Abyss Knight

Chapter 608

These people muttered and talked about the ruins and the war Academy. After listening for some time, kukas had no mind to continue listening.

He released a mind brand on these professionals, and then he left here. After all, he is very busy and has no time to explore the so-called relics with these young professionals.

After imprinting his mark on these young professionals, as long as he finds that one of these people has died, he will catch up and see what he can get.

Leaving these young people and counting the time, kukas found that it was almost time for several controllers to meet. He hurried around to check whether there was an eighth order Warcraft, and then returned to the magic castle at the time point.

With his cloak closed, he sat quietly in the conference room and read the books in his hand in detail. The book was the manuscript of the eternal ashes he had bought before. Although it does not have all kinds of information and knowledge contained in the original writer, it has increased his harvest by relying solely on the information and knowledge recorded in words.

After looking at only a few pages of paper, a slight magic wave suddenly came from the dark conference room, and then a distorted light appeared on the chair next to kukas. The twisted light wriggled, and after a few breaths, a shadow of a black robed caster came out.

Magic projection is a skill often used by high-level professionals. But now this magic projection is not displayed by the other party in person, but an image made with the help of some magic props.

After one person appeared, several other people appeared one by one not long after. After the five chairs next to the round table were filled with people and projectors, the meeting officially began.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I need more spellcasters who are proficient in the study of magical plants." kukas tapped the table in front of him and spoke first: "and I hope I can get your help. I hope you can help me build some more magic pools."

"Knight kukas, let\'s discuss the material payment first!" a caster\'s projection hoarse voice quickly said: "I heard that the abyss alliance will increase the task volume of ten empires for us. If there is no accident, the newly increased task volume will reach us after we turn in the items this time."

"The task volume of ten empires? Ha ha! It\'s easy to solve. Each of us can take on two more empires." kukas whispered and laughed. He didn\'t care about the sudden increase in task volume. You know, it is not very difficult to supply the needs of the two empires according to the material output in the magic castle alone.

"No, Knight kukas, I don\'t think you understand what I mean. I mean, if we can suddenly add ten Empire missions to us this time, we may add twenty next time. If we don\'t make a gesture, I\'m afraid this increasing mission will drag us down in a very short time. At that time, we won\'t be qualified to continue here The caster\'s projection knocked on the table to remind kukas of the seriousness of the matter.

"In the past three years, the mission has not been increased once, and this increase has nothing to do with it." kukas snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "in the past three years, the abyss alliance has not let us enjoy our success here, but let us use the power of the magic castle to increase our sphere of influence here."

"Three years later, the leaders of the abyss alliance thought that we had increased the sphere of influence here, so they assigned us additional tasks. I think it\'s normal."

"No, it\'s not normal. When we came here, the alliance didn\'t explain this to us at all." the shield guard retorted discontentedly: "we should jointly protest with the people above, at least we can\'t accept their additional tasks yet."

"Yes, we should protest like the above. Even if the number of tasks is increased, it should not be increased so much at one time." someone agreed. Another man continued to be silent.

"If you protest, go, and no one will stop you. But I want to remind you that it is now the period of all-out war. We can\'t resist the alliance\'s orders for one reason or another unless we decide to leave the alliance." kukas felt extremely disdainful for these people\'s suggestions.

"I think we should make suggestions together."

"I won\'t put forward such a suggestion. Five people can increase the task volume of ten empires, which is only the task volume of two empires on average. I don\'t think you need to open up planting areas on ordinary mountains. You can easily complete these tasks alone with the material output in the plantation in the magic castle."

"Kukas, we hope you can undertake the increased tasks of the ten empires this time." after a long silence, a caster whispered, "of course, just let you undertake ten delivery tasks. After ten times, we will divide the number of these tasks equally."

Upon hearing this, kukas was furious: "gaga! What do you mean? Let me undertake all the tasks ten times? Do you think I\'m a fool?"

"Kukas, in the area under our jurisdiction, the surplus magic materials have been reserved, and there is no way to hand them over to the abyss alliance to complete the task. The reservation of those materials has been scheduled for a year. We can\'t violate the previously signed covenant and provide those magic materials to the abyss alliance." After a secret conversation with three other spell casters, the defenders of the shield spoke about their current dilemma.

"You have to deal with the materials here?" kukas was moved, and hundreds of thoughts suddenly came to his mind: "The magic castle of the abyss alliance. Everything in this castle belongs to the abyss alliance. We only use a small amount at most, but we are not qualified to randomly distribute it to others. I think the controller of the alliance knows this, and your end will not be good there."

"No, kukas, you\'re not right," argued the caster "We didn\'t distribute these materials indiscriminately, nor did we embezzle all of them into our own pockets, but we distributed them to some empires in this position. You know, they also belong to the abyss alliance. Those materials have no effect in the castle. It\'s better to distribute them to make their strength stronger, so as to better serve the abyss alliance."

"If I remember correctly, only grain and some low-level magic materials are provided to the Empire, but the materials in the castle plantation are provided to the front line. You know, every more material on the front line, our hope of victory is greater. It is extremely foolish for you to leave those precious materials in the hands of these people in the rear Things. Cultivate their power, and you can do it with those low-level magic materials. "

Kukas\'s words embarrassed several other professionals. However, in order to cope with the task, they had to argue patiently and try to shirk their responsibility: "we have provided them with the materials needed by the abyss alliance without any deduction, and the rest of these materials are in our own control according to the rules."

"What benefits did those empires give you to provide them with those precious materials?" kukas took a deep breath and sneered. You know, in the plantations in the magic castle, except for some empires that planted a small amount of low-level magic materials and food supply, other plantations planted extremely precious high-level magic materials.

Those magic materials are made into various drugs and props, which can quickly restore the consumption of classes above level 8 and greatly increase their combat effectiveness.

Moreover, because the efficacy contained in those magic materials is very powerful, even if they are watered with magic liquid, the growth time of these materials is relatively long.

In their magic castle, most of the magic plants planted are used to refine drugs, which are extremely important to the front-line professionals. It can be said that each more raw material of drugs can reduce one of the front-line high-level professionals.

"It\'s no good. We just don\'t want those surplus materials to be stacked in the warehouse, which has no value." a caster answered kukas\'s question without hesitation.

"Ha ha! That\'s funny." kukas sneered and didn\'t bother to ask about these things, because he knew that even if he asked again, these people wouldn\'t understand.

"Help me build a thousand magic pools," kukas said, gently tapping the armrest of his chair. "My price is to help you pay for the number of missions of ten empires three times."

"Damn it, kukas, you know, building a magic pool is extremely time-consuming and material. We don\'t have so many things to help you build, let alone so many people." the shield guard immediately roared loudly and refused kukas\'s request.

"A thousand magic pools, not to mention the materials consumed, but the people who make them, are not what we can provide." a caster quietly explained: "we can help you build 100 magic pools, but you must help us deliver tasks ten times."

"If you don\'t change your mind, I don\'t think we need to continue talking. Well, a thousand magic pools can help you deliver the number of three missions." kukas sneered and said with disdain on his face: "If you don\'t agree, give up your previous agreements with some empires in this plane! I want to give up those agreements, and you will have enough materials to complete the task."