Abyss Knight

Chapter 624

Arrows shot out, but the final effect was not great. It turned out that she had been promoted to level 8 for more than ten years. Since she was promoted to level 8, she spent ten years in a huge magic castle, and then she was assigned to this position.

More than ten years may be enough for ordinary professionals to cultivate some secret methods, but for level 8 professionals, more than ten years is just a way to make them understand a secret method. As for cultivation, if there is no effort for more than a hundred years, generally speaking, it will not have any effect.

Now the means she uses is only what she practiced at the seventh level. Although the power is great, it is nothing to the eighth level professionals. One arrow after another came, but it was easily cracked.

"Woman, the conditions of the gate of heaven are much better than those of your abyss alliance. Why can\'t you figure it out? It\'s nothing to take refuge in us as soon as possible. No one will look down on you or gossip about you. If you come to the gate of heaven, a great power will definitely invite you to join. It can\'t be said that we will be under your jurisdiction in the future!" during the struggle, The two temple soldiers still kept persuading the divine Archer Clemens, hoping to pull her into their camp.

"It\'s impossible. You people at the gate of heaven think I don\'t know what you do? Dirty people like you don\'t deserve to tell me this. I have a friend who was captured by you. You not only tortured her cruelly, but also sold her out as a slave, thinking I don\'t know this?" naclimus whispered, But he was very angry at the words of the two temple soldiers.

"It\'s just a small misunderstanding. If you join us, we will release your friend and return to her freedom." a temple soldier smiled: "It\'s hard to say that your friend still likes to be a slave. You know, those who buy slaves now are all big people. In front of that big man, although she lost some freedom, she has the guarantee of life, which is luckier than any of us."

When these words were said, Clemens Jiao drank unceasingly, and the arrows shot out of her hands like raindrops, enveloping the space of hundreds of feet.

"Bitch, don\'t give you a face. You don\'t want a face. Since you don\'t want to take the initiative to join us, you\'ll die." a temple soldier was angry with Clemens\'s attack. Suddenly he roared, and a holy fighting spirit burst into the sky from him. The fighting spirit exploded in the air, and then wrapped his body into a meteor and hit Clemens fiercely.

When the meteor hit, Clementine, the divine Archer, felt that the surrounding space seemed to be locked. She shook her body and couldn\'t move at all. She could only watch the meteor turned into a soldier hit herself.

The fighting spirit surged. Even if she was hundreds of feet away, she felt a strong smell of death. Where the meteor went, it caused space distortion. The powerful pressure was released from the meteor turned into a soldier, and then it was hard to suppress it at her. This was the first time she saw the other party release such powerful power.

"Is this the difference between the mature level 8 and my level 8? I obviously have power, but I don\'t have the means to show it. I\'m not reconciled. If I had achieved level 8 300 years earlier, no, if I had achieved level 8 100 years earlier, even if I controlled a killing secret, I wouldn\'t fall into today\'s world." A series of thoughts emerged from her mind. At this moment, she was so unwilling: "unfair!"

Clemens screamed loudly. She opened her mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence. The blood essence squirmed in front of her and instantly combined into a small red crossbow.

"You want to kill me? It\'s not that easy." Clemens, the divine Archer, is also a cruel woman. She doesn\'t know how much suffering she has suffered in order to achieve the eighth level. Now she is unwilling to die like this. So she grits her teeth and displays her professional must kill secret, ready to have a final duel with the temple warrior.

She raised her left hand and put it over the crossbow. The next moment, her left arm made a clear sound, and then the arm fell off her elbow and suspended in the air.

Several mysterious and ancient languages came out of her mouth. These languages fell on the broken arm and immediately branded countless patterns. The patterns swam away, but suddenly evolved into a black and red arrow.

The black and red arrows condensed, and suddenly the world changed. A dark cloud suddenly appeared over the divine archer. The dark cloud surged, and dozens of cloud condensed dragons exposed their claws and roared madly at the divine Archer below.

Accompanied by the roar of these dragons, there were real grievances out of thin air. These grievances filled the sky for tens of miles, and countless ghosts swam among them, sending out bursts of sad cries.

Resentment filled the air, and even stubbornly stopped the temple soldiers who turned into meteors. Under the shelter of resentment, countless ghosts frantically rushed at the two temple soldiers. They frantically bit and bit the holy light, even if they were melted by the holy light.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A sound like a tidal wave sounded beside the archer Clemens. The tidal sound spread quickly and soon extended to the two temple soldiers. Under the tidal sound, the ghosts around seemed more crazy.

