Abyss Knight

Chapter 636

While the bald priest comforted the nuns, the seven or eight nuns who met kukas also met him.

"Shut up, all of you. If you want to die, keep yelling." after hearing several nuns screaming, kukas only felt his head in a daze. He used to deal with such a scene only by killing, but now it\'s obviously not suitable for that way, so he had to think about it and scold loudly.

Several nuns looked at each other, forcibly suppressed their panic, and then summoned up the courage to help their paralyzed companions up. Finally, they looked carefully at the bald man in front of them, waiting for his orders.

"Don\'t be like this. I\'m not interested in you. Go and take me to the residence." kukas touched his bare head and gave the order in a deep voice. After becoming level 8, he has habitually instructed others to do things for himself. He feels that these are all right.

The nuns dared not say anything more. They helped their companions and took kukas to the attic not far away.

"What\'s the matter with your fragrance? If one person has it, it\'s nothing, but you all have it. How did it come from?" after a few steps, kukas asked in a deep voice.

"My Lord, we have this fragrance slowly after being trained by a woman." a nun dared to answer kukas\'s words.

"A woman\'s training? When did she receive the training? Where is she?" kukas was moved, and a broken picture flashed through his mind. Unfortunately, the picture was so broken and blurred that he didn\'t see it clearly.

"We were taught by her more than ten years ago. But the woman was wrapped in a pink robe every day, and we couldn\'t see her face." the nuns quickly answered his question. They don\'t know why the evil man in front of them asks these questions, but at this moment, they know they must answer each other\'s questions. This is not only because the evil man in front of him is what the priest said, but more importantly, kukas also exudes an extremely weak smell of ferocity.

Under the pressure of those vicious breath, the nuns only subconsciously answered according to kukas\'s words.

"Oh!" kukas answered casually, but did not continue to ask. Now he is interested in the picture that just flashed in his mind, so he wants to find a safe place to study the fuzzy picture.

Of course, this picture didn\'t appear in his mind for no reason, but his sporadic practice of prophecy secret method over the past 100 years showed some power. It\'s a pity that he is busy practicing the secret killing method, so he is not proficient in this kind of prophecy, otherwise the picture would not be so broken and blurred.

"That woman must have something to do with me, otherwise, there will be no hint at all with the prophecy means I have mastered now." he tapped his head gently, and kukas began to think about the woman he knew well in this position.

What made him feel depressed was that there were so many women who had a close relationship with him. For a time, he couldn\'t think of which one.

While thinking, the nuns took him into the attic behind the church.

The attic has only three floors. Although it is not so tall, its structure is extremely exquisite.

On the attic built of wooden strips of different thickness, some patterns about CaSnO\'s virtual church are carved. The walls of the attic were covered with green vines, which were specially selected by the bald priest. They all remained green all year round.

The furnishings in the attic are very simple. The first floor is the living room and temporary rest place, the second floor is the study and conference room, and the third floor is the bedroom, dining room and several special rooms.

The nuns turned out soft velvet quilts from the closet and spread them on the wide wooden bed. After serving kukas in bed, they were busy in the room.

Replace curtains, carpets, decorations, and even tables, chairs, and benches.

Watching several nuns swaying and busy, kukas took out a book and began to read. Because of the picture just appeared in his mind, he suddenly became interested in the secret method of prophecy.

Now the book in his hand is about prophecy. He used to get this book from the blonde general. At that time, he just thought that prophecy books were very precious, so he chose some. I didn\'t use it before, but I didn\'t expect it to be useful now.

Kukas didn\'t know much about the means of prophecy. However, when he was promoted to the eighth level, he recognized the strength of this means according to the previous Knight inheritance, so he condensed the talent ability to improve the prophecy means in advance.

According to the books and the scattered memory of his inheritance, the means of prophecy are the most difficult to cultivate. Generally, those who can practice this method are usually skilled casters. As for other professionals, although they can practice, few can achieve great success.

The method of cultivating this secret method is not too difficult, but the cost is what ordinary professionals are unwilling to pay.

The original means of cultivating prophecy is not much different from that of professional promotion. However, the latter uses fighting spirit or magic power to condense the altar and Dharma array, while the former needs soul power to condense things such as the altar.

