Abyss Knight

Chapter 615

"Death!" kukas had already prepared for the attack of the female mage. The black flag shakes and instantly restores all consumption.

"Ground cover seal!" raised one hand high and scratched at the female mage\'s head.

The gray blue light flashed on her face. In an instant, the space around the woman was distorted, and the thunder and fire burst out, trying to tear the other party to pieces. At the same time, stepping on the void, the space more than ten feet under your feet twisted, forcibly offsetting the sound waves from the impact.

Several obscure words came out of the female mage\'s mouth, and a ring of fire fiercely spread around her.

The twisted space collided with the ring of fire and made a dull sound. The space is smoothed and the ring of fire is melted. The violent collision stopped with a tie between the two sides.

The female mage\'s figure flickered and appeared hundreds of meters away. "It seems that the power of the magic prop you use is still great, but I don\'t know how long it can help you."

The female mage\'s eyes twinkled and her face was a little ugly. She stared at kukas and muttered softly.

"But it\'s enough to kill you." kukas giggled, shook his bald head, stepped on the void and covered the ground, and released it through his feet, distorting the space around more than ten feet for protection. And he himself chased the female mage.

Hundreds of meters away, but it rushed in a few steps. When he rushed to the female mage with a ferocious face and endless killing breath, the female mage\'s hands outlined the Dharma array in front of him, and a fire came out of her hands and hit kukas\'s face.

"Broken!" he stepped on the void with a sullen thunder, and the twisted void around him fiercely reduced the area by more than half, but even so, he still wrapped the female mage and her flame.

The twisted void is like a meat grinder, strangling the flame that has not yet demonstrated its power into nothingness. Dozens of magic defenses rose from the female mage. A curtain of light emerged, and then it was smashed by the twisted space and the thunder and fire drilled out of thin air.

"Good means" the female mage let the magic defense around her body be torn. She stood quietly and stared at kukas. She sneered: "unfortunately, such a wonderful means has been wasted by you. I think you might as well take refuge in us. Why follow the abyss alliance to extinction? The abyss alliance must have failed in this war."

"Fail, you bitch, die for me." kukas was not angry when he saw that his land seal had not completely wiped out the other party\'s defense prohibition. He just shook his big head with great strength, waved his big hand again and slapped him on the other party\'s head. This time, he used all his mind to control the power area of the overlaid seal, so that all the power of this means could be gathered in the area the size of his palm.

The violent pressure was released from his palm. Under the pressure, the mocking female mage\'s face changed slightly, but she didn\'t expect that her enemy could use such a powerful means. In her eyes, kukas\'s slap was like a mountain. For a moment, her spirit fluctuated slightly, and she thought she was just as weak as the grass and trees under a high mountain.

It can make the spirit of a caster with strong spiritual power fluctuate, which makes the female mage have to pay attention to it. "I didn\'t expect that after attacking the virtual shadow of the rules thousands of times, the knight was able to display such a powerful secret method. Even with the help of plane props, he could be regarded as a strong character. If such a character is not used by the organization, it will be killed. He just grabbed the plane props to strengthen my strength."

Just for a moment, several thoughts came to the female mage\'s mind. Facing kukas\'s attack, she urged the secret method to flash out, but found that kukas\'s big feet trampled on the void, distorted the space, but affected her flash at this moment.

Her hands were tied and printed, and the ancient magic words came out of her mouth. When the voice sounded, it even hooked some rules of heaven and earth around it. Under the condition of instilling a lot of magical power, it evolved a full moon to rise slowly to resist kukas\'s land seal.

"Dang!" a loud noise, like the roar of an ancient clock, and a visible ripple burst out from the fingerprints and the full moon. The ripple instantly smoothed the twisted space and thunder fire, and forcibly resisted kukas\'s pressure.

With the opportunity of this moment, the female mage\'s body twinkled and appeared thousands of meters away.

"Do you want to keep a distance from me? It\'s delusion." kukas missed a blow. When he saw the female mage flashing out, he screamed and drove him crazy.

