Abyss Knight

Chapter 614

A series of detailed words came from a caster. The caster had chased and killed the Templar for several times. Compared with kukas and his group, he knew the Templar best.

"Our prophet is just speculating about the location of the intruder. As long as we find out, we will kill him immediately." the caster pointed to seven or eight professionals sitting cross legged in mid air not far away.

Kukas followed his instructions and looked not far away. He found that the casters were suspended in the air, and there was a rotating crystal ball of more than ten feet in the middle of them. These spellcasters constantly took the words and forbidden means to instill their spiritual power and magic into the crystal ball. Some pictures flashed on the crystal ball, including mountains, rivers and lakes, and more prosperous cities.

"Is this the secret of deduction? It looks very good, but I don\'t have time to practice this method." watching the crystal ball rotate, kukas thought about something randomly. Now he only hates that his promotion time is too short, and he doesn\'t have enough time to practice the means he wants to master. Now he can only give priority to cultivating killing methods.

While kukas was thinking, the casters who manipulated the crystal ball to deduce suddenly whispered and cheered: "succeeded, locked his position."

"Where is it?" someone hurriedly asked.

"In a city 90 million miles away, well, the imperial capital of a super Empire," a prophet explained in a deep voice, "I always feel that there is danger waiting for us."

"Lock the position and start." a professional shouted, "since the day we became professionals, we have been in danger. Don\'t worry too much. If we worry too much, none of us can get to where we are today."

"Yes, let\'s go! Don\'t waste time here." kukas agreed with each other\'s words. He stepped forward and pointed to the picture in the crystal ball: "As far as I know, the members of the temple can use a secret method to hide all their breath with the breath produced by a large number of creatures. I\'m afraid we won\'t find the intruder over time."

In the picture displayed on the crystal ball, a handsome young man was wearing a white robe with humility and charity on his face. He walked alone in the street. The people around him seemed to notice something, subconsciously bowed to him and showed respect. Some low-level professionals walked around him spontaneously, seemingly protecting him.

Just as kukas was gazing at the crystal ball, the Templar shown in the crystal ball suddenly looked up at the sky, and his eyes seemed to cross the void and directly looked at kukas\'s eyes.

Their eyes met through the crystal ball. For a moment, kukas had an impulse to kill. He wanted to directly cross the endless void and appear in front of the temple warrior and slap him.

"Damn it, he found us." a prophet shouted, "what a strange means. I don\'t know whether it\'s his talent or any other power."

"Go, go and kill him immediately." a caster muttered in a low voice. He took the lead in tearing the space, turned into the crack and disappeared. Several professionals who were with him but couldn\'t tear the space quickly followed up and were bound to kill the temple warrior.

The crystal ball showed that a crack suddenly appeared on the head of the temple warrior, and then a figure flashed out. The figure waved the staff, and a black flame burned on the top of the staff and hit him hard on the head.

In the picture, the Templar raised his hands to the sky, ejected dozens of light of the thickness of the baby\'s thumb from the heart of his hands, intertwined with each other, and hanged the caster in the sky. His rapid response seemed to have predicted that the caster would come out from there.

"Kill them all, control them all within a thousand miles, and prepare to use secret methods to block the whole space." Someone shouted. Then more casters tore up the space, and they booked the position according to the original plan. After appearing thousands of miles away, they can directly urge the secret Dharma and completely block the space thousands or even tens of thousands of miles with the help of people\'s strength. At that time, unless legend, others can\'t do it in a short time Tear space away.

The crystal ball broke and the picture disappeared, but kukas still had the image of the Templar in his mind. The image was so clear that it seemed to be portrayed in his mind.

"Go." just after the huge crystal ball broke, the caster who acted with kukas whispered to him. The caster had torn the space, and several professionals who acted with him had disappeared into the crack. He was controlling the crack and waiting for kukas in a daze.

Kukas nodded gratefully to the other side and rushed into the crack. He knew that if the other side didn\'t wait for him, he couldn\'t help it. Now the caster waited for him and let him really participate in the action of encircling the Templar, which brought him great benefits. Because those plane inspectors applied for a task in the abyss alliance, as long as they could Enough to capture the Templar, and each participant can get thousands of contribution points. Such a large number of contribution points is enough for kukas to exchange the original eternal ashes for a few days.

In kukas\' view, hundreds of them will definitely succeed in hunting an eighth order Templar this time, and those contributions are equivalent to giving them a free gift.