"Damn bitch, you\'ll die like this. Stop quickly." the two temple soldiers saw the situation and frantically urged the fighting spirit to rush towards the divine Archer Clemens, hoping to kill her. Because at this time, they suddenly felt bursts of strong danger from Clemens.

Resentment surged, and even more than half of it was swallowed by dozens of dragons on Clemens\'s head. After swallowing those grievances, these dragons looked even more crazy. They opened their mouths and spoke a series of dragon words, which fell on Clemens and quickly aged her.

There were wrinkles on her beautiful face, and her straight body slowly bent up. The tall * * was loose and drooping. A trace of death came out of her. It seemed that she was cursed by the giant dragon condensed by dozens of dark clouds.

The dragon who cursed Clemens made a lot of dragon chants, then poked his head out of the dark cloud, opened his mouth and spewed out a flame with the smell of death at the two temple soldiers. These flames hit them and forcibly smashed them upside down.

At this time, kukas appeared more than ten miles away from their struggle.

Looking at the dozens of dragons gathering in the dark clouds and the rapid aging of the divine Archer, kukas was moved, but he vaguely guessed the professional type of the divine archer.

"Kill her! Don\'t let her show her the secret." the two temple soldiers didn\'t notice kukas at all. Now they just regret themselves. Why would cats play with mice and fight with the divine Archer? If they had been cruel earlier, they wouldn\'t have to encounter such danger.

Looking at each other, the two temple soldiers knelt down on one knee, and then prayed piously. With their prayers, a few feet thick holy light suddenly fell from the void and shrouded them in the holy light.

Some images of the Holy Spirit danced and prayed in the holy light. Countless scriptures fell on them from the mouth of these holy spirits, and soon formed a holy armor on them.

The Dragon breathed and puffed out resentment and ejected the flame of death to hit the holy light. The holy light turned like a grinding plate to grind away these dead flames.

Seeing that his flame could not tear the holy pillar of light, the dragon with dark clouds roared wildly. Dozens of dragons rolled in the dark clouds and waved their wings. Gray and black silk threads emerged from the void and pierced into the dragons condensed by these dark clouds. With the support of these silk threads, the roar of the dragon became louder. One by one, they cursed Clemens, the divine Archer, and then leaned out their claws from the dark clouds to grasp the holy pillar of light.

When the dark cloud dragon collided with the holy pillar of light, kukas just stood aside silently, waiting for the next action of Clemens. If his guess is correct, the secret method that Clemens has just performed is just a small part of his power. If all the powers were shown, it would be easy to kill the two eighth order Temple soldiers. There was no need for him to do it again. Of course, the divine Archer may pay a great price for this. However, between killing the enemy and paying the price, anyone knows how to choose.

Sure enough, as he expected, when the two temple soldiers knelt down in mid air to pray, the Dragon hit the holy pillar of light and roared.

At this time, the arrow turned from the broken arm of naklimus slowly fell on the blood agglomerated crossbow. The archer of the cursed goddess straightened up fiercely. With the crossbow in her hand, she looked frantically at the two temple soldiers not far away.


When Clemens, the divine Archer, picked up the crossbow, some thin resentment suddenly rolled violently in front of her. The next moment, the space was broken, revealing a nothingness of more than ten feet.

A trace of red light emerged from the nothingness. With the emergence of the red light, dozens of giant dragons condensed by dark clouds in the sky became even more crazy. They completely flew out of the dark clouds, circled over the head of the goddess Archer, and frantically rushed at the two temple soldiers.

The huge dragon claws grabbed like a mountain peak. Although each collision broke the Dragon claws condensed by dark clouds, with the resentment of the dragon swallowing around, the broken dragon claws recovered quickly.

A dragon hit the holy light column with its body, as fierce as a meteor falling to the ground. The holy pillar of light burned on them, making the dragons cry sadly. But even so, these dragons don\'t have half a minute to stop.

There were more and more red lights. With the emergence of these red lights, even kukas, more than ten miles away, felt a trace of strong danger. The danger was not emitted by the dragon, but transmitted to him by the red light from nothingness.

The prayers of the two temple soldiers became more and more excited, and a large number of virtual shadows of the Holy Spirit appeared in the light column. When the red light reflected half of the sky, the two holy light columns finally merged together.

The Holy Spirit sang a hymn in it, and Feitian danced a sacrificial dance in it. A horn condenses itself and makes a whine. At the feet of the two temple soldiers, a circle of aura emerged, which is their natural ability.

