Abyss Knight

Chapter 631

After tossing about for more than one magic hour, kukas stopped. It was not that he was stopped, but that he was really unable to detect the situation of the six giant gods. Finally, I had no choice but to give up.

After giving up the exploration of the six giant gods, kukas flew and landed on the island.

Stepping on the island, a brand immediately condensed out of the void, then suspended in front of him and slowly rotated.

This brand is crystal clear, like a snowflake. Some information was actively released from the brand. After kukas read the information, he immediately mobilized his mind to touch the brand, and then let the brand fall on himself according to the tips of the information.

The swirling snowflake imprinted on his arm, which also represented that he was accepted by the controllers of the island.

Of course, if he did not accept the snowflake like mark, he would be expelled by the puppets hidden on the island and thrown on the front line as cannon fodder.

It was for this reason that kukas accepted the brand. After all, his initial plan was to have a relatively stable environment and enough time to practice the secret method, rather than rush to the front line as cannon fodder and be killed by someone.

After receiving the brand, he did not continue to stay on the island, because there were new information in the brand, according to which he not only knew his destination, but also got the purpose of going there.

It didn\'t take him long to find the transmission island used to transport him to the interior of the gate of heaven. The shape of the island is exactly the same as the one he first sent. Around the island, there are a large number of professionals floating. Most of these professionals are spell casters, only a few are warriors and knights, and the largest number of them are members of some strange races. The number of professionals in human appearance is relatively small.

Kukas appeared here and didn\'t attract much attention. He did not talk to others, but stood silently in a remote place, waiting for the arrival of his own time.

The island is constantly shining, and a pillar of light rises into the sky almost every three or five breathing times. Each beam of light represents that a group of professionals have been transmitted to the plane controlled by the gate of heaven and lurked down. As for those professionals, no one can guess how many will survive in the end. However, according to his and the Gladiator\'s speculation, the survival rate of sneaking into the enemy\'s rear is much higher than that of killing on the front line.

According to what Gladiator said, hundreds of thousands of eighth rank professionals fight in the front line, and not one of 100000 people can live a day and a night. In the front line, almost every breath time, even every moment, several eighth level professionals on both sides fell into the void.

In the past hundred years, professionals who went to the control area of the gate of heaven to perform tasks, among every 100000 people, at least more than 1000 or even tens of thousands of people can come back. In contrast, kukas chose to go to the enemy\'s rear to carry out the mission.

Of course, the task is very demanding, and after failure, it will be directly distributed to the front line as cannon fodder. However, even so, there are still a large number of professionals who take the road of relationship trust, hoping to carry out tasks behind the enemy. At least in that way, they can live longer. Even like kukas, they can practice some secrets and increase the survival rate of going to the front line in the future.

You know, professionals who go to the enemy\'s rear to perform tasks should have been cannon fodder on the front line. Now they go to perform tasks. Even if the task fails, the worst thing is to continue their previous tasks. As for death, it\'s no different from their mission to the front line.

Through a period of observation, kukas found that the number of people transmitted each time on the transmission island is more than 1000 people and less than hundreds of people. In each group, there are more than ten ninth level professionals. Obviously, those ninth level professionals are the leaders of those people.

"Is the limit of invasion a thousand people? If so, the people at the gate of heaven simply have no ability to build hundreds of ancient sacrificial platforms in a short period of more than 100 years, let alone a magic castle under the imperial capital of a super empire."

Habitually touching his bald head, kukas guessed: "maybe, as they said at the beginning, some people can use secret methods to hook other professionals across the endless void to reach the plane; or maybe the people at the gate of heaven put several members performing tasks in that plane."

Just as he was thinking about the situation in which plane he had previously performed the task, the snowflake mark on his arm suddenly sent him a message.

The message suggested that he should send it soon. So he got out of the corner, flew to the nearest place to the island and waited silently.

When he arrived at the edge of the island, he also noticed that other professionals were flying from the crowd to the edge of the island. It was obvious that they were going to transmit soon.

Kukas immediately observed the professionals who might be his companions. While he was observing others, those people were also observing him quickly.

Mind release, tens of thousands of minds in the air are constantly intertwined and moved. These minds are released by professionals gathered around the island. Through mental observation, they can use the fastest speed to roughly remember people who may be companions.

Soon, the branding on his arm burned up again. Without any hesitation this time, kukas flew to the island as fast as he could.

The figure fell to the ground. Because of the transmission of the Dharma array, kukas could not use his mind to detect the crowd around him, so he just looked with the naked eye.

The body shape and appearance of professionals are revealed in front of him. In just three or five breathing times, he has swept dozens of professionals, and this is his limit.

Among dozens of professionals, only three or five people attracted kukas\'s attention most.

One of them didn\'t know it was the Tauren. The Tauren was three feet tall. The curved horns on his head were about three feet long. Some patterns were branded on the horns. Even under his deliberate suppression, there was still a trace of strange power emanating from it. If he remembered correctly, the strange power represented the shaman of the Tauren family.

Of course, relying on a shaman\'s identity alone can\'t attract his attention. What attracts him most about the Tauren is his huge green head.

Yes, green heads, like those of green skins. However, although his head is green, his skin is wheat yellow, which is no different from ordinary Tauren.

This strange phenomenon immediately reminded kukas of a Tauren description in the book.

It is recorded in the book that after some Tauren have a wife, if his wife has a meat and body relationship with other men and is seen by him, the Tauren\'s head will turn green.

"Poor boy." kukas murmured in his heart, but there was no expression on his face, but he didn\'t want to ridicule each other at this time to save any mess.

In addition to the green headed tauren, a pair of extremely young looking men and women attracted his attention.

The young men and women were very handsome and exuded holy power. At first glance, they were priests who believed in a certain God.

Their left and right hands are held together, and on their wrists, bracelets inlaid with gemstones are intertwined with each other. The jewels on the bracelet shook, and fuzzy lights flew out of it, and then revolved around them.

Obviously, the two of them want to go to a strange plane together in this way. But according to kukas\'s scruples, if there is no accident, they will be separated by the power of magic. Because the teleportation array has to cross the endless void and teleport them to the surface when tearing the opponent\'s defense. In this way, many functions of the transmission array will disappear, and its shortcomings will be amplified. At that time, these two people can appear on a continent, that is, their secret methods and props are strong enough.

In addition to the two young men and women, there is also a member of the wing clan and the dragon clan.

Because of their ethnic characteristics, the members of the whole race are all women. They are born believers of gods. Therefore, most of the feather people will eventually become priests.

Now, the feathered clan is not a priest, but a looming lurker.

As a member of the wing clan, she did not obey the light of her body and mind to become a devout priest, but a lurker walking in the dark, which attracted the attention of most people.

In addition to the members of the feathered clan, the giant dragon that looks like only eight steps is also extremely eye-catching.

Although the giant dragon has reached the eighth level, he did not change into a human by using the secret method like most other dragons, but still maintained the shape of the giant dragon.

You know, this time they are going to enter the plane controlled by the gate of heaven. If he doesn\'t change the shape of the giant dragon, it will bring him great trouble.

Of course, this is not the most attractive place. What attracts kukas most is that the dragon is extremely lecherous.

As soon as he landed on the island, he rushed to a female caster not far away. Then, under the surprised gaze of the people, he fiercely stretched out his tongue to lick the female caster.