Entering the crack, the scene flickered a little, and kukas appeared in a strange area. He hurriedly observed the surrounding situation and found himself in the sky outside a city. Beside him stood several eighth level professionals who worked with him.

A flash of his bald head, a strange sound of jumping around his neck, shaking his body, and directly appeared not far from a caster. His task is to protect the caster, let the other party quietly cast his secret magic, and block the space thousands of miles around.

A series of spells were quickly said in his mouth, and a large number of magical and spiritual powers were immersed in the spells. However, in an instant, a light curtain appeared not far from the caster. The light curtain spread, covering thousands of miles almost instantaneously.

The caster who tore the space also came out of the crack. The caster turned a crystal ball in his hand and continuously ejected some transparent light from the crystal ball. The light pierced into the void and quickly strengthened the light curtain.

After only two or three breaths, the two casters finished their work. After nodding, the crowd dispersed within a hundred miles according to the plan, and then turned into streamer and flew towards the city not far away.

After a long time of cultivation, kukas has gradually controlled more ways of using his mind and fighting spirit. At this time, he mixed his mind and fighting spirit, and then released it to detect all abnormal phenomena around him.

The strong mind drove a little bit of fighting spirit into a silk thread to puncture madly in front. The silk thread flew rapidly, and smaller silk threads were constantly burst out during the flight. These silk threads turn into a big net, with the main body as the center, then stand up between heaven and earth, quickly push forward, and begin to comb all the creatures in the sky and the earth.

The breath of seven rank professionals appeared in kukas\'s perception. Whenever this perception appeared, he immediately mobilized a new mind and mixed his breath into a silk thread. This breath circled around the professional, carefully felt the breath of the other party, and would move towards the next goal after finding no abnormality. Sometimes, the breath of three or four eighth level professionals can be detected by a seventh level professional.

The strong and violent breath and mind entangled in the past. Without any cover up, every professional detected by kukas was frightened and almost collapsed. They have never suffered the secret detection of level 8 professionals before. Even if they did, they did not care, because those detections are extremely secret, which only makes them feel a little inappropriate around.

But now kukas did not hide anything, but explored the goal he wanted to find as quickly as possible.

After kukas\'s exploration, low-level professionals cursed with fear. But at this time, in kukas\'s eyes, they were just small characters. He didn\'t say that those people were cursing him in his heart. Even if he said it, he didn\'t bother to pay attention to it. Because in his opinion, it is really an extremely easy thing to kill those seventh level professionals.

Closer and closer to that city, that is, the imperial capital of the super Empire where kukas is now located, the killing talent began to pass to him, and the dangerous fluctuation came out, and the intensity of the fluctuation became stronger and stronger.

More than ten miles away, a caster kept waving his wand and making a virtual point in front of him. With each virtual point, a green flame burned out of thin air, then burst into countless sparks and spread in a fan shape.

When kukas swept the caster, the caster seemed to notice something. The speed of progress slowed down subconsciously, and the frequency of fire light split from the staff also decreased.

"It\'s not illusory." the thought rose, and his forward speed also slowed down. At the same time, he kept converging his breath, mobilized more fighting spirit, and was ready to use his means to deal with the inexplicable danger at any time.

His speed slowed down, that is, five or six breathing times. When they reached the sky over the imperial capital, a halo with holy smell suddenly burst out from the center of the imperial capital.

The strong holy breath rose into the sky and burst in mid air. The scattered breath trembled and spread in the air, forming a white light curtain, and began to spread around the imperial capital.

The light curtain shrouded the whole imperial capital, and a muffled sound sounded in the air. Where kukas could not see, the high-level professionals who rushed into the city were instantly wrapped by those light curtains. Then the light curtain shrinks and constantly squeezes all kinds of defenses on the professionals.

In front of this light curtain, the defense means of those eighth level professionals seemed to be in vain. They were destroyed in an instant, and then the whole person was polished into nothingness by the light curtain.

"Go!" the caster screamed loudly in the distance. The next moment, he turned and tore the space, and disappeared in a flash.

"You can\'t go away. Stay and be my slaves! The dignity of the gate of heaven can\'t be desecrated, and the power of the Christmas warrior is beyond your imagination." a voice was transmitted from the place where the light curtain broke out.

Retreat, although he has no ability to tear space, kukas still keeps retreating at this time.

He retreated quickly, but the light curtain expanded faster.