"You forced me," cried Clemens, the divine Archer, hoarse and crazy. With a scarlet crossbow in her hand, she did not attack the two temple soldiers, but waited silently, waiting for the greatest power of the secret law to show, and then made her own must kill blow.

"Just don\'t want to die, why make excuses for yourself?" kukas frowned slightly and mocked the words of the divine archer in a low voice. In his opinion, killing does not force anyone. Some are just bloody collisions, and some are just the idea of killing each other. Killing is simple, just killing your opponent. You don\'t have to find too many reasons to convince yourself.

The red light reflected half of the sky, and a dazzling red light came out. With the rise of the red light, a red sun appeared.

The red sun, three or five feet in size, was suspended in the air, and the pressure emitted directly distorted the space hundreds of feet around. After the red sun appeared, not only kukas felt great danger and became uneasy, but also the giant dragons scattered and condensed in the air that day.

Some dragons even lost the two temple soldiers and turned to kill the divine Archer Clemens. However, it did not hurt the cursed woman, but was instantly melted by the red sun.

After the red sun appeared, there were red lights in front of it, but after a small part of these lights appeared, they slowly went out. Look carefully, but the fighting spirit of the divine Archer Clemens is not enough to support the complete exertion of this secret method.

"But even so, it\'s enough!" kukas narrowed his eyes and looked at the dissipated red light, but he knew that if the secret method continued to be used, there would be twelve red suns ahead. After the twelve rounds of red sun completely emerged, the secret technique of the divine Archer could be regarded as a complete success.

"It\'s just a pity that I didn\'t see the real secret power of the archer of the legendary dragon killing God." looking at the goddess Archer Clemens who was old because of the Dragon curse, kukas whispered a strange smile.

"It\'s lucky for you to die in the secret record of killing dragons." the sarcastic voice of the God Archer sounded. The next moment, she fiercely buckled the blood red crossbow in her hand, and then the arrow evolved in her arm penetrated the red sun in front of her like lightning. The red sun was broken, and then turned into an immeasurable red light, covering the space hundreds of feet around, towards the cage of the two temple soldiers who were still praying.

Immeasurable red light instantly drowned the two temple soldiers, then flew out for tens of miles and hit a mountain peak.

After a long time, the red light dissipated, and a gap hundreds of feet wide appeared in front of Clemens. The gap hundreds of feet wide and tens of feet deep extends tens of miles away, and the peak that should have stood between heaven and earth completely disappeared, leaving only a hole hundreds of feet deep in place.

"Dead." after Clemens couldn\'t feel any breath of the two temple soldiers, she couldn\'t help but loose the secret method. Her dry body fell powerlessly from the sky and hit the earth heavily and fainted.

The dark clouds dissipated, and dozens of dragons cursed her madly, but they had to dissipate because the secret method dissipated.

After the last dragon\'s unwilling roar disappeared from heaven and earth, it was quiet within a radius of tens of miles. There was no other sound except the wind.

Slight waves of space appeared beside the divine Archer, cracks appeared, and a gray robed caster came out with a staff more than one person high.

The grey robed caster was surrounded by a breath of death, which surged into smoke and covered his face. But kukas felt the breath of the gate of heaven in him.

"Are you here to die?" the mind turned, and the black bear roared. The next moment, in a dull thunder, the black bear crossed more than ten miles and suddenly appeared above the God archer in a coma on the ground, holding it against the gray robed caster.

"Death knight? Dark Knight? Fallen knight? Night knight?" a hoarse, glass rubbing voice sounded from the mouth of the grey robed caster. Hearing the sound alone made kukas feel sick.

Twelve black flags shook behind him, and golden lights scattered down into the archers below. And the black flame turned into a chain, wrapped the God Archer and threw him tens of miles away.

"Cinder knight, I don\'t think you\'ve heard of it." after sending the divine Archer away, kukas played with his gun and axe and slowly wiped it with his hand. He was also very curious about the caster in front of him: "necromancer? Dark mage? Fog? Abyss? Death? Decay? Curse? Worship or dead silence?"

"Ha ha! It seems that just as I can\'t detect your professional, you can\'t detect my professional." the grey robed caster smiled in a low voice. He turned the wand in his hand. The wand was light yellow, a glimmer of streamer flickered in it, and a faint magic wave was emitted from it. Although the fluctuation was extremely weak, kukas did not dare to underestimate it at all.