Abyss Knight

Chapter 640

After stepping on it, kukas stood silently in the room. After a short time, a faint breath came out from the ground. After the breath revolved around him for three or two times, it suddenly became clear.

In kukas\' perception, if at first the obscure breath was as dull as dead silence, it suddenly became lively after rotating around him three or two times.

"What a surprise!" kukas raised his hand, and the breath that became flexible wrapped around his palm. Then the breath rolled back and integrated into one side of the wall, where he directly drew a secret and hole entrance that was more than one person high.

The smart breath followed the secret, and the entrance of the cave kept retreating inward. Kukas smiled strangely, got up and chased down.

The not very high passage twists and turns. Both sides of the passage are full of magic prohibitions and defenses. If the breath doesn\'t lead the way, I\'m afraid kukas will be madly attacked by those prohibitions as soon as he steps into the secret passage.

After only a moment of magic, a huge underground space appeared in front of him. The underground space was very different from what he had seen before. In this space, there were some stone columns of different thickness around, on which strands of Pink Flames burned.

In the central area of the space, there is a beautiful attic. After kukas came here, he quickly rolled back into the attic and disappeared.

"Do you want to play tricks with me? Hehe, little girl, you owe it to clean up!" after the smart breath disappeared, there was only the crackling sound of pink flame burning in the whole space. In addition, there was no other breath and sound.

With a strange cry, the bald evil man pushed open the door of the attic and went in.

The attic is divided into three floors, which is similar to the layout of the attic where he lived in CaSnO church. However, under the observation of kukas\'s mind, he knew that there were several floors of space at the bottom of the attic, but those spaces were special spaces, and it was useless for him to go in.

As he watched the layout in the attic, he walked up. Along the stairs, but more than ten breathing time reached the third floor.

According to what he got from the prophecy, the bald evil man quickly selected a room and pushed the door open to enter.

When I opened the door, I saw that it was all pink: dozens of candles with thick and thin arms were located on the strange candlestick. The candles burned, and the light was also pink.

On a thick floor, there were seven or eight beautiful girls entangled with each other. They are inlaid with many small moods and interesting props. Each action makes these girls moan and groan.

Around the room, there are all kinds of strange props: Trojans that can swing by themselves, telescopic columns, rotating logs, monster mechanical puppets, whips, chains and other strange objects.

On the only big bed in the room, a woman in red was lying on her side. The woman\'s hair is scattered and her clothes are half untied. On her bare skin, you can see some red silk threads tightly on her body. In her privacy and, you can even see the golden leaves trembling and slightly wriggling with her legs.

"Lord kukas, I didn\'t expect you to be here. At first, I thought you were dead." when the red robed woman saw kukas coming in, she smiled softly: "yesterday, I was in a state of turmoil. I knew that a distinguished guest came to the CaSnO church. I wanted to invite the distinguished guest to come to the door some days, but I didn\'t expect you to come on your own initiative."

"Ha ha, I see." as soon as the red robed woman spoke, some doubts in kukas\'s heart suddenly disappeared.

"What?" the red robed woman didn\'t know why kukas was big or small. She sat up from the bed in doubt, then stretched out her hand and waved to the only table not far away. Several fruits placed on the table flew into her hands, and then she bit them.

Looking at the confused eyes of the red robed woman, kukas screamed a few times, then rushed forward to her bed, pressed the red robed woman under her body with his backhand and began to rub and rub it up.

That\'s what he said. In fact, he knows what caused the scene he saw when he performed his prophecy yesterday. Of course, in the scene he saw at that time, the huge figure who finally came in from the door was not others, but kukas himself.

That\'s why he didn\'t bother to see himself tossing clouds and rain in bed with a woman in red. If you have that mind to watch, you\'d better come here and actually operate it.

"Nothing, I just haven\'t seen you for such a long time. Now I want to have a thorough communication with you." while talking, the bald evil man quickly stripped off his clothes, then stretched out his hand to wipe the crotch of the red robed woman, grabbed a handful of mucus and pierced it hard.

The red robed woman gave out comfortable groans and groans. She hugged the man lying on her body tightly. The cherry mouth kissed the man indiscriminately, and a drop of tears fell from the corners of her eyes, but she was licked clean by kukas soon.

"It\'s a very lucky thing for you and me to meet again. Why cry?" they stopped after tossing magic for more than one hour.

And those women who entangled with each other on the floor were still there because of their madness and excitement.

The red robed woman reached out and patted on a crystal ball at the head of the bed. Soon the door opened again and came in several wooden puppets from the outside. These puppets took away the paralyzed woman on the ground and soon the whole room was completely quiet.

"You don\'t understand. If there were no you, there would be no me now. Since the fall of the Lord\'s plane world, I have been worried about you. I\'m worried about your accident and your being caught as a slave by the people at the gate of heaven. Fortunately, none of this happened. It\'s great." the red robed woman curled up in kukas\'s arms and laughed.

"I remember I told you that I\'m not that easy to die." kukas gently stroked the red robed woman\'s head, rolled her long pink hair with his fingers and pulled it hard from time to time. The woman made a slight groan because of his pulling. The groan was not painful, but excited.

"Haven\'t you seen the scene in those years? In that case, which one was not very lucky to survive? And I remember your bad luck, so I was worried." the red robed woman narrowed her eyes and let kukas crumple and fold her rudely.