Abyss Knight

Chapter 641

"How did you come to this plane?" kukas frowned slightly. He didn\'t know anything about what happened in the main plane world, but it was difficult to ask, so he changed his way to ask the woman in red to get some information he wanted to know.

"Ha ha! Not long after you separated from me, I became the bishop of the secret church. Later, I joined forces with other big family forces to do something."

The red robed woman is no one else. It is the girl kukas helped. It has not been seen for hundreds of years. The former little girl has become a bishop who controls the power of life and death. And this result made kukas sigh.

"Then the throne fell. Ha ha, like other big families and forces, I had to choose to take refuge in the gate of heaven. After taking refuge in the gate of heaven, they deprived me of my bishop status in the world of the throne, and then transported me here to be kept in captivity."

"Fortunately, I met a female Duke. With her help, at least I don\'t have to live like others. Ha ha, but in this position, I\'m only qualified to walk in this manor. If I step out in other places, I will be punished by those position inspectors."

"In captivity?" kukas frowned at the words. The experience said by the secret female mage made him extremely unhappy, and this unhappy speed made him subconsciously use his strength.

The secret female mage called softly, but kukas didn\'t cry, but she cried in a low voice.

"Yes, although there is no freedom, it is better than others being treated as slaves." the secret female mage reached out and groped for kukas: "before I came to this plane, I heard some people say that the people of the gate of heaven arrested all professionals in our main plane world."

"The low-level professionals are all thrown into a special plane as miners to mine minerals, while the high-level professionals are either sold as slaves or tested objects and suffer endless torture."

"I\'m lucky enough, but now I see you and find you are luckier than me." the little hand of the secret female mage quickly sketched something on kukas.

"How many high-level professionals are hidden in the imperial capital?" kukas didn\'t say his experience over the years. It\'s not that he doesn\'t believe in the secret female mage in his arms, but that he found that the fighting outside the city is becoming more and more violent. He felt he should sit in the fight.

The secret female mage soon understood kukas\'s mind. She thought for a moment, then knocked her head hard and cursed angrily: "Damn, being kept in captivity for more than a hundred years has made my head stiff."

"What\'s the matter?" kukas whispered as he stroked the woman\'s face. Although it was only more than a magical time to meet the secret female mage, he believed her very much in his heart.

"Let me see." the secret female mage rubbed her temples and lay in kukas\'s arms with her eyes closed, muttering in a low voice.

After dozens of breathing time, she sat up fiercely, opened her eyes, turned to look at kukas and said, "there is another one. This high-level professional is hidden in the imperial capital. In addition, there should be no other high-level professional around."

"Maybe we can take advantage of this opportunity. I\'ve long wanted to leave here. Damn it, I\'m going to kill that group of garbage. Don\'t they suppress me here because of the number of people?" the secret female mage didn\'t bother to ask how kukas came here at this time. She just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to escape from this cage.

Of course, in fact, she doesn\'t think she has to ask how kukas came to this position, because the high-level professionals fighting outside have explained everything.

"Yes, take the opportunity to kill those high-level professionals. I think if there are two more of us in the battlefield, everything will be different." kukas narrowed his eyes and whispered a strange smile: "maybe we can wait a little longer?"

"I can\'t wait any longer. If the high-level professionals stationed here send a message for help, I\'m afraid things will get worse." the secret female mage jumped out of bed. She quickly sorted out her clothes, and soon an image of a female mage dressed in noble and gorgeous appeared in front of kukas.

"Don\'t you clean up those things on you?" kukas reached out and rubbed on the secret female mage. All the places she rubbed were the places where she carried fun tools.

"Lord kukas, don\'t you forget? I\'m the bishop of the secret church. My body has been used to those things. If I remove them, I\'m afraid I\'ll be uncomfortable." when saying this, the secret female mage\'s face was pure, but she didn\'t have the coquettish expression just now.

But kukas was keenly aware of a blush on her face. Although the blush came and went quickly, it still caught his attention.

"Ha ha! Maybe one day you won\'t become a legend, but a god of love, eh! Or the goddess of * *." kukas thought of the scene when he entered the room just now, and the * * dress under the noble and gorgeous robe of the secret female mage. For a moment, his desire rose again.

"Hehe, I don\'t have any confidence in whether I can go to any step. What you say now is just to satisfy your psychology." the secret female mage\'s understanding of * * is far beyond ordinary professionals, so it\'s easy to look at kukas\'s mind.

"But don\'t worry. No matter whether I can become a legend or a God in the future, I will only have you." the secret female mage smiled in a low voice.

When kukas looked at her with the eyes full of desire, she reached out and played the crystal ball at the head of the bed. The crystal ball made a bell like sound, and then it slowly disappeared into a small pink box at the head of the bed.

"If your desire comes and I don\'t, how can you solve it?" kukas reached out and grabbed the secret female mage\'s ass and rubbed it hard. Perhaps because of the cultivation method, the body of the secret female mage is very perfect.

Even kukas\'s big hand couldn\'t grasp the high cocked semicircular ass. And the pair of breast milk in front of the chest is also very huge and tall.

It can be said that even if the secret female mage pretends to be pure and wears mysterious and noble clothes, she can still hook the desires of others in the shortest time.