Abyss Knight

Chapter 626

"What do you mean by that?" kukas was moved by the words, but he heard some information from Clemens that he couldn\'t believe.

"Ha ha! The two temple soldiers chased me a few days ago because I accidentally got the information that they wanted to destroy this plane. Otherwise, do you think they will shoot me, a newly promoted divine Archer? No one here looks down on me." Clemens patted her forehead and muttered with an ugly look: "In fact, if they don\'t chase me, I may take refuge in them. After all, I don\'t want to die."

"Tell me about their destruction." Kukas frowned. If the news was true, it would be very bad news for him. If the plane was destroyed, he might be dropped to the front line as cannon fodder. And he doesn\'t want to go to the front line now, at least until he has practiced more secrets.

"Well." Clemens nodded, stretched out her hand and pointed to the barren mountain in front of her. "There\'s the hot spring ahead. I\'ll tell you when I get there."

While talking, they arrived at the hot spring. The area of the hot spring was not large, but when kukas saw the hot spring, broken pictures flashed in his mind. These pictures were obtained when he projected his idea of killing ancient beings. On weekdays, these broken pictures lie quietly in the deepest part of his memory, but now they emerge.

"Does it have something to do with the existence of ancient times?" looking at the hot spring, which is only three or five feet in size, kukas thought casually: "unfortunately, those pictures are too broken. We can only see some people fighting in the endless void, but there is no information about the hot spring."

"What\'s the matter? Aren\'t you shy?" while kukas was thinking, Na Clemens joked in a charming voice.

He shook his head, threw aside his doubts, and looked along with his voice. Kukas found that the goddess Archer Clemens had taken off her clothes and drilled into the hot spring. She leaned against the edge of the pool and exposed her naked upper body. There were some drops of water hanging on her high chest, and two bright red points trembled slightly at the top of the mountain.

"Just thinking about something." kukas shook his head and giggled, "you are not shy of a woman. What am I shy of?" while talking, he also took off his naked and jumped into the hot spring.

As soon as his body entered the hot spring, he felt a trace of strange power drilling into his body along his pores. Relax his body, let those forces swim in his body, and mobilize his mind to watch.

Under the gaze of his mind, this strange force entered his body and began to drill into his bones and even bone marrow. A large number of flesh and blood were washed away by these forces, and then he found that the hidden wounds in the flesh and blood had been passively repaired. Although this kind of repair was very slow, it was more difficult than those professionals who did not master the original power of the position The repair of the has been extremely adverse.

You know, because high-level professionals cultivate various secret methods and fight with others, they have far more hidden injuries in their bodies than those low-level professionals, and these hidden injuries are extremely difficult to deal with. They often spend a lot of magic drugs for treatment. Not only the effect is not too obvious, but also new hidden injuries will be caused by taking a lot of magic drugs.

The secret wound in the body of high-level professionals will not only affect professionals when they fight or practice secret skills, but also have a greater impact on professionals when they are promoted. Therefore, when they find the secret method or treasure to eliminate secret wounds, most high-level professionals will flock to it and try their best to control it in their own hands.

After the strange power swam through kukas, it gradually integrated into his fighting space. Perhaps it was because his fighting space was extremely solid, or for other reasons. These forces did not help his fighting space as Clemens said.

Although the strength didn\'t strengthen his fighting space, he was also extremely satisfied. Alone, it could clean up the hidden wounds, and the hot spring was a treasure land.

After kukas pulled out his mind and relaxed his body to soak in the hot spring, Clemens suddenly rushed to him from the opposite side, hugged him and laughed: "what? I\'m right!" while talking, he gently lingered on him with a soft body, and even stretched out his tongue to lick his lips, showing an attractive expression.

"Ha ha! Yes, but as you said, the whole plane will be destroyed. I\'m afraid it\'s useless no matter how good this place is." kukas narrowed his eyes and stared at Clemens. He didn\'t understand why the other party suddenly looked like this.

"If you don\'t want this plane to be destroyed, I can tell you that the people at the gate of heaven are there ready to destroy this plane. Maybe you can stop it." Clemens twisted her body and teased kukas while talking. There was a trace of temptation in her bright big eyes.

"Ha ha! I\'m not interested in women now. Well! What do you want to do?" kukas reached out and pressed Clemens\'s ass to stop her teasing.

