Abyss Knight

Chapter 616

The golden ring on his body turned, and the solidified space around him seemed to suddenly disappear, allowing kukas to rush to the pink priestess.

"Do you want to kill me? You don\'t have the qualification?" the pink priestess didn\'t panic in the face of kukas who rushed fiercely. She just laughed, shook her scepter and planned to knock the book in front of her.

"Drink!" at this time, the female mage in the distance suddenly drank. She raised her magic wand high, and then pierced the void in front of her.

The violent magic power was released from the bottom of the staff and rushed across the void like a poisonous snake towards the pink priestess. At the same time, the magic defense around her body broke dozens of layers and almost fell on her.

The poisonous snake formed by the violent magic power suddenly appeared tens of feet in front of the pink priestess, and then the magic power exploded. The surrounding space trembled suddenly, and a breath of destruction emerged out of thin air. With the breath of destruction, there were broken fireballs scattered around.

These flames evolved into poisonous snakes, crazy Devourers, and those destructive breath changed into 18 Black poisonous snakes with a length of tens of feet.

The poisonous snakes hovered and formed a strange position with each other. The mouth of the snake opened, and a dark cold light spewed out from it into a chain and appeared beside the pink priestess out of thin air.

The space within a radius of tens of miles roared. Kukas only felt the hard groan of the gold ring around his body. The unknown pressure gathered from all directions and suppressed the continuous contraction of the gold ring around his body. Fortunately, the pressure is not aimed at him. Otherwise, the pressure he has to bear is estimated to be dozens or even hundreds of times greater.

"Ah!" the action of the pink priestess solidified in an instant, and the cold light from the 18 poisonous snakes hooked the power of the void for tens of miles around and suppressed her. At this time, kukas rushed to her, but more than ten feet away.

With the scream of the pink priestess, the crown on her head burst open, and the next moment, a rotating six pointed star array jumped out of the crown. The Dharma turns and creaks, which forcibly blocks the pressure in the void.

"You are all going to die." although the pink priestess was in danger, her pure face still looked so calm, but there was a trace of regret and disgust in her eyes: "the Supreme God King, please listen to the cry of your maid: \'may the sword in your hand kill my enemy, pierce his heart and erase his soul.\'"

The calm voice of the pink priestess sounded, accompanied by her cry. There was a crack in front of her, from which countless golden light spewed out. Then a long sword flew out of it and pierced kukas\'s chest.

"Go away!" facing the long sword running through, kukas whispered and screamed, his feet trampled on the void, and the space in front of him was constantly distorted. In bursts of dull thunder, endless thunder and fire burst out from it and turned into a chain to wrap the long sword.

The golden sword entered the twisted space, and the speed slowed down. Finally, when it was about to fly out of the edge of the twisted space, it stopped moving.

Thousands of different forces constantly tore the long sword in that area. The long sword roared like a fierce beast trapped in a cage.

The pink priestess gathered strength and urged the long sword to compete with kukas\'s land seal while urging the secret method to continuously increase the shackle power wrapped around the female mage.

"Ha ha! Noble priest, stop resisting. Let me catch you and teach you well, so that you can enjoy yourself as soon as possible." kukas Gaga smiled strangely, stepped on the void and shook his hands, but showed his ground seal and hit directly at the body of the pink priestess.

The thundering sound, before the space was distorted, was wiped out by the Dharma array rotating on the head of the pink priestess. Such means made kukas look stiff and curse in his heart.

"A knight who has just been promoted wants to fight with me. You are really ignorant!" the pink priestess sneered in a low voice, but didn\'t pay attention to the attack on kukas: "your means is to attack thousands of times again, and don\'t think of breaking the defense on my head."

"What if we were added?" just as her voice fell, dozens of breath rushed from the distance.

Dozens of undisguised breath gathered together to walk, which stirred the space turbulence and stirred the dark clouds. Thunder and lightning twined in the dark clouds, and a trace of destructive breath leaked out. Those smells alone made kukas feel frightened. Fortunately, this breath is not aimed at him, so the impact is not too great.

