Abyss Knight

Chapter 639

"Oh!" kukas said simply, "I\'ll go to the Luling family first and change my clothes when I get back."

"My Lord, the Luling family is a Duke family. If you don\'t have enough identity, they won\'t let you in." the bald priest was shocked and suddenly remembered something. In his opinion, the attorney general knew about the Luling family, which must have been told by the nuns.

"Damn it, next time you must give them a good warning and avoid talking nonsense. If this adult hates what I have done, he can\'t say he will use it to deal with me. Damn it." the bald priest thought in his heart, but he was worried that the attorney general in front of him would deal with him secretly because he had done too many evil things in the past.

"Well, you don\'t have to worry about these things." kukas pointed out the nuns next to him. "Let them send their clothes to my house. I guess I\'ll go to the Luling family for three or five days. I\'ll talk about the banquet when I come back. But you must be prepared before that."

"Obey your orders," the bald priest nodded hurriedly. He wanted to ask the other party what to do in the Luling family, but he opened his mouth but didn\'t dare to ask.

Coming out of the back door of the church, kukas covered his cloak tightly and walked slowly towards the place where the Luling family was located. He was very slow, but he took the opportunity to think about something.

Passing through alleys, the pedestrians around gradually became scarce. Finally, when he entered another dirty and smelly alley, there were no pedestrians around.

According to the route he designed, after passing through this small alley, you will reach the manor of the Luling family through a few streets.

However, just as he entered the alley, he suddenly felt a violent spatial fluctuation hundreds of miles outside the city.

This spatial fluctuation formed, which made him stop his pace in an instant. Turn around and look at the place where the spatial fluctuation occurs hundreds of miles away. I just see a gray space there, but there is no living creature. Obviously, the space was covered by a secret method.

He shook his head. He didn\'t intend to go there to check the situation, but wanted to enter the Luling family as soon as possible and see the red robed woman.

However, he just turned his head and planned to move on, but in the distance, where the spatial fluctuation originated, a new spatial fluctuation occurred. And this time, there are seven or eight spatial fluctuations.

A large number of spatial fluctuations represent that at least seven or eight high-level professionals appear there. And at this time, kukas also felt the breath of seven or eight spatial fluctuations in the imperial capital, but those smells were slightly different from those hundreds of miles outside the city.

The spatial fluctuation outside the city diffuses from the inside to the outside, while the spatial fluctuation inside the city diffuses from the outside to the inside.

After the spatial fluctuation in the city, there were seven or eight more fluctuations hundreds of miles outside the city.

Even if he didn\'t release his mind to leave and feel there, kukas still noticed a violent collision hundreds of miles away.

The broken fighting spirit was entangled with the magic power and spread here hundreds of miles away. Obviously, a fierce struggle began there.

"Ha ha, interesting." feeling the aftermath of the collision from a distance, kukas laughed strangely. This conflict made him easily know the number of high-level professionals hiding in the imperial capital: "I don\'t know if those people are from the abyss alliance. Moreover, I didn\'t expect that there are seven or eight high-level professionals in the imperial capital. I just don\'t know if they are level inspectors."

He pondered, but his pace not only didn\'t stop, but accelerated a lot. Now he urgently wants to enter the Luling family and meet the red robed woman.

When his mind turned, a trace of fighting spirit came out from his fingertips. These fighting spirits were woven into a big net around him and wrapped him up. His body shook and his feet stepped on the void, accompanied by a slight dull thunder, almost instantly. With the help of the small skills in the ground seal, he directly crossed several streets and appeared in front of a wooden house in a quiet place.

The wooden house in front of him looks small, but kukas, who once used the secret method of prophecy to devote his mind to the future, knows that under the wooden house is a small underground building, where there is the red robed woman he wants to find.

When the door was opened, there were only a few simple furniture in the room. A beautiful maid was sitting on a low chair, knitting something with silk thread.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the beautiful maid heard that the door was roughly pushed open, and her body trembled slightly. Then she turned her head to the door and saw a tall dark figure rushing in from the outside.

"This is Duke Luling\'s manor. Who are you?" the maid swallowed her saliva, fiercely stood up, grabbed a small dagger from the table next to her and held it in her hand. Although she was a little frightened, when she thought of where she was, she quickly suppressed her panic.

"I\'m looking for someone. You don\'t have to worry about anything." kukas grinned at the maid who clenched the dagger and trembled slightly. His strange smile made the beautiful maid even more flustered.

She subconsciously shook the dagger in her hand, and then screamed, "get out, this is not where you should come. Get out now, or I\'ll tell the Duke to go."

"Ha ha! I\'m afraid you\'re going to be disappointed. The Duke asked me to come here. She told me that there was a beautiful girl waiting for me!" kukas couldn\'t help teasing the beautiful maid when she looked nervous.

But he also knew that he didn\'t come here to tease the little maid, but had something serious to do. Therefore, while talking, he shook his body and appeared behind the maid in an instant. His thick fingers gently bounced on the maid\'s head and made her unconscious in an instant.

He threw the little maid aside on the bed, and then leaned down to pick up the exquisite dagger on the ground and played with it in his hand. At the same time, he raised his foot and stepped on the floor below.

I saw a trace of ash fighting spirit, like lightning, drilling out under his feet and winding around. Under the action of these fighting spirit, the space under a few feet was violently twisted, and then an obvious depression appeared.

"Bang!" accompanied by a slight dull noise, the sunken space hit the floor heavily. Although kukas had deliberately controlled his own strength, the impact force of the space still tore dozens of cracks of different sizes out of the floor below.