Abyss Knight

Chapter 617

"What a powerful woman." kukas frowned slightly. After observing for a while, he sent a message to the law enforcers through the scroll. Then he stepped on the void and rushed over quickly to participate in the killing of the pink priestess.

The big hand turned over the sky and printed the ground one after another. At first, it shrouded the body of the pink priestess, but the Dharma array on the other party\'s head was too strange. Every time the distorted space had not been formed, the Dharma array wiped out his means.

Then he used his overlaying seal to distort the space in other places, trying to predict the inevitable way to attack the other party. Unfortunately, after several attempts, it not only did not affect the pink priestess, but also affected people on their own side. Without a word, the bald evil man just sulked at the body of the priest.

"I\'d like to see if it\'s your powerful magic power or my powerful plane source power." in his random thinking, his attention gradually focused on those plane law enforcers.

These plane law enforcers shake their bodies, sometimes forward and sometimes backward, but they don\'t stop for half a minute.

They have achieved level 8 for hundreds of years. They not only have rich fighting experience, but also master a lot of secret methods.

Some people release range spells, others release control and curse means, but they surround the pink priestess to prevent her from escaping.

"Everybody, why fight against me? The power of your abyss Alliance on the front line is declining day by day. I think you might as well join our heavenly gate. At that time, let you join my church, not to mention a cardinal, but at least an ordinary bishop." the pink priestess said quickly, Try to persuade these people to rebel against the alliance and become their own.

"Xiaonizi, if you play with our brother for a few years, I can\'t say that my heart is soft, you will join your gate of heaven. Do you think so?" a twin caster began to laugh at the same time. The twin casters are proficient in single attack spells and curses. They didn\'t shoot fast, but every time they shot, they had to embarrass the pink priestess.

Kukas noticed that the pink priestess didn\'t dodge when facing range attack spells. Of course, she didn\'t have the ability to dodge. Just rely on the six pointed star Dharma array above your head to resist.

"Hehe, it\'s good for you two to think of it, but if you want me to play with you for a few years, I think it\'s better to wait until you become a legend! To tell the truth, I really despise you now. It\'s better to play with a beggar than to play with you for a few years."

"Don\'t wait so long, you can do it now."

A group of level 8 professionals fight and shoot at the same time. They want to use words to attack the enemy and make the enemy\'s mind unstable, so as to find a chance to kill each other.

Kukas kept silent, just focused on the secret methods of other professionals, and wanted to lay a good foundation for fighting with others in the future by mastering the methods of these professionals.

A group of people fought in the sky. It was dark, thunder and fire burst, and hurricanes continued. The land hundreds of miles around was forcibly torn apart by the aftermath of the struggle between the two sides, or there were bottomless pits, or suddenly turned into magma and desert.

"Ah! You bastards, sooner or later, I want you all to die." when kukas attacked the pink priestess one after another, he suddenly heard the female caster scream in the distance.

Turning around, I saw that the female mage was slapped by the giant, her magic prohibition defense was broken, and the whole person was pulled out hundreds of feet away.

A lot of magic power scattered uncontrollably from her body. These powers fell into the air and directly turned into a raging fire.

"Kill!" the female mage flew backward and rushed to the position of kukas. Seeing that the female mage was so embarrassed, the bald evil man suddenly shook his body and rushed to the other party in front of him while breathing.

The big hand raised high, and then slapped the female mage on the head like a hill.

The invisible force spewed out from the palm and twisted the surrounding space. The violent ghost cry and fighting spirit was instilled into the structure of the Dharma array, which moved the space within more than Zhang and squeezed it together towards the female mage.

"Ah!" with a shriek, the female mage hurriedly waved her magic wand and threw it at kukas. At first, the exquisite staff didn\'t know when it broke, but even so, when the staff hit kukas head-on, it still made him feel a powerful danger.


The palm fell, and the twisted space appeared around the staff in an instant. In bursts of violent explosion, the incomplete staff was forcibly twisted into countless pieces.