Of course, there are many ways to practice prophecy, but the most fundamental material is soul power. In a means of prophecy, the amount of soul power invested often determines the power of prophecy.

The prophecy means of kukas\'s cultivation is not the images of altar, Dharma array, city and world, but an extremely ordinary stone tower.

Of course, to say that it is a stone tower is actually to permanently extract a trace of soul power from the soul, then use the secret method to suppress these soul power into the shape of boulders, and finally use these boulders to build a tower.

For more than a hundred years, he just cast a layer of stone pagoda. The stone pagoda on this floor is usually hidden in the central area of the altar in the fighting space. When used, his soul will manifest, and then fall into the stone tower to prophesy.

In order to cast this stone tower, his soul power has not increased in the past hundred years. On the contrary, the overall strength of the soul has been slightly lower than before due to excessive extraction of soul power.

The weakening of his soul made his cultivation speed a little slower. Moreover, the body function has declined very slightly due to the lack of soul power.

It is for this reason that most professionals are unwilling to seriously practice prophecy unless they have a secret method or treasure that can accelerate the growth of soul power. And because kukas didn\'t have the means to cultivate his soul power, he just started to practice the secret method of prophecy in the past 100 years.

Although the means of prophecy are just beginning, there are dozens of different means of use. These different means have different results.

While kukas was studying those methods, the busy nuns finally cleaned up the attic.

Black velvet curtains, carpets painted with strange patterns, exquisitely carved gold and silver lampstands, antique wall lamp pictures, some paper and ink. In a short time, all the things that should be in a room were made up by these nuns who looked very pure.

Finally, the twin nuns prepared an extremely rich dinner in the restaurant.

At the invitation of the nuns, kukas came to the restaurant for dinner.

There are dozens of food on the table: beautifully roasted turkey, sausage, sweet wine, aperitif, red wine, cakes, green vegetables, pasta, honey, etc.

A lot of food was put up, which made kukas unable to adapt for a time. He hasn\'t eaten like ordinary people for a long time. Now he suddenly brought him a beautiful table of food, which made him feel a little strange.

"You all sit down and eat! Well, don\'t refuse, it\'s my order." kukas sat down in his chair and reached out and knocked on the table in front of him.

A few crisp sounds made the nuns feel a little depressed. Finally, the twin nuns sat down first. They sat around kukas separately and got him a lot of food in the small plate in front of him.

The other nuns didn\'t hesitate to see this, but they still sat in place and ate the food in front of them carefully.

"When did you come to this church? Did the nobles in the imperial capital often come?" kukas was not interested after tasting the food.

Although the food is delicious, he is not used to eating it. For a long time, his food was about level 8 Warcraft. Often, you have to eat hundreds of pounds of Warcraft flesh and blood at a meal.

"I came to the church when I was very young." the twin nun sitting on kukas\'s right hand gracefully wiped her small mouth, then wrinkled her eyebrows and made a thoughtful look: "there was no memory at that time. When there was memory, she was already here." then she wrinkled her small nose, which naturally showed a look of pity.

"As for those nobles, they come here almost every seven or eight days." the nun on the left interrupted, and then she secretly glanced at her sister and blinked, showing a naughty expression. Her sister stuck out her little tongue and made a face at her.

Other nuns also put down their tableware. Although they saw the little movements of the twin sisters, they dared not say anything to stop them. Just silently prayed that the big man in front of him would not care about the rude behavior of the twins.

"What are they doing here?" kukas didn\'t seem to notice their little movements, but lit a silver smoke and smoked it hard.

"What else can there be? Will you be looking for sister Alice soon? Those nobles have changed their state. Every time they leave, sister Alice and they have to lie in bed for many days, and even have to undergo divine therapy to survive." this time, the twin sisters spoke at the same time.

"Is there a large number?"

"Generally, there are only more than a dozen people, occasionally dozens, but there are few cases of large numbers."

"Well, tidy up and go to rest!" kukas nodded and got up to leave.

The twin nuns came forward and took his arm, but he refused.

Although his body had been aroused by the breath of these nuns, kukas was not in the mood to toss about with these nuns. And even if you are in the mood, you will not go too far because of the physical fitness of these nuns. So he refused the nuns\' service.

