Abyss Knight

Chapter 628

If he remembers correctly, the altar that resurrected wizards was this kind of altar. But now the altar in this plane has just been built, and the altar for resurrecting wizards has been handed down from ancient times.

According to kukas, the construction of hundreds of sacrificial platforms to summon evil creatures represents the death of countless creatures. Because even if there are sacrifices, the summoned creatures are very weak. However, as the number of sacrifices offered by one altar accumulates, the same sacrifice and different altars call out different creatures.

"It seems that this plane can\'t stay. If you continue to stay here, you won\'t be given Yin on that day, and then contribute as a sacrifice. The most terrible thing is to be Yin by your own people." a series of thoughts arose, and kukas decided to leave this plane.

With this decision, he did not worry about anything, and directly sent the message that he wanted to leave this plane through the magic scroll of the abyss alliance.

I thought it would take a long time to get a response after the message was sent out, or he would never get a response, but to his surprise, the leaders of the abyss alliance replied to him just after the message was sent out for dozens of breaths.

Kukas couldn\'t help laughing bitterly when he saw the information replied by the leaders of the abyss alliance.

It turned out that the new appointment given to him by the leaders of the abyss alliance was not the task of going to the front line as cannon fodder as he had expected at first, but to let him do some destructive work in the plane controlled by the gate of heaven.

Yes, do some damage in the rear plane controlled by the gate of heaven. In fact, the nature of this work is similar to that of the people from the gate of heaven. Their purpose is to destroy the stability of the opponent\'s rear azimuth as much as possible. The best thing is to completely destroy the whole plane and fundamentally cut off the enemy\'s reserve support.

"What a terrible task." this was the first thought that came to kukas when he saw his task. "Well, at least I don\'t have to go to the front line to be cannon fodder. If I go to the position controlled by the gate of heaven, as long as I\'m careful, there\'s still a great guarantee for safety. In this way, I\'ve got some rich time in disguise. With this time, I can\'t say I can practice one or two killing secrets."

With this idea in mind, he packed his belongings a little, and then with the power of the magic scroll in his hand, he directly outlined a portal in the secret room, and then quickly left the plane.

He walked through a long passage, which was built by powerful magic power and some rules. Through this passage, he crossed the endless void and directly appeared in a war base of the abyss alliance in a few breathing times.

"A war base is actually a high-order plane. The area of this high-order plane is countless smaller than that of the general plane. In this plane, there is no Empire, let alone ordinary people. There is only one continent in the whole plane, which has been completely built into a war base by the abyss alliance.

Coming out of the portal, kukas found himself on a small island. To his surprise, the island was not floating in the ocean, but slowly floating in the sky.

There are only a few buildings on the whole island. White light flashes from time to time, but there are strong creatures of level 8 professionals or equivalent to level 8 professionals. Like kukas, they quickly identify the direction after the initial confusion, then take out a magic scroll from their arms and look for the destination according to the above tips.

According to the tips on the scroll, kukas was suspended in the air. After a little understanding of the direction, he flew slowly. Along the way, he kept looking around and found that there was an island dozens of miles apart in the sky.

Some of these islands, like the one he first appeared, have only a small number of buildings on them, which are only used for simple transmission. Others are covered with a large number of buildings. These buildings are strange in shape. Some are full of spikes like magic crystal gun barrel, which pierce the sky more than 100 feet, and some are stone towers more than 100 feet high.

Flying over some islands, what he saw most was not human professionals, but all kinds of strange creatures.

Among these creatures, the largest number is the ugly and ferocious abyss demons. A large number of abyss demons fly in groups in the sky. Everywhere they pass, there is the smell of evil and sulfur.

In addition to these ugly abyss demons, there are a large number of giants. The number of these giants does not seem to be much less than the demons. A large number of giants walk in the sky. Where they have done, the space is distorted, and there is a muffled thunder, which is as rampant as kukas urging the power of overlaying the earth.

Of course, there are creatures of other races in the sky, but those creatures are obviously less skilled. Among these rare creatures, what makes kukas feel most is not the giant dragon flying by, nor the fierce beast, but some members of the holy feather clan about the size of normal humans.

Under normal circumstances, these holy feather families are closely related to some temples at the gate of heaven. They can be said to be the favorite believers of the gods and the most easily become the Holy Spirit in the whole endless void.

But now, the members of the holy feather clan who should have appeared in the sphere of influence of the gate of heaven unexpectedly appeared in the area controlled by the abyss alliance. This result had to make kukas think about it.

"The holy feather people rebelled to the abyss alliance? Presumably, some races in the abyss alliance may also rebel to the gate of heaven. Hey, good war."

In random thinking, kukas subconsciously accelerated his speed. He wanted to reach his destination as soon as possible, so as to understand some situations in the abyss alliance. Of course, he didn\'t want to change his camp, because his thematic world was destroyed by the people at the gate of heaven. Even if the abyss alliance disappeared from the endless void, he would not change his decision.

Of course, more importantly, he does not think that the abyss alliance will fail in this war, nor does he think that the abyss alliance will disappear from the endless void.

"If I don\'t take revenge on the hatred that occupies the main plane of the world, I\'m afraid I will never have a place in this endless void. Even if I make a legend, I\'m afraid no one will look down on me."