"She was the one who summoned the temple warrior and killed her, otherwise she would secretly summon more people from the gate of heaven to come here." the female mage who was fighting with shackles couldn\'t help but change her face when she saw the dozens of breath coming. But then she reached out and pointed to the pink priestess in the distance, shouting loudly.

"Betrayer, no matter what reason you betrayed the abyss alliance at first, no matter how much credit you made, you are going to die now." a violent voice sounded from the dark cloud. Then I saw the dark cloud rolling and splitting a gap from the center, and a human shadow tens of feet high rushed out of it, like a hill and pressed down on the female mage. The dozens of breath suddenly tore a crack in the air. The next moment, dozens of professionals with different levels burst out of the crack.

Eighth level, all eighth level professionals, soldiers, mages, and even lurks and shield guards who should have walked on the full battlefield.

After the dozens of professionals appeared, they spewed out an infinite evil smell on their heads and frantically killed the pink priestess.

"Don\'t kill me. I just had to take refuge in the gate of heaven. Now I\'ve come out and brought you such important information." the female mage screamed and screamed, hoping to escape the disaster when she saw the giant falling on her head and the chains around her.

"For whatever reason, you will die." the giant\'s words fell from the air like thunder, and the body alone forcibly tore away the space confined by the female mage.

When kukas saw this, he was moved. Instead of attacking the pink priestess, he urged the secret method to attack the golden aura around his body.

The golden aura was originally given by the female mage to protect him from the confinement of space, but now things have come to this point. He knows that the female mage will never be caught. After a fight, the golden ring wrapped around him will evolve into a secret method to raid him.

When the ground cover seal is applied, the gray blue light on his face flashes again and again, but he uses the secret method of the ash Knight again and again, which is bound to distort the space and break the gold ring.

Dozens of professionals turned into streamers and fought with the pink priestess, pouring out their secrets crazily. This fight was several times bigger than that of kukas just now. All the areas within dozens of miles were affected by their struggle.

"All the law enforcers gathered in this place. Could it be that the priestess had some secrets?" kukas tore the gold ring outside his body, and his mind kept turning, thinking about what caused so many law enforcers to gather.

You know, according to the practice of the alliance, there are no more than three or five hundred law enforcers in a high-level plane. These three or five hundred law enforcers are scattered in various regions, often hundreds of millions of miles apart.

"Knight, kill the priest, and I\'ll deal with the traitor." after kukas destroyed the gold ring outside his body, the giant had fought with the sorceress.

When the female mage waved, a thunder and fire hurricane appeared, but the giant didn\'t avoid it. She just resisted with her body, and her flesh and blood burst, but she recovered in an instant. Although she looked a little embarrassed, her momentum soared to the sky and forced the female mage to retreat again and again.

"When I joined the gate of heaven, I found that the huge and Dharma array they arranged here was to extract the plane source power. They extracted the plane source power, but they wanted to revive an ancient supreme existence. I know where the fallen supreme existence is. Let me go and I can take you there." the female mage twinkled in the air quickly, She didn\'t want to escape, but the giant\'s speed was not slower than her flashing speed. Every time, she was forced back by the giant.

"What the supreme existence of shit, don\'t talk nonsense here." the giant screamed repeatedly, reached out to grasp the magic released by the female mage, rubbed and rubbed it in his hand, and forcibly rubbed and rubbed a tens of feet thick lightning into nothingness.

"It\'s funny. At first, he wanted to kill me, but the essence was to deal with the priestess. Now, it\'s fun to be killed by his former companions." kukas was too lazy to care what the sorceress did for. After observing the struggle between the giant and the sorceress, he decided not to participate in it.

Because he found that the giant\'s attack was too rough and simple. When the fist and foot went down, the space even collapsed, and the movement speed was very fast. He couldn\'t catch up with the giant\'s speed at all.

As for the struggle between dozens of law enforcers and the pink priestess, although the scope of the fluctuation caused by the struggle is more huge, the speed between them is not so fast. Moreover, he also found that under the pressure of dozens of professionals at the same level, the pink priestess displayed her arcane skills one by one without stopping. The means seemed to be the same as him, as if she didn\'t care about the turbulence in the magic space, and frantically output her magic and spiritual power.