Abyss Knight

Chapter 610

Entering the control center as like as two peas, he found it almost exactly the same as the control center he saw at the war college. It is also a diamond crystal suspended in a huge space, surrounded by empty, without any facilities.

Following the instructions on the scroll, kukas branded his mind on the diamond crystal. The mind is branded without any resistance, as if the whole crystal is just an ordinary object.

After branding his mind, kukas took the scroll and threw it in front of the crystal. The scroll flew to the front and back of the crystal, emitting a trace of black and red light.

Then I saw the scroll unfold slowly, and then expand constantly. In just three or five breaths, the scroll expanded to tens of feet. Then the scroll fell and instantly wrapped the crystal.

Click! A series of sounds sounded, and a trace of red light drilled into the crystal like a poisonous snake. At the same time, the scroll began to melt. With the ablation of the scroll, some twisted patterns and words appear on the crystal.

The change lasted only dozens of breaths. When the huge scroll was completely integrated into the diamond crystal, kukas felt the slight magic waves transmitted from the crystal. The magic wave was so weak that he could barely catch it by feeling it with his heart.

The crystal began to rotate slowly. With the rotation of the crystal, a new scroll flew out of the crystal and fell into his hand. Looking down, I found several more crystal runes on the scroll out of thin air. However, like those silver patterns, the crystal Rune exudes a subtle smell, but he can\'t feel any information at all. And over time, the crystal Rune began to devour his mind, preventing him from continuing to check.

The mind rotates, and some information is transmitted from the scroll to his mind. According to the information, kukas flew into mid air, put his hand on the crystal and began to urge his fighting spirit.

The gray and cyan ashes are constantly instilled into the crystals from their hands. Although the quantity is small, it lasts for a long time. According to the tips on the scroll, kukas controls his fighting spirit output and keeps the output fighting spirit in a balanced state with the fighting spirit recovered by himself.

With the ash fighting spirit instilled into the crystal, a gray cyan silk thread began to appear in the central area of the transparent crystal.

Like the meridians in the human body, these silk threads take the center of the diamond crystal as the origin, and then split into hundreds of silk threads, slowly spreading around. According to the tips on the scroll, when these silk threads spread into the whole crystal, he really controlled the crystal.

As time went by, whenever these silk threads occupied a certain area, some information was transmitted to kukas\'s mind.

After receiving this information, kukas was extremely excited about his choice. After three or five days passed, the bald evil man couldn\'t restrain his excitement and giggled.

"Gaga! So this is my real task! The people of the abyss alliance are really good at calculating. However, as long as I complete this real task, even if I go to the front battlefield in the future, the probability of survival will be greatly improved." after thinking of building the magic castle into a fortress that can fight in the endless void according to the requirements of the scroll, The boy roared excitedly.

"No, damn it, if you want to build this magic castle into a war fortress in a normal way, you can\'t do it in tens of thousands of years. Damn it, it\'s just to draw a big cake for me." after a burst of excitement, he woke up and after waking up, Only then did he find that if he followed the requirements of the last task appearing on the scroll and wanted to build the magic castle into a war fortress, he could not complete it in a short time.

It turned out that after he spent three or five days completely controlling the crystal, new information suddenly appeared in his scroll. According to the information, as long as he can design according to the drawings and turn the magic castle into a war fortress, he can control the war fortress to the front in the future. Instead of waiting until he became the Millennium controller in this position, he was forcibly assigned to the front line as cannon fodder.

"Damn it, even if I use my contribution points to exchange my stay time in this plane, I can only wear a thousand years in this plane at most. When the time comes, no matter how much I contribute, I will be assigned to the front line in the end. But this fortress can\'t be changed in tens of thousands of years. It\'s just fooling me! Oh! Damn, thousand years Time? Maybe the war will be over in less than a thousand years. Well! I\'m not so stupid to help you build this war fortress for nothing. I want to use this thing to serve myself. "Kukas immediately made a new decision as soon as he patted his bald head.

