Abyss Knight

Chapter 620

The power of the eighth level earth covering seal is incomparably powerful. Kukas tried it after his first practice of eight steps of overlaying. As soon as it was printed, a mountain peak several kilometers high was pressed to the ground by the palm print, and a large area of space was twisted and broken. The thunder and fire in it burst out alone, which cut down the range of tens of miles. The low-level Warcraft within a radius of tens of miles were all blown up by the thunder fire.

After such a powerful means of cultivation, kukas\'s first thought was not to continue to return to the magic castle, but to turn around and fly to the imperial capital shrouded by the regular projection encountered the year before last.

Ran all the way, but there was no cover up. The fierce fighting spirit wrapped the body and rowed across the sky. The strong mind and breath mixed together and surrounded the fast detectors, but they wanted to find someone to try their own means.

All the way forward, I didn\'t meet any level 8 professionals, or even level 8 Warcraft. Finally, when he arrived at the imperial capital shrouded in regular projection, he found that it had become a ruin.

There was a strong smell of resentment over the ruined imperial capital, which gathered together and condensed into a dark cloud.

This dark cloud is also strange. Despite the wind and rain, it just hovers over the ruined imperial capital and doesn\'t leave at all. Kukas could not clear up the dark cloud of resentment. After all, he was not a priest or a Templar who controlled the divine power.

"Is it over? You\'re lucky." he touched his bald head, kukas spit hard, and then turned back on the same road.

This time he didn\'t practice on the road, but devoted himself to the road in order to return to the magic castle as soon as possible.

He was on his way and felt that time passed quickly. Just a few months later, he returned to the magic castle under his control again.

When he returned to the magic castle, he did not inform the researchers, but plunged into the secret room for latent repair. As for the castle plantation, he had no time to pay attention to it. Even if he took out one or two magic hours every day to deal with the plantation, he felt a waste of time. At this time, he wanted to understand why the professionals under his control were lazy to develop their own plantations.

The completion of Fu Di Yin\'s cultivation gave him a lot of time at once. And all these times were thrown into the cultivation of tearing space by him.

Tear the space again and again, feel all kinds of feelings when tearing the space, and constantly summarize their own harvest.

As soon as the fighting spirit is consumed, the plane source power is directly extracted to recover quickly. Until his mind could not bear it, he would stop practicing and take out the eternal ashes to read the above knowledge. As for the battle armor, he threw it aside. Let the fighting armor quench itself in the cave not far away.

As the days passed, he gradually relaxed his control over the whole magic castle. In the end, often three or five months later, he did not give an order to the researchers, but let them busy according to their own ideas. As for turning in magic materials, he assigned it to a magic puppet. The routine operation of the plantation was controlled by some researchers.

Although he relaxed his control over the magic castle, the development of the magic castle was faster and faster.

The control center of the magic castle, according to kukas\'s previous orders, continued to expand the plantation and increase all kinds of magic defense of the castle with excess magic power. Almost every day, the area of the plantation expanded. In just 50 or 60 years, the area of the plantation in the magic castle reached about thousands of kilometers.

Over time, the number of people in the magic castle increased. Of course, this increased number is not from the outside world, but the descendants of the casters who first lived here.

More than ten thousand spellcasters and alchemists gathered here, including men and women. For a long time, they had to find some ways to vent their depression. Physical madness is the best way. It is also in this case that the descendants of these people gradually increase.

Perhaps it is because they have lived in the magic castle for a long time, which is full of magic power, or because the parents of those descendants are spell casters. The proportion of these descendants with magic talent is far higher than that in other places.

One of a thousand descendants often has the talent of a caster. In other places, it is possible for tens of thousands of people to give birth to a child with spell casting talent.

A large number of young people appeared, which suddenly added a lot of vitality to the magic castle. These young people without magic talent, because of their own reasons, do not have the ability to join the ranks of cultivating magic plant varieties. They can only plant simple zero order magic materials, and there is little demand for such materials. So most of the time, they are free.

In this case, kukas sent some magic puppets to train them as ordinary soldiers to see if he could train some melee professionals. For the rest of the time, they were allowed to wander in some unimportant areas of the castle.

It is the existence of these ordinary people that makes the population in the magic castle increase again. They do nothing and often leave a lot of offspring.

Although the presence of a large number of ordinary people makes the magic castle lively, it also makes the residential area here a lot crowded. When kukas discovered this situation, he often lived in three or five families in one bedroom.

Fortunately, the power in the magic castle is extremely powerful. Without opening new magic areas to these ordinary people, kukas sent a large number of magic puppets to dig boulders, and then expanded the castle little by little according to the design drawings of the magic castle. So as to provide enough living places for ordinary people.

"If the design on this drawing is really realized, the castle will no longer be a castle, but a huge magical city. A city that can float in the sky." kukas thought this way after branding the contents of the drawing in the crystal in the control center of the castle through the power of magic prohibition.

After he branded the drawing structure in it, the magic castle would urge the magic puppets to do this work. Until all designs of the whole drawing are completed.

In the secret room, kukas was suspended in mid air. He stabbed his hands into the void, then separated left and right, and tore out a crack more than one person high.

Powerful mind forms a special brand after secret method transformation. The mark flashed into the crack.

After the brand entered the crack, a large number of pictures were transmitted to his mind through the brand. I saw a chaos inside the crack, and the lonely brand walked in front. At the place where I walked, there was a channel with a height of more than one person behind.

The channel is branded with a large number of patterns and strange lines, which are used to stabilize the channel. These patterns and lines are condensed from all kinds of information that he has torn the void feeling again and again. Without more than a hundred years of continuous cultivation, he can\'t do this at all.

Of course, even professionals who have been inherited must practice for a long time to control the skills of tearing space a little bit. After all, the breath and brand of each professional are different. If you rashly use the method of others to stabilize the space channel, it is very likely that after entering the channel, the whole channel will burst open, throwing the entrant into the endless void or even directly strangling into nothingness.

The brand formed by the secret method continued to extend to the front, and a large number of pictures flashed in front of him. These pictures are not pictures inside the crack, but pictures outside.

Every tiny step forward of the brand is equivalent to a distance of several kilometers across the plane.

Under the control of kukas, the released brand extended for tens of meters in the space crack before it stopped. With the rotation of his mind, the brand evolved into a light gate. As long as the entrant passes through the light door, he can directly appear tens of thousands of miles or even tens of millions of miles away.

Kukas did not enter the crack, because he had torn the space hundreds of times. This time, he tried to project his mind directly to a place tens of millions of miles away through the space crack.

A trace of mind carries a lot of killing breath and condenses into an inky black light band. After entering the crack, it directly passes through the light gate of branded evolution.

After the mind passed through the light door, kukas only felt the violent turbulence of the mind, and then a large amount of information appeared directly in his mind.

A vast scene was transmitted to his mind through his mind. It seemed as if he had seen it with his own eyes. And this kind of scene is the scene of a place tens of millions of miles away.

In the broken city, there are weeds in the ruins. Some small Warcraft jump quickly in the broken buildings, or play, or escape the hunting of natural enemies, but it seems very natural.

"After a hundred years, the imperial capital has become like this?" after receiving the information measured by the mind detective, kukas\'s heart couldn\'t help moving, but some ideas floated to his mind: "It\'s a pity that I only wanted to practice the secret Dharma, but I didn\'t enter here to participate indiscriminately, but I don\'t know how the emperors of this super Empire were destroyed. Hehe, I don\'t know whether the temple warrior died or not. Huh!"

A few thoughts came to mind, but soon he shook his head and threw them aside.