"Nothing, I just want to play with you. Well, take revenge on my husband by the way." Clemens smiled softly. She lowered her head and licked on kukas\'s chest. The tip of her pink tongue crossed the skin, but it stirred the desire of the man under her: "think about it! Playing with a married woman should be very exciting!"

"Stimulation is stimulation, but I don\'t understand why you do it." patted Clemens on the ass and motioned her to get up.

"Hehe! My husband is in this position and performs the same task as me. I can\'t ask for help. He doesn\'t come to help me at all, but you come, so I want to revenge him." while talking, the goddess Archer Clemens got up and climbed out of the hot spring and walked to the place where clothes are stacked on the shore.

Looking at the woman\'s twisting body, kukas couldn\'t help feeling hot, but he had some ideas in his heart.

Then she saw Clemens take a memory crystal and throw it into the air. The crystal worked and began to record the scene in the hot spring.

"You\'re so cruel." after seeing Clemens\'s behavior, kukas couldn\'t help grinning: "I think your man will hate me."

"Why? Are you afraid? Hehe! I remember you didn\'t care about anything in those days. Has it changed now?" Clemens jumped to kukas and wrapped around him like an octopus, gently dawdling: "there is a strong family behind my husband, otherwise we wouldn\'t be assigned here."

"Ha ha! Interesting." after hearing the words of the divine Archer, kukas giggled. He slapped Clemence\'s ass hard and knew that the woman was exciting him, but at this moment, he didn\'t care about those: "yes, I didn\'t care about anything before. Now it\'s the same. I haven\'t changed anything, but your eyes have changed."

"Hehe, you are also very interesting. Obviously you are timid, but you say other people\'s eyes have changed." Clemens narrowed her eyes and whispered. She felt hot on her ass, but there was an excitement of revenge in her heart: "hit again, I like you to be rough."

"Dry!" with a foul word, the bald evil man turned over and pressed Clemens to the side of the pool, but he didn\'t even have a front or play, and entered her body very rudely.

After a series of ups and downs, the water in the pool splashed everywhere, charming and panting. He played one of the 36 postures and tossed for three or two magic hours. He was stunned to develop the three holes of the woman. Finally, he stopped after he fainted her.

Looking up at the memory crystal suspended in the air, kukas laughed a few times and ignored it. He just stabbed Clemens into her body again and took a nap with her.

Clemens woke up. She washed her body again and again, then put on her clothes and squatted by the hot spring to put away the memory crystal.

"The people at the gate of heaven are building a huge Dharma array in this plane, and a large number of professionals are scattered everywhere. If you like, I can take you to kill them." Clemens looked at kukas calmly and said her plan.

"I just became the eighth rank for a short time." kukas frowned slightly, but he didn\'t know what the other party thought in the end.

"That\'s OK." Clemens didn\'t know what she thought, and immediately said these words: "maybe after this plane is destroyed, we\'ll go to the front line. Well, it\'s said that people like us on the front line are the lowest cannon fodder."

"Ha ha! Woman, tell me! Where are those people setting up the Dharma array? I have just practiced a secret method. Maybe I should let them know who the master is." kukas giggled and climbed out of the hot spring.

"Can you deal with them? I don\'t think you can kill any caster just now."

"He is the legendary Twilight caster, not to mention the eighth level professional. Even now there are ninth level professionals coming, don\'t want to kill him." kukas sneered, put on his clothes, took a gun and axe and played with it in his hand.

When the gun and axe turned, a trace of cold light came out from above. When neither he nor Clemens noticed, the spring in the hot spring beside him began to roll slightly, and the speed of the spring rolled more and more violently over time.

"Never heard of it." Clemens frowned slightly. She quickly looked through her inheritance memories and found that there was no information about the dusk caster in those memories: "very powerful?"

"Ha ha! In ancient times, the appearance of the twilight caster\'s position means that this position is about to decline or even destroy. It is said that after stepping into the realm of legend, the twilight casters are as relaxed as farmers cutting grass." kukas shook his gun and axe fiercely, The body appeared directly in front of Clemens and said in a rough voice, "are you ashamed that I can\'t kill such a powerful professional? I can tell you that if you first met the dusk caster, his simplest spell can kill you."

"You\'re just making excuses for yourself." Clemens stepped back, shook her head and retorted.

"Well, don\'t worry if I\'m making excuses. Now tell me, where are the members of the gate of heaven who arranged the Dharma array? Ha ha, destroy the plane? Do they really think they\'re extremely strong in this plane?" kukas smiled grimly, shook his gun and axe, and scattered a smell of killing, which rose into the sky, more than a hundred feet above his head, A dark cloud rolled out.

