Abyss Knight

Chapter 635

"How many nobles in the imperial capital do you have close relations with?" kukas asked in a deep voice after lighting a silver smoke.

"There are only more than ten, and they are all little nobles such as Viscount without fief." the bald priest took a deep breath, repeatedly confirmed his memory, quickly said the answer, and then carefully looked at kukas, then lowered his head and dared not speak.

Kukas didn\'t speak for a long time. The bald priest obediently glanced at him and found that the attorney general was taut, but the scar on his face was slightly wriggling, which made him even more frightened.

Afraid of the attorney general\'s reprimand, the bald priest swallowed his saliva and gave himself a reason: "Sir, our CaSnO church has little advantage in this imperial capital, and people in other churches reject us very much. Moreover, we still lack funds and are unable to build churches in the imperial capital, so those powerful people don\'t accept our church at all."

"Well, I don\'t mean to blame you. More than a dozen little nobles? That\'s enough. Invite them here to a banquet these days and introduce me to them." kukas vomited smoke and narrowed his eyes at the bald priest in front of him.

After becoming the eighth rank, he consciously changed his way of speaking. Perhaps after years of washing, perhaps the change of identity, his irritability when he was young was easily no longer displayed.

"Yes, sir." the bald priest secretly relieved and nodded quickly.

"These are some gold coins. Maybe you\'ll need them." kukas fumbled for a bag of gold coins from his arms and threw it to the bald priest: "don\'t refuse. You deserve the money. Don\'t save money. You can do a good job of the banquet. In the end, you\'d better not tell me my identity. Well, make up another identity for me."

"Your Excellency, now only the priest is suitable for you." the bald priest took the money bag, was a little stunned, and continued to answer in a cautious tone: "if you are a soldier or other professional, according to the laws of the imperial capital, you need to report to them. If you don\'t turn in a lot of money and property, they will forcibly recruit adults."

"Then use the priest\'s identity." kukas waved to the other party to leave without thinking. In his opinion, no matter what his status, as long as he can complete his ideas.

Now what he needs to do is to integrate into the imperial capital, then look for the eighth level professionals hidden in the Empire, and finally find a chance to kill each other at one fell swoop.

Of course, integrate into the imperial capital, make friends with some dignitaries, and then obtain a lot of manpower and materials, so as to fundamentally disrupt the stability of the Empire, greatly reduce the population of the Empire and reduce the probability of professionals. These are also his tasks.

"Yes." the bald priest was a little stunned: "but the adult\'s body is a little strong. I\'m afraid it will be suspected."

"You don\'t have to pay attention to this matter." kukas snorted coldly and motioned the other party to go down: "prepare a residence for me. I\'ll rest here tonight."

"Yes." the bald priest answered quickly. Seeing that the attorney general was unhappy, he left quickly.

Out of the room, the bald priest found that his whole body had been wet and wiped with sweat; He breathed a long sigh of relief from the sweat on his face.

"As long as the attorney general doesn\'t investigate my past, I\'ll be fine. As for becoming a bishop or even a cardinal like he said, I can\'t even think about it. It\'s good to live. Damn it, why does the attorney general come to me? Is it because I\'m near the imperial capital? But there are more than ten other churches near the imperial capital. Why don\'t you go to them Come to me? "

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind. Although he was confused, he dared not say it.

"Maybe it\'s an opportunity, maybe it\'ll fall into the abyss. Damn it, it\'s useless to think about these now. What we can do now is to try our best to please the attorney general. As long as he is satisfied, my future can be satisfied. Otherwise, I\'m afraid the wealth and my life I\'ve accumulated in my life will completely disappear with his idea."

With this in mind, the bald priest bit his teeth, but found more than a dozen nuns in front of the church.

All these nuns were trained by him these years. He used the banner of saving the world, picked the beautiful girls in the poor believers, and then adjusted them. Finally, it is given to those nobles, or to the members of the church who govern themselves, so as to seek more benefits for themselves.

Looking at more than a dozen nuns with pure faces but coquettish hearts, the bald priest gnawed his teeth and selected a pair of twins to give to kukas.

The twins were snatched by him from a family of believers more than ten years ago. In order to get the twins, he accused the family of being a devil and burned them in front of everyone.

After getting the twins, he began to ask people to teach them secretly. He just wanted to use the twins to further his position in the church.

Now, in order to please the sudden attorney general, he had to bear the pain to send them out. But then he thought, he also thought this was his opportunity. If he can satisfy the attorney general, I\'m afraid he will get more benefits than he gets from others.

Looking at the two identical twins with pure faces but hot bodies, the bald priest swallowed saliva to comfort himself.

"You guys, give me a good grooming of them and take them to the attic in the backyard." the bald priest instructed the other three or five most beautiful nuns to get up. At last he clenched his teeth, but he asked in a deep voice, "if necessary, you should stay there."

"Priestess, what people live there? We need so many sisters to serve him? Is it the Duke from the imperial capital?" the twins spoke at the same time. With a pure face, they came forward to take the arm of the bald priest and planned to rub it to relieve their extremely sensitive body due to long-term training.

"Don\'t ask so much! Serve him well and don\'t violate any requirements, otherwise I don\'t mind sending you to the disabled old men next to the church. I think they are very eager for you nuns to comfort their injured hearts and dirty bodies." the bald priest glared at the twins, but his hands pulled out quickly, Don\'t let them touch.