But after two or three breaths, the edge of the light curtain was only ten feet away from kukas.

The strong holy smell, even at a distance of more than ten feet, still stimulated his body. The burning sensation arises from the internal organs and then spreads to the periphery of the body.

So close to the holy breath, kukas was still not frightened. He just mobilized his fighting spirit to suppress the heat in his stomach, and carefully observed the light curtain in front of him.

Maybe it was because the light curtain was very close to him, or maybe it was because the power of the light curtain dissipated too much. When kukas watched intently, he found that there were countless lines floating up and down in the light curtain.

These lines are intertwined and combined into some strange patterns. Just when he wanted to continue watching, he found a stab in his eyes and two lines of blood and tears flowing out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Rules manifest!" kukas shouted out.

The means of manifesting this rule is so powerful that even legends can\'t do it, but today he saw it in the hands of an eighth order Templar. As a result, he couldn\'t accept it for a time.

"What kind of powerful existence prompted the rule to manifest? Why did such a powerful inch appear here?" a series of doubts surfaced in his mind after discovering the rule to manifest.

In his knowledge, only the supreme beings in ancient times can manifest some rules. The explicit rules will form a domain within a certain range. In this field, everything that does not conform to the rules has been forcibly eliminated. This kind of power is not what ordinary people can resist at all, even legends are no exception.

"In that ancient era, a rule of supreme existence can envelop thousands of planes. When the rules rotate, thousands of planes will burst into countless fragments and disappear into the void." kukas suddenly had a new discovery in his mind: "But now this rule shows that it is not the endless planes that kill, but some creatures in the planes. Is it just an incomplete rule show? Or is it the projection reappearance of a supreme power who showed the rules in those years?"

With doubt in his heart, the bald evil man clenched his teeth and relied on the means of resurrection of his own face original power. Therefore, he slowed down his retreat slightly, and urged the ground seal to fight towards the holy light not far away.

Since he succeeded in the first level cultivation of land covering seal a few years ago, he has not relaxed his cultivation of this killing method for the next seven or eight years. Now he has reached the fifth level.

The fifth level overlaying power is several times stronger than the original power. Now when it is cast, it is only waved by the palm of the hand, but it is cast in an instant.

The space within hundreds of feet was violently distorted, and a dull thunder sounded from the distorted space. The holy light within the distorted space was violently turbulent, and some lines hidden in the light were also slightly distorted.

The twisted space disappeared after a few moments. Kukas was not surprised but happy. His body retreated and his big hand waved again.

"Broken!" a low roar, and the violent ashes burst out uncontrollably from his body. These fighting spirits formed a burning flame shape around his body.

Endless dull thunder sounded from his body, and a gray blue light flashed across his face.

Three or five feet in front of the holy light, there was an extremely obvious collapse. The violent breath erupted from the space collapse and splashed around, and thunder and fire burst out from the twisted space area out of thin air, spreading around like a poisonous snake.

In this slap, kukas tried his best to urge the overlaying printing of the fifth level ability. Normally, if the eighth level professional is shrouded, as long as he does not have special defense means, he will be torn by the distorted space in an instant, and the soul will be forcibly polished to pieces by the thunder and fire out of thin air.

A series of explosions sounded, but it was the sound made by the holy light and the space twisted more than ten feet.

In the eyes of kukas, after the patterns composed of silk threads contained in the Holy Light collided with the distorted space, some small patterns collapsed instantly, while those large patterns were like short spears, which pierced into the space. When the patterns passed, the space returned to calm, and the burst thunder and fire were polished by some patterns.

The holy light breath entered the twisted space area and was quickly consumed. The twisted space within more than ten feet was smoothed by the regular silk thread after a full breath.

"Interesting." seeing that the power generated by the land seal blocked the holy light for a breath, the bald evil man couldn\'t help crying.

His hands were up and down, and his face was gray and blue. After a few breaths, the evil man released the secret method of covering the ground more than ten times.

More than ten times of secret method superposition all fell in one area, and the violent power rolled and collided in this area. The power emitted tore the tens of feet of space. The space strengthened by the secret method was broken like glass under the violent power.

With a strange bang, a black area came out of the broken space. The black area instantly turned into a black vortex, frantically swallowing the manifestation rules and holy light around.

A large number of explicit rules hit the vortex and were swallowed up by the vortex in an instant. The vortices that devour the rules of manifestation not only have no consumption, but have a tendency to expand.

