Abyss Knight

Chapter 621

Sigh, just when he wanted to take back his mind, he suddenly felt an obscure magic wave in the ruins of the imperial capital. The magic wave appeared for a very short time, but disappeared in a few moments. Such a strange place immediately attracted his attention.

"Secret room open?" kukas quickly flashed dozens of guesses about this fluctuation in his mind, and finally determined that the fluctuation was not caused by tearing the space, nor was it formed after the transmission of Dharma array and other things started, but only when the secret room with magic prohibition was opened.

"There are still people wandering in the ruins of the imperial capital?" doubts emerged, but they couldn\'t stop: "is it that the things that the law enforcers came here to search for are still hidden here? Or is it that the temple warrior and priestess didn\'t fall? I want to see who is hiding in the ruins."

Thinking of this, the bald evil man didn\'t hide his spiritual breath, but strongly urged his breath and searched the past along the place where the magic wave occurred.

The mind swept and searched the ruins caused by the magic wave for dozens of times, but nothing was found.

"What a powerful hiding means." kukas was completely annoyed after a few more searches without finding anything. "I want to see what kind of people hide here and see if your magic prohibition is strong or my means are strong."

When his mind turned, the bald evil man got up, entered the crack, followed the passage full of patterns and lines, and directly crossed thousands of miles to appear over the ruins of the imperial capital.

"Who is hiding below? Come out right away." kukas shook his bald head and stepped on the void. A muffled thunder sounded. Thousands of thunder and fire burst out of the twisted void under his feet and flew into the ruins below like a poisonous snake.

Thunder and fire swam away, jumping and flashing among the ruins. Boulders and collapsed buildings burst apart under the thunder and fire. Just a few moments, the ruins hundreds of feet around were cleaned up by the thunder and fire. When the thunder and fire dissipated, there was only a pile of dust and pits of different sizes left in the hundreds of feet, and there were no boulders and broken walls standing.

The thunder and fire raged for dozens of breaths before it stopped. When kukas looked down, the ruins hundreds of feet around were very calm, and there was no prohibition or Dharma array touched by him. As for the trace of the magic wave, it was completely torn apart by his thunder and fire.

"Haven\'t you come out yet?" he tilted his head and sneered. The evil man raised his hand high, and then slapped it down fiercely.

"Land cover seal!" the land cover seal of the eighth level power is displayed, and a lot of fighting spirit is instilled into the structure of the Dharma array through the secret method. The next moment, I saw the earth shaking violently within hundreds of feet below, and then I heard a roar.

The earth is broken, and large pieces of gravel float slowly into the sky against common sense. Within the hundreds of feet covered by the ground seal, the space is distorted, and thunder and fire emerge out of thin air.

"Get up!" with a low roar, the ruins within hundreds of feet slowly appeared, and a pit tens of feet deep came out. A large number of crushed stones are suspended in the air, revealing the lower side. I don\'t know how large metal plates come out.

The magic metal has forbidden streamer flashing, and countless patterns and Dharma arrays are carved on it. Even so, there is no smell of magic wave on this huge metal plate. Even if the crushed stones hit it and were crushed by the forbidden streamer, there was no breath wave released.

"Don\'t you want to come out?" seeing the huge magic metal plate below, kukas knew that his guess was correct. "I spent my energy on this thing under the ruins of the imperial capital. It seems that what is hidden inside is probably the members of the gate of heaven."

With this idea, he did not try to be brave, but quickly took out the scroll in his arms and sent a message on it in order to get the support of those plane law enforcers.

"Fall!" he whispered, turned his big hand, and the stone suspended in mid air fell down fiercely. These stones were wrapped with thunder and fire, which hit the board made of magic metal like meteors.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound of explosion was continuous, and the forbidden streamer on the magic metal swam fast, firmly resisting the gravel wrapped with thunder and fire.

With a grim smile, his big hand continued to press down slowly. This time, he urged the ground seal attack secret method to tear the huge magic metal apart.