"First of all, I want to combine all the plantations, and then gather the magic power of the entire castle to expand the plantations continuously, so as to produce more magic materials. By that time, I can get a lot of contribution points, and finally exchange the original eternal ashes to watch, thereby enhancing my strength. This damn Castle wastes my resources. "

With this idea in his mind, he did not delay, mobilized a trace of mind to instill it into the scroll in his hand, and then the heart nerve passed through the transformation of the hidden Dharma array in the scroll and directly transmitted it to the huge crystal.

After obtaining the information fluctuation of kukas, strange fluctuations are released from the central region of the diamond crystal. Accompanied by the fluctuation is the integration of dozens of plantation areas of different sizes.

The metal channels and walls made of unknown materials melt out of thin air, and a large number of prohibitions and runes appear out of thin air, and then connected together to form a barrier to temporarily replace the disappeared wall.

Dozens of plantations began to expand, and countless forbidden runes emerged. After hooking the magic power stored in the magic castle, they began to expand around.

The marginal areas of Several Plantations collided with each other, and countless forbidden talismans collided with each other and disappeared, and finally connected to everything. With the blessing of a large number of magical forces, after the transformation of Dharma array and prohibition, a large amount of soil began to appear out of thin air in the edge area of the plantation. Then magic liquid gushed out from under the soil, so as to water these soil and greatly improve the magic power contained in them, so it is suitable for planting all kinds of magic plants.

The integration of the plantation lasted three days, during which kukas was not idle. On the one hand, he assigned magic puppets and began to plant new magic plants to fill the increased blank areas. On the other hand, he put his mind into the diamond crystal and began to feel the mystery of the collision and integration of forbidden symbols with the help of the power of the crystal.

When all the plantations were integrated, kukas still did not stop the transformation. Immersed in the diamond crystal, his mind found the location of the power source of the magic castle.

A lot of magic liquid poured out and poured it on the forbidden runes in the void. After being watered by a large amount of magic liquid, these forbidden runes began to expand wildly, thus continuously increasing the area of the plantation.

The expansion of the plantation consumed one third of the magic liquid stored in the magic castle. Although the amount of magic liquid consumed was extremely huge, the results were also extremely gratifying.

Under the action of a large amount of magic liquid, the area of the plantation expanded five times. A large area of blank land appears, and kukas, the representative, will greatly increase the harvest of planting magic plants at the same time.

After the expansion of the plantation, kukas secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The expanded plantation can easily complete the tasks assigned to him by the abyss alliance. What he has to do now is to wait for the magic plant to mature, so as to turn in the excess materials to exchange the knowledge he wants.

From the center of the castle, kukas flew to the top of the castle and leaned over to watch. The castle is still the castle: five huge spires, large buildings of different heights, forbidden Dharma array flashing magic light from time to time, and constantly busy magic puppets.

But his mood was very different from before. Before becoming the sole controller of the castle, he only thought about how to obtain enough materials to prolong his stay in this plane. But now he wants to practice what kind of secret method to improve his strength. As for the stay time in this plane, he believes that his contribution will be enough to reach the limit of his stay here in a short time. At that time, the extra contribution points will become the help for him to improve his strength.

He roared happily in the air to vent his excitement.

"In the knowledge I got from the eternal ashes book, one of the most common killing techniques used by the ashes knights is a method called earth covering seal. This method is extremely convenient to use and powerful. More importantly, compared with other secret methods, the cultivation of this method is very easy. If there is no accident, it will take less than ten years, I can complete the initial cultivation of this secret method. At that time, I won\'t worry about fighting with other high-level professionals. "

One secret method flashed in his mind. Finally, kukas chose this land seal as the first attack secret method he practiced after becoming level 8. Of course, he chose this secret method not only because it is easy to practice, but also because it has 13 levels compared with other secret methods. Moreover, when the final cultivation reaches the highest depth, it can solidify time and space and destroy legends and gods.

In the records of that book, many ash Knights killed legends and gods with the land seal of cultivation to the top before they became legends or gods. But this powerful means, other secret methods are difficult to do.