Abyss Knight

Chapter 609

"It is impossible to give up those agreements. If we give up those agreements, we will be punished by the agreements."

"It\'s impossible for me to change my mind. To tell you the truth, it\'s not difficult for you to build a thousand magic pools." kukas giggled. "I really don\'t know what benefits you get from those empires and what benefits make you use the materials of the abyss alliance as your generosity."

"Kukas, is there really no room for maneuver?" one of them asked in a deep voice.

"If you don\'t agree to my terms, there\'s no room for manoeuvre. Ladies and gentlemen, my request is not too much." kukas suddenly sat up straight. He glanced fiercely at the four projections and smiled grimly: "do you still want to kill me?"

Silence, all four projections were silent, but kukas believed that they must be talking with a secret method.

"Kukas, I think it\'s better. You help us pay for three missions, and we help you make a hundred magic pools." a caster whispered, "after all, we are a whole. If we can\'t finish the mission, you will also be involved. We should help each other, otherwise no one will benefit."

"Is there anything else? If there\'s nothing else, I don\'t think we need to talk about it anymore. I\'m going to deliver supplies." kukas laughed a few times, then suddenly stood up and planned to go outside.

"Kukas, I think you will regret what you did today." the shield guard growled in a low voice, but was extremely angry at kukas\'s actions: "you will pay for your recklessness today."

"Ha ha! As you just said, we all belong to the abyss alliance. I think you all know the strength of the abyss alliance. I\'m waiting for you and I\'ll see how you make me pay." kukas smiled grimly, opened the door and left without looking back.

"Damn it." a caster\'s projection roared loudly. He slapped the table in front of him, and then the projection broke.

"Break up!" the caster who had not spoken suddenly said, "go back and temporarily terminate the agreement with those empires! First raise materials and hand them over to the alliance, otherwise none of us will benefit. You know, the punishment of the abyss Alliance for those who can\'t complete the task is extremely serious, and we can\'t afford it at all. Well! At least we can\'t afford it now."

After saying this, the projection dissipated by itself, and then the other two projections dissipated slowly in strong dissatisfaction and anger.

But kukas said that after leaving the meeting room, he went directly to the warehouse. In that huge warehouse, a large number of magic puppets carefully stacked the collected magic materials according to their types.

In the center of the warehouse, there is a small teleportation array. After hooking the power of the magic castle, the whole teleportation array runs quickly.

A black red scroll was taken out by kukas. He threw the scroll representing his identity on the transmission Dharma array. The scroll began to break slowly. After a few breathing times, it turned into a light curtain and suspended over the Dharma array.

When the mind turned, a large number of magic puppets picked up the newly stored magic materials again, and then stacked them on the transmission array bit by bit according to kukas\'s instructions.

Whenever enough materials are stacked in the transmission array, kukas opens the array and transmits those materials.

Although the quantity of materials was extremely large, under the operation of the magic puppets, all these materials were transported away in a magic time.

After all the materials were transported away, a figure suddenly appeared on the screen turned into a black and red scroll. This figure is a staff member who controls the material reserve at the front line.

"Knight kukas, the quantity of goods you transported this time is more than half, and those excess parts can be converted into 3000 contribution points in total. Do you need to use these contribution points?" the figure of the staff member asked kukas very rigidly: "do you find any abnormalities in your position?"

Kukas didn\'t care about the old-fashioned staff. Because in the past three years, this staff member has always been so old-fashioned.

"Use all the contribution points to exchange for my time in this position." kukas thought a little, and finally gave up his original idea of exchanging for eternal ashes. "Several controllers who are with me have traded with some empires in this position. They are likely to exchange some precious materials in the magic castle with those empires."

"Is there anything else?" the old-fashioned staff did not have any emotional fluctuations about kukas\'s information, and still carried out their work in an extremely old-fashioned manner.

"I have developed a new magic material during this time. I want to ask whether this material can be turned over to the alliance." kukas quickly told the researchers about the cultivation of centrifugal fruit.

"When the fruit is ripe, you can send one to the Alliance for inspection. If it meets the standard, it can be handed over to the alliance." the staff\'s old voice sounded: "by the way, you need to increase the number of missions of the two empires next time."

"OK." kukas nodded without refuting anything. The number of tasks of the two empires may be a little difficult for his four colleagues, but it is not a problem for him at all.

According to the regulations of the alliance, the task quantity of an empire is equivalent to the three-day material consumption of 300 professionals above level 8. In his magic castle, the magic plantation under his control has developed continuously for three years, and the amount of materials that can be provided in a mature period is extremely huge. After turning in the task quantity each time, the remaining material output is enough to pay for the task quantity of nearly 100 empires. Now adding two more is actually nothing to him.

After the delivery of materials, kukas was about to close the delivery array. The projection of the old staff suddenly distorted, and then stopped him: "The controllers issued a new order: \'kukas, from now on, you will fully control the 385th magic castle in the plane of uthor. From the next mission, the number of missions you turn in each time will be increased to 600. No one will come here to control the magic castle with you in a short time."

After telling the news from the old-fashioned staff, the scroll screen flickered rapidly, and then some silver lace appeared on the screen. These lace inlaid on the screen not only didn\'t make the screen look better, but made the whole screen look ugly and strange.

"Six hundred quests?" kukas could not help but frown. You know, in the past, he had to turn in only one hundred quests each time, and the other four people had to turn in one hundred. The total number of quests turned in the whole castle was five hundred. But now he is in charge of the whole castle, and it has suddenly increased to six hundred quests.

"If you have an opinion, someone will help you." the rigid staff explained.

"No opinion." his mind turned, and hundreds of thoughts flashed in his mind. However, during the breathing time, he thought about the gains and losses of this hit, so he quickly made his own choice.

"The scroll has added the secret method of controlling the whole magic castle to you. I hope you will live up to the trust of the alliance. Now the whole alliance is short of materials. The more materials you turn in, the more benefits you will get after the Alliance wins in the future."

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to what the old-fashioned staff said. Because he knew that it was uncertain whether the abyss alliance could win the final victory, and it was even more uncertain whether he could live until the end of the war. Now what he had to do was to do everything to make himself strong first.

After this conversation, the Dharma array stopped running, and the whole screen turned into a black and red scroll, which fell on his hand. After carefully observing the scroll, he found dozens of silver irregular patterns on the scroll, and the appearance of these patterns also represented his increased authority here and his independent control of the magic castle.

Coming out of the warehouse, kukas could not bear the excitement in his heart. According to the tips on the scroll, he went directly to the control center of the whole castle.

During his three years here, he walked through most areas of the castle, but only the central area never entered. Not only he did not enter, but also several other people did not enter. The central area is the core area of the whole castle.

When walking in the passage and passing through the area of another controller, kukas hesitated a little, but finally he didn\'t enter the warehouse area of those controllers, but directly closed the magic plantations in other areas with the help of the secret method on the scroll. No one can go in and out except him and the magic puppet.

As for the warehouses and the materials stored in them, he plans to let other former controllers use them. They come to grind haw with themselves, or even secretly kill them. After all, he is only a person here. If anything happens, he will disrupt many of his plans.

He passed through several channels continuously, the scroll in his hand shook, and the doors made by secret method opened. After he passed, he quickly closed. After walking for dozens of breathing time, the last door in the central area of the castle opened in front of him.