Abyss Knight

Chapter 638

"Just a little." kukas patted the nun\'s head, then reached out to point to the paper and pen and ink on the table not far away and motioned for him to bring it.

After wiping her hands clean, the nun quickly took what kukas needed, and was very considerate in preparing a writing board for him to pad under the paper.

Soft little hands washed his feet, but kukas quickly painted some patterns on the paper. After he finished the description, the nun\'s work came to an end temporarily.

She poured out the dirty water, then squatted down in front of kukas and picked up his feet for massage, but she was stopped by the bald man.

"Look at this thing first. Do you know who the owner is?" kukas threw the paper that had just painted the pattern to the nun and asked in a low voice.

"Xiafei, Duke Luling\'s manor, your excellency is going to her?" the nun just looked at it and knew what the pattern represented.

"Oh, tell me about Xiafei and Luling, a duchess?" he frowned slightly. Kukas felt that things were different from what he had imagined at first.

"Yes, a duchess." the tall nun squatted on the ground and began to massage kukas in a special way. Through this massage, the body fatigue of ordinary people can disappear quickly.

Of course, this is of little use to kukas. But he was too lazy to refuse. After all, the nuns came here to serve him. If you refuse all the services of these nuns, I\'m afraid the bald priest will feel uncomfortable. You know, at present, he still needs the bald priest to do something for him, so he must take care of his emotions to a certain extent.

"The Duchess\'s family has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. Over the years, the whole family is dominated by women."

"It is said that more than 300 years ago, the family began to decline. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. More than 100 years ago, the family did not know that they recruited a mysterious woman there."

"That woman is very powerful. With her help, the Luling family is strong again. Now this family is one of the top big families in the whole empire." when she said this, the tall nun blushed. Fortunately, she lowered her head and kukas didn\'t see it.

"There\'s the woman who taught you!" kukas grinned.

"Yes." the tall nun was stunned by kukas\'s words. She was a little stunned, and then answered in a low voice. Although I was confused, I didn\'t dare to ask.

"Does this family have military power?" kukas gently stroked the nun\'s head, the rough palm rubbed on her head, and finally fell down on her soft chest along her slender neck.

"No, but this family has a large territory. It is said that they have many guards in that territory." the nun narrowed her eyes and moaned softly. After being trained with special techniques, her body was extremely sensitive. In addition, the person who touched her was also an old hand in flowers, so she became emotional soon.

"What\'s the relationship between our church and the Luling family?" kukas asked in a low voice.

Plop! The nun was soft and sat on the ground. She clamped and tightened her legs, blushed and trembled, and said in a voice: "the relationship is good. Every time, the family invites the priests of our church to their banquet. However, the priests rarely go."

He squeezed the protrusion of the nun\'s soft place and looked at the nun sitting on the ground. Kukas suddenly felt a burst of boredom and sadness. He felt that his behavior was boring and mourned for the nun in front of him. In his opinion, a good woman, for the benefit of some people, has been trained to look like this. I\'m afraid it\'s more sad than the countless prostitutes and women who receive guests.

"Go down! It\'s none of your business here. Don\'t come here without my orders." patted the nun on the neck and motioned the other party to go out.

The nun gave him a resentful look. After kukas\'s big hand left her body for more than ten breaths, she struggled to stand up, packed up some trivial things and left.

After the nun left, kukas leaned lazily on the bed and continued to read books. When it was dawn, he left the attic and went straight to find the bald priest.

Not long after he left the attic, he saw the bald priest leading more than a dozen nuns out of a large house.

Both nuns and bald priests were tired, but the latter had a good spirit.

"Sir, this is the priest\'s robe I prepared for you. See if it is suitable?" the bald priest flattered and handed a box to kukas, and then stood rigidly waiting for the expression of the attorney general in front of him.

He opened the box and revealed a gorgeous priest\'s robe. On one side, nuns came forward to unfold the robe and let kukas watch.

The robe depicts numerous scriptures, which are outlined in exquisite pictures. It is inlaid with various precious stones, crystals and exquisite magic ornaments. The most attractive place is a purple band.

Generally, the girdle of priests is the same color as the priest\'s robe, but the girdle on kukas\'s priest\'s robe is not white, but purple.

According to the rules of the virtual CaSnO church, the priest with a purple band often represents that he has the status of competing bishop.

Of course, a priest who competes for the status of bishop can control the ordinary priests in the church without a bishop.

"How do you explain to others?" kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the bald priest. His intention was to be an ordinary priest, not a special priest.

"My Lord, the people here are extremely snobbish. If they don\'t have enough identity and status, they don\'t even look at it. We wanted to make a bishop robe for your Lord, but we don\'t have enough manpower and materials, so we only made such robes. I hope you can understand." the bald priest noticed the dissatisfaction of CASS, However, at this time, he did not care about regret, but racked his brains to think about how to tide over the current difficulties.

"Didn\'t your excellency ask me to hold a banquet? I\'ll just introduce you to them at that time. I\'ll tell them that your excellency is about to become a bishop. Now he\'s here to spread the doctrine of the great CaSnO God, just in preparation for being crowned bishop in the future." the bald priest wiped the sweat on his face and explained quickly: "In this way, they will not only respect you very much, but also doubt anything."