Abyss Knight

Chapter 629

After crossing the islands suspended in the sky, kukas arrived at a strange island according to the tips on the magic scroll.

More than a hundred miles away from the island, kukas felt a series of negative smells such as destruction, madness, death and despair. These smells swirled around and condensed into a dark cloud over the island. The dark clouds are creeping, and from time to time there are ghosts mixed with the cry of death and the joy of killing.

The whole island is in the shape of a six pointed star. At each sharp corner, there is a chain several feet thick. This chain is not made of magic metal, but made by unknown forces.

The faint light flickered on the chain, and tadpole like words and strange skull images swam among them. When I glanced at them at random, I felt that my eyes were as painful as a needle, and my mind was turbulent, as if someone had hit the fighting space with spiritual magic.

Every time, a dark light is released from the island. The light stretches along the chain to the end and instantly integrates into the giant winding at the end.

The six giants hundreds of feet high were bound by the relatively small chains, and the faint light integrated into their bodies. However, after a few breaths, the faint light rolled back from their bodies to the island.

Some of these giants have wings on their backs, horns on their heads and a smell of killing all over their bodies; Others are as holy as the most devout believers; Others look extremely ordinary and have no great difference from ordinary people; There are hundreds of giant arms, each with a huge eye; There are giants whose upper body is a man and lower body is a snake. They spit out flames and black smoke from time to time; Another giant stepped on the red light. His naked upper body was full of dense heads. His head was ferocious and made different sounds.

Although the giants have different looks, they all have a common feature, that is, they have dementia in their eyes and have no breath. If it is not for the smell of killing unconsciously, they are almost like a lifeless stone carving.

They stood silently in the sky, no struggle, no curse, no expression, just mechanically pulled the chain and suspended motionless in the sky.

When kukas saw these giants, his mind couldn\'t help violent turbulence.

It turned out that although these giants did not leak half their breath, kukas\'s killing talent still sent him an extremely dangerous message. At the same time, the knight inheritance he had received before warned him in his mind.

"Gods, comparable to legendary gods." looking at the six giant gods with different shapes, he couldn\'t help crying out.

"How do you know they are gods?" at this time, a high-level professional flew from a distance. The purpose of the professional was the same as that of kukas, who came to the island. When he passed by, he heard kukas\'s cry, so he asked curiously. "Is this your first time here? Ready to carry out the task?"

"Yes, it\'s my first time here." kukas didn\'t pay attention to the professional who suddenly appeared, because he knew that this was the base of the abyss alliance. Moreover, when that professional appeared, his killing talent was also affected. Therefore, he concluded that this professional was only an ordinary type of professional, not those who had strange secret methods. If there was a fight, he had absolutely reason to believe that he would turn his hands and kill each other.

"I think only gods or legends can be treated like this here. And I have seen legends and know some things about those legends." kukas glanced at the professional.

In his eyes: the professional was more than 30 feet tall, bald, with a beard on his face, his eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed from time to time. He simply wore a cloak on his body. Instead of wearing clothes, he used some unknown belts on it. These finger thick and thin belts outlined a sun like pattern on him.

In his perception, the other party is a ninth level professional: a ninth level Gladiator.

"Ha ha! Yes, they are all gods who build the kingdom of God and have hundreds of millions of believers. Unfortunately, they are all people at the gate of the kingdom of heaven. Now they fall into our hands, and it is lucky for them to have such an end." the Gladiator pointed to the giant emitting the smell of the abyss, turned his lips and muttered: "See? He used to be a member of the abyss, but he was seduced by the gate of heaven and betrayed the alliance. Later, he was abandoned by the gate of heaven and became a scapegoat here."

"It\'s really a God." looking at the giants who don\'t have any expression like stone statues, KUKA\'s heart has some bad taste: "you are a God who can be compared with legend. Now you come to this end, completely overturning my previous understanding."

You should know that although he has not seen gods, he has also seen legends that can be compared with gods. Although those legends do not show their own strength and breath fluctuation, the charm emitted by them can not be compared with ordinary professionals. All those legends are noble and mysterious.

According to his understanding, the gods that can be compared with legends will not be captured as slaves even if they can\'t resist their opponents. But now, all this has subverted his previous understanding.

"Why? Unacceptable? Think we insulted these gods?" the Gladiator smiled in a low voice. His laughter was very strange and sounded very penetrating: "you know, members of our alliance were tortured more cruelly after being caught by people at the gate of heaven. They acted as experimental objects, pets and living puppets."

When he said this, the Gladiator was very excited. He shook his limbs and growled in a low voice: "Damn, if I were in power, I would transform these gods into living puppets and let them go to the battlefield to kill their former allies, friends and even relatives."

While talking, the Gladiator choked: "I\'m sorry, my father was transformed into a living Puppet by the people at the gate of heaven, and finally killed my mother. Damn, I can\'t control it, but I think you can understand it, can\'t you?"

"Yes, I understand your mood very much." kukas took a breath and nodded seriously. It is a cruel thing that a wife is killed by a controlled husband on the battlefield. But this is war. War is so cruel.