Abyss Knight

Chapter 625

"Twilight caster."

Kukas trembled when he heard the words. He still knew the origin of the caster at dusk.

When he was promoted to evil knight and ghost cry knight, he got information about the dusk caster from the ancient inheritance of those knights.

In that ancient era, when evil knights and ghost crying knights were active in the endless void, twilight casters were one of the most powerful types of casters. At that time, only a few types of casters could be compared with these Twilight casters. In those days, even the wizards who occasionally walked on the earth could not take advantage of the caster at dusk. On the contrary, they were likely to be killed by each other.

In some legends, the first members of the twilight casters followed a supreme being walking in the abyss. The supreme being killed a twilight God in the endless void and used the God\'s personality as the material for the transfer of these casters. It was these things that caused the arrogance of the casters at dusk.

Moreover, in kukas\' memory, the number of evil and ghost crying Knights killed by dusk casters is very large, while the number of dusk casters killed by knights is very rare.

"Ha ha! It seems that the legendary ash Knight knows a lot! I used to say my profession type, but no one paid any attention. They just thought that the dusk caster was just an ordinary caster." the caster covered in smoke hoarse and laughed.

"I just got some inheritance, so I know about the caster at dusk." kukas habitually touched his head and whispered a strange smile.

"Ash knight, we don\'t have to fight, do you think?"

"There is hatred between the gate of heaven and the abyss alliance, but I think there should be no hatred between us." kukas tilted his head and smiled strangely. He believed that the caster at this dusk must know the name of the ash knight, otherwise he would never speak like this.

"Yes! There is no hatred between us, just passive conflict." the caster took a deep breath, then looked at kukas deeply and said softly, "if you have the ability, leave this plane! This plane is about to collapse."

As soon as he said this, kukas\'s face under his armor suddenly looked ugly. His mind turned, and soon he remembered what those plane inspectors said about the huge six pointed star array.

"There are three or five days left. If you don\'t go, I\'m afraid you\'ll never want to go." the caster whispered with a smile at dusk: "But before that, I want to see the means of the ash knight. According to my inheritance, we casters have never fought with your ash knights, because when the caster rises at dusk, your ash knight has completely declined."

"Unfortunately, I\'ve only practiced for more than a hundred years. I\'m afraid I can\'t satisfy you." kukas narrowed his eyes and sprayed a trace of fierce light through his visor.

"You won\'t know if you are satisfied until you try." the caster smiled in a low voice. With his hoarse laughter, a gray light flew out of his scepter and appeared in front of kukas in an instant.

The gray light seemed to span time and space, and hit kukas heavily on his chest without realizing it.

There is no deafening explosion, no violent magic sweeping, some are just silent erosion.

After the gray light hit his chest, he began to melt his fighting armor crazily. In just a moment, the gray light eroded about half the thickness of his armor. Until this time, kukas reacted.


Under his feet, the black bear gave a shrill roar, and then a black light rose from the bear\'s head. The black light rose into the sky and immediately wrapped kukas himself. The next moment, the black bear\'s head melted and turned into dark black liquid, spreading upward, forming a new layer of defensive armor on kukas\'s armor.

Kukas himself, in this series of changes, integrated with the black bear.

Half man and half bear, condensed into a real sense of killing, soared into the sky. Thirteen black flags fluttered on his back, but it stirred the endless sense of killing, and instantly integrated into kukas\'s raised palm.

"Ground cover seal!"

At this moment, kukas\'s first reaction was not to clear his magic power, but to be furious. He fiercely urged the land seal of the eighth class to shoot the caster at dusk.

The distance between the two sides was only tens of feet. When the ground cover seal was applied, the dusk caster was shrouded in an instant.

The earth was broken, and streams of magma rose up along the crack, twisting the void. Countless thunder and fire burst out and rolled around the caster\'s body.

A few simple syllables came out of the caster\'s mouth, and another book emerged from his forehead. The book flipped quickly, and a yellow smoke cloud flew out of the book, and then hovered over his head to resist the distorted space suppressed by the void.

At the same time, the caster quickly shook the staff in his hand, and yellow light flew out of the staff, and then hit kukas one after another.

These yellow lights hit kukas and were firmly resisted by the armor made of the black bear\'s head. Even his fighting armor died without touching it.