"Your Excellency is so heartless." the twin sisters spoke at the same time, their eyebrows wrinkled slightly, their small nose wrinkled, and then turned back to the nuns.

"You guys, go with me to make the priest\'s robe right away. Get ready. Which robe must be made for me tonight. Otherwise you won\'t have to see the sun tomorrow." the bald priest ordered with some impatience.

After some instructions, a nun took the lead to the room where kukas was now, showed him the way, and took him to the attic behind the church. The other nuns were busy at the command of the bald priest.

He said that when kukas was reading books in the first room to understand the secret Dharma, he suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps outside, so he quickly put the books away. He doesn\'t want anyone to know that he has the original book of eternal ashes.

"My Lord, the priest asked me to take you to the back residence." after a few gentle knocks on the door, a clear female voice rang outside the door.

"Wait a minute." kukas narrowed his eyes, cleaned up the plan in his mind, and opened the door.

The woman outside the door stunned him a little, because she was too attractive. His face was pure, but there was a trace of charm between his eyebrows and eyes from time to time. His concave convex body, coupled with his big watery eyes, made him tremble slightly.

"I\'ve been badly hurt by that damned Clemens." kukas\'s first thought was that his self-control decreased from time to time, but put all the reasons on Clemens, the archer of the Dragon Slayer. In his opinion, if the other party hadn\'t seduced him a few days ago, he would never be so impulsive.

Fortunately, he was determined and experienced a lot of women, so he stabilized his mood in an instant and didn\'t let the nun notice anything unusual.

The nun stared at kukas tightly and found that the fierce man in front of her didn\'t show any feeling for herself. She couldn\'t help muttering: "it shouldn\'t be his thing. Look, there are so many scars on her face. It\'s estimated that there are more scars in other places. Maybe the thing had been cut by a knife long ago."

His eyes flew over kukas\'s black robed body, and finally stopped under him for a while, then his mouth opened slightly, and a clear voice sounded: "Sir, please follow me."

"Well." kukas nodded, got up and followed the woman.

Around the paths, fruit trees swayed along the road. It was autumn, and most of the fruit on the fruit trees showed mature color. When kukas saw the rise of, he came forward and picked a few and stuffed them into the top to eat clean.

The pure looking nun led the way in front. Her body swayed while walking. Her huge ass swayed and moved kukas\'s eyes from time to time.

"No, even if I think about women again, I won\'t be so uncontrollable. Is it the drug?" kukas couldn\'t help wondering after several steps and smelling the fragrance of the woman.

"How can your fragrance be?" I had doubts in my heart and didn\'t worry about anything. I opened my mouth and asked.

"Born." the nun in front listened to the bald evil man behind her. She couldn\'t help but feel a heat in her heart and immediately produced a ripple.

She didn\'t have this smell, but after being trained for several years, she gradually had this smell. The smell is very strange. It can not only arouse the desire of ordinary people, but also the desire of professionals. According to the person who taught her, even the eighth level professionals will get angry after smelling these scents.

"Born? Hehe, nun, as a believer of the God CaSnO, how can you lie? It\'s the first time I\'ve heard that a person\'s body fragrance can attract moving desires." while talking, kukas narrowed his eyes and a trace of fierce light flashed in it.

"Could it be that my whereabouts have been exposed, and the guards of this position want to kill me secretly? Well, I haven\'t really killed anyone for many years, and my hands are a little raw. Now someone comes to fight with me, or kill and restore my hand feeling." together with my thoughts, a trace of ferocity hidden in my body subconsciously leaked out.

That trace of ferocity didn\'t feel anything to him at all, nor did it look in the eyes of high-level professionals. But the nun leading the way in front is just an ordinary person. Where can she withstand this ferocious atmosphere?

The breath leaked out, and the pressure alone made the nun feel great pain, as if a mountain was pressing down on her from all directions. And there were countless visions in my mind: Demons appeared from around and devoured her body, and strange monsters regarded her as * * * * * and * *. Another image of her parents showed up and pointed out that she should commit suicide.

Poop! As soon as the nun\'s body was soft, she didn\'t even scream. The whole person was paralyzed on the ground and fainted.

Looking at the nun\'s pale face, kukas just stood beside her in silence.

"Who let you seduce me? Who has such a big hand to have drugs that can\'t be noticed by level 8 professionals?"

Thoughtfully, before long, there was a messy sound of footsteps in the distance.

Turning around, seven or eight nuns with pure faces came from a distance. The nuns screamed when they saw kukas and the paralyzed nun at his feet.

"Damn it, I hope they didn\'t offend the attorney general, otherwise" at the thought of the terrible consequences, a cold sweat came out of the bald priest\'s head.

The nuns at the side noticed the priests\' abnormality, and heard the screams from their companions passing away, and were willing to go to the Kwai, but worried that the priests would punish them. So they just started to work faster and ready to finish as soon as possible.

"Don\'t worry, the new adults just spoil them, and they can\'t accept it for a time." the bald priest noticed the abnormality of his nuns, so he calmed down and comforted himself.

Of course, if it is on weekdays, let alone comfort, it is most common to scold them. But now he wanted to use these nuns to please kukas. In addition, I was worried that the nuns were worried and broke the priest\'s robe, so I comforted them.