With the help of the explosion, the female mage forced the secret method to flash several kilometers away.

"Why did you do it to me?" the female mage screamed, turned her head and glared at kukas with resentment, then stuffed some pills into her mouth and continued to run away.

"Just because you once shot at me, and you always wanted to kill me." kukas smiled strangely, gave up sniping the pink priestess, turned and chased the injured sorceress.

"I was just trying to confuse the bitch at the gate of heaven, so I had to do that." after swallowing several pills, the female mage flickered and ran crazy to the distance. And followed the giant and kukas behind her.

The giant roared in a low voice and waved her huge fist. Every time she waved her fist, a space collapsed around the female mage. The collapse of this space is far more powerful than the power caused by kukas\'s land seal. However, kukas didn\'t care, because his land seal had just reached level 5. If it took him three or five years to reach level 8, according to the records in the book of eternal ashes, once printed, killing an eighth level professional was really in the backhand.

The sorceress frantically urged the secret method to escape, hoping to open the distance to tear the space for long-distance transmission, but kukas and the giant were too close. After chasing dozens of breathing times, the three just revolved around within a hundred miles.

"Boy, help me kill him." just as kukas was chasing after him, the giant in front suddenly stopped, then stepped back, suddenly appeared beside him, grabbed him with his backhand, and then threw him out like throwing stones.

"I, Japan!" cursed kukas. He only felt that a mass of nothingness appeared in front of him, and his body melted into nothingness. When he got out of it, he found himself standing face to face with the female mage.

The female mage just finished flashing, but suddenly found a bald evil man in front of her. The evil man looked at her blankly, then smiled grimly, and hugged her when she didn\'t understand what was going on. "There is no space crack, no magic wave, just suddenly appear. What is this means?"

"Go away!" the female mage was no longer at a loss. At this time, she also knew that she was in the battlefield. No matter how she appeared in front of her, she was to deal with herself.

With a soft drink, the female mage bit her silver teeth, wrinkled her eyebrows, forced the secret method again, opened her mouth and ejected a red light to hit kukas\'s face door.

His head flashed, his face was gray and blue, but there was a small twisted space to resist the red light on the way forward. Although he used this method in a hurry, his power was only two or three levels, but it was enough to slow down the red light for a moment. With this time, his head finally avoided the past, but his cheeks and ears were rubbed by the red light. Just like this, most of his face and ears were evaporated by the red light, revealing white broken bones. Fortunately, he has been urging the ashes to fight and form a simple defense outside the body, otherwise the red light can\'t directly evaporate his whole head.

"Ah!" with a strange cry, kukas was in pain. He tightened his arms and forced his head to hit the female mage\'s forehead, regardless of the magical power burst from the other party.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" hit dozens of times. The bald big head was like a siege hammer. Several times it smashed the female mage\'s magic defense, and then collided with the small head.

"Go away! I\'ll kill you." the female mage\'s head was hit. She only felt her head buzzing, eyes blurred and her mind turbulent. But even at this time, she still frantically urged the secret method to kill the bald evil man: "I\'m just forced. Why kill me?"

"Because I want to kill, I\'ll kill you." kukas smiled grimly. His hands frantically urged the fight on the female mage\'s back. Behind him, the black flag fluttered, hooked endless planes, instilled the original power into him, and quickly restored his state.

The violent ashes tore the magic defense of the female mage, rushed into the woman\'s body, swam wildly in her body, and frantically destroyed her body function.

"Bang! Bang!" bursts of crisp noise burst from the female mage, and a fist sized hole appeared on her out of thin air. A large amount of blood and broken internal organs flowed out of it, scattered in the air and fell to the ground.

The physical injury made the female mage\'s mind confused. That\'s what made the secret method she just urged stop a little. When she calmed down again and wanted to continue to urge the secret method, kukas\'s hands pierced into her body.