"Gaga! Just try your means, why do you have to be so cruel?" at dusk, the caster didn\'t expect kukas to show his most powerful attack means when he came up, and fell into passivity for a time. However, his combat experience is also extremely rich. At this time, he is not too frightened in the face of kukas\'s land seal.

"Scatter!" whispered the caster. But he raised his hand and beat the staff on the book. The book that came out of his head burst in an instant. In the next moment, thousands of pages flew out from under the staff and turned into a huge vortex around his body.

The frenzied magic power twisted the surrounding space, and the frozen space covered with ground seals was broken under the crazy rotation of these pages.

Magma and lightning hit the page and were swept away by a yellow orange halo. The magma solidified, turned into boulders and fell to the ground, smashing bigger holes in the broken earth.

And the Yellow cloud above his head, which resisted the power of printing on the ground, crashed under the pressure of distorted space.

Countless pages gathered in the air and then turned into dozens of chains. The chain rises and the more distorted space collides with each other.

"Bang!" a violent explosion broke thousands of pages, and the twisted space was forcibly smoothed by the pages in the collision.

"If you have the chance to become a legend, it\'s not too late for you and me to fight again." at dusk, the caster screamed strangely, waved his staff and tore a crack. Then he turned and drilled in to leave.

"So you just achieved level 8." in the collision just now, kukas instantly judged that the dusk caster, like him, had just become a level 8 professional.

It turns out that the page rotation released by the caster at dusk can be regarded as a very easy secret method for this professional. And if you cultivate this secret method to the eighth level, your power will be incomparable. When the page rotates, it will directly tear the surrounding space into a black hole and devour all attacks entering the black hole area. But just now those pages are just turned into twisted vortices. They simply have no ability to break space and form a rotating black hole.

"You haven\'t practiced such a simple secret method to the eighth level. You\'re really looking for death." with a low roar, kukas\'s lower body shook and the black bear charged, and rushed to the place where the caster tore the space and turned away.

His hands pierced into the just healed crack, then separated left and right, and turned sideways to chase down.

"Get out." as soon as the crack was torn open, a hoarse voice came out of the crack. Then I saw a yellow staff sticking out of it and pounding on kukas\'s head.

When the staff fell, it was wrapped with a flame formed by countless magic words, which was as fast as a meteor.

"Broken!" his eyes did not turn. The killing talent had already felt the danger, so kukas just stretched out his hand to urge the ground seal to grasp the staff.

Palm shrouded, several feet of space distortion. The wand fell into the twisted space and was instantly torn to pieces by the twisted space. The flame formed by countless magic words swam away in the space and wanted to break free. However, with kukas\'s sneer, these flames lasted only three or two moments.

"Get out of here," kukas screamed. He didn\'t go after him, but stretched out his hand into the crack to catch the dusk caster.

Mysterious language sounded in the crack. A series of pages appeared on the way of kukas\'s big hand, forming layers of defense, which forcibly blocked the big hand with the land covering power.

"Ha ha! The legendary ash knight is just like this. You don\'t have the ability to kill me with the land cover seal." the hoarse caster whispered a strange smile. But it mocks the low power of kukas.

"The legendary Twilight caster is just like this. Up to now, he has only practiced a secret Dharma. Hehe, he has lost all the glory of your profession in the past." kukas was unwilling to show weakness and opened his mouth to ridicule each other.

"When I become a legend, where I go, the sky is torn, the earth is broken, and the plane falls into an eternal dusk. And you are just a little person I can destroy easily."

"It\'s just a show of mouth. I can kill you before you become a legend." kukas sneered, and his backhand once again used the ground seal method to break into the space crack, hoping to hurt each other.

However, it was obvious that the caster did not control many killing methods at that dusk, but the method of tearing space was much more skilled and powerful than kukas. Just breathing, the caster disappeared from the crack. Even if kukas wanted to search for some trace fluctuations with the help of plane props, he couldn\'t find anything suspicious. So I just watched the other party escape.

"Damn it, don\'t let me see you next time, or I will kill you, a fool who pretends to be forced." kukas felt uncomfortable when he remembered the breath and depth of the caster at dusk. He was really shocked by the dusk caster. But it\'s not his fault. You know, a mature Twilight caster can make black holes when he raises his hands and feet. Black holes spread, not to mention devouring professionals. If you reach the limit of cultivation, you can devour the whole plane.

