Abyss Knight

Chapter 627

"I\'m sorry, I suddenly remembered something I need to deal with." kukas, soaked in the hot spring, suddenly changed the topic.

"What to deal with? Is it more important than saving this plane?"

"I don\'t have the ability to save this plane. All I can do is leave here before this plane collapses." kukas smiled grimly and slapped his backhand under him. Violent fighting spirit gushed out of his hands and hit the bottom of the hot spring.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Clemens was shocked when she found that kukas had destroyed the hot spring. She wanted to go up and catch him without thinking.

"Anyway, this plane is about to collapse, and it\'s useless to keep this thing." kukas laughed a few times, shook his body, pierced his hands hard, and tore a crack in the void in front of him. Then he sideways into the crack, but he wanted to go directly back to the magic castle under his control.


In the silent exclamation of Clemens, the hot spring burst violently, and the spring water gushed into water vapor, slowly spreading around like a mushroom cloud. The earth cracked, and a stream of magma was hooked out under the power of overlaying the earth seal. The magma surged and spread around the mountain.

Kukas ignored Clemens\'s emotions at all. After entering the crack, he returned to the magic castle he controlled as soon as possible.

"Open all magic defense." coming out of the crack, kukas shouted at the crystal stone in the control center of the magic castle.

The crystal stone flickered, and ribbons formed by magic words floated out of them. These ribbons were integrated into the surrounding walls, and then a large number of forbidden Dharma arrays emerged on those walls. The powerful magic wave quickly spread around, but in just three or two breathing times, all the forbidden Dharma arrays and Dharma arrays in the whole magic castle were opened.

The newly healed space crack twisted out of thin air, but then a large number of magic runes and prohibitions danced down from the surrounding walls and wound there, but soothed the distorted space in an instant.

"No matter what reason you want to use me, what I want to tell you is that I don\'t want to be used at all." looking at the space that subsided at that moment, kukas smiled grimly and muttered in a low voice.

Since he discovered Clemens\' abnormality, he gave up his original idea without hesitation. Now he would rather go to the front line to kill people at the gate of heaven than be used as a fool here.

And after he entered the hot spring again, he suddenly found that the effect of the hot spring on treating internal injuries had disappeared. This sudden change made him instantly think of the things that his mind would be hooked by the hot spring. Now the effect of the hot spring is gone. If naclimus found it, he would doubt him. He suspected that he had obtained the hidden things in the hot spring treasure land, so the effect in the treasure land disappeared.

At that time, if this plane did not collapse, but was controlled by the people of the abyss alliance, someone would come to the door and ask him about the hot spring treasure land. And he will also get into a series of unnecessary troubles because of the hot spring treasure land.

It was because of all kinds of scruples that kukas made that decision.

After opening the Dharma array, kukas passed all the materials stored in the magic castle to the Empire and the logistics department in the front line through the transmission Dharma array.

The export of a large number of materials made him a huge number of internal contributions. These contributions were exchanged by him for the temporary right to use the original book of eternal ashes.

After more than a hundred years of accumulation and a large number of contributions, we can only exchange the permission to use this book for one year. Nevertheless, he was still very satisfied. After all, this is the original book, which contains thousands of memory fragments of ash knights, as well as the strong writer\'s understanding of this profession.

After getting the original book, kukas didn\'t sneak up immediately, but quickly arranged some things in the magic castle.

He delegated a lot of authority to the researchers to control the magic castle instead of themselves. Of course, he just excuses himself to spend a long time in latent cultivation and doesn\'t tell these people about whether this plane will collapse.

After doing these things, he returned to one of the strongest secret rooms in the castle.

With his authority and the forbidden power in the magic castle, he tore a small crack, locked a altar position marked by Clemens on the magic map, and then released his mind to observe there.

A trace of mind came out of the narrow crack. Although kukas had exhausted all means to hide his mind fluctuation, he was still detected by people outside. But although those people were aware of his mind, none of them paid attention to him. Because seven or eight professionals are fighting madly around the altar.

"Kill! A group of damn things. If you want to kill, why don\'t you go to the front? Instead, fight in the rear? Damn, the rear is a place for everyone to practice and rest. Fighting here is a waste of everyone\'s time." he cursed fiercely, then withdrew his mind and explored to another place.

After continuous exploration of dozens of places, it was found that there were fights in most places. A large number of high-level professionals from the abyss alliance and the gate of heaven killed in the sky and on the earth. The aftermath of the struggle spread hundreds of miles around. Some innocent onlookers and passers-by soy sauce were instantly killed by the aftermath of the struggle. Their death did not attract the attention of any fighter.

After observing several places continuously, kukas found that the members of the gate of heaven had the upper hand. A large number of members of the abyss alliance were killed or driven away, but they successfully guarded the altar, and even some altar began to operate slowly.

To kukas\' surprise, an eighth rank professional fell around each of these altar that began to work. And this discovery made him secretly happy.

"This is a conspiracy! The naked conspiracy, which uses the death of the eighth rank professional as the material to open the altar, is really ferocious." his mind turned, and he quickly read his knowledge. Finally, he found that only in the extremely ancient times, a altar for summoning evil creatures could be opened in this way.