Abyss Knight

Chapter 613

As the days passed, six or seven years had passed since kukas found signs of the invasion of the plane transmission array. In these six or seven years, he had hardly left the magic castle. Most of the time he was cultivating the ground seal, and a few of the time he was refining his fighting armor.

Although fighting armor is relatively more important for professionals, it is not easy to cultivate fighting armor. Under normal circumstances, a high-level professional will still cultivate this armor since he began to cultivate Qi armor until the day of his death.

Therefore, compared with the armor cultivation that takes a lot of time, kukas prefers to practice the overlaying seal that can be achieved in a short time.

Suspended in the highest place of the magic castle out of thin air, kukas turned his hands and played with them. One gray and cyan fighting silk thread quickly drilled out of his fingertips and palm, and then condensed into a Dharma array structure, and then fighting spirit was instilled into it.

A lot of fighting spirit was instilled into the structure of the Dharma array. The Dharma array contracted violently, and then hid in the void, while his palm rose violently, and a gray and cyan light curtain appeared on it.

The big hand pressed into the void in front of the body. I saw a space tens of feet away shrink fiercely, although it returned to normal in the next moment.

A voice like a heavy thunder sounded, and the next moment, the gray cyan light curtain on his hand dissipated.

"The first-order overlaying seal, although it condenses the forces of aging, armor breaking, concussion, heavy blow, distortion and tearing, seems to have little power, but I just don\'t know whether it can kill other eighth-order professionals." looking at the space turbulence that flashed not far away, kukas turned his mind and thought about one problem after another.

Although the first-order overlaying power does not look big, the second-order overlaying power is almost half stronger than the first-order power. More importantly, the second-order practice of overlaying seal only increases the structure of the Dharma array. It does not take an extremely long time to cultivate meridians and understand the fighting spirit after special transformation and get familiar with the basic structure of the Dharma array, just like the first-order practice. Therefore, cultivating the second level takes far more time than cultivating the first level.

His hands flew over, and the space several feet away produced slight turbulence from time to time. In just five or six years, he could easily use his hands to display the secret killing method of overlaying the ground.

After some tossing, his feet trampled in the air, and the space under his feet was turbulent and distorted, but he used his feet to show the killing means of covering the ground.

This land seal can be cultivated by kukas first, not only because its power is extremely powerful, but more importantly, this killing method can be displayed through limbs and even any part of the mount. However, if he wants to use this killing method in some special parts, he needs to spend a little time refining some meridians in those parts, so that these meridians have enough toughness to bear the flow of fighting Qi stimulated by the secret method.

Stepping into the void, every step, there is a dull thunder. Although it sounds a little imposing, he walks too close in the void. After all, he has been practicing earth covering seal for several years, and has not spent much time on other secret methods.

I don\'t know when kukas gradually liked the behavior of standing at the highest place. On weekdays, whether practicing secret methods or reading books, he spent most of his time on the highest spire of Mo castle, even in the air above the spire.

Walking in the sky and looking down at the earth, a strange feeling lingered in his mind. This feeling is very strange, but it makes him feel extremely satisfied.

"Maybe this is what I\'ve always wanted to pursue!" kukas whispered a strange smile when he touched his bald head.

Urging the earth to print this killing secret method to walk in the sky, on the one hand, to make his deep feeling stronger, on the other hand, he took the opportunity to practice this secret method and make his killing methods more refined.

It was not until more than half of the fighting spirit in his body was consumed that kukas stopped his cultivation and returned to the top of the magic castle step by step. Although some researchers busy in the magic castle heard the abnormal sound, no one paid attention to it. Because they have already received numerous warnings here: in this magic castle, their task is to constantly study magic plants. No one is allowed to pay attention to other things, even if the magic castle collapses.

In the spring and autumn, after kukas harvested millions of mountains, one after another of Warcraft just promoted to level 8 for several times, his peaceful life was disrupted.

"I hope the knight of kukas can help us hunt down an intruder. This intruder belongs to the gate of heaven. Because of the war, he was transferred to this plane by the void crack. However, this professional is extremely strong. Although we have arranged a lot of people, we still haven\'t caught him until now." A caster stepped on a white bone dragon and came out of a space crack. After showing his ID card to kukas, he invited him to participate in the hunting mission.

"Members of the gate of heaven?" kukas couldn\'t help thinking of killing. He has been here for nearly 20 years. Although his life is extremely comfortable, he has never forgotten that the main plane of his life is defeated by the members of the gate of heaven. Now I heard that the members of the gate of heaven appeared, and a trace of revenge came out of his mind.

"Yes, although the members of the gate of heaven are only eighth order Temple soldiers, their means are extremely powerful. Now we have no way, and there is no surplus power in the alliance to help us, so I hope you can help us." the caster did not hide the truth at all and introduced the Temple soldier to kukas in detail, Finally, I waited silently for kukas\'s decision. After all, they are not a system. He can\'t force these logistics members to do things for themselves.

