilance of everyone present.

More than ten thoughts twined around kukas. After identifying his identity, some people cheered in a low voice, while others who were lucky turned ugly.

"You killed my brother, I\'ll kill you." a female soldier with the sign of the gate of heaven shouted wildly when she saw the death of the caster. She wildly waved the knife the size of the door in her hand, chopped her opponent several times, and then turned into a streamer and rushed towards kukas.

"Ha ha! I\'ll not only kill your brother, but also kill you and kill all of you." kukas looked up to the sky and waved his arm, but took the opportunity to throw the chain that was eroding him at the female soldiers who rushed.

"Broken moon!" the female soldier burst out a lot of fighting spirit. These fighting spirits directly formed a pair of exquisite silver white armor on her body.

Although the armor is exquisite, it only protects several important and sensitive parts of her body. Now she waved a knife the size of a door panel, and after drawing a strange arc in the air, she used her most powerful killing secret to chop at kukas. The golden chain hit her in front, and was instantly twisted into pieces by the breath released from the war knife. It was forcibly rolled up by the fighting spirit from her body and turned into defense.

The silver light turned into gold and silver after rolling the broken chain. The distance of hundreds of feet, under the charge of the female soldier, just crossed the past in an instant.

"Cut!" accompanied by the female soldier\'s soft drink, the war knife the size of the door panel in her hand instantly turned into countless knife shadows and killed kukas from all directions.

The knife shadow is thousands of, like thousands of poisonous snakes, tearing countless cracks out of the space between her and kukas.

The crack spread, and before he touched kukas, he felt a great pressure.

Seeing that thousands of knife shadows tore the space and shrouded themselves, kukas didn\'t have any mind to dodge. Of course, at this time, even if he wanted to dodge, he had no ability to dodge, because his current situation was the same as the caster he killed just now. Because the space around him was also locked by the mind and all the breath of the female soldier. In this case, even if he forcibly tore the surrounding space imprisonment, he could not avoid the other party\'s secret method. Because no matter where he dodges, as long as the mind and breath of the female soldier still lock him, he can chase him like a shadow.

Looking at the space cracks and thousands of knife shadows spreading not far away, kukas smiled grimly, and his backhand once again exerted the power of covering the ground and hit each other\'s secret method.

The space was twisted. Behind the female soldier, a spider web space crack emerged. The space crack twisted the space within a few meters, and rolled up behind her at the pace of the female soldier.

At the same time, kukas crossed his hands left and right, but in a short moment, hundreds of claw prints were drawn in the air.

Each claw print was condensed by him after spending a lot of ashes. These claw prints were overwhelming and greeted the knife shadow from the opposite side.

"Dead!" with a low roar, kukas stepped on the void, and his huge body followed the paw prints in front of him and greeted the female soldiers who fiercely rushed across.

The space surrounded by female soldiers solidified with their mind and breath made a strange creak. Every time kukas took a step forward, the space around was violently turbulent. Thunder and fire gathered under his black bear\'s feet and finally turned into a ball of lightning to spray, shoot and pass at the female soldier.

The claw print and the knife shadow collided together, like a glass collision, making bursts of crisp noise. The broken fighting spirit scattered everywhere, flew out tens of miles away and hit the earth, leaving several tens of feet deep pits on the hard earth in an instant. If there are low-level professionals, they will be destroyed into nothingness in an instant.

The lightning that bounced, shot and went out hit the female soldier\'s body protection and fighting spirit. In a burst of distance explosion, the female soldier\'s body protection and fighting spirit was forcibly polished, but the lightning condensed by kukas was also consumed.

Tens of thousands of knife shadows collided with hundreds of claw prints, but they dissipated more than half at the same time. At this time, kukas ejected a trace of fighting spirit from his ten fingers.

The ash fighting spirit purified to the extreme by him condensed into a root claw on his ten fingers, and ancient Knight words flew out of kukas\'s mouth and then integrated into these claws.

Cross your hands and tear them out.

His hands collided with the knife the size of the female soldier\'s door. Just in a moment, the two collided with each other hundreds of times.

Two different fighting spirits collided madly together, and each collision made a dull sound. But the speed of their collision was too fast. In the end, all the dull noises gathered together to form a dull sound like thunder.

The broken fighting spirit formed by impact after impact was forcibly bound together by the rear impact before it dissipated. These broken fighting spirits still collide with each other in the air even if they are not controlled by the owner himself.

After hundreds of collisions, the accumulated amount of broken fighting gas far exceeded the binding force formed by subsequent collisions and burst.

"Boom!" a violent explosion roared, and the broken fighting spirit poured out wildly between kukas\'s hands and the female soldier\'s knife the size of the door.

Dozens of broken fighting Qi hit kukas, and the huge impact force directly left holes the size of a baby\'s fist in him. Fortunately, the bald man\'s body was hard. After countless times of tempering, the broken fighting spirit did not hurt his bones, so it had no impact on his battle.

The huge body flew backwards in the violent impact. When flying backwards, kukas still gathered a fighting short spear in his hurry and threw it at the same female soldier.

The female soldier gave a shrill scream, then raised her hand and threw out the war knife the size of the cracked door plate, like a rotating flying axe, and mercilessly killed kukas.

The saber the size of the door was wrapped around the broken moon fighting spirit unique to the female soldier. When the saber rotated, it directly tore a wide space crack out. This knife was fully used by the female soldier after she noticed the crack attack in the space behind her at the moment of flying backwards.

"If you want me to die, I\'ll kill you first." it was with this idea that she forced her fighting spirit with a secret method and threw out the sabre mercilessly.

At the same time, she reached out and grabbed a magic scroll and crushed it. The blessing of magical power wrapped around her in an instant, and then took her out of thin air hundreds of feet away, but took the opportunity to avoid kukas\'s power of covering the ground and the fighting short spear when the chest was punctured.

"Roar!" with a roar, kukas stepped on the void with a pair of bear claws, and the space under his feet was distorted. Countless thunder and fire burst out, forming a big net in front of him in order to stop the sword coming from the waist.

Under the sword, the big net outlined by thunder and fire was torn open in an instant. Although it didn\'t stop for much time, delaying the sabre for an instant was enough for kukas to perform next.

His hands flew through the air, and the fierce ash fighting spirit came out of his fingertips, and then formed a knight image in front of him.

"Brilliant domineering fist!" one punch hit the knight image formed by fighting spirit.

The sky within a radius of tens of miles suddenly trembled. Other professionals who were fighting with each other instantly noticed this anomaly. They all thought that their opponents were releasing some powerful range attack means, so they immediately stepped back and wanted to check the surrounding situation.

After they gave up their opponents temporarily, they found that kukas had just hit the punch.

This punch was integrated into the knight image, and then the knight image was instantly alive. Then it turned into a streamer and rushed towards the rotating sword.

The image of the knight shook his long gun and turned into tens of thousands of gun flowers and hit the saber the size of the door. The sabre, which had accumulated almost all the fighting spirit of the female soldier, was completely broken in the face of the gunpowder shaken out by a knight\'s virtual shadow.