When kukas left, the nuns looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. They all know that if they are occupied by this sudden big man tonight, after the big man leaves here, they will become other nuns and have physical communication with any nobles who come here.

Now that they embrace their purity, the priest will not throw them out as ordinary nuns and let others play with them, but will find suitable people for them and serve them alone.

"Maybe this is not a good thing. I can\'t say that this adult will be very attached to the woman he owns. At that time, we may completely get rid of this life." a nun suddenly sighed softly, but her eyebrows were full of helplessness and unwilling.

"This hope is extremely slim. I haven\'t seen any predecessors have a good home since I can remember for more than ten years." a nun muttered in a low voice.

Kukas didn\'t notice the nuns\' conversation. After returning to his room, he began to use the prophecy secret method to detect some information.

"Time flies!" this is the name of his prophecy. In the records of the book, if the years of streamer cultivation reach the extreme, he can not only see the future and the past in the future, but also briefly enter the noumenon into the future or the past.

Prompted by the secret method, only one layer of stone tower emerged from the center of the altar, and then his soul jumped out of it and stood on the stone tower.

The body of the twelve burning black flags directly appeared in the soul\'s hands. Then his soul shook the black flag in his hands, and the words condensed by flames flew into the air into a big net, and then frantically extracted the ashes in the fighting space.

The words extracted the fighting spirit, and his mind also took the opportunity to enter into his soul.

After being supported by the mind, the body of the soul was fiercely tall, his eyes opened, and two fierce lights gushed out of it.

Several ancient Knight words were shouted out by his soul. Every time he said a knight word, his soul was reduced by one point. Although the reduction was extremely rare, it distressed him. You should know that for every reduction of soul power, if it grows alone, it can be restored for at least a year.

However, in order to detect some information, kukas gritted his teeth and continued.

After seven or eight ancient Knight words were completely spoken, a rotating mirror was formed in front of him. At the same time, his soul fiercely stretched out his hand and stabbed himself into his chest and abdomen.

The thick palm groped in the chest and abdomen, but searched for something in the mind integrated into the soul.

"Roar!" stabbed into his soul and searched for memory in his mind, which made kukas very painful. Drops of red liquid emerged from his soul and then dropped on the altar under him.

The altar was soaked in these red liquids and corroded in an instant. The fighting spirit contained in the altar emerged madly, and constantly filled these corroded pits to prevent those pits from expanding, and finally destroyed the whole altar.

"Come out for me." a loud roar, the arm waved hard, and the thick palm pulled out of the soul.

With the palm comes a pale gold scroll.

Open the scroll and a broken and blurred picture appears on it. This picture is the image that will flash through his mind.

Originally, this image can be easily condensed with fighting spirit, but now in order to display the prophecy secret method, he has to use special means to forcibly extract the noumenon of which picture from the mind with soul power. Otherwise, if he uses the picture condensed by him alone, there is no way to display the prophecy secret method.

Painfully glanced at the scroll condensed by the soul power in his hand. As soon as kukas gritted his teeth, he threw the scroll into the rotating mirror in front of him.

After the mirror swallowed the soul scroll, its rotation speed suddenly increased hundreds of times. But in an instant, the mirror disappeared and replaced by a black vortex.

The vortex rotates, sometimes increasing and sometimes shrinking, and it is still twisted and uncertain, as if it would burst at any time.

Kukas did not dare to neglect. He quickly released part of the mind instilled into his soul and quickly threw himself into the vortex in front of him.

When his mind entered the vortex, he felt as if he had passed through an invisible barrier. The huge mind power disappeared in an instant, a little more than two-thirds.

Boom! A muffled sound was transmitted from the void in all directions. The muffled sound hit his mind and made his mind consume crazily.

The noumenon constantly instills the power of mind and spirit. With the support of noumenon, will the mind and spirit entering the vortex be polished off so easily for a moment and a half.

In the observation of the mind, after passing through the vortex, there is only endless nothingness around, and you can\'t distinguish up, down, left and right at all.

At this time, a broken scroll slowly condensed out in the void. Although the scroll was broken, kukas recognized it at a glance as the scroll condensed from his soul power.

Don\'t think about why the scroll is broken, because after it condenses from nothingness, it turns into a streamer and begins to move slowly. Kukas hurriedly urged his mind to follow closely behind him according to his own prophecy secret.