A mysterious scroll was thrown into the air from the female mage\'s hand. The scroll opened itself, revealing a twisted golden light depicted above.

When kukas rushed over, the scroll burned out of thin air. The next moment, the twisted golden light rose into the air and released countless golden light. It was suspended in the air and pressed against kukas.

The golden light soared into the air, and kukas only felt that his body protection and fighting spirit seemed to be hit by countless spears, violently turbulent. The golden light even penetrated his protective body and went straight into his body.

An inexplicable power was released from the golden light. The power shrouded the area of tens of kilometers, and the whole space seemed to be solidified. It slowed down his speed dozens of times at once. When the golden light appeared on his head, it even gave him the whole person.

"Imprison magic?" my mind turned, and a trace of doubt appeared in my mind: "With such means, why don\'t you fight with the white light? If you do it at that time, as long as you imprison me for a breathing time, no, maybe a moment, you can plunge me into the light curtain. At that time, maybe the projection rules contained in the light curtain can directly erase me!"

He thought wildly, but he didn\'t dare to let the golden light fall.

The black flag on his back swayed, and the golden original power emerged directly from the black flag, and then twisted the surrounding space into a golden vortex, which forcibly erased the constraints around him.

When the pressure was gone, he couldn\'t care about the golden light on his head. His body shook again and wanted to kill the mage.

His body turned into streamer and flew tens of feet away in an instant. Then he felt like a mountain in front of him. His huge body hit the air with a dull sound, but it bounced him back to his original place.

"What a powerful means. The original power of the face is incomparable, but I didn\'t expect that after holding the golden light, the surrounding space imprisonment still hasn\'t been eliminated. It\'s really powerful." looking up at the falling golden light, kukas frowned and smiled grimly. He shook his body again and rushed towards the female mage.

"I want to see how powerful your space confinement force is and whether it can resist my land cover seal power." when his mind turns, the evil man steps into the air, but his land cover seal power attacks the void, trying to distort the space and tear the invisible confinement.

The distorted space emerged but dissipated itself in an instant. Just as kukas planned to continue the attack, he found that the woman fighting with him had made an extremely abnormal response.

After the female mage imprisoned kukas, her hands were held high, and then a fireball the size of a washbasin appeared in the middle of her hands.

"Go!" the female mage drank in a low voice and threw her hands forward. The fireball made a whistling sound and flew into the distance like a meteor.

"Bitch, you dare to betray the organization. It\'s really damned." the fireball crossed the sky for more than 100 feet, and then burst in mid air.

When the fire dispersed, a red robed woman appeared out of thin air. The red robed woman was wearing a pink crown and carrying a pink scepter. She stood in the sky barefoot. Her long pink hair was windless and showed a pure and beautiful face.

The pink woman\'s face showed anger. She raised her scepter and tapped the crown on her head. The next moment, a scripture flew out of the crown on her head to float in front of her and flip quickly.

"God said: \'betrayers are shameful, and they must go to the abyss of death; those who violate the Covenant must be entangled in chains and wait for the judgment of a fair judge; at the moment when the judgment is generated, the fate of the Betrayer is doomed\'" The pink priestess, who was suddenly blown out of the void by a fireball, stared at which sorceress recited loudly in a sacred and empty tone.

With her recitation, a shackle appeared around the female mage out of thin air. However, there were countless forbidden illusions and disillusionments around the female mage, but she resisted the shackle for a time.

"Cinder Knight kukas, help me kill this woman. She is the priestess of the Holy Alliance under the gate of heaven." at this time, the female caster who has been fighting with kukas threw a scroll back to kukas. The scroll broke, and some golden lights flew out of it and turned into a halo around his body: "She forced me to attack you. I also belong to the abyss alliance. I don\'t want to betray the alliance."

Without time to think about it, kukas just felt the breath of killing and hatred from the pink priestess. Without too much hesitation, he shook his body and rushed towards the pink priestess according to the hint of the female mage. "No matter whether you are a man of the gate of heaven or not, I have reason to kill you alone by virtue of the hostility you exude."

A series of thoughts came to mind. Finally, he decided to kill the sudden enemy first.