The cruel curse did not cause others to conform, but caused a burst of silver bell like girl laughter. Turning around, he saw Clemens, a divine archer who had been thrown out by him dozens of miles away at first. He didn\'t know when he came over.

The female Archer was tall. Her upper body was just wrapped around her chest, and her lower body was just a little leather pants wrapped around her ass. He carried a big dark bow in his hand. There were several ferocious dragon tattoos on his neck, waist, abdomen and thighs.

Her hair was a little messy and her face was a little pale. It was obvious that she had not fully recovered.

"What\'s funny?" kukas shook his head and threw the black bear into the burning plane through the burning black flag. Even his fighting armor was sent away by his secret method. But this time he didn\'t send the fighting armor to the burning copper tripod, but to the plane origin.

After sending away his armor and black bear, the smiling Archer Clemens suddenly changed his face and shouted, "Knight kukas, do you remember me?"

"I\'m sorry, I think this is the first time we\'ve met." kukas grumbled fiercely when he touched his bald head.

"Ha ha, you don\'t remember me, but I remember you." Clemens rushed to kukas, reached out and took his arm, shouted excitedly: "when I was a little divine Archer, I killed the enemy with you on the battlefield. You don\'t remember, but I haven\'t forgotten."

While talking, she quickly told about the meeting with kukas. Through her narration, kukas slowly remembered the things between him and her.

However, because his memory was blurred a lot, and the relationship between them was just a simple companion, he didn\'t have a deep impression of her.

But even so, after kukas felt the same breath fluctuation in Clemens as his thematic world, he still had a good feeling in his heart. Under the control of the abyss alliance, it is fate to meet people of the same plane in a strange plane in the endless void.

"How did you come here? And you were chased and killed by two temple soldiers?" kukas rubbed his head, looked at Clemens\'s pale face and asked in some doubt: "Oh! Wait a minute, I think you still need some treatment." he spoke and hooked the plane source and instilled it into the archer\'s body, She quickly recovered her consumption in the fight just now.

Under the instillation of the original power, her broken arm had grown up long ago. The original strength now is just to restore her fighting spirit that will be consumed and stabilize her fighting space.

"Thank you!" Clemens groaned comfortably. She nodded gratefully to kukas and said, "I was just promoted to level 8 a few years ago, and then I was forcibly recruited. Later, I was assigned here to control some magic castles, so as to provide various magic materials for the front line."

"I went to soak in the hot spring a few days ago, but I didn\'t expect to be found by the two temple soldiers, so they wanted me to join them. After I refused, they began to chase me." Clemens said quickly. When she said she was chased, her face suddenly darkened: "I sent a lot of information, but in the end, you came alone to help me."

"I just finished my cultivation. If you were in danger three or five years earlier, I wouldn\'t come to help." kukas shook her arm and wanted to take it out of the arms of the divine Archer, but she held it tightly and refused to let go.

"Ha ha! Three or five years ago, I didn\'t come to this position at that time!" Clemens murmured in a low mood. She obviously didn\'t want to entangle in these things, so she quickly changed the topic: "go and have a rest in that magical hot spring with me. I don\'t think you can imagine that a hot spring in a barren mountain will have such a magical effect."

"Magical effect?" pulled by Clemens, kukas asked suspiciously, "can that hot spring also improve the cultivation speed?"

"Ha ha! It can\'t improve the cultivation speed, but it can improve the firmness of your fighting space. It can also slowly clean up the hidden wounds in your body. You can\'t imagine how excited I was when I found the hot spring." Clemens didn\'t hide her discovery and quickly said the strangeness of the hot spring: "I carefully surveyed thousands of feet below and found nothing strange at all. Moreover, there was no special place around. It was really strange to say that the hot spring."

"You should keep this secret." after looking at Clemens in surprise, kukas shook his head and smiled bitterly: "if it were someone else, maybe they would kill you directly and occupy that strange place alone."

"The whole plane is going to be broken, and it\'s no use for me to hide it." Clemens shook her head and said with an indifferent face. "Although I don\'t have a powerful means of killing, I still have some means to escape. I can\'t really. I\'ll directly escape to other planes."