Abyss Knight

Chapter 622

Kukas felt a movement in his heart when he heard the speech, and then he fell down. After he was only seven or eight feet high from the magic metal, he trampled on it again and again. In the bursts of dull thunder, the space under your feet twisted and broken, revealing a black vortex with a size of more than ten feet, grinding towards the magical metal.

"I want you to die." kukas smiled grimly, but did not take the threat of the other party to heart: "if you have the ability to kill me, will you still hold it in there?"

"Seek death." a roar sounded from under the magic metal. The next moment, there were bursts of gear rotation in the magic metal, dozens of holes of different thickness were exposed, and then a light column of light or dark came out.

As soon as the light column appeared, it sent out powerful magic waves. Alone, those magic waves stubbornly resisted the breath pressure released by kukas.

Within a radius of tens of miles, the space is turbulent. From time to time, there are threats and magic waves colliding together, making a slight explosion. At this time, if a low-level professional enters this area, even if he is at the peak of level 7, he will be directly hanged into meat sauce by the collision of two different forces.

Dozens of light columns appeared, of which more than a dozen light columns hit hard in the vortex of the ground mark, and forcibly resisted the vortex. More than a dozen other pillars of light rose into the sky, tearing the sky like more than a dozen spears and piercing kukas.

Instead of retreating, the violent ash fighting spirit surged out of his body, formed a simple fighting spirit protection body outside his body, and then hit the prohibition defense generated by the magic metal below.

At the moment of impact on the forbidden defense, he waved his big hand and used the means of covering the ground to attack the forbidden defense. There was still a violent explosion. After the forbidden defense was slightly dimmed, it quickly recovered its original light. Kukas\'s body was severely bounced out in the explosion just now.

More than a dozen thick and thin light columns twisted the space and quickly pierced towards him. At the same time, more small holes were suddenly opened in the magic metal. Countless magic forms such as fireballs, lightning and hurricanes flew out of the hole and shrouded kukas.

For a time, the explosion continued in the sky, and the violent magic power fluctuated wantonly in the sky. In just a few breathing times, kukas was forced into the sky hundreds of miles away.

His hands were flying, which should have been the ground seal of killing, but it served as a means of defense. Changes were displayed one by one, forcibly erasing more than a dozen light pillars and a large number of magic that hit him. When he withdrew hundreds of miles away, he looked embarrassed.

Suspended in the air hundreds of miles away, his eyes flickered and looked at the location of the magic metal. Kukas was extremely upset.

Take out the magic scroll and check the information on it, but kukas didn\'t find any information sent to him by a plane law enforcer. The result made his mood even worse.

"Damn it, did the people at the gate of heaven really invade this plane on a large scale? Did they completely erase those law enforcers?" the thought rose in my heart, but I didn\'t know what to do for a moment.

"If all those plane law enforcers fall, there is no point for me to compete with the underground magic castle here. It\'s better to return to the magic castle under my control and wait for things to develop. See whether I will take the initiative to leave this plane or be killed by the people at the gate of heaven and then leave this plane." shake my bald head, Kukas had a slight retreat.

"Knight? Do you want to go? It\'s too late." while kukas was thinking, he suddenly felt a spatial fluctuation not far away. At the same time, the voice in the underground Magic Castle said coldly: "at first, let you go, you don\'t go, now you can\'t go. Stay with us as slaves, you dirty knight."

"Arrogance!" coldly laughed. Kukas was too lazy to pay attention to the people hidden in the magic castle, but turned his eyes to the void hundreds of feet away.

When he looked there, a crack appeared in the void hundreds of feet away. Then a figure flashed through it, and a white robed soldier came out.

The soldier was wrapped in a clean white cloak, with a smiling male mask on his face and a long handle war knife in his hand. He stood quietly and stared at kukas in the sky.

The spirit and breath surged into a big net and shrouded the masked soldier. I thought I would be blocked by the breath of the other party, but I didn\'t think his mental breath reached the masked soldier very smoothly, and even wrapped around him directly.