Dark clouds rolled, and a cry of death and a roar of killing came out. Dark clouds spread and shrouded the sky for tens of miles. With the emotional fluctuation of kukas, the dark cloud rolled more and more intense.

Just when Clemens was about to speak, kukas\'s mind moved, but he found that something was ready to move in the hot spring behind him. However, when he turned to watch, he found that the hot spring was very calm. At the same time, the things that touched his mind seemed to disappear in an instant.

Reaching out into the hot spring, there was no abnormality. On one side, Clemens looked at it, puzzled, came forward and asked, "what\'s the matter? What\'s hidden below?"

"No, it\'s nothing, but it\'s a pity that this hot spring." without thinking about it, the bald evil man opened his mouth and lied: "I\'m afraid this treasure land will disappear completely."

"Yes! Unless the abyss alliance can completely grasp this plane, one day, people at the gate of heaven will find this place." Clemens was a little depressed.

"Ha ha, you are mistaken. Even if the abyss alliance really controls this plane, and this plane will not be destroyed, I\'m afraid this hot spring treasure will not be kept for long. Well, I think over time, many people will find the secret here, especially after you give the memory crystal to your man." kukas Gaga smiled strangely, As soon as the words turned, he continued, "since you want to revenge him, why don\'t I let you kill him."

"No, not to mention that he has a large number of life-saving scrolls, you can\'t provoke the family forces behind him alone. If the family behind him knows you killed him here, I\'m afraid you will suffer crazy revenge. More importantly, I don\'t want him to die. I also need to use him to provide me with some resources to make me a legend as soon as possible." Clemens shook her head, But he rejected kukas\'s proposal.

"Joke, which memory crystal do you hand in? He will definitely mobilize the power of the family to retaliate against me. Instead, I might as well kill him now." kukas shrugged disdainfully.

"You can rest assured that he will never retaliate against you," said Clemens in a low voice, her face suddenly turning red.

"Why?" kukas felt strange and asked.

"He doesn\'t like me at all. It\'s only for some reason that we get together." the archer of the goddess blushed, rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice. Of course, she will never tell the real reason. Let her tell the person in front of her and say, "Oh, don\'t worry, my husband actually likes watching the images of me fooling around with other men."

Thinking of her man\'s affairs and some of her choices in those years, she couldn\'t help sighing in a low voice.

Seeing the other party perfunctory himself, kukas was too lazy to ask. "Let\'s go. We don\'t have much time. Please point out the nearest place to us first."

"All right," Clemens said, taking out a map from the magic ring. Urge the fight to activate the map, and then a huge projection appeared in front of the two.

Bai Nen\'s fingers pointed at the virtual shadow. The mountains and rivers depicted above were detailed. With her guidance, kukas soon had a simple understanding of the gathering point of the gate of heaven.

"Go here first. There are two soldiers guarding there. We don\'t want to kill them. It\'s enough to destroy the altar they guard." Clemens glanced at kukas and explained quickly: "it\'s said that their Dharma array is composed of sacrificial platforms of different sizes. Every time we destroy an altar, the success rate of Dharma array operation will be reduced by one."

Looking at the hundreds of signs on the magic map and looking at Clemens beside him, kukas felt that his mood was suddenly extremely bad.

"Damn it, I found that what you prepared is very detailed." kukas took back his gun and axe and said in a deep voice.

"Ah! Ha ha! Knight kukas, you still doubt that this magic scroll was obtained from the gate of heaven? You know, I was almost killed by those two temple soldiers. Are you worried that I would use you?" Clemens frowned and cursed the bald evil man in front of her.

"The information is too detailed. I think you are using me to tell me what good it is for you to destroy these altars?" while talking, he turned and jumped into the hot spring behind him, silently waiting for the other party\'s explanation.

"It was an accident to save this plane and get this complete map. Otherwise, the two temple soldiers would never chase me crazy." Clemens looked up at the sky and found that the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate slowly. Obviously, the man\'s killing intention is weakening, and this result is not what she wants to see. You know, she and the organization behind her have paid too much for this action.

"If I had known this, I would have let them calculate other people instead of this boy. Well, I don\'t know if other people succeeded. If I didn\'t complete the task, I\'m afraid I would be punished again when I went back." a series of thoughts flashed from her heart, but she explained it very seriously, hoping to persuade kukas to destroy those sacrificial platforms.