Abyss Knight

Chapter 623

A lot of fighting spirit poured out of his arms and hit the floor in front of him. Flesh and blood fly everywhere. In the process of transferring the fighting spirit in the body, the flesh and blood on it are forcibly torn by those fighting spirit. A lot of fighting spirit was instilled into the floor, and the secret room, which had been quenched by magic power for more than a hundred years, was forcibly blasted out of a pit more than a foot deep.

"Damn it." spit hard, and kukas immediately moved the plane source to restore his body to its peak. The body recovered, but the blow suffered in the heart could not be recovered for a while. He could not understand why there were war slaves in this plane. After all, this is a deep area within the control area of the abyss alliance. The people at the gate of heaven definitely have a big plot to send professionals here at this time. However, this scheme has not been completed for various reasons, so it has been delayed until now.

Kukas still agrees with his wild speculation. Unfortunately, he has no way to stop it now. Not to mention the war slave with at least ten levels of power, he can\'t break the magic castle built underground.

After transmitting the information of discovering the magic castle again, he transmitted these information to some controllers of the abyss alliance through the control center in the magic castle. After doing this, he was too lazy to go out. He just tore a small space crack, threw a small part of his mind and breath tens of millions of miles away through the crack, and paid attention to the situation there. His noumenon remained in the magic castle and continued to speculate about the knowledge of tearing space and other secrets.

As the days passed, there was still no information about law enforcers on the magic scroll. On the contrary, there was information about the attack and killing of some professionals who had just been promoted to level 8 stationed in the abyss alliance. This information was little at first, but the frequency has increased over time. In just a few decades, three professionals who had just been promoted to level 8 to perform tasks in this position were hunted.

During this time, the magic castle hidden under the ruins of the imperial capital did not move, as if there were no creatures in it. As for the war slave, there was no trace for a long time.

"Hunting game? It\'s really fun." playing the magic scroll in his hand, he looked at the new distress information emerging again. After a little thought, he quickly made a choice.

Ten fingers turned, a trace of ash fighting spirit drilled out of the fingertips and integrated into the magic scroll. Under the action of the secret method, those ash fighting spirit soon wound around the scroll to send out the name of the professional who sent a message. The next moment, the scroll exploded and evolved into a portal.

The appearance of the portal was prompted by kukas who found a secret method on the magic scroll after mastering some skills of tearing space. After urging this secret method, he can tear the void and lock the target position for long-distance transmission at a very low cost.

"The killing is about to begin." at the moment when the portal appeared, kukas repeatedly urged the secret method and roared in a low voice.

With a low roar, a gray cyan light burst out from his head. The light rotates to form a rotating simple altar, in which items such as helmet, breastplate, arm guard, leg guard, gloves, cloak and shoulder guard fall from it.

These devices appear a bluish gray. They fall from the altar and fall directly on kukas. However, in a few moments, these devices formed a whole body armor on him.

He pulled the lower armor and knocked on the ferocious horns on the helmet. Kukas said with a ferocious smile: "is this the real power of the fighting armor? But just when the armor is cultivated to the bronze level, it can increase its fighting armor by about 2%. If it is cultivated to the top level, how much will it increase? Huh!"

He stretched out his hands and looked at the green gloves on his hands. The gloves seemed to be made of unknown metal, but in fact, like his armor, the gloves were made of fighting spirit and various prohibition arrays, and finally quenched with the flame in the bronze tripod.

Clench your hands hard, and Streamers appear on the gloves. These streamers are actually the manifestation of prohibition outlined by secret methods. It contains the characteristics of armor breaking, heavy hitting, tearing and twisting. Similarly, if his fighting spirit is blessed by the glove, his fighting spirit will also have these characteristics.

Of course, the power of these characteristics branded on the gloves is still a little low, but after he has mastered more advanced prohibition methods, he can slowly add them, so as to improve the power of this armor again.

