Abyss Knight

Chapter 633

Among these two kinds of identities, the rural landlord has the most private space, but his social status in his empire is relatively low. If something happens, it will also bring him some trouble.

The identity of the Templar also has a lot of private space, and the status is relatively no different from that of ordinary nobles. And because it\'s a Templar, there\'s usually no trouble.

And as long as he manages properly, he won\'t be forcibly recruited, and he doesn\'t have to worry about coming to the door. But the only thing that made him dissatisfied was that if he was substituted as the Templar, he had to believe in a God and obey some arrangements of the church.

If he simply believes in a God, he can bite his teeth to do it. After all, faith can end at any time or simply shout slogans. But it would be unacceptable for him to listen to some of the arrangements of the church.

After much thought, he decided to choose a big landowner in the countryside as his identity in this position.

Yes, as a landlord. As a landlord, he was extremely free at other times, and would not be assigned by others, except that he regularly handed over part of his property to the imperial officials.

Of course, more importantly, he can use his identity as a landlord to change his identity as a temple member, a robber, or even an imperial official.

After deciding to be a landlord, kukas began to pick up the basic information of more than ten landlord identities.

After a comparison, he soon made a decision. He decided to be a big landowner who controlled a small island.

On the one hand, the big landlord is a virtual figure of the pioneers. All the people working under him are ordinary people, and these ordinary people are the easiest to deal with. On the other hand, the Empire to which the island belongs is a small empire. In this way, even if he plans in the future, he will suffer much less resistance than elsewhere.

According to the information, kukas hid his tracks all the way, spent three or five days, crossed millions of miles and arrived in an empire called kermeng.

This empire is just a small empire with sea borders. At the northernmost tip of the Empire, there is an island called blackfish island. The island was under the control of kukas, a big landlord.

Nearly 10000 ordinary people live on this island. These ordinary people are ordinary people. They rely on planting food, picking all kinds of fruits on the island and fishing for a living. Nominally, they are all servants of kukas. But their servants have not seen their master for decades.

After arriving at the island, kukas took advantage of the night to observe the island. The island is not very big. It covers an area of only three or five hundred miles.

Most of the places above are high and low peaks with dense trees, but there are no magic plants. A large number of servants live on the flat land on the edge of the island, and only a few don\'t like living at the foot or hillside of those mountains.

When kukas appeared on the island and announced his master\'s identity, no one objected. They just numbly admitted his master\'s identity, and then, according to the rules handed down by their ancestors, met kukas, the new master, and offered him their gifts.

Of course, kukas didn\'t see the gifts of these ordinary people. You know, those gifts are just some sea fish and fruits picked in the mountains.

"I need ten maidens to serve me and a manor. If you can, you\'d better find some guards for me. Of course, I\'ll pay you for these." kukas found a large box in a manor decades ago, where there are the money and various identity certificates left by the pioneers. Of course, there is no shortage of paper and seals for issuing various orders.

More than a dozen leaders elected by the servants did not refuse kukas\'s request. Although they had some doubts about the sudden master, perhaps because countless generations of habits flowed in their blood, or because of money, they didn\'t care who was their master. What they care about is that as long as they can eat enough and have a certain dignity.

Ten maids were soon sent over. Although these maids were not very beautiful, their beautiful faces did not affect others\' mood.

Following the ten maidens, there was also one, two housekeepers and more than a dozen young guards.

The two housekeepers are middle-aged. Their elders were the housekeepers of the pioneers at first. Now their elders are old and even dead, so they are replaced by their younger generations. Those guards also replaced their elders.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to these trivial things. However, in order to play his current role, he asked symbolically, and then began to count the basic situation on the island.

"100000 barrels of wheat and 200000 pounds of coarse grain can be produced in the fields every year. As for sea fish, the output is the highest in the flood season, but the price is also the lowest at that time. The money obtained by selling those sea fish is no different from that at other times."

The housekeeper is a middle-aged man with ordinary face. When he was a child, he visited the imperial capital of the Empire and acted as a small businessman. Finally, for some reasons, he returned to the island again and has served as the housekeeper of kukas until now.

"Well, you can manage these things in the future. As long as there are no big problems in food, you don\'t need to tell me." kukas waved lazily and motioned a maid to massage his head.

The ten maids looked at each other, but no one dared to come forward. Because kukas\'s face is too ferocious. Even some maids cried directly when they saw kukas.

In their view, people like kukas are not like a good man at all, but like a ferocious pirate running across the endless ocean.

Kukas knew the thoughts of these maids, but when he saw the frightened appearance of the maids, the bald man not only didn\'t half converge, but also deliberately giggled and made a more ferocious expression.

"You, come and massage me right away, or I don\'t mind giving more meat to the fish and shrimp in the sea." kukas stretched out his hand and pointed to the most crying maid not far away.