Abyss Knight

Chapter 637

In this nothingness, I don\'t know how much time has passed. Kukas just kept urging his mind to follow the scroll moving faster and faster.

I don\'t know how long later, the broken scroll in front burst open, and then turned into an unstable light curtain.

"Is this the channel of the future?" I thought in my heart, but my mind didn\'t stay. Instead, I accelerated my speed and rushed into the light curtain.

When the mind crossed the light curtain, it only felt a slight tremble, and more than half of the mind power disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, what appeared in front of kukas was a real world.

A woman in a red robe sat in a gorgeous room: her red robe was half open, a small silk rope was tied to her white and tender skin, and two crystal bells were inlaid on the top of the cherry in front of her chest, accompanied by her body wriggling, and the bells jingled.

Her slender legs are interlaced with each other, and exquisite objects are also inlaid in the secret and holes between her legs. A gold leaf that barely covers the dense hole and a ruby that constantly hits the gold leaf.

A crystal column came in and out of her body quickly and slowly. The crystal column hit the gold leaf, and the leaf trembled, which made the woman in red moan more quickly.

A murmur sounded in her mouth. Alone, the murmur stirred kukas\'s mind, and the few minds moved towards the red robed woman little by little.

However, at this time, his mind saw the woman\'s face. The woman\'s appearance surprised him.

"Damn it, how could she be here?" kukas gasped when he saw the woman\'s face. In his consciousness, if the red robed woman was not in the thematic world in which he lived, she was captured by the people at the gate of heaven. Unexpectedly, she saw her here.

Just as he was thinking about how the red robed woman appeared here, the door was pushed open. The next moment, a huge dark shadow came from outside the door.

After entering the room, the dark figure was a little stunned, and then rushed at the red robed woman who was curled up in bed looking for pleasure.

"I\'m tired!" seeing this scene, kukas couldn\'t help shouting: "what a powerful prophecy secret, but it\'s time to practice it."

When his mind turned, he quickly stabilized his mind, ignoring the men and women entangled in the bed, but controlled his mind to fly out of the room.

The mind penetrates the gorgeous room and feels all kinds of prohibitions and Dharma arrays branded in the room. On weekdays, these prohibitions and Dharma arrays can easily surround his mind, but now, his mind can easily penetrate the past without any obstruction. After all, his present mind is only projected into the future through the secret method of prophecy.

In this future world, if he doesn\'t have enough strength, his mind will be like air and won\'t be blocked. Of course, there is no ability to change things in the future world.

After the mind came out of the red robed woman\'s room, it kept rising into the sky. With the rise of his mind, the surrounding scene was gradually branded in his mind.

One scene after another, and soon a prosperous city image appeared in his mind. With a glance, kukas knew that the city was actually the imperial capital where his noumenon was located.

When Ben wanted to take this opportunity to control his mind and wander around the imperial capital to see if there were other hidden level 8 professionals here, he suddenly felt that the world in front of him began to tremble slightly.

With the passage of time, the world trembled more and more violently, but for dozens of breathing time, the world that the mind could see was broken, and then turned into a nothingness to wrap his mind and rotate wildly.

"Damn it." he just cursed, and his mind was made stiff by the rotating nothingness.

I don\'t know how long later, the body trembled fiercely, and then the dizzy mind woke up, and pictures flashed in his mind.

"Ha ha! It\'s worthy of being a prophecy secret that consumes soul power. What kind of scene would it be if you could go back to the past and enter the future?" kukas quickly flipped through the picture in his mind, and whispered a strange smile.

He whispered a strange smile in the room. Several nuns sleeping next door heard the sound. They looked at each other with some worry, and then curled up in bed, waiting for their unknown fate.

"It\'s a pity that although the original power of the plane is extremely powerful, there is no way to stop the soul consumption when casting the secret method. Well! It\'s time to find some secret methods for cultivating the soul." narrowing his eyes, after checking his soul consumption, kukas rubbed his hands and subconsciously muttered: "No wonder there are so few professionals practicing prophecy. Every time you cast a secret method, you have to permanently consume so much soul power. I\'m afraid this kind of secret method will be lost sooner or later over time."

He didn\'t want to waste too much time, so he lay in bed, took out the eternal ashes of the heavy original and began to read it.

As time passed, the candles in the room kept burning, and the exquisite patterns painted on the candles slowly disappeared. Wisps of faint fragrance accompanied by the burning of candles filled the room slowly.

The alchemists used special means to integrate some magic materials into the candle. With the burning of the candle, the fragrance in the candle is emitted, which can make people mentally stable and feel more comfortable.

Of course, most people are not qualified to own such precious candles. Even as the master of a church: the bald priest, he spent more than ten years and saved a lot of money before gritting his teeth and buying some to entertain distinguished guests. But now it\'s all used on kukas.

It was dawn, and the door was quietly pushed open. From the door came a tall, barefoot nun.

The nun carried some washing utensils in both hands and carefully placed them in front of kukas\'s bed. When she saw that the great man in front of her didn\'t sleep, but after reading books, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

In her understanding, no one who came to this church was not moved by their nuns whose bodies were still intact. The big man in front of them not only didn\'t have any thoughts on them, but lay in bed and read books when he had the opportunity to play with them at will.

"What would you like to eat, sir? We have grape cakes, honey cakes, fudge and other cakes." the tall nun stretched out her hand and took kukas\'s big feet down, and then put them in the basin to wash him.