Glancing at his hands, ten fingers flicked and made, a fighting light beam sprayed from his fingertips. The light beam pierced into the void in front of him. Then twelve black flags emerged from his back and solidified into a solid body.

The black flag shook, and the flames fell from it, and then fell on the void pierced by the light beam. The flame burst and a burning portal condensed rapidly from there.

"Roar!" a wild roar sounded from the portal. The next moment, a huge dark figure rushed out of it. The dark figure appeared and fell directly at kukas\'s feet to entrust him.

Looking down, what was entrusted to his feet was not a skeleton war horse, nor three monsters, but a black bear three feet long.

The black bear roared, and kukas\'s mind was intertwined with his mind. Standing on it, his heart moved with his will. As long as he had an idea, the black bear walked according to his idea.

The huge bear\'s paw falsely stepped on the sky, and the space under his feet was distorted. Thunder and fire burst out from it and splashed around. When you look carefully, it is just like kukas\'s land cover seal.

The backhand pulled out the gun and axe, and sent out bursts of ferocious laughter under the ferocious mask. Then he urged the black bear to enter the portal to support the rescued eighth level professional.

The kasol empire is a small empire in this plane. Since the start of the all-out war, this small Empire, like other empires, began to delimit the battlefield with the surrounding empires, and then began a long killing war. This war is not for territory and resources, but for soldiers who are unable to become spell casters to burst out fighting spirit in the killing and become a low-level professional.

The successive hundred years of war did not reduce the population of this small Empire much. On the contrary, with the various material and technical support provided by some large empires, the population increased very slowly.

The increase in grain production, the reduction of diseases and the encouragement of fertility policies are all preparations for war.

It is also in this long-time killing that a large number of low-level professionals appear from the soldiers who have been simply trained. Every time a soldier breaks out and becomes a professional, they will leave the battlefield and enter war academies of different sizes for training in order to become a higher-level existence, so as to prepare for the full-scale war on the front line.

Three years ago, an eighth order female divine Archer appeared in the small empire. The female divine Archer sits in the small Empire and provides the small empire with redundant high-grade materials every year, which increases the national strength of the Empire.

The female god Archer served as one of the controllers in the magic castle in a mountain millions of miles away from the small empire. However, she did not stay in the castle most of the time, but wandered in the small Empire, providing some materials produced in the magic castle to trade with the small Empire, so as to obtain a lot of knowledge in the Empire. Of course, it is essential to discuss the cultivation methods with some high-level professionals hidden in the Empire.

Originally, the female archer\'s life was extremely regular. After discussing some knowledge and secret cultivation with the high-level professionals hiding in the imperial capital, she would go to a remote mountain area of the Empire to rest for some days. There is a hot spring there. She has to soak there for three or five days almost every time to relieve her fatigue.

This time, however, as soon as she arrived at the hot spring, she was besieged by professionals from the two gates of heaven. In a hurry, she fought with the two high-level professionals while passing the help message through the magic scroll.

The distress message was sent again and again. The goddess Archer Clemens not only didn\'t get any response, but was embarrassed by the two high-level professionals because of her distraction. In order to avoid the killing of the two high-level professionals, she almost used up all her magic scrolls and props.

"Chick, I think you\'d better give up the struggle! In this plane, the members of your abyss alliance have been frightened by our killing, and no one dares to come to help you. I promise you that as long as you surrender, we will not only not hurt you, but also help you improve your strength, and we will not treat you as cannon fodder and throw you into a plane to live and die." The two professionals who besiege the goddess Archer are all soldiers. They wear white robes and emit holy light. From time to time, they throw out an auxiliary arcane skill, but they are soldiers of a temple.

"You can only kill me or let me leave these two endings. It\'s impossible for me to take refuge in you. This is the area controlled by the abyss alliance, and you invaders will be expelled sooner or later." Clemens\'s small face was tight, and she quickly shuttled between the two temple soldiers at her own speed, From time to time, arrows were fired to attack and stop them.