"Interesting, ha ha!" kukas giggled and shook his hands. He printed the secret method again, trying to create a new vortex in other places.

Just as he waved his hands continuously to recreate a new vortex, he didn\'t wait for the two close black vortices to link together and fly out of the central area of the imperial capital with a golden light.

The holy breath emitted by the golden light is extremely powerful, tens of times more than the white breath. The golden light appeared, and the distance of more than a hundred miles was just a moment.

Hundreds of feet away from kukas, the breath turned into a vague figure and photographed him.

The sudden big hand was photographed like a mountain. Kukas felt that the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned, and his whole body could not move at all. And there was a strong threat that directly impacted his mind and wanted to kill him fundamentally.

"Go away." when facing the beating of the big hand of the virtual shadow, kukas felt a strong reluctance: "it\'s just a projection of breath. It\'s too rampant to want to kill me."

"Even if you are a legend, I\'ll see today. Can you really kill an eighth order knight with a small breath projection?" the mind turned, forcibly urged its own fighting spirit, and directly mobilized almost two-thirds of the fighting spirit in the fighting space to instill it into its feet.

Raise your big feet and stamp them in the void.

The thunder like sound came one after another and burst madly. A lot of breath surged up from under his feet like lightning and hit hard with his big hand.

The gray and cyan breath turned like a grinding plate and collided with the handprint, making strange creaking noises. Another breathing time passed, and the millstone turned, smashing the palm and virtual shadow in the sound of thunder and fire.

Just as he struggled with the breath projection, the golden light flew smoothly into the two vortices. After entering the vortex, the two golden lights immediately turned into two fuzzy figures standing in the center of the vortex. At the feet of these two figures, a golden light curtain constantly emerged. The light curtain spread, that is, the breathing time, smoothed the vortex.

"Do you want to kill me? I want to see what you can do." kukas was annoyed by the figure\'s tossing and disillusionment.

The mind turned and hooked the burning black flag. The black flag fluttered in the wind and instantly turned into a flag more than Zhang long, suspended behind him. When the flag shook, a large number of original forces were directly injected into him across the endless void, and his turbulent fighting space and fighting spirit were restored smoothly in an instant.

"Come again." with a strange cry, his hands shook, and the killing secret was displayed again and again, but regardless of consumption, he wanted to collide with the spreading holy light.

Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of explosions continued to be heard. As soon as endless thunder and fire emerged and burst, the distorted space was forcibly smoothed by the doped golden light before it evolved into a vortex.

The body retreated, and I don\'t know how many miles it retreated. Finally, kukas found that the expanding light stagnated.

Although he was supported and restored by his original strength, he was still exhausted by his crazy display of secret arts. The exhausted mind recovers rapidly under the original power, but the fatigue of the soul can not be reduced by the original power.

"Hehe! Friend, what\'s the matter? Weren\'t you very powerful just now? Why are you shrinking into such a shape now?" just as kukas fell on the ground in a panic and recovered from his coarse clothes, a woman\'s voice rang behind him.

"Why? He has been with me for so long, and now he wants to kill me?" kukas was not frightened, but slowly turned around and sneered.

Behind him stood a female caster. Against the backdrop of her gorgeous robes, the female mage looked very beautiful. But on her beautiful face, there was a trace of evil spirit.

"When did you find me?" the woman frowned slightly, and her little hand trembled. Kukas asked softly with a smile on her head.

"I found you the first time you appeared." kukas chuckled and stamped on the ground with one foot, but a gray blue cloud column came out from the ground to cover him. The cloud pillar emerged, the thunder and fire burst, and then the cloud pillar broke with a dull bang. When the cloud column broke, he vaguely saw a red silk thread shaking in it, and then disappeared.

"What\'s your secret?" the female caster frowned again, but then relaxed: "by the way, and you just kept recovering consumption quickly. Is it because of the black flag behind you? What kind of prop is that? I\'ve never heard of such a prop."

"Ha ha! I just became level 8. What secret method do I have time to practice? It\'s just my own talent. As for the black flag, um! It was recognized as soon as it came out, but it has changed since I was promoted to level 8. Some characteristics are hidden, so you can\'t recognize it." kukas smiled, Shaking his head, he said in a deep voice, "this thing is a plane prop. Although there are some sequelae after use, I think killing you will not be affected."

Before he finished, the female mage screamed fiercely, and a sound wave came out of her mouth. The sound wave turned into a beam in mid air, twisted the space and shrouded him.