Abyss Knight

Chapter 632

"Good courage."

When the professionals in the Dharma array saw that the dragon was so virtuous, they couldn\'t help but relax, temporarily put down the pressure brought by performing the task, and some people couldn\'t help laughing.

"Little color dragon, eh! I\'m anxious to make out with my sister. I don\'t know how to be in front of everyone! When you go to that face, if you can survive, find your sister!" the female mage smiled in a low voice. She stretched out her white and tender little hand and pushed the dragon\'s head, but she didn\'t care about the dragon\'s evil behavior just now.

"Don\'t worry, if this reptile dies, let me hurt you." the abyss devil, who is several feet high, grinned, and a bunch of chain sparks splashed out of his mouth. These sparks scattered in the air, burst into strange patterns and wrapped him firmly.

"I hope we can all live." kukas smiled in a low voice when he felt the fluctuation caused by the operation of the French array.

He doesn\'t know how many of these people can survive, let alone whether to complete the task. He just knows that he must survive.

With this idea, the Dharma array started. After a beam of white light, hundreds of professionals who stepped into the transmission Island disappeared like kukas. After they disappear, new professionals step on them immediately, waiting to embark on their journey.

However, kukas did not appear in the void channel when he was transmitted.

When the Dharma array was running, he felt as if his body had been torn to pieces by endless power. He was confused. When he woke up, he found himself in an unknown barren mountain.

Release the mind at the fastest speed and probe around. However, in a few breathing times, the huge mind will span a million miles.

"Let the damned mission die!" kukas did not find the breath fluctuation of the inspectors in this plane after hastily exploring the surrounding situation. Obviously, those people were not aware of his presence in this plane.

A gold coin with exquisite design was gently bounced into the air by him. The gold coin rotated in the air and turned into a ball of gold powder and scattered on him.

Gold powder was scattered on his body, woven into a gray black flower pattern and branded on the back of his neck. With the imprint of the flower, the fluctuation carried by kukas immediately changed slightly.

This part of change is the fluctuation that a plane gives a creature. Of course, although this change is not perfect at all, it is enough to fool the short-range detection of professionals below level 8 and the long-distance identification of professionals above level 8.

After changing some of his breath fluctuations, kukas left his position at the fastest speed, then flew at a low altitude and flew to a place hundreds of thousands of miles away.

All the way forward, although tearing the space is the fastest, tearing the space is easy to cause spatial fluctuations, which is easy to be noticed by those plane inspectors. Therefore, he chose this relatively time-consuming way of traveling.

Flying more than 100000 miles, the snowflake brand on his arm suddenly became hot. The heat came so suddenly that before kukas could react, a message was released from the snow brand and directly instilled into his mind.

The body was stunned in the air, and then fell on the earth. Fortunately, his flying altitude was very low, and now he happened to be in the middle of wild mountains, so he fell to the ground and didn\'t cause much noise.

He fell heavily to the ground. Instead of standing up for the first time, he lay there quietly and quickly checked the information in his mind.

"Damn it." after checking the information in his mind, he immediately had a more detailed understanding of this plane.

Of course, this information was not kindly transmitted to him by the controllers of the abyss alliance, but was transmitted to every surviving successor by the alliance members who first entered this plane according to the particularity of the snow brand.

These information were collected by the pioneers who spent a lot of time and energy. Of course, although this information is very simple, it is very helpful for kukas to integrate into this plane.

In addition to introducing the basic information about this plane, the information also prepared dozens of selectable identities for him. If he accepts one of these identities, he can easily integrate into this plane.

Although it affected the sudden information, after watching the information, my bad mood suddenly got better. In his opinion, in this plane, what he needs most is to integrate into it as soon as possible, rather than hiding in a remote corner.

If he conceals in a corner, although he will not be in great danger in a single plane, the snowflake brand will faithfully record all his actions. Finally, when he returns to the abyss alliance, his future may be the most tragic of all cannon fodder.

Dozens of identity information flashed in his mind. Most of these identities were noble children or big landlords in the countryside. In addition, there are priests, military instructors, powerful family thugs and Templars, which look more special.

After thinking about it, he began to use exclusion to make his choice.

In his opinion, he would never pretend to be the priest and rich family thug. If the priest doesn\'t change his appearance, he can\'t be a priest alone. If he holds the status of priest, I\'m afraid he will be seen through soon.

And he doesn\'t want to be involved in any big family. Because rich family thugs often represent some conflicts that he thinks are vulgar. He will waste a lot of time because of these boring conflicts.

Then excluded is the status of noble children.

Although there are a large number of such identities and huge rights, he also knows that if he becomes an aristocrat, he will encounter trivial things of aristocrats again and again. Maybe it\'s a party, maybe it\'s because of some women, or maybe it\'s because of the so-called little brother. In this way, it will also waste a lot of his time.

In addition to these kinds of identities, there are only two kinds of identities: rural landlords and Templars.

After carefully studying these two identities, it was difficult for him to choose for a time, because each of these two identities had a lot of leisure time for him to waste, and they also had their own advantages and disadvantages.