Abyss Knight

Chapter 630

"Some people don\'t understand. They just think that war is war. War is to use all means to suppress their opponents. As long as they can win, the means used during the period are nothing. But I don\'t think so. Their means are too cruel." the Gladiator took a deep breath and his mood slowly returned to normal.

"Everyone has their own ideas. We can\'t force each other to do anything." kukas shook his head and gently persuaded him: "if you have a chance, find someone who controls your father and save your father."

"It\'s not an easy thing. Knight, I don\'t think you know that my father and mother are legends. At least they can control them. In the face of such opponents, I can\'t win at all." the Gladiator smiled bitterly.

"Legend?" kukas was shocked when he heard the words. The information that the Gladiator said really shocked him.

In his understanding, it is very normal for a large family to have hundreds of legends, but these legends did not appear in a short time, but accumulated little by little in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

For a long time, it is a good result to have a legend among the same generation or even dozens of generations. But according to the gladiator in front of him, his parents are legends. If there is no accident, his parents are a generation.

In a family, there are two legends in a generation, which makes kukas surprised his family.

Perhaps he noticed something. The Gladiator smiled bitterly and said, "my mother and my father are nearly ten thousand years apart. It is only a series of reasons that bring them together."

"Things are not what you think. My family is just a small family. It is not a top family in my thematic world, let alone in the abyss Alliance under the endless void?" the Gladiator thought kukas wanted to ask him for help, so he subconsciously pushed away.

Of course, what he did was nothing, because a few years ago, everyone who knew that his parents were legendary professionals hoped to get his help, so as to choose a suitable task and avoid killing on the front line.

"Well, I didn\'t change my mind about the task, just a little surprised." kukas shook his head and said calmly.

At present, he is extremely satisfied with his task. You know, he lurks in the plane controlled by the gate of heaven and has at least more than 100 years for him to squander. More than a hundred years is enough for him to practice one or two more secret methods.

If he master one or two more secrets, he will have a greater chance of surviving in this all-out war. Of course, he would not tell the Gladiator he had just met for a long time.

They stood outside the island and talked in a low voice. Through the conversation, kukas gradually learned about the situation here.

It turned out that this high-order plane was also an ordinary high-order plane at first. There were a large number of ordinary people and empires. However, as the battle broke out, the controllers of the abyss alliance moved all ordinary intelligent creatures in this plane to other planes.

Then they used the secret method to transform the plane into what it is now.

According to the gladiators, there were tens of thousands of continents in this plane at first, and each continent was hundreds of millions of kilometers in size.

Now those continents are forcibly melted by mysterious magical forces, and then use secret methods to add the power of these continents to the plane, leaving only the current continent.

"On this only continent, as long as the prohibition secret law is opened by 1%, it will kill thousands of legends and gods in an instant. It is said that this plane will eventually be transformed into a huge fortress. At that time, no matter how powerful the power of the gate of heaven is, it will be completely destroyed." The Gladiator lowered his voice and told kukas some secret news he had heard.

Of course, whether the information is accurate or not is not something he can understand.

"Only one fortress can destroy the whole gate of heaven? If this thing is really so powerful, the people of heaven would have done everything to destroy this plane, and would not allow this plane to continue to exist." kukas shook his head and did not believe the other party\'s information.

"To be honest, according to the information I got, there are tens of thousands of planes like this in our alliance, and these planes are located in the rear area of the alliance. Generally, people at the gate of heaven can\'t invade here on a large scale."

"And as far as I know, there are millions of legends and gods in this plane alone. They don\'t go to the front line to kill, but guard this plane."

When he said this information, the Gladiator shook his head and looked extremely excited. Obviously, he wanted to rely on the unformed fortress to kill the people at the gate of heaven, so as to avenge his parents.

"Although there are many legends and gods, if the people at the gate of heaven really want to destroy this plane, I\'m afraid they will mobilize twice as many people as the people guarding here." kukas muttered in a low voice.

"They absolutely have no ability to transport a large number of legends and gods to this area. It is said that the endless void around this plane has been blocked by secret methods. Generally, no one can break in."

After they talked to each other again, the Gladiator said goodbye and left. Kukas carefully observed the six giants in the air and carefully released his mind to sense them.

When the mind spreads and is hundreds of feet away from these giants, the mind disappears out of thin air. This disappearance is not an ordinary loss, but a permanent disappearance. It\'s like those giants are surrounded by black holes that can devour everything.

Unwilling to hide, he directly used the low-level secret method he had practiced before to explore the giants. I didn\'t think it would still have no effect.

When the secret method is cast, it disappears out of thin air after approaching several giants for a certain distance.

A series of actions attracted the attention of professionals entering and leaving the island, but those professionals didn\'t say anything, but smiled kindly. Because they\'ve all done the same thing as kukas. After all, being able to detect a God at close range is an extremely precious opportunity for professionals.