With the big hand pressed down, the violent killing breath broke out uncontrollably from his body. These killing breath rose into the sky and condensed into a black cloud in the air. Dark clouds fall, and the breath condensed in it releases strong pressure. Under this threat, the wind within a radius of tens of miles suddenly rose, and the broken buildings collapsed one after another under the wind.

A twisted space appeared directly over the magic metal, and then collided with the magic metal.

Boom! Boom!

With the falling of the twisted space, the forbidden streamer on the magical metal suddenly broke away from the metal and soared into the air, firmly supporting the twisted space and preventing the space from falling by half.

Bang! Accompanied by a violent explosion, kukas\'s land cover power exploded completely in the stalemate. The force of the explosion directly tore the earth more than ten miles around, and the broken stones were instantly twisted into powder by that force. Dozens of feet thick earth turned into dust and spread around under the cover of the ground.

Dust filled the sky, and kukas quietly suspended in mid air, squinting and staring at the situation below. After the dust had dissipated, he found a metal plate at least tens of miles in size under the broken earth. There was no gap in the metal plate, let alone doors and windows, but the carved patterns and prohibitions were turned to resist his land stamping power.

"An underground castle?" kukas\'s face was ugly when he looked at the magic metal for tens of miles. He didn\'t know when it was built, or whether it was the people of the gate of heaven or the abyss alliance. He just vaguely felt that this thing was hidden underground, which would bring him great trouble.

The foot treads on the void, and the dull thunder rings. Twisted spaces appear directly on the huge magical metal. Prohibit collision and space explosion. Casting the power of overlaying the ground for dozens of times to attack the magic metal is just a little illusory to polish the forbidden array that barely projects the magic metal into the air.

But when he stopped a little, but for a breath, the illusory projection of the forbidden Dharma array condensed again in an instant.

"It seems that there is really a magic castle under the earth, otherwise these forbidden Dharma arrays will not recover to their peak so quickly." thinking of this, kukas couldn\'t help feeling pain in his head. He really knows too much about the magic castle.

As long as there is a magic castle, it means that there are a large number of magic pools. Those magic pools can hook endless magic sources from the endless void through special prohibitions and Dharma arrays.

A lot of magic liquid will fill the castle\'s defense. The only way to tear those forbidden arrays is to break them at once, and then enter the interior before the castle repairs those forbidden arrays.

However, as far as he knows, each Magic Castle also has countless defense prohibitions and Dharma arrays. If he really enters it, I\'m afraid he will be forcibly polished into nothingness by the endless prohibition and Dharma array.

Of course, there is another way to break the prohibition and Dharma array released from the magic metal is to consume the magic power. Now, if he wants to consume the whole magic metal or the power in the magic castle alone, it is simply an impossible thing.

"Damn it." the backhand took out the scroll in his arms. Kukas sent a message to those law enforcers again, hoping to let them come here quickly and uncover the hidden things here with themselves.

"Knight, this is not the place where you should come. I suggest you leave right away." just after kukas sent a message to the law enforcers again, a voice suddenly came out from under the magic metal.

"Are you from the gate of heaven?" kukas did not answer each other, but asked with a serious face.

"Yes, this plane will be occupied by the gate of heaven. Are you waiting for those so-called plane law enforcers? Hehe! They are estimated to be unable to protect themselves now. I\'m afraid they don\'t have time to come here. Well! Maybe they will come here, but at that time, they either came here as members of the gate of heaven or as a head "But no matter what kind of status, they won\'t help you." the voice said with ease.

"When did you build this underground castle here?" kukas continued with a disdainful look on his face. He doesn\'t believe the other party\'s words at all. If everything is as strong as the other party said, the other party won\'t let him leave here, but directly kill him. It won\'t even secretly hide in the ruins to build a magic castle.

"Get out of here, or die." the voice snorted, ignoring kukas\'s Questioning: "you only have three breathing times."