The moment when the spirit touched the masked soldier, kukas\'s heart became more heavy. On the masked soldier, he felt a strong dead breath, which wrapped around his body like a pool of stagnant water.

There is no fluctuation of mind and spirit, no fluctuation of life breath, and no fluctuation of plane identity. There is only one breath fluctuation belonging to the gate of heaven.

"Puppet?" narrowed his eyes, and kukas asked unconsciously.

"No, it\'s a war slave." the voice in the magic castle sneered, and his words were full of sarcasm: "if you take refuge in us, maybe I will be merciful and let you become a war slave to serve for the gate of heaven. What do you think?"

"What a cruel means." kukas gasped at the words.

In his understanding, war slaves are very different from puppets. At least war slaves are made by living people, and puppets are often made by magic materials and dead people. Making a war slave is extremely bloody. As the material of a war slave, the soul will not dissipate, but will be imprisoned in the current body with a secret method.

The war slave has his own thoughts, but he can\'t control his body. Instead, he will be a prop controller made of special magic materials implanted in his body.

Often in battle, the person who controls the war slave uses a secret method to project his mind and spirit onto the magic props in the war slave\'s body, and then controls the war slave\'s body to fight with the help of the power of the props. In this way, even if the war slave fails, the controller will only lose a small amount of mind.

The soul is imprisoned in the body. It can\'t control its own body, but it can sense what\'s happening outside. And this is the greatest sorrow of war slaves.

"The abyss alliance has never made war slaves, but the people at the gate of heaven take them out and use them openly. To tell the truth, it may be you who should fall into the abyss." kukas twitched involuntarily at the corner of his mouth and said his thoughts in a deep voice.

"Ha ha! Everything is for war." the voice sounded coldly: "this plane belongs to the gate of heaven, and you people will completely disappear. You won\'t even have the chance to become war slaves."

Before the sound was finished, kukas screamed, pierced his hands into the space in front of him, then tore the space, jumped into it and fled to the magic castle under his control.

Not that he didn\'t want to fight with the people in the magic castle, but that he was frightened by the war slaves in front of him. According to the information he controlled, the lowest level of a war slave was also a level 10 professional. Although he has cultivated the means of overlaying the ground seal to the highest level at present, and can easily kill the eighth level professionals, he has no means to deal with the war slaves whose lowest level is the tenth level, so he has only one choice to escape at this time.

Turning into the space crack, the war slave shot before the crack behind him closed.

Waving the long handled sabre, it crossed a strange arc in the air, and then suddenly appeared in the space channel torn by kukas.

The arc drawn by thousands of swords intertwined into a big net in this passage and shrouded kukas in the past. As soon as the arc drawn by the war knife entered the space channel, it easily tore all kinds of patterns and lines used for reinforcement inside the channel.

The space passage began to collapse. At the place where thousands of war knives arc, the passage collapsed and revealed nothingness. Nothingness spread and swallowed up kukas along the arc of the war knife.

"Roar!" a low roar. In this space channel, kukas turned fiercely and showed the means of covering the ground to the rear. The violent fighting spirit forcibly tore the space channel behind him, and then twisted into a rotating vortex.

The arc cut by the sword hit the vortex. It was only breathing time, so it tore the vortex apart.

Although it was only a breathing time, kukas jumped out of the channel and appeared in the secret room inside the magic castle.

The backhand closed the space crack. When the space crack healed, there was only a slap left, an arc forcibly tore the crack, and then chopped heavily on kukas\'s chest.

"Bang!" with a muffled sound, kukas\'s body was severely hit by the arc drawn by the war knife.

The fierce fighting spirit was instilled into his body and raged wildly. Although the fighting defense evolved from the ash fighting spirit was strong, it was easily torn apart like paper in front of the tenth order soldier.

His huge body hit the wall hard, his muscles trembled, and his secret skills were used to transfer the fighting spirit of invading body crazily. I saw that there were bulges of different sizes on him. These bulges swam in his body like poisonous snakes. Where they went, flesh and blood burst and bones were broken.

"Get out!" with a low roar, kukas slapped his hands on the floor in front of him. All the violent fighting strength gathered on his arms and poured out in an instant.