Abyss Knight

Chapter 642

"Ha ha! Can\'t you see the props here?" the secret female mage smiled in a low voice. She stretched out her hand to point out the items in the house and said shyly: "well, let\'s not talk about these, shall we?"

While talking, the secret female mage opened the small box at the head of the bed. The box was opened and there was a pink glass scepter and a small pink crown.

Wearing the crown and carrying the scepter, the charming secret female mage was even more attractive.

"You stop the high-level professional hidden in the city. I\'ll go out to deal with others. If you can\'t hold on, call me." kukas suppressed his desire, stared at the secret female mage seriously and said his plan.

"You must be careful." the secret female mage Zhang finally hugged kukas and whispered, "my strength is not as low as you think. Let alone deal with a high-level professional. Even if three or two people surround me, I can hold on for some time."

"I\'m afraid that the last professional hidden in the imperial capital is the existence of level 9." kukas bowed his head and kissed her forehead, then narrowed his eyes and looked worried: "but don\'t worry. I\'ll support you in ten breathing times at most."

"Well, the most important thing is to be careful yourself."

They talked quickly and discussed how to deal with all kinds of accidents. Finally, the two gently hugged each other and began to prepare for killing.

The thirteen burning black flags hidden in the back suddenly emerged. The black flags fluttered and tore a huge void crack.

The next moment, a black bear jumped out of the crack and jumped on kukas.

"Fusion!" the knight\'s unique secret was instantly displayed by kukas.

Under the influence of this secret method, a thirteen awn star appeared under the black bear\'s feet. The thirteen awn stars revolved, sprayed and emitted limitless black light from the inside, and collided with those prohibitions on the roof of the secret female mage.

"Bang! Bang!" in a violent explosion, the upper body of the black bear melted instantly, and then turned into a liquid to wrap it on kukas.

The armor evolved by black bear mount can not only provide kukas with a lot of defense, but also increase his natural ability and fighting power to a certain extent.

His hands were wrapped in black armor, and several sharp claws bounced out of his fingertips. With kukas\'s low roar, the two huge palms pierced into the void in front of him.

The space was torn apart, and a huge crack more than ten feet high appeared in front of kukas.

After the crack appeared, he did not rush in at the first time, but first released his mind and rushed into it. After detecting the situation on the battlefield hundreds of miles away, he rushed in fiercely.

Just after kukas dodged into the crack, the secret female mage also moved. She screamed in a low voice, blurred out of thin air, and then heard a violent sonic boom. In the next moment, her body rushed out of the manor of the Luling family and directly appeared over the most central area of the imperial capital: the residence of the emperor.

"Come out!" the secret female mage screamed. With the help of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she completely broke out her resentment in captivity for more than 100 years.

The pink colored glass Scepter hit the void in front of her. In an instant, the void was broken by her, and a solid red light column rushed out of the broken crack and hit the emperor\'s residence below.

"Die!" a rage sounded from the earth below. I saw an extremely complex six pointed star pattern suddenly emerge on the earth.

In the six pointed star pattern, the light swam away, and a layer of crystal light curtain suddenly emerged, and then wildly expanded around with the six pointed star pattern as the center.

The red light column of the secret female mage hit the crystal light curtain, like a drop of water falling into the magma, which evaporated into nothingness in an instant.

The light curtain expanded around, but it made her feel great danger. Without any hesitation, the secret female mage stepped back, and the crown on her head glittered with cold light.

These cold lights moved the meteorites in the void. At one time, thousands of meteorites with the size of more than ten feet burned, and the flame emerged from the high altitude. Then it fell down like a meteor and hit hard with the crystal light curtain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" a deafening explosion sounded. All houses within a radius of tens of miles that were not covered by the crystal light curtain were forcibly erased from the earth by the shock wave generated by the explosion. Buildings tens of miles away also shook because of the image of the shock wave. A large number of ordinary creatures were directly shocked to death by the violent noise.

What\'s more, the internal organs are broken and the limbs are broken, and the whole person returns to the embrace of death.

Just as the secret female mage fought with the professional hidden in the imperial capital, kukas\'s killing began.

The bald evil man tore the space and locked the body of a professional at the gate of heaven hundreds of miles away with his mind. Then he crossed the crack and rushed over.

The professional of the gate of heaven locked by him was a caster. When he was fighting with the invaders who were also casters, he suddenly realized that he was firmly locked by a strange mind.

"Damn it, where are the invaders?" the caster of the gate of heaven was shocked. With his strong spiritual power, he caught the sudden source of mind as quickly as possible.

When he found that the mind was released from the imperial capital, he couldn\'t help feeling relaxed. In his opinion, people on his side still hide a strong professional in the imperial capital. If there is no accident, the master who locks his mind will be blocked by his companions.

However, the poor caster didn\'t notice it at all, because the fluctuation of their struggle affected their perception. He didn\'t find that there were two high-level professionals in the imperial capital at the same time. At this time, because of the strong enemy in front of him and because he focused on fighting, he temporarily forgot an eighth order caster or bishop of a secret church who was kept in the imperial capital.

It was this oversight that he simply added dozens of defense magic to his body, and then continued to focus on fighting with the enemy in front of him. Because the enemy in front of him is too powerful. He is not a person who has just become a high-level professional for hundreds of years.