After listening to the caster\'s little introduction to the intruder and thinking for some time, kukas finally agreed to help them catch the intruder: The Templar.

A few simple Rune messages exchanged with each other on the scroll. Then kukas could identify the position of his companions through the scroll and exchange some information across tens of millions of miles.

After seeing kukas\'s promise, the caster didn\'t stay for a long time, but after repeatedly telling him what to pay attention to in catching things, he hurriedly tore the space and left. Because he has to go elsewhere to convince other senior professionals in logistics. In order to catch the intruder, they really don\'t care about anything. All this is because the intruder is too cunning and powerful.

After the caster left, kukas quickly explained something to the researchers, opened all the forbidden Dharma arrays in the magic castle as protection, and they shook their bodies and turned into a streamer and flew away in the distance.

Fighting spirit surged, and every breathing time, he had to fly over a distance of nearly a thousand miles. Although this speed is extremely fast compared with him before, it is still very slow to capture the Templar.

The mind sent a message through the scroll. After a short time, the reply message of others appeared on his scroll. Reminded by that information, kukas judged the direction a little, then changed his direction and flew towards a mountain not far away.

Tens of thousands of miles away, but only dozens of breathing time. When he reached the mountain, a caster pierced the void with his hands, then tore it left and right, revealing a huge space crack.

Without any hesitation, kukas rushed into the crack in an instant. As soon as the caster turned around, he also entered the crack. At the next breath time, they emerged from a valley tens of millions of miles away.

Out of the crack, the mind was instantly released, covering thousands of miles. In just a moment, kukas knew something about the surroundings.

The valley is not big, and dozens of eighth level professionals gather here. Like kukas, they gather here to catch the intruder: The Templar.

"Kukas, the ash knight, has just been promoted to the eighth level knight for more than 30 years. He just learned a killing skill and is not proficient in the secret method of tearing space." he nodded to the professionals around him, and he simply said his identity and means with his heart. Although this will reveal his means, he will get some help in the face of catching a Templar.

"Don\'t worry, you work with me and them in a group of three. Five of us work together. As for the matter of tearing space, let me and him." just after kukas introduced his simple situation, a caster came out to point out several companions and invited kukas to join them: "Your role is to resist the attack of the Templar. Can you do it?"

"Well, I don\'t think it\'s a good thing to let a knight take the responsibility of the shield guard." kukas touched his bare head and muttered in silence. Although he was dissatisfied, he couldn\'t refuse, because he found that he didn\'t see a shield guard in the team he was about to enter, even in the whole valley.

"Ha ha! The poor shield guards are all on the front line. If you want to find them in the rear, unless you happen to meet those who have just been promoted or retired from the front line. But I believe that even if you meet these two shield guards, you are not willing to cooperate with them." the mage smiled in a low voice.

Kukas did not deny this statement. As the caster said, he would not believe these two kinds of shield guards even if he met them.

You should know that those newly promoted shield guards have not mastered any powerful defense means, and even their fighting spirit has not been transformed and purified. That kind of defense power still stays at the peak of level 7. However, such defense power is not a defense at all in the eyes of level 8 professionals.

As for the latter kind of shield guards who retired from the battlefield, they can not be united. Because these retired shield guards either have mistakes in their own cultivation, or have a mental breakdown due to a long war. When fighting with others, they will suddenly break out mental problems, which will bring a devastating blow to the whole team.

A famous caster tore the space and left from time to time. After a short time, they brought back one eighth level professional. After a few magic hours, more than 300 eighth level casters gathered in the valley.

Hundreds of eighth order casters gathered and whispered to each other about catching intruders and their tasks. There are also some professionals who hope to talk to each other, so as to narrow the relationship between the two sides and pave the way for their future life. This is especially true for professionals who are going to the front line soon.

"We must seize the time to catch the intruder. The intruder has been here for more than ten days. Someone analyzed his traces in this plane and found that his routes were linked to form a huge six pointed star Dharma array. However, this dharma array is not complete. We still have enough ability to stop him from drawing this dharma array."

"According to the calculation of some of our prophets, the intruder will walk in this area for a period of time in the future, and what we have to do is patrol in this area. As soon as we find each other, we will release the signal immediately and strive to kill him at one time."

"It should be noted that the Templar can summon the projection of some gods. The projection of those gods does not know why. They have no mind, and many of them belong to the projection of gods in the abyss alliance. Therefore, I hope you will not have illusions and be deceived by each other after meeting this projection of gods."

"The Templar also has a special magic prop. He can use that prop to exert some rule power. The rule power is very powerful and can forcibly deprive us of our vitality and action ability. Within the scope of that rule, we can\'t move."

"If you want to break this rule, you can only break it by force. So you must keep a distance from each